Yoga For Beginners - Four Essential Yoga Breathing Exercises to Cleanse and Strengthen Your Body
Ntathu AllenIn yoga, breath awareness forms the key of good practice. Breathing exercises, known as pranayama, are used to cleanse and strengthen the body. The breath, known as prana or life-force is the link between the mind and the body.
As you practice your breathing exercises, you will notice your mind feels calmer, steadier and you are more able to focus.
If you are new to yoga, it is essential you learn how to breathe correctly. To help you gain a better understanding of your breath, try the following breathing exercises.
Four Essential Yoga Breathing Exercises
1. Abdominal Breathing
Lie flat on your back with your arms and legs apart. Close your eyes. Have your feet about 2 feet apart, ankles falling to the side, have your arms about 6 - 12 inches from the body, palms facing upwards, keep your lower back flat on the floor, tuck the chin in slightly, so your neck is nice and long, relax the jaw. Become aware of your breath, allow your breath to be slow and steady. As you inhale, feel the abdomen rise slowly. As you exhale, feel the abdomen sink down.
2. Full Yogic Breathing
To check you are breathing correctly, sit in a cross-legged position. Place your right hand on your upper chest and your left hand on your abdomen. Inhale deep into your abdomen, feel your left hand rise up. Keep breathing in into your lower chest and then upper chest, feeling your right hand rise as he ribs expand. Reverse the process as you breathe out, releasing air from the upper chest first, then the lower chest, then the abdomen. Repeat this cycle for 3- 5 rounds.
3. Alternate Nostril Breathing (Anuloma Viloma)
Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position, spine straight, body relaxed. Turn your attention to your right hand, bend the index and middle finger into the palm. The thumb, ring and little finger are up (this position is known as Vishnu Mudra. The thumb is used to close the right nostril, the ring and little finger the left nostril. Close the right nostril with your thumb, and inhale through the left nostril to a count of four. Close both nostrils and hold the breathe to a count of 16. Release your thumb and exhale through the right nostril to a count of eight Inhale through the right nostril to a count of four.
Close both nostrils and hold breath to a count of 16. Release your fingers and exhale through the left nostril to a count of eight. Repeat this cycle 5 - 10 rounds daily.
4. Yogic Cleansing Breath
Sitting comfortable, spine straight. Gently close your eyes. Breathe in slowly through your nose for a count of three. Slowly breathe out, through your nose for a count of 6 Repeat this pattern for 3 - 7 more times. Relax
Once you have experienced the therapeutic benefits of doing these breathing exercises, you will feel so much clearer and fitter. Try and make them a regular part of your daily yoga practice to help you cleanse and strengthen your body.
Ntathu Allen, Yoga and Meditation Teacher works with women who want a richer, more fulfilling life for themselves and their families. She teaches you easy yoga postures, meditation practices and relaxation techniques to help you live a healthier, wealthier and happier stress-free life. To find out more go to:> and sign up for your copy of Ntathu's free monthly yoga Inspires enewsletter. The newsletter contains a goldmine of tips, techniques and strategies you can use to become healthier, wealthier and happier.
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Combine Yoga With a Weight Training Log
Tyler James EllisonThe primary reason that stress management activities work are that they break the normal chain of events that lead to stress. If you do not take time away from your work and life responsibilities to exercise your body and mind, stress will result. If you keep a weight training log, it will help you get more benefit from your activities.
Yoga is an excellent example of a beneficial stress management activity. As little as 15 minutes per day of Yoga exercises expels the tension that is stored in neck, shoulders and back muscles, not to mention all of the stress that is stored in our mind!
You don't have to climb a mountain to meet a Yoga guru. In fact there are many outstanding Yoga books and web sites that can teach you all that you need to know. Practiced correctly, Yoga is both a body and mental exercise.
There are some basic Yoga exercises that are excellent for stress management. The most basic is called Savasana although some people spell it Shavasana. Either way, it has the slightly scary nickname of the "corpse pose". Don't let the name scare you though because the only thing it will kill is stress. As you recognize reduction in stress, keep your weight training log up to date.
This exercise teaches you to become very still and to systematically let every inch of your body relax until the stress just melts away. Amazingly, you'll discover that while you are concentrating on relaxing your body, your mind is relaxing at the same time.
Once you have melted away the stress, the next classical Yoga exercise, or meditation, concentrates on what is called your "chakras". Your chakras are energy concentrations, or centers, that are between your tail bone and the top of your head. Chakras are positioned right above your tail bone, immediately behind your navel, immediately below and behind your ribcage, in the center of your chest, in your throat, your forehead center, and immediately above your head.
These areas are thought to control your entire being. By using Yoga as part of your stress management activities you clear the stress form these areas and free your body and mind from the damaging effects of stress. Your weight training log will help you stay on track with your Yoga activities.
There are many stress management books that focus on Yoga as a stress management exercise. Yoga is easy to learn and can be mastered over a lifetime. If you make a serious effort to use Yoga some of the benefits are near instantaneous. Try Yoga as a stress management exercise, together with the maintenance of a weight training log and success is surely yours.
If you don't already have one, you can get a
weight training log at and learn to
make a lot of money online too.
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Yoga and the Aging Process
Jennie GandhiYou are making a decision to grow old whether you like it or not. Whether you know it or not.
Because age is one thing you cannot stop, only accept. So why not embrace it with Yoga.
Why yoga you may ask? Well other forms of exercise are known to be stressful. At some point of time they stress the muscle and pressurize it. So if you have been doing weightlifting for years, be ready for a sagging muscle by the time you cross 40. But there is one exercise that works as an age defending mechanism - Yoga.
This is because it lies on the fact that the age is related to the flexibility of the spine. As you exercise your body, your spine gets flexible and is able to improve your blood supply. Evenly the other parts of the body work in sync and improve your overall immunity system, disallows the double chin, fat accumulation and age related unease's. But this is all based on the fact that you make yoga a way of life. That is you sit, stand and walk with the right posture and breathe the way yoga teaches you.
Even your glands are rejuvenated. It works on the pituitary gland, adrenal, thyroid and sex glands, producing a well being feeling and a constant fresh look. Doing yoga continuously will also reduce wrinkles and give you a natural face lift.
Dedication to yoga for half an hour every day will help improve your vision and hearing aid.
Along with age even the neck gets non-functional as it is ultimately linked to the spine and the neck is linked to the ears and eyes. Yoga postures ascertain that the neck is exercised and its bone is kept in good state and hence indirectly the hearing and eyesight is kept in sound health.
If you wish to join
yoga classes or know more about health care then refer the
healthcare blog. You can also read about good parenting on this link.
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When Yoga Sets Your Emotions in Motion
Yoga is not merely a system of physical exercise; it is a spiritual system. People enter into the practice of yoga for physical fitness, better health, to increase flexibility and to reduce stress, but ultimately the purpose of a yoga practice is spiritual development.
Anytime you work with the body, you are also working with the mind and the energy that bridges the two. Since that means working with your emotions, emotional releases can be seen as progress on the journey to personal and spiritual growth.
In yogic terms, there is no separation between mind, body and spirit. The three exist in union. What happens to the mind also happens to the body and spirit. If something is bothering you mentally or emotionally, it is likely to show up in your body. As you work deeply with your body in yoga, emotional issues are likely to come to the surface. Yoga asanas (poses) help us focus our minds and release any inner tension we may be holding in our bodies.
Yoga is a healing practice because it creates a safe space. Practicing yoga with mindfulness, awareness and care allows the layers to gently peel away. You become able to experience self-compassion. And all of the things that have not been "safe" to feel, suddenly come to the surface.
Sadness, anger, grief - whatever feelings that have been repressed, will surface. This is happening because you are doing something right. You are discovering that you can be the caregiver for yourself. You can learn to truly nurture yourself. Often times in yoga class and emotion will surface for a seemingly unknown reason. You may not have any idea where it's coming from. There's really no need to over analyze it...just accept it. Allow the feeling or emotion...and breathe. There's no need to "fix it" or "make it go away." Feel the emotion the same way that you feel a yoga pose - as an experience of both the body and the breath. Do whatever you need to do in that moment - cry, breathe, rest in child's pose. Listen to your own inner teacher.
If you allow yourself the space to simply accept the experience for what it its, without judgment, then the emotion gradually softens and releases. At the end of your practice, as you lie in savasana, thank yourself for the experience and create a space for peace.
Remember that your yoga practice is part of your journey. As you continue on your path, you gradually shed away the layers of things that no longer serve your highest good. Remember that you are not alone. Your teacher and the other students are on the journey as well. Even if you don't know a single person, every person in the room is connected. You have all come together as a community to create a time of sacred space. In doing so, you offer support to one another without ever saying a word. This is the beauty of yoga.
Texas, Certified Personal Trainer & Yoga Instructor at The Fitness Underground- Los Angeles
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The Essential Yoga Practice Benefits
Brett A SimpsonYoga is known as the way to unite body, mind and spirit. Yoga has been proven as an effective way to reduce stress and to eliminate anxiety. It is this union with the infinite through meditation and samadhi that represent the 'yoke' (yoga) or bringing together of all aspects (body, mind,soul). In this way yoga is a direct personal experience of the interrelatedness of all life and of all living things. Yoga is much more than simple postures and breathing. Even though yoga is not always included as a relief, it has been shown to be extremely helpful for many suffering from medical ailments as well as emotional problems. Yoga is the art of uniting the individual soul within each of us with the Supreme Soul or "group soul". Thus it is possible to unite kundalini sakti which is lies in the muladhara chakra (bottom chakra) with siva which is in the sahasrara chakra (top chakra).
Yoga Practice
The practice of Yoga bestows a rich and full life on each one who takes it up. The practice of self-restraint, mental strength, genuineness, compassion and selflessness add up to the practice of Yoga. The really amazing thing is that your yoga practice is always evolving and changing, so it rarely becomes boring as you work to achieve new levels of consciousness expansion.
A full yoga session should exercise nearly every part of the body and also include relaxation, pranayama and meditation. Pranayama is also known as breath control practice and includes breath exercises which your instructor will show you.
Genuine yoga has the ability to change your life, habits, and body. You may notice increased energy, vitality, longevity and a new (higher) level of health. Those who are strong and healthy can do yoga even after 50 years of age or older. The purification of kriyas of and asanas (body positions) ensure a healthy body and may even free it from ailments. The practice of Yoga Asanas may help to prevent disease and even maintains a high level of health, vigor and vitality.
It's possible that you will also breathe more easily, find new energy, you may notice that your circulation improves; your blood pressure normalizes and you will have an much easier time coping with the stress of daily living.
If you're overweight yoga has been shown to possibly help you make the lifestyle changes necessary to drop extra pounds. Many people come to yoga because of back pain, sciatica, or neck, breathing, heart problems, anxiety, diabetes, stress disorders, ulcers, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, or they just want to lose weight. People who suffer from obesity dealing with constipation or dyspepsia will especially find that daily yoga practice is useful. Yoga is also ideal for those that are overweight, elderly, or pregnant. If you practice asanas (poses) regularly, your body will gradually achieve a much greater endurance, your spine will eventually become more flexible. Eventually your body will come to its natural weight and rid itself of toxins that may have built up with years of poor living.
Exercises should provide both recreation and physical and mental development. Timing in movement exercises is known as Trul khor or union of moon and sun (channel) prajna energies. If you are wise enough, after a perusal of the different exercises, you can easily pick up the right method of Sadhana that suits you best and attain success. Ordinary physical exercises develop the superficial muscles of the body only. Yogic exercises when practiced regularly in the right way, will surely bestow on you all that you want.
Classes offered by registered Yoga instructors are available locally as well as instructional print materials and video sources at your local library. You can also learn yoga from books and videos. What can you expect at a yoga class or when you watch a yoga video. You can zoom in and out on the video, back up, pause. However, books and videos have their place, too. Books, videos and website can be a great help, but nothing beats a live instructor. If you're working from books, try The Sivananda Companion to Yoga; videos, both Lilias Folan and the Yoga Journal offer excellent intro videos (try your local library); or try practicing the postures outlined on the Yoga Site's Posture Page.
Teaching a blend of different styles of Yoga, and Integral in particular. Because its emphasis is on the body through asana and pranayama practice, many western students are satisfied with the physical health and vitality it develops and are not interested in the other six limbs of the complete Hatha yoga teaching, or with the even older Raja Yoga tradition it is based on. "There's a great deal of crossover among the various yoga schools, and there's even a diversity in teaching approaches within each discipline. Today, yoga classes teaching the art of breathing, meditation and posing are offered nearly everywhere - from trendy health clubs in big cities to community education classes in small towns.
Specialized Yoga Teaching
Very specialized teaching for small groups and private clients, in a most intimate and peaceful setting. Therefore in order to understand the real meaning of the scriptures or the teachings of the prophets, one must acquire inner experience through the practice of spiritual disciplines. Kripalu Yoga, stemming from the teachings of Swami Kripalu and brought to America in the 1960s by his disciple Yogi Amrit Desai, emphasizes how you practice as much as how you live your life. It also helps to improve posture by teaching relaxation of the neck, shoulders and upper back, easing tension that can trigger aches and pains in the back.
Yoga Mats
A typical beginner level yoga class begins with students laying their yoga mats in rows with space between neighbors so there is room to perform certain poses. Yoga equipments such as yoga mats, yoga clothes, etc, can be a great help for the people who want to practice yoga as they help the yoga practitioner get deeper into the yoga poses.
Yoga Clothes
Yoga clothes, while stretchy, don't have other features particular to the activity, as padded biking shorts do. Yoga equipments such as yoga mats, yoga clothes, etc, can be a great help for the people who want to practice yoga as they help the yoga practitioner get deeper into the yoga poses.
Brett Simpson has practiced yoga for many years. For more useful articles, videos and a free eBook: Easing Your Stress With Yoga, visit his ~Dream Yoga~ website at: Yoga~Your Yoga Resource
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Yoga For Beginners - A Simple Yoga Sequence to Relieve Stiffness and Lower Back Ache
Ntathu AllenBack pain is the third most common reason for consulting a doctor in Britain and is closely related to poor posture, stress and tension.
If you spend a large part of your day sitting at a desk, working on a computer this, places a lot of strain on your body, particularly your neck and lower back muscles.
When you stand up, have you noticed your back muscles are sore, stiff and achy?
A Simple Yoga Sequence To Increase Flexibility In Your Lower Back Muscles
Yoga is great exercise for bad-back sufferers.
The following simple yoga sequence can be done easily when you get home from work. You do not require any equipment. All you need is a quiet space, preferably bare feet and to loosen any close fitting clothing.
This sequence will give your back an overall stretch and particularly help to release stiffness and tension in your lower back.
If you suffer from a serious back condition, please consult your GP before you start these exercises. Take care to listen and work within the limits of your body.
1. Reclined Twist Lay on your back on the floor on a comfortable surface. Squeeze both knees towards your chest. Flex both feet, and lengthen your tailbone away from your body. Rest your left arm on the floor, with the palm facing up. Drop your knees to the floor on your right as you lift your shins off the floor. Turn your head, in the opposite direction, to look towards your straighten arm. Stay in the pose for 3 - 7 rounds of deep breathing. Relax and repeat on the opposite side.
2. Cross-legged Twist Still laying on the floor, cross your right thigh over your left thigh. Drop your legs to the right and reach your left arm away from you. Breathe deeply and allow your body to relax. Stay in this pose for 3 - 7 rounds of deep breaths. Relax. Repeat on the opposite side.
3. Hands and Knees Twist On your hands and knees. Arms directly under your shoulders. Slide your right hand over a few inches to your right, so it is in under your breast bone. Breathe in and lift your left arm out sideways, and up towards the ceiling, palm facing away. Push your right hand into the floor, opening your shoulder, as you reach up and back with your left hand. Look up at your left hand. Take 3 - 5 rounds of deeps breaths. Relax. Repeat on the opposite side.
4. Easy Seated Twist Sit on the floor. Sit up tall on top of your sitting bones and lengthen your spine. Place your right hand fingertips to the floor behind you. Straighten your left leg out in front of you and place your left elbow outside the right leg. Try and keep your right hip forward to keep your hips level and your lower back stable. Breathe in and as you exhale, gentle turn from above the lumbar spine to look over your right shoulder. Stay in pose for 3 - 5 rounds deep breathing. Allow the out breathe to flow through the body and to soften and support you as you twist. Relax. Repeat on the opposite side.
5. Leg To Chest Bends Lying on your back, bring your right knee up towards the chest. As you exhale, hold behind your knee with both hands and exhale. Gently bring the knee closer to your chest. Hold the leg steady for 3 -5 rounds and focus on your lower back. Gently place your foot back on the floor. Relax and repeat with the left leg.
If you suffer from stiffness or lower back strain, regular practice of these simple yoga exercises helps to relieve tension and soreness. Give them a go. I'm sure your back will appreciate the stretch.
Ntathu Allen, Hatha Yoga Teacher works with women who want a richer, more fulfilling life for themselves and their families. She inspires and supports you to take time-out from your busy schedule to care for and nurture your mind, body and soul. To find out more go to:> and sign up for your free monthly yoga Inspires newsletter,
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Stylish Women's Yoga Clothing and Fashion Wear
Giselle SanchezIn today's cutting-edge and highly competitive world, it is important to de-stress yourself in order to survive. Thus, yoga continues to gain popularity since it is not only a great way to fight stress but a means to improve health, lose weight and maintain emotional balance as well. Yoga is a combination of meditation and movements in the form of yogic dance and/or exercises, referred as asanas, as well as poses.
Traditional Yoga Clothing
The traditional clothing for yoga is comprised of white loose-fitting or shapeless clothes along with turban. Since yoga requires a lot of stretching, your movements cannot be limited by your outfit. As you work on meditation and relaxation, you should not be plagued with worries about tearing your outfit with all the necessary movements and stretching required for yoga.
Yoga Wear That Hugs The Body
How you look may not be a priority for yoga but it doesn't mean that you can't look good as you work on feeling good about yourself. With all these factors in mind, clothing designers have taken yoga to another level by designing yoga fashion wear that hugs your body without losing comfort, durability and flexibility. Made of soft, lightweight, stretchable but durable materials, yoga clothing has become trendy yet comfortable.
Loose Fitting Yoga Pants
Loose-fitting yoga pants remains to be a favorite for women but they now come in a variety of colors to choose from. Shorts are also available as an alternative to yoga pants or yoga jeans.
These bottoms can be paired with shirts and tank tops that come in a wide range of styles and color to enhance your yoga experience. Matched with stylish hoodie or sweater, you can easily transform your yoga clothing into fashionable casual wear to enjoy a cup of coffee with friends.
by Giselle Sanchez - Freelance writer. Looking to de-stress and look great too? Check out out these stylish
women's yoga clothing or take a trip to
Port Douglas Villa and just unwind.
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Yoga For Beginners - Glossary of Keywords Used in Yoga
Ntathu AllenIf you have recently started yoga, you may have come across words or practices which are unfamiliar to you.
The following terms are some of the more popular words you may hear your yoga teacher use in your yoga class.
Asana - this is the term for a yoga posture or yoga pose. It literally means "steady pose."
Being Present - A state of being where you are totally engaged and focused on the person or activity you are involved in at that moment.
Chakra - The word chakra means "wheel". In yoga philosophy, the body consists of a number of minor and major energy centres or wheels of energy. Your energy flows through these energy centres. There are seven main Chakras - The root chakra, the sacral chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the third eye/brow chakra and crown chakra.
Chant - A repetition of sacred words and sounds that vibrate within and around the energy centres.
Chin Mudra - a hand mudra, linking the thumb and index finger
Guru - A teacher
Mantra - A sacred syllable, word or phrase used in meditation.
Mudra - Symbolic hand gestures or posture to control prana.
Namaste - A sacred greeting to remember and honour the sacred, the spirit within yourself and others.
Om - is also sometimes spelled Aum. Many yoga classes begin and end with the class sitting cross-legged, eyes closed chanting Om 3 times. Om is regarded as the original sound of creation. When you repeat it, you are in effect aligning yourself with the spirit of creation.
Pranayama - Control of the breath, a breathing exercise
Shanti - Peace
Spiritual - Of the spirit or the soul
Surya Namaskar - The Sun Salutation
Yoga - Union, to yoke
Yogi, one who practices yoga
I hope you find these terms useful in deepening your understanding of yoga.
Ntathu Allen, Hatha Yoga Teacher works with women who want a richer, more fulfilling life for themselves and their families. She inspires and supports you to take time-out from your busy schedule to care for and nurture your mind, body and soul. To find out more go to:> and sign up for your free monthly yoga Inspires newsletter, =============Email:>
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What is Yoga and Why Does it Hurt So Much?
Howard WalkerWell, a few months ago I decided to try Yoga. I wanted several things: a way to relax, greater flexibility, and generally, a more healthy lifestyle. Now, I'm not a kid anymore and haven't been one for a long time! I was probably about twenty pounds overweight but not in real bad condition. I used to run a lot and played a lot of handball. About ten years ago my back and knees told me that they didn't want to do that anymore, so I've been walking two miles about six times a week.
