By Ntathu Allen
Are you stressed?
Continued exposure to high levels of stress can lead to long-term health problems, such as high blood pressure, IBS, diabetes and heart disease. On a personal level, your ability to enjoy happy relationships is also effected by stress.
As a yoga teacher, most of the people I teach yoga to were advised by their Doctor, or in some case their partners, to try yoga as a way to manage their stress.
If you are looking for a solution to manage your stress, try the following five easy yoga poses.
They will help you to feel calm and relaxed.
As with all forms of exercise, please consult your doctor before you attempt these yoga exercises and always work within the safety limits of your own body.
Five Easy Yoga Poses To Release Stress
1. Wind-Relieving Pose Lie on your back on a comfortable surface, for example a yoga mat or blanket. Draw your right knee into your chest, and your nose towards your knee. Relax the shoulders and take 3 -5 rounds of deep yogic breathing. Relax and switch sides.
2. Seated Forward Bend/Paschimottanasana Sit on the floor, straight back, with your legs stretched out in front of you. Raise your arms straight above your head and slowly bend forward and place your hands on your ankles or shins. Take 3 -5 rounds of deep breathing, keep your shoulders relaxed. Slowly come out of the pose.
3. Cobra Pose/Bhujangasana Lie on your front on your yoga mat/blanket Bend your elbows and place your hands flat on the floor beneath your shoulders. Tilt your head forwards until your forehand touches the floor. Tuck your elbows into your side. Inhale and slowly raise your forehead, nose and chin Push down with your arms and raise your chest up, gently arching backwards away from the floor. Keep your hips and legs in contact with the floor, elbows tucked into your side and relax your shoulders. Take 3 - 5 rounds of deep breathing. Slowly come out of the pose.
4. Basking Frog Pose Lie down on your back, bring the soles of your feet together close to your body, with your knees open wide, and move your knees down towards the floor. Bring your arms over your head and rest your palms on the floor and stretch out. Keep your lower back pressed down toward the floor, breathe deeply 3 - 5 times. To come out of the pose, bring your arms back down to the side of your body and straighten your legs.
5. Child's Pose Sit on your heels. Lean forward and rest your forehead on the ground. Place your arms by your side next to your body, palms facing upwards. Breathe gently and relax for at least 2 - 5 minutes. Slowly come up out of the pose
For best results, practice these five simple yoga poses regularly. They will release stress and tension and help you to relax and feel calm.
Ntathu Allen, Hatha Yoga Teacher designs personal yoga exercise programmes for beginners.
She helps you learn easy yoga postures which improve your flexibility, breathing practices to release stress and meditation techniques to soothe and calm your mind. To find out more go to:> and sign up for your free monthly yoga and health newsletter, "Healing for the Soul," full of wellbeing and holistic healing tips and; yoga exercises to energise and nurture your soul.============= Email:>
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