By Jennie Gandhi
You are making a decision to grow old whether you like it or not. Whether you know it or not.
Because age is one thing you cannot stop, only accept. So why not embrace it with Yoga.
Why yoga you may ask? Well other forms of exercise are known to be stressful. At some point of time they stress the muscle and pressurize it. So if you have been doing weightlifting for years, be ready for a sagging muscle by the time you cross 40. But there is one exercise that works as an age defending mechanism - Yoga.
This is because it lies on the fact that the age is related to the flexibility of the spine. As you exercise your body, your spine gets flexible and is able to improve your blood supply. Evenly the other parts of the body work in sync and improve your overall immunity system, disallows the double chin, fat accumulation and age related unease's. But this is all based on the fact that you make yoga a way of life. That is you sit, stand and walk with the right posture and breathe the way yoga teaches you.
Even your glands are rejuvenated. It works on the pituitary gland, adrenal, thyroid and sex glands, producing a well being feeling and a constant fresh look. Doing yoga continuously will also reduce wrinkles and give you a natural face lift.
Dedication to yoga for half an hour every day will help improve your vision and hearing aid.
Along with age even the neck gets non-functional as it is ultimately linked to the spine and the neck is linked to the ears and eyes. Yoga postures ascertain that the neck is exercised and its bone is kept in good state and hence indirectly the hearing and eyesight is kept in sound health.
If you wish to join yoga classes or know more about health care then refer the healthcare blog. You can also read about good parenting on this link.
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