How Regular Practice of Yoga Prolongs Life
Maria DYoga is an excellent way for us to reduce the effects of aging on our bodies. In fact, the entire yoga philosophy revolves around the idea that our flexibility helps to determine our age, not the actual number of years that we've been alive.
Experts say that yoga helps to improve our flexibility, relieve stress and tension and even that it can help to prevent wrinkles by tightening up our skin. That's right, a face lift is not our only option, we could do some relaxing yoga instead.
Also, those of us who do yoga generally do not have any of the bad habits that can cause us to age faster, such as smoking or drinking excessively.
Since yoga relieves stress and strengthens our bodies, it naturally follows that it makes us feel younger, more alert, raises our mental capabilities and boosts our immune system. Having a healthy immune system, in turn, means that we get common illnesses, like colds, less often and, when we do get sick, we usually don't stay sick as long as we might otherwise. Yoga also helps to prevent us from getting other, more serious, illnesses.
Another great
benefit of yoga is that it can even improve our vision and hearing. How does it do that, you ask? That's simple! Our vision and hearing depend quite a bit on how well our blood supply is getting to our eyes and ears. That blood supply to come up through our necks. The problem is, as we age our body loses flexibility inside and out so our necks can constrict and block off the blood flow in spots. This can make it harder for our eyes and ears to work properly. Exercising with yoga techniques can help to increase the entire body's flexibility, including in our necks, and make us able to hear and see better.
We've all heard the statement "A healthy body is a happy body." Well, it's true! By doing yoga our bodies get healthier and we will be feeling happier and more energetic all the time. This is just an added benefit of yoga.
Besides yoga, other forms of meditation, stress reduction and exercise can also help us to live longer and feel better as well.
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Benefits of Yoga Meditation
Warren MarionPeople commonly believe that worldly achievements and material successes are contrapuntal to yoga. But if we pause to ponder over the exact opposites that may result in poverty and failure, we realize that they are also not words that we would like to meditate upon. Then it occurs that if poverty and failure are not subjects of meditation then obviously success and prosperity is.
Pain may be inevitable, but why waste time thinking about it?
We affect the world by our thoughts. If our thoughts are positive it will reflect in the things happening to us likewise any negative thoughts are also bound to reflect. The driving force behind all human actions is faith. It is both the process and the end. Hence the evocation of me, the assertion that "I am" is of extreme importance. Because it is the thinking self that ultimately matters and teaching this self to focus on positive thoughts is the key to success. If one wants to receive the best everyday one must learn to think positively and expect the best.
If you attend a Yoga class, you will know that, of the many methods, the teacher or guru teaches while leading a meditation session- visualization is an important one. Visualization is an effective way to calm the nerves and reach a state of stasis. Once you are at peace with yourself this radiates through to your personality. Hence you grow as a person and the result is a self-confident individual with heightened self-image. This of course as all will realize ultimately leads to success. This success does not necessarily have to be material. It becomes clear if one were to observe a couple in love, happily married with children or good friends, that success does not mean riches only. Success could also mean happiness even when you are not too affluent.
The many fold benefits that Yoga offers are substantial and important. These benefits hold the potential to change your lives. Practicing yoga increases your concentration, improves your over all health and leads to a marked change in the way you view life. These are things that ultimately help you be happier in life, restore peace of mind and helps strengthen the ties that you have with your family and friends.
Ancient Indians prescribed meditation as a necessary part of a student's daily curriculum.
Meditation focuses one's mind and improves concentration and thus actively helps the mind while it pursues knowledge. Educators today are increasingly resorting back to this ancient wisdom and are acknowledging the value of meditation in increasing a student's academic performance. The modern day world with its fast lifestyles has peer groups pressing young minds to be cool and popular, goals that can be achieved by partying late etc. This makes one stray from the real goals especially when one is in college which necessarily means that you are no longer staying at home. Staying in the right part asks for quite a lot of discipline.
However this is not to say that distractions are present for young adults only. Temptations are ever present and ever ready to engulf us when we least suspect it. Yoga meditation can help ward off these temptations by helping us to stay more in control of our minds, bodies and emotions and by making us more steady and balanced individuals. Needless to say yoga meditation is not easy for it makes demands not only of one's mind but of one's body as well. But the aim of yoga is not bodily comfort but the separation of the mind from worldly goods.
Yoga meditation if cultivated for a sustained period holds the potential to widen our senses and make us more acutely aware both our inner and outer selves. Meditation actively affects one's outer environment and makes personal goal more accessible. It also ensures that one is at harmony not only with oneself but also with the outside world. It gives a person a greater insight into the nature of things and helps one understand the world better. Biggest, among all the benefits that meditation lends, is the peace that creates the optimum milieu for achieving goals or simply living in harmony with nature. Once man is in harmony with himself and his world the basic human desire to find his own special place in the greater order of the universe is satiated.
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The Difference Between Yoga and Exercise
Becky JordanLike regular exercise, yoga strengthens and tones the body. Regular exercise typically makes a body stronger and less flexible. Weight training for example, builds strength by breaking down and rebuilding muscle tissue. That bulky, muscle bound look and tighter muscle mass is a result of this breaking down and rebuilding of muscle. Yoga strengthens the body by toning the muscles and creates longer, leaner muscles due to the stretching. Yoga creates a body that is stronger and more flexible. Often the goal of regular exercise is to increase the heart rate.
While yoga can be practiced vigorously to increase heart rate, it can also be practiced in a way that reduces the heart rate and lowers blood pressure. Typically one exercises to a point of fatigue. At the end of a yoga practice, you feel as though you have had a workout, but are more relaxed and energized. Hatha yoga is not just a series of exercises, but a principle of exercise that involves concentration, breathing and movement.
Yoga offers many additional benefits as well. Bending, stretching and twisting the body massages and soothes the internal organs aiding digestion and elimination. Our hormones are brought into greater balance due to the toning of the endocrine system. The respiratory system is strengthened and the nervous system is soothed. Stress relief is also a major benefit of practicing yoga. In fact, all systems of the body are affected by a yoga practice. A qualified yoga teacher can advise you on the most appropriate yoga practice for you, regardless of age, health issues and fitness level.
Whether practicing vigorously with challenging poses or practicing gently with soothing poses, yoga is balanced action of the body, awareness of breath and steadiness of mind. This is yoga in action, union of the body/mind.
Regular exercise and yoga both help us to lead active, healthy lives. Yet, yoga is a life support system...a way of life that helps us to maintain a healthier body, a calmer mind and a more balanced and peaceful life.
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Yoga Does a Body Good
Darryl OliveBusy work schedules, home chores and activities of daily living are more and more causing people to need physical fitness programs that are comprehensive yet effective. As yoga continues to expand in the West, the practice is being described as a comprehensive physical fitness practice that can help with losing weight, building strength, increasing endurance and flexibility. It can be beneficial in these ways but the benefits are often dependent on a variