By Noel Halpin
If one unites these three exceptional forces together, it becomes more powerful than any known power to mankind, to achieve a state of purity of the soul and a stillness of the mind is the holy grail of all mystics. It is nirvana to the initiated. The major question is, can ordinary people attain this state?
The answer is yes but, it is not necessary for one to achieve this state of mind, every yoga practitioner sets out their own personal goals.
Whether it is to become healthier, fitter, or more self confident, or maybe just to keep an interest in exercising after reaching a certain age where it is not possible to continue with previous more robust training.
Because yoga is so versatile in all it's movements, not even the elderly or infirm are precluded from taking part in some form or other of yoga practice. It is advisable though to seek professional medical knowledge about certain sickness or infirmity one might have before taking up the practice of yoga.
Yoga and meditation go hand in hand. It is all part of the one rope with many strings, and only when all the strings are joined together, does the rope become stronger and unbreakable, only then does one become whole and the mind and body are united as one.
For meditation to be really effective, one must practice the method diligently and daily. It is only through training the mind to accept closure on all things that are depressive and negative, to how one should be in the quest to reach a better level of health, fitness and more understanding in the motivation of ones life.
In today's modern world it is so easy to lose touch with ourselves.
We become consumed with other peoples targets and goals, that our own life becomes owned by outsiders, who only want to use us and then discard us when we no longer fill their needs.
Each and every one of us are put on this world for a particular purpose, and that purpose is to be the very best WE can be.
That does not include being slaves to other people, we should never be slaves to anyone, not even ourselves.
The most effective way to avoid all these pitfalls of negativity and depression is to start focusing on the person who really matters and that is ourselves.
We can begin our new focusing right now by starting a yoga and meditation program with only one aim in mind, finding our inner peace, where our whole attitude changes to one not of negativity, but to one of self confidence, and motivation to becoming a whole self fulfilled person.
Once we begin to feel this change so also will one feel the power of life and the force of achievement. Remember we are the rope that has many strands and though, right now they are disjointed, we and only we have the power to unite them all, this is and always will be our challenge, our destiny.
As a black belt third degree master of Kenpo Karate, I would like to say that Yoga has been my inspiration and guide through all my active sports life. I am now getting on in years, but I would not go one day without practicing my yoga combined with my karate katas. It is never too late to change your way of life. Do it now. Find your real self, CLICK BELOW NOW, and begin your journey to better health and well being.
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