Anyway, after looking around for a bit, I finally found a Yoga studio about ten minutes from my home. I went over there one Saturday afternoon and just watched a Yoga class. I said to me, "Well, that doesn't look too difficult - I think I'll give it a shot!" So I signed up for a course that met every Wednesday evening for an hour. I bought a blue rubber Yoga mat and figured that I was ready to go. I wondered if I should get some Yoga accessories like straps, a mat bag, my own emergency medical response team! I decided to hold down the cost for now until I decided if I really want to get deeply into Yoga.
The following Wednesday evening I arrived early and discovered that a more advanced class was in progress, so I just sat and watched them for a while. I thought that I might be able to do some of those poses, but not be able to undo them! Well, we got started. We had a really nice, very capable instructor who had been doing Yoga for over twenty years.
Things were easy at first but, as life usually is, kept getting harder and harder. Now I had been having trouble with my left knee for some time - on occasion it would just buckle. I fell a couple times and almost did many times. This made getting into (and out of) some positions almost impossible without substantial pain.
I stayed for the entire course and even took the next one. It became obvious, however, that I would have to get the knee fixed before going any farther. Well, I finally did (that's another story) and am now thinking seriously about going back to Yoga. I did enjoy the classes so may be I'll go back. I'll let you know what happens later.
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Five Easy-to-Follow Yoga Poses to Relieve Stress
Ntathu AllenAre you stressed?
Continued exposure to high levels of stress can lead to long-term health problems, such as high blood pressure, IBS, diabetes and heart disease. On a personal level, your ability to enjoy happy relationships is also effected by stress.
As a yoga teacher, most of the people I teach yoga to were advised by their Doctor, or in some case their partners, to try yoga as a way to manage their stress.
If you are looking for a solution to manage your stress, try the following five easy yoga poses.
They will help you to feel calm and relaxed.
As with all forms of exercise, please consult your doctor before you attempt these yoga exercises and always work within the safety limits of your own body.
Five Easy Yoga Poses To Release Stress
1. Wind-Relieving Pose Lie on your back on a comfortable surface, for example a yoga mat or blanket. Draw your right knee into your chest, and your nose towards your knee. Relax the shoulders and take 3 -5 rounds of deep yogic breathing. Relax and switch sides.
2. Seated Forward Bend/Paschimottanasana Sit on the floor, straight back, with your legs stretched out in front of you. Raise your arms straight above your head and slowly bend forward and place your hands on your ankles or shins. Take 3 -5 rounds of deep breathing, keep your shoulders relaxed. Slowly come out of the pose.
3. Cobra Pose/Bhujangasana Lie on your front on your yoga mat/blanket Bend your elbows and place your hands flat on the floor beneath your shoulders. Tilt your head forwards until your forehand touches the floor. Tuck your elbows into your side. Inhale and slowly raise your forehead, nose and chin Push down with your arms and raise your chest up, gently arching backwards away from the floor. Keep your hips and legs in contact with the floor, elbows tucked into your side and relax your shoulders. Take 3 - 5 rounds of deep breathing. Slowly come out of the pose.
4. Basking Frog Pose Lie down on your back, bring the soles of your feet together close to your body, with your knees open wide, and move your knees down towards the floor. Bring your arms over your head and rest your palms on the floor and stretch out. Keep your lower back pressed down toward the floor, breathe deeply 3 - 5 times. To come out of the pose, bring your arms back down to the side of your body and straighten your legs.
5. Child's Pose Sit on your heels. Lean forward and rest your forehead on the ground. Place your arms by your side next to your body, palms facing upwards. Breathe gently and relax for at least 2 - 5 minutes. Slowly come up out of the pose
For best results, practice these five simple yoga poses regularly. They will release stress and tension and help you to relax and feel calm.
Ntathu Allen, Hatha Yoga Teacher designs personal yoga exercise programmes for beginners.
She helps you learn easy yoga postures which improve your flexibility, breathing practices to release stress and meditation techniques to soothe and calm your mind. To find out more go to:> and sign up for your free monthly yoga and health newsletter, "Healing for the Soul," full of wellbeing and holistic healing tips and; yoga exercises to energise and nurture your soul.============= Email:>
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Four Ways to Beat Insomnia With Yoga
Ntathu AllenDo you have trouble sleeping at night? Have you ever woken up feeling anxious and fatigued from lack of sleep? Maybe your sleep is disturbed as you are kept awake listening to your partner snoring.
Lack of sleep tends to leave you feeling ratty and snappy with loved ones, it may even affect your ability to concentrate whilst driving or at work.. If you have had a demanding day at work, it can be difficult for you to "switch off" when you come home. Staying up late at night, watching television or eating late means your brain is over stimulated. This makes it harder for you to unwind and fall asleep.
To get a good night's sleep, it is essential you find a way to help you relax and quieten your mind before you go to bed.
How Can I Get A Good Night's Sleep?
Simple breathing and gentle yoga exercises are great ways to help soothe your mind and prepare your body for a restful night of sleep. Have you noticed how refreshed and rejuvenated you feel after a good night's sleep?
To help you achieve this, try the following five simple breathing and yoga exercises. As with all exercises, please consult your GP first and exercise patience and respect for your body.
Four Yoga Exercises To Help You Get To Sleep
1. Head To Knee Pose (Paschimottanasana)
Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you. Inhale and bring both arms straight up above your head. Arms alongside your ears. Stretch your spine. Exhale and lean forwards from your hips, and draw your chest as close as possible to your thighs. Rest your hands comfortable on your shines or grasp your feet, ankles, or soles of your feet. Take 3 - 5 long steady breathes. Slowly release from the posture.
2. Cobbler's Pose (Baddha konasana)
Sit on the floor, straight back and looking ahead. Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together. Keep hold of your feet with both hands, ease your feet in further towards your body. Bend your arms and use your elbows to push your knees gently towards the floor. . Don't force your knees down, just focus on breathing slowly and deeply. Allow the out breath to soften the tight areas.
3.Seated Wide Angle Pose (Upavista konasana )
Sit with your legs spread wide apart. Press your fingertips to the floor behind you so your chest lifts and you tilt your pelvis forward. If you have stiff hips, this may be as far as you go in this pose. Inhale and raise your arms above your head. Exhale and stretch forwards, trying to hold the toes of each foot. Bring your head down towards the floor. Breathe slowly and deeply for 3 - 5 rounds Slowly release from the posture.
4.Single Nostril Breathing
Sit comfortably with a straight back, your eyes closed. Curl the index and middle fingers of your right hand into your palm. Rest the left hand on your left knee. a. Breathe through the left nostril Close the right nostril with your thumb, and inhale through the left nostril to a count of four. Exhale to a count of eight. Repeat 5 - 10 times. Release the hand from your nostrils. b. Breathe through the right nostril Close the left nostril with the two end fingers. Inhale through the right nostril to a count of four and exhale to eight. Repeat 5 - 10 times.
