By Texas W
Yoga is not merely a system of physical exercise; it is a spiritual system. People enter into the practice of yoga for physical fitness, better health, to increase flexibility and to reduce stress, but ultimately the purpose of a yoga practice is spiritual development.
Anytime you work with the body, you are also working with the mind and the energy that bridges the two. Since that means working with your emotions, emotional releases can be seen as progress on the journey to personal and spiritual growth.
In yogic terms, there is no separation between mind, body and spirit. The three exist in union. What happens to the mind also happens to the body and spirit. If something is bothering you mentally or emotionally, it is likely to show up in your body. As you work deeply with your body in yoga, emotional issues are likely to come to the surface. Yoga asanas (poses) help us focus our minds and release any inner tension we may be holding in our bodies.
Yoga is a healing practice because it creates a safe space. Practicing yoga with mindfulness, awareness and care allows the layers to gently peel away. You become able to experience self-compassion. And all of the things that have not been "safe" to feel, suddenly come to the surface.
Sadness, anger, grief - whatever feelings that have been repressed, will surface. This is happening because you are doing something right. You are discovering that you can be the caregiver for yourself. You can learn to truly nurture yourself. Often times in yoga class and emotion will surface for a seemingly unknown reason. You may not have any idea where it's coming from. There's really no need to over analyze it...just accept it. Allow the feeling or emotion...and breathe. There's no need to "fix it" or "make it go away." Feel the emotion the same way that you feel a yoga pose - as an experience of both the body and the breath. Do whatever you need to do in that moment - cry, breathe, rest in child's pose. Listen to your own inner teacher.
If you allow yourself the space to simply accept the experience for what it its, without judgment, then the emotion gradually softens and releases. At the end of your practice, as you lie in savasana, thank yourself for the experience and create a space for peace.
Remember that your yoga practice is part of your journey. As you continue on your path, you gradually shed away the layers of things that no longer serve your highest good. Remember that you are not alone. Your teacher and the other students are on the journey as well. Even if you don't know a single person, every person in the room is connected. You have all come together as a community to create a time of sacred space. In doing so, you offer support to one another without ever saying a word. This is the beauty of yoga.
Texas, Certified Personal Trainer & Yoga Instructor at The Fitness Underground- Los Angeles
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