By Howard Walker
Well, a few months ago I decided to try Yoga. I wanted several things: a way to relax, greater flexibility, and generally, a more healthy lifestyle. Now, I'm not a kid anymore and haven't been one for a long time! I was probably about twenty pounds overweight but not in real bad condition. I used to run a lot and played a lot of handball. About ten years ago my back and knees told me that they didn't want to do that anymore, so I've been walking two miles about six times a week.
Anyway, after looking around for a bit, I finally found a Yoga studio about ten minutes from my home. I went over there one Saturday afternoon and just watched a Yoga class. I said to me, "Well, that doesn't look too difficult - I think I'll give it a shot!" So I signed up for a course that met every Wednesday evening for an hour. I bought a blue rubber Yoga mat and figured that I was ready to go. I wondered if I should get some Yoga accessories like straps, a mat bag, my own emergency medical response team! I decided to hold down the cost for now until I decided if I really want to get deeply into Yoga.
The following Wednesday evening I arrived early and discovered that a more advanced class was in progress, so I just sat and watched them for a while. I thought that I might be able to do some of those poses, but not be able to undo them! Well, we got started. We had a really nice, very capable instructor who had been doing Yoga for over twenty years.
Things were easy at first but, as life usually is, kept getting harder and harder. Now I had been having trouble with my left knee for some time - on occasion it would just buckle. I fell a couple times and almost did many times. This made getting into (and out of) some positions almost impossible without substantial pain.
I stayed for the entire course and even took the next one. It became obvious, however, that I would have to get the knee fixed before going any farther. Well, I finally did (that's another story) and am now thinking seriously about going back to Yoga. I did enjoy the classes so may be I'll go back. I'll let you know what happens later.
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