Next time you are feeling stressed and tired from lack of sleep, try these exercises. Regular practice of these four simple yoga exercises and breathing practice will help you to sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Let me know how you get on.
Ntathu Allen, Hatha Yoga Teacher designs personal yoga exercise programmes for beginners.
She helps you learn easy yoga postures which improve your flexibility, breathing practices to release stress and meditation techniques to soothe and calm your mind. To find out more go to: and sign up for your free monthly yoga and health newsletter, "Healing for the Soul," full of wellbeing and holistic healing tips and; yoga exercises to energise and nurture your soul.=============Email:>
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Yoga For Beginners - Five Useful Habits to Adopt to Live a Healthy Lifestyle
Ntathu AllenDuring a recent yoga lesson with one of my new students, she said she wanted to know what other changes she could make in her daily life to improve her health.
She realised that her yoga practice is just one aspect of living a healthy and happy lifestyle.
To live a holistic and balanced lifestyle, you need to include relaxation, wholesome foods, breathing and positive thinking into your daily routine.
Five Useful Habits To Adopt To Live a Healthy Lifestyle
1. Proper Exercise
Proper Exercise is one of the five basic points of yoga, as taught by Swami Vishnu-devananda, founder and Guru of the International Sivananda Yoga Centre.
Yoga exercises are designed to promote flexibility, strength and balance in the body. In yoga, the physical body is regarded as the vehicle in which the soul lives in on its journey in this lifetime.
Yoga exercises are therefore designed to also enhance your spiritual and mental life.
Yoga physical exercises are called Asanas, which means steady pose. As you become more attuned to yoga, you are more able to 'hold' i.e. be in a pose for a longer period of time.
Through the practice of yoga your body becomes more flexible, stronger and supple. The postures bring balance to the body, especially to the muscular-skeletal which supports the body.
Internal organs are gently massaged; muscles gradually release tension to allow new energy to flow through your body.
Yoga exercises focus on developing a strong and supple spine. You may be aware of the saying "you are as young as your spine." The spinal column houses the nervous system. As you stretch and exercise, circulation is increased, which helps to supply and nourish the nerves with a rich supply of nutrients and oxygen.
2. Proper Breathing
In yoga, proper breathing, known as pranayama, means breathing fully, deeply and rhythmically using the whole of your breathing apparatus. Most people use only a fraction of their lung capacity for breathing.
When you practice yoga you learn how to breathe properly. This is a precious gift you give to yourself. When you feel stressed, frustrated and tired a few round of deep yogic breathing helps to recharge your body and clear and calm your mind.
3. Proper Relaxation
We lead stressful, busy and full lives. Many of my yoga students come to yoga as a way to learn how to relax and release stress and tension from their body. During yogic relaxation, you are encouraged to relax in savasan, the corpse pose. This promotes deep physical, emotional and spiritual relaxation.
After a busy day at work, I encourage my students to rest and relax for 10 - 20 minutes when they get home. This helps the body to let go of the stress and tension of the journey home and frantic pace of work.
4. Proper Diet
Yoga encourages you to eat a nutritious diet which is based on eating wholesome, natural and simple foods, e.g. whole grains, fruits, pulses, seeds, sprouted seeds, nuts and vegetables. These foods are easier for the body to digest and have a calming effect on the mind.
5. Positive Thoughts and Meditation
A positive attitude plus the ability to calm and clear your mind is an essential habit to cultivate to help you lead a healthy, balanced life. Meditation is the key to help you achieve this state.
Regular practice of these five habits will help you to live a happy, healthy and relaxed life. It takes time to change, but with regular practice you will live the healthy lifestyle you desire. Let me know how you get on. I would love to hear from you and support you achieve your health goals.
Ntathu Allen, Hatha Yoga Teacher designs personal yoga exercise programmes for beginners. She helps you learn easy yoga postures which improve your flexibility, breathing practices to release stress and meditation techniques to soothe and calm your mind. To find out more go to:> and sign up for your free monthly yoga and health newsletter, "Healing for the Soul," full of wellbeing and holistic healing tips and; yoga exercises to energise and nurture your soul.
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Yoga For Mind and Body
Chad LynchLife today for many people is a stressful situation. We have worries of making enough money to pay for the ever rising cost of housing, food, clothing and other bills. Many deal with work that they do not really enjoy. It seems we are usually in a rush to get to jobs, finish projects and chores, and get children to school or their other activities. As we are trying to do these things we find ourselves faced with traffic and crowds. All while we are trying to find quality time to spend with our families and friends. All of this puts a lot of stress on us, draining a large amount of our energy.
Research has shown that the mind and body are interconnected. What effects us on a mental and emotional level will also effects us on a physical level. People who have emotional problems are usually found to have physical ailments, ranging from headaches to much more series diseases. If we do not deal with our mental and emotional stress, the physical ailments will manifest and get worse.
This is where yoga can be a tremendous asset for us to practice regularly. Yoga helps us connect our mind to our body's movements and rhythms. It teaches us to relax and be at ease. Our bodies become more toned and flexible. Our minds become more clear. We find an inner balance and peace that leads to a healthier life.
Yoga teaches us to be at ease so that when these challenging life situations arise we can deal with them constructively. If we are not relaxed and do not have inner harmony we tend to deal with such circumstances by creating anxiety. It is not the events that bring distress on us, but how we react to them. When we come to this realization it should be easy to see that the power to find happiness is also within each of us. We each have the power to make ourselves more harmonious, and in turn the world a better place.
We find this inner peace by practicing yoga poses, also called asanas, and through breathing.
Asana is the Sanskrit word for the poses and positions you practice in yoga. These include many different twisting, standing, back bending, and balancing positions of different parts of the body.
This all helps with alignment and balance, making the mind and body stronger. Anyone of any age or ability can practice yoga, though some positions require more skill than others to perform.
Breathing awareness and control is also important. It helps strength the mind and body connection while also helping us to slow down and relax.
With how most of our lives are today and the benefits yoga brings, it seems like the two should be brought together. Many people are coming to this realization. Yoga has been gaining in popularity in the West for many years. It has become very common to see its influence very day. Even small towns have been known to be home to a yoga studio.
Chad Lynch has been practicing yoga for several years and wishes to share the benefits it brings. You can learn more by visiting my blog,
Exploring Yoga.
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Does Yoga Offer Any Health Benefits?
Lyla FeldmanYoga has been practiced by ancient mystics and philosophers for thousands of years. Most people who hear the word yoga immediately think that this particular activity is simply a way to increase flexibility. In reality however, yoga offers so many more health benefits. Aside from its weight loss properties, yoga is also known to offer certain preventative medicine properties.
People who undergo regular yoga training can expect to see health improvements in the following areas: balance, back pain, bowel function, lung capacity, weight loss, psychological health, cholesterol levels, bone strength, and menopausal symptoms. A yogi, which is a reference to someone who does yoga, can also experience reduced joint pain, increased stamina, and greater overall strength. Certain other studies have shown that people who are involved in this particular physical activity can benefit from improved sleep. So as you can see yoga offers medicinal benefits far beyond flexibility. Therefore, the next questions we may ask are "how can I get involved" and "what do I need to get started?"
