By Ntathu Allen
Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Have you ever woken up feeling anxious and fatigued from lack of sleep? Maybe your sleep is disturbed as you are kept awake listening to your partner snoring.
Lack of sleep tends to leave you feeling ratty and snappy with loved ones, it may even affect your ability to concentrate whilst driving or at work.. If you have had a demanding day at work, it can be difficult for you to "switch off" when you come home. Staying up late at night, watching television or eating late means your brain is over stimulated. This makes it harder for you to unwind and fall asleep.
To get a good night's sleep, it is essential you find a way to help you relax and quieten your mind before you go to bed.
How Can I Get A Good Night's Sleep?
Simple breathing and gentle yoga exercises are great ways to help soothe your mind and prepare your body for a restful night of sleep. Have you noticed how refreshed and rejuvenated you feel after a good night's sleep?
To help you achieve this, try the following five simple breathing and yoga exercises. As with all exercises, please consult your GP first and exercise patience and respect for your body.
Four Yoga Exercises To Help You Get To Sleep
1. Head To Knee Pose (Paschimottanasana)
Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you. Inhale and bring both arms straight up above your head. Arms alongside your ears. Stretch your spine. Exhale and lean forwards from your hips, and draw your chest as close as possible to your thighs. Rest your hands comfortable on your shines or grasp your feet, ankles, or soles of your feet. Take 3 - 5 long steady breathes. Slowly release from the posture.
2. Cobbler's Pose (Baddha konasana)
Sit on the floor, straight back and looking ahead. Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together. Keep hold of your feet with both hands, ease your feet in further towards your body. Bend your arms and use your elbows to push your knees gently towards the floor. . Don't force your knees down, just focus on breathing slowly and deeply. Allow the out breath to soften the tight areas.
3.Seated Wide Angle Pose (Upavista konasana )
Sit with your legs spread wide apart. Press your fingertips to the floor behind you so your chest lifts and you tilt your pelvis forward. If you have stiff hips, this may be as far as you go in this pose. Inhale and raise your arms above your head. Exhale and stretch forwards, trying to hold the toes of each foot. Bring your head down towards the floor. Breathe slowly and deeply for 3 - 5 rounds Slowly release from the posture.
4.Single Nostril Breathing
Sit comfortably with a straight back, your eyes closed. Curl the index and middle fingers of your right hand into your palm. Rest the left hand on your left knee. a. Breathe through the left nostril Close the right nostril with your thumb, and inhale through the left nostril to a count of four. Exhale to a count of eight. Repeat 5 - 10 times. Release the hand from your nostrils. b. Breathe through the right nostril Close the left nostril with the two end fingers. Inhale through the right nostril to a count of four and exhale to eight. Repeat 5 - 10 times.
Next time you are feeling stressed and tired from lack of sleep, try these exercises. Regular practice of these four simple yoga exercises and breathing practice will help you to sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Let me know how you get on.
Ntathu Allen, Hatha Yoga Teacher designs personal yoga exercise programmes for beginners.
She helps you learn easy yoga postures which improve your flexibility, breathing practices to release stress and meditation techniques to soothe and calm your mind. To find out more go to: and sign up for your free monthly yoga and health newsletter, "Healing for the Soul," full of wellbeing and holistic healing tips and; yoga exercises to energise and nurture your soul.=============Email:>
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