By Marianne Wells
Silence is golden -
Strive to arrive 10 minutes prior to class start time. Give yourself time to settle in and focus your energy. Removing your shoes and carrying them into the yoga space helps keep outside energy outside. If you arrive late please enter the room as silently as possible - open your yoga mat, put your keys away, and turn off your cellphone, outside the room, please.
Remember that almost everything looks better after a good night's sleep -
Like a good night's sleep, yoga's final pose is a vital link to your well being and those around you as well. Try to set aside the full class time for your study of yoga. When you need to leave early, let Marianne know so she can bring you to an appropriate ending point for your practice.
As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simple -
Please refrain from wearing perfume and other scents to class. Some people are scent sensitive, and with the importance of breath work, we want everyone to breathe clearly.
Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose -
One of the purposes of your yoga mat is to keep you from slipping in postures. Most yoga mats have a textured side and a smooth side, the textured side goes up. Along with your mat, gather all props that you need and have them in the front of your yoga mat for easy access in class.
The body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in -
In our yoga practice we create heat inside our bodies. Yoga practice is like a massage, moving energy and removing toxins in our bodies. We do not want to cool this heat during our practice. Drink water after class to hydrate well. Water at room temperature is best.Yoga is the golden key which unlocks the door to peace, tranquility, and joy.
Remove any jewelry that you feel would get in the way of your body moving in and out of postures. -
Try to remember to remove your watch - strive to live in the present moment. Batteries can interrupt your chi.
You don't grow old. When you cease to grow, you are old -
Marianne teaches a mixed level of student experience. In the deepest sense, every class is a beginner class - a chance to grow, a chance to learn, to listen to your body, to know where it has been and how it is working. Many poses challenge your instructor as well. Explore where you can go with your body and mind every class.
Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher -
A strong yoga practice will not conflict with your family religion. Yoga is a philosophy, here is a quote from the teachings of the Yoga Sutra: "Yoga has universal value; there is no conflict with religion. Yoga awakens the believer in his or her own spirituality."
Yoga is a light which once lit will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter your flame - This is your yoga practice. Create an intention to help you focus on your practice. Please take time to reflect after class so you can retain what you learned.
Focus on keeping your spine straight. It is the job of the spine to keep the brain alert. -
You can make up your missed classes within the session dates. Review the schedule and make up your missed class anywhere I teach other than the Marsh and Essentials4Fitness.
Copyrighted 2008, Marianne Wells LLC, All rights reserved
Marianne Wells, International Yoga Presenter
Specializing in the Yoga Alliance 200 Hour RYT Teacher Training
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