Well, there are different ways that you can become a part of the yoga community. You can either try it on your own or with a group of people. When trying yoga on your own you will need to purchase a rubber mat and an instructional video. Once you have purchased the necessary equipment, the beginner's video will lead you step by step through the process. However, if you would rather make yoga a more social event, the gym might be the place for you. Almost all gyms currently offer yoga classes for beginners as well for the experienced individuals. In this case you may not have to purchase the rubber mat; all you are responsible for is the monthly gym membership. So if you ever wanted to improve your overall health or simply lose weight and increase flexibility, yoga is the activity for you!
Lyla Feldman writes about health and fitness. Some of her favorite passions include writing about
energy drinks and
natural sleep aids.
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Can You Benefit From Basic Yoga Poses? Or is Yoga Really Just Stretching?
Kathi DuquetteIf you can focus on your breath while you are in a stretch you can actually direct the breath into the muscles. This brings awareness to that part of your body. With the same idea, if you bring awareness to your breath you can focus on filling your lungs to capacity with energy reviving, fresh oxygen. This oxygen moves through your veins with your blood and goes into your muscles. We use our breath to warm, to relax, and even to release tension from our bodies.
Yoga is the practice of connecting the mind and the body either in yoga postures or in a meditative state. We use the breath as a tool to connect the mind to the body.
We can implement the mind and body connection by breathing into basic yoga poses. Focus is the key. If we are trying to stretch and thinking about doing the laundry or going shopping, stress at work, or the stress of the economy, our focus is not inside our body. When we are stressed our muscles tighten. We want to give our stress a break; bring awareness inside our bodies. Breathe for a little while and just be aware of what you are thinking (or stressing) about. Be aware of shallow breathing as opposed to re-energizing deep breathing. Be aware of tightness in the neck and shoulders from stress.
This awareness lets us take a step back and look at what we are thinking about from an outsider's perspective. Do we really need to hold onto that anger? That stress? Will it make it better if we worry about it? Yoga lets us tune in to our thoughts and our bodies and notice what kinds of tension we hold onto. Then we can let go of any unnecessary burdens. Let those tight muscles relax and release. Basic yoga poses can erase some of the tension we hold onto in our muscles due to stress. By simply breathing into some poses we can give our brain a rest from stress and give our muscles a little stretch so they can let go of tension. It is physical and mental at the same time.
Don't get me wrong; many, many people practice yoga postures just for the exercise of it. And it is good exercise. Flexibility and strength increases with the practice of the physical postures. But when you practice the focus, the breathing and the postures you really gain more benefit from yoga. The mind calming, stress relief is a key aspect.
Meditation is another fantastic form of calming the mind. Once you can bring your awareness inside your body, you can start to slow your thoughts down and really give your brain a rest. Meditation can be practiced by simply focusing on your natural breathing. Whenever a thought comes in to your mind you simply refocus on the breath. Those thoughts keep coming and you just keep bringing your focus back to your breath. Eventually you will be able to stop the thoughts, simply rest your brain, and find your inner peace.
Try a local yoga class with a certified Instructor. Many YMCA's and local Community Centers have yoga classes or there might be a yoga studio near you. As a certified Instructor I teach classes that are mixed levels all the time. Don't worry about not knowing what to do. Let the instructor know that you are new to yoga and he or she can offer you some modified poses throughout the class.
The one thing you need to remember is to listen to your body. Keep your focus on how it feels in each pose and make sure that every pose feels good. If you can get a gentle stretch in a pose, stay there and breathe into it.
Use your breathing as your guide in each pose also. If you are gasping for breath then you are too far into the pose and you need to back out to a point where you feel a gentle stretch - but you can still breathe deeply and slowly. Don't worry about how anyone else looks in a pose. Make your yoga about you. Every body has its own unique flexibility. You are looking for your stretch just as the person next to you is looking for theirs. Yoga is not a competition - it is very personal.
Can you benefit from basic yoga poses? Of course you can. You can benefit from anything from chair yoga to power yoga to a deep meditation. Basic yoga poses build awareness; awareness allows us to use our breath to alleviate stress. Too much stress can lead us into risks of many diseases including heart disease. We all need to let the stress out.
Do something good for your body - take some time for some gentle yoga poses. You will feel calmer, stand taller, feel stronger and have more confidence.
Breathe your stress away, practice yoga.
By Kathi Duquette
Certified Yoga Instructor
For more basic yoga information check out my website.
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How to Choose a Yoga Mat - The Best Way
Dan TienSearching for the perfect yoga mat? You will find that while there are a wide variety of mats available on the market, the "best" mat is the one that meets your needs.
The first thing you will want to look for in a yoga mat is a size that works best for you. Most yoga mat average around 24 inches wide, but lengths can vary widely. Lengths of 68" and 72" are fairly common, but yoga mats can typically range from 60" to 75" in length. A shorter mat may be appropriate for kids, people with smaller frames, or in situations where portability is important. A longer mat will allow you to perform a wider variety of poses more easily. For instance, it is nicer to have your face on a mat than on the floor in a Chattaranga pose!
Second, consider the material. You will want a material that provides good thickness, traction, and holds up over time. Cheap yoga mats are often made out of PVC and plastic materials. These are the least environmentally-friendly option, and you may not want to be in close contact with the compounds and fumes they release while practicing yoga. A newer development is the introduction of TPE (Thermal Plastic Elastomer) yoga mats. These are a good tradeoff between cost and eco-consciousness. While they are still relatively inexpensive, they are made from a more environmentally-friendly material that is recyclable. Some of the best yoga mats are made from natural latex and organic natural latex. The latter is usually the most eco-friendly yoga mat choice. Manufacturers of natural latex mats often have environmental offset programs to counter the manufacturing and shipping impact of the mat.
We hope these tips have helped you narrow down your decisions about yoga mats. Of course, it doesn't make sense to buy a yoga mat until you find the one that is right for you. Whatever your final decision is, can help you find the mat you need, with some of the best selection and prices online. We wish you well in your yoga practice!
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Relax! Twelve Essential Yoga Tips to Help Working Mums Manage Stress
Ntathu AllenHow many times during the day do you hear the words "... "Mum, can I have ...." "Mum, it's not fair" "mum, have you seen my .... Or the classic, "mum, I'm hungry"
It's tough being a working mum. You need super human skills to manage the varied and complex demands of parenting as well as coping with the fast-moving pressures of your job. Some days, you wake up tried and exhausted from caring for your sick children, other days you go to bed tired and exhausted from rushing home from work to be on time to attend your daughter's Parent-Teacher's Meeting.
In the midst of all this responsibility, caring and sharing, it is very easy to run out of energy and feel emotionally drained and physically shattered.
Twelve Essential Yoga Stress-Management Techniques
In the long-run, to fully care for your family and fulfill your responsibilities at work, it is vital you make time during your day to boost your energy and care for yourself. Failure to do so means you run on "empty" and have little to give to yourself, your family and meet your work commitments. To keep your energy levels up, practice the following yoga exercises, massage tips and breathing practices throughout your day.
