By Texas W
Hurry....! This seems to be a mantra echoed in many homes by Moms everywhere. We live in a fast paced world, we're over-worked, over-scheduled and very often, over-stressed. And so are our children. Between competition at school, sports, after-school activities and homework, kids often feel a great deal of pressure. Thankfully, there is a way to counteract that stress...without a trip to the doctor or pharmacy. Just as Yoga is beneficial to adults, so it is to children as well.
As both a yoga instructor and a mom, I can tell you first hand, yoga and children are a perfect match. Children's natural curiosity and flexibility lends perfectly to practicing yoga. While a class/session should be much shorter in duration than a class that an adult would attend, much of the same poses and principles can be applied. A half hour class is perfect for kids. As they get older, their attention span increases and they become more accustomed to the practice, more time can be added.
The key is to make it fun. Kids love animal poses...when children imitate movements and sounds in nature, they get an opportunity to experience a real connection to their world. In cat pose for example, children are familiar with seeing a cat arch its back and are able to imitate it with ease. With my own children, I often make a game out of our yoga practice; playing "Simon Says" with yoga poses. By keeping it fun, not only does it keep their interest, but it also keeps them coming back for more.
Interspersing breathing techniques and relaxation poses throughout the class gives children the chance to wind down and quiet their minds- skills that also help them in their daily life. Reaping the true rewards of Yoga. Children respond well to guided meditations/visualization and it's is a perfect way to end the class. Children will walk away from class feeling centered and calm.
Keep in mind, that children learn best by example. If they see you practicing yoga regularly, then chances are they will want to join in. What a wonderful way to spend quality family time together, than participating in something beneficial for body, mind and spirit.
Texas, Certified Personal Trainer & Yoga Instructor (E-RYT) at The Fitness Underground- Los Angeles
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