By Noel Halpin
Yoga for runners and joggers has become a vital factor in the training regimen of most track and field athletes. As with all sports suppleness and flexibility are essential for the well being of muscle and joints in the body.
Now, because running and jogging is so tough and hard wearing on the joints, it is imperative that athletes take extra care with their training routines. You will never see a serious athlete move straight into a race or competition without doing warm up exercises.
A lot of time and thought goes into the exact type of exercise required for a certain activity. The athlete will know intuitively what is required and will do their warm up accordingly. Most athletes do their yoga exercises in the dressing room for at least a half hour before an event.
This is done well away from the public view, so we do not see the real preparation that goes into their warm up routine.
I was watching very recently the British ladies open golf championship and one of the lady golfers seemed to tweak a muscle a little awkwardly and it became obvious that she was in some discomfort and pain. She immediately lay on the ground and began a routine of yoga long stretching exercises. She continued doing theses for about five minutes and then got up and resumed with taking her fairway drive, the muscle problem was gone and she continued on without any obvious discomfort to finish her game.
This is a clear indication to me of how much the practice of yoga has become part and parcel of athletic training.
The yoga method of exercising of course is no secret, as we all know it has been around for centuries, but it is only in the past forty to fifty years that westerners are beginning to realise the importance of the exercises.
There are thousands of testimonies from people from all walks of life, Movie stars, athletes, clergy, ordinary business people, right down to the ordinary man and woman on the street. who are convinced that yoga training has changed their lives.
They have found a well being and richness from yoga that has changed their lives for good. Once one decides to practice the art of yoga they very seldom stop doing it. It becomes a life changing force and a fantastic motivation and feel good every day factor which runs right through every strand of their life.
Change your life habits right now for good, and start doing yoga.
Your friend in sport, Noel.
Too look at life is a poets way of living life. To live life is the successful persons fulfilment. To have good health and an active life is a blessing from God, we must not squander away these riches we must improve and develop them everyday of our lives. To me the fulfilment and happiness comes from my dedication and disciplined practice of yoga.
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