1. Hum. Humming in high or low pitch is an excellent way to achieve inner calm and clarity. Find a quiet place, sit comfortably. Breathe in and out, through your nose. If you wish, close your eyes. Place your little fingers in your ears. Take a steady deep breath in through your nose. As you breathe out gently "hum." You can hum in either a high pitch or low pitch. Breathe in and repeat this humming pattern for 3 - 5 more rounds. Release your fingers and sit quietly for a few moments.
2. Pretend to chew a large piece of gum, really chew this piece of gum, stretching your mouth and smacking your lips together. Chew for at least 30 seconds.
3. Massage your cheekbones, forehead and temples with your fingers and thumbs. Be aware of the texture of your skin as your gently massage your eyebrows, bridge of your nose and then walk your fingers around your ears and massage your ears.
4. Take deep breaths regularly through out the day. This will help to nourish and revive your spirit
5. Sit on chair, bend forward and hold your ankles or shins. Arch your back, relax and repeat 3 - 5 times
6. Raise both arms above your head. Place your left hand on your right wrist. Gently stretch to the right. Keep your body strong and straight. Breathe into the stretch. Switch sides and repeat.
7. Sitting on a chair, cross your left leg over your right knee. Place your right hand on the crossed knee. Gently turn your body to the left and look behind you. Allow your shoulders to be relaxed as you relax and breathe into the pose. Inhale. Release your arms and legs; return to centre. Exhale. Switch legs and repeat on the opposite side.
8. Have a loving bath. Add four to six drops of bergamot, lavender, ylang ylang, or rose essential oil to your bathwater. These aromatic oils are uplifting and help to refresh your mind.
9. Massage your shoulders. Squeeze the upper back and shoulders between your thumb and forefingers. Massage slowly and rhythmically.
10. Stand or sit in a comfortable position. Breathe in through your nose and shrug your shoulders up to your ears, slowly breathe out as you lower your shoulders. Repeat 5 - 7 times.
11. Smile and laugh often. Share happy thoughts and jokes with others. Laughter instantly elevates your mood and makes your eyes sparkle. You will feel more at ease in yourself and not worry so much about trying to fit in.
12. Sit or stand comfortably, scrunch your face up, like a dried prune. Open your eyes look upwards; open your mouth, stretch out your tongue and Roarrrrrr like a lion. Repeat until you feel powerful, calm and in control.
To help you manage your stress and give your best to your family and others, it is vital you make time to rest and recharge and care and nourish yourself. Make it a habit to regularly do these easy yoga exercises, massage tips and breathing techniques through out your day. You will feel energized, relaxed and raring to go.
Ntathu Allen, Hatha Yoga Teacher designs personal yoga exercise programmes for beginners.
She helps you learn easy yoga postures which improve your flexibility, breathing practices to release stress and meditation techniques to soothe and calm your mind. To find out more go to:> and sign up for your free monthly yoga and health newsletter, "Healing for the Soul," full of wellbeing and holistic healing tips and; yoga exercises to energise and nurture your soul.
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Yoga and Children - A Perfect Match
Texas WHurry....! This seems to be a mantra echoed in many homes by Moms everywhere. We live in a fast paced world, we're over-worked, over-scheduled and very often, over-stressed. And so are our children. Between competition at school, sports, after-school activities and homework, kids often feel a great deal of pressure. Thankfully, there is a way to counteract that stress...without a trip to the doctor or pharmacy. Just as Yoga is beneficial to adults, so it is to children as well.
As both a yoga instructor and a mom, I can tell you first hand, yoga and children are a perfect match. Children's natural curiosity and flexibility lends perfectly to practicing yoga. While a class/session should be much shorter in duration than a class that an adult would attend, much of the same poses and principles can be applied. A half hour class is perfect for kids. As they get older, their attention span increases and they become more accustomed to the practice, more time can be added.
The key is to make it fun. Kids love animal poses...when children imitate movements and sounds in nature, they get an opportunity to experience a real connection to their world. In cat pose for example, children are familiar with seeing a cat arch its back and are able to imitate it with ease. With my own children, I often make a game out of our yoga practice; playing "Simon Says" with yoga poses. By keeping it fun, not only does it keep their interest, but it also keeps them coming back for more.
Interspersing breathing techniques and relaxation poses throughout the class gives children the chance to wind down and quiet their minds- skills that also help them in their daily life. Reaping the true rewards of Yoga. Children respond well to guided meditations/visualization and it's is a perfect way to end the class. Children will walk away from class feeling centered and calm.
Keep in mind, that children learn best by example. If they see you practicing yoga regularly, then chances are they will want to join in. What a wonderful way to spend quality family time together, than participating in something beneficial for body, mind and spirit.
Texas, Certified Personal Trainer & Yoga Instructor (E-RYT) at The Fitness Underground- Los Angeles
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How Can Yoga Calm the Mind and Body?
Pam StinsonOne such methodology is the application of drishti, targeting the gaze, which helps to quiet the mind. When the gaze is fixed on a single point, the mind is not as likely to be distracted by thoughts offered by visible stimuli, like you're drifting off and thinking.. (the carpet in here is hideous or that guy's tie has a stain on it).
But in today's world, we experience this reply whilst we are sitting in traffic or feeling stressed at work. The more time we spend in reverie, the less open we are to the good things that are taking place now. Usually even if we are in the middle of a fun time, we start to fret about it ending and start plotting to make it occur again.
And whilst having goals in life is a good thing, spending hours daydreaming won't get you any closer to making your dreams occur. There's a connection between our psychological, emotional, and mental states and the pace and depth of our breath. When you relax and slow the speed of the breath, the speed of the mind is in a similar fashion calmed and quieted.
The more time you spend in this place, the much more likely you are to act patiently, understanding, and compassionately. We are able to move on from past grievances and sorrows and can view the world as it actually is, without fake expectancies. Being in the instant enables you to be completely present when you spend time with the people you adore.
Ever try and be friendly when you have got a stomach ache? Asana assists in keeping our muscles, joints, and fascia powerful and flexible. These practices help to attach you to the present moment, to others and to your true self. There are many different types of yoga and participants of all ages, sexes and races are able to find a yoga technique that will work for them.
Pam Stinson is a retired educator with varied interests including travel, alternative health issues, economics, living simply and debt free and animal welfare. You can
learn more about yoga in general and learn specific techniques for
having yoga calm your mind and body by reading at this site.
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Yoga Clothing - Choosing The Right Wear For The Exercise
Abhishek AgarwalPicking up a dress to wear for performing yoga movements is simple. We just need to be choosy about the quality of our clothing.
For performing any physical exercise, one should first and foremost be comfortable with the clothes that they wear. Baggy clothing is not the suitable type. It may feel comfortable for shopping and other outing, but, it may perturb in the middle of performing an exercise. In addition, it'll droop over our body and will tend to distract others.
Snug clothing will not give much of a comfort as it will be too fitting. Such a taut dressing will not allow easy stretching and may cause suffocation, and hinder the flow of respiration.
The dress code for yoga may be normal fitting casuals like tracks, t-shirts, etc (other than skirts or saris) along with satchels. These will make us feel at ease and comfortable, without any botheration.
Learning pupils, who are in their teens and those who practice yoga, are very conscious about their dressing. They are very particular about how they show themselves at that place.
A good comfortable dressing is a need for everyone, as, it not only enhances one's poised mannerisms and self-esteem, but it also avoids discomfited and humiliating situations. Our impression matters. Anyone who practices these physical movements should neither wear too loose or too fitting dresses. The casuals should make us feel at ease.
Opting for a proper dress for the physical movement might be expensive, but money matters remain in how economical we choose and where we shop it. Though the cost might be found a little high, the price is reasonable when the quality and standard of the clothing is taken into consideration.
Buy dresses for yoga, in shops that are exclusively sell yoga dressings and garnishes. These exclusive shops will have better variety and choice to choose from. Higher the price, better the quality.
For anything that is beneficial, a little investment is needed. Same is the case with dresses for yoga. After all, yoga is more economic as compared to other workouts.
If we are too particular about the cost, we should go up and down and search all the shops and the cost contrast with the costs of other shops. If the person masters the tactics of marketing, he or she can opt for shops that offer reduction in prices or ones that offer a deal.
Nowadays, with advancement in technology, online shopping has become convenient and quite famous among people. It is also considered reliable by many. For those who are too lazy and weary to go out and shop, or shopping is not in his or her list of likes, they can simply choose a comfortable dress of their choice, from the sites in the net that exclusively sell dresses for yoga, order them and buy them.
Against all odds, if you want to feel comfortable and get more involved and focused in the physical movements you perform, without getting distracted, it is better to opt for one that fits you and makes feel at ease.
Abhishek is a Yoga teacher and he has got some great
Yoga Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 106 Pages Ebook, "How To Maximize The Power Of Yoga!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.
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Trying To Remain Young - How Yoga Can Help Baby Boomers
Abhishek AgarwalIn the recent times people have become more conscious on the idea of becoming healthy and fit. The main reason behind this is arrival of different diseases on a daily basis. With the development of technology day by day, on someday we eat more and on some other days we eat less. This results in an unbalanced diet causing stomach upsets and ulcers.
The only idea that is present throughout all generations is to stay fit. This world is a really stupid world. When people are small they want to grow up. But when they become old all they say is they want to remain young.
Aging is that something normal which occurs in everybody's life, but people are afraid to face aging. People do accept the fact that they grow wiser with age but they only want to get wiser not any older. How is that possible???
Baby boomers gave a new explanation for concept of aging. This generation enjoyed every part of their life much more than any other previous generations. This is mainly due to their positive approach towards exercising. These people care a great deal about remaining fit and trim. So they always remain young and sexy.
Baby boomers were the people who started off the health club era thing. They indulged themselves in almost every form of exercise like aerobics and gym. This makes their minds healthier and their bodies stronger. But when the aging affect attacks these people, they tend to move towards moderate exercises to stay healthy and fit.
Yoga is one of the best forms of exercise. This lays emphasis n relaxing and breathing techniques. People of any age and of any size can do yoga and benefit from it. The effects of yoga are immediate; the changes can be witnessed as soon as we start doing it. Yoga doesn't put any sort of pressure on bones and muscles. This is preferable by old people because bones and muscles would be weakened as we grow older.
The two main techniques in yoga are: -> Breathing -> Relaxation
These techniques help in reducing tension and stress; these are the main factors that contribute to a heart disease. Practising yoga will also help in calming nerves. This is approved fact. Thus yoga makes us healthier.
Those who are keen on reducing weight can also practice yoga. Statistics reveal to us that if a forty five old is able to do yoga for thirty minutes in a week for five years in a row will be ale to gain three pounds in a few years. Then that makes the average gain weight as one pound a year.
Yoga has really worked for this generation of boomers. It is far more efficient than gym workouts. It is more effectual than aerobics and it is more calming than jogging.
By doing yoga we can prevent osteoporosis, the inner organs of the body can be cleansed, balancing of digestive system and nervous system, reduction in headaches, rear pains which are commonly faced by the people of this age.
Another craze that is developing in the health circle is detoxification. Detoxification only cleanses the body, but yoga cleanses both mind and body. Yoga is an excellent way to obtain a peace of mind in life. Doing yoga makes a person more productive at their work. Spending time for yoga will detoxify mind and soul.
Yoga is also known as the? Source of youth?, since it revitalizes the body and energizes the soul. Practising yoga continuously will provide a person with spiritual enlightenment.
Baby bloomers throughout the world are doing everything that they can do to preserve their youth.
Abhishek has got some great
Baby Boomer Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 97 Pages Ebook, "All About Baby Boomers" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.
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10 Things to Know About Your Yoga Practice
Marianne WellsSilence is golden -
Strive to arrive 10 minutes prior to class start time. Give yourself time to settle in and focus your energy. Removing your shoes and carrying them into the yoga space helps keep outside energy outside. If you arrive late please enter the room as silently as possible - open your yoga mat, put your keys away, and turn off your cellphone, outside the room, please.
Remember that almost everything looks better after a good night's sleep -
Like a good night's sleep, yoga's final pose is a vital link to your well being and those around you as well. Try to set aside the full class time for your study of yoga. When you need to leave early, let Marianne know so she can bring you to an appropriate ending point for your practice.
As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simple -
Please refrain from wearing perfume and other scents to class. Some people are scent sensitive, and with the importance of breath work, we want everyone to breathe clearly.
Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose -
One of the purposes of your yoga mat is to keep you from slipping in postures. Most yoga mats have a textured side and a smooth side, the textured side goes up. Along with your mat, gather all props that you need and have them in the front of your yoga mat for easy access in class.
The body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in -
In our yoga practice we create heat inside our bodies. Yoga practice is like a massage, moving energy and removing toxins in our bodies. We do not want to cool this heat during our practice. Drink water after class to hydrate well. Water at room temperature is best.Yoga is the golden key which unlocks the door to peace, tranquility, and joy.
Remove any jewelry that you feel would get in the way of your body moving in and out of postures. -
Try to remember to remove your watch - strive to live in the present moment. Batteries can interrupt your chi.
You don't grow old. When you cease to grow, you are old -
Marianne teaches a mixed level of student experience. In the deepest sense, every class is a beginner class - a chance to grow, a chance to learn, to listen to your body, to know where it has been and how it is working. Many poses challenge your instructor as well. Explore where you can go with your body and mind every class.
Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher -
A strong yoga practice will not conflict with your family religion. Yoga is a philosophy, here is a quote from the teachings of the Yoga Sutra: "Yoga has universal value; there is no conflict with religion. Yoga awakens the believer in his or her own spirituality."
Yoga is a light which once lit will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter your flame - This is your yoga practice. Create an intention to help you focus on your practice. Please take time to reflect after class so you can retain what you learned.
Focus on keeping your spine straight. It is the job of the spine to keep the brain alert. -
You can make up your missed classes within the session dates. Review the schedule and make up your missed class anywhere I teach other than the Marsh and Essentials4Fitness.
Copyrighted 2008, Marianne Wells LLC, All rights reserved
Marianne Wells, International Yoga Presenter
Specializing in the Yoga Alliance 200 Hour RYT Teacher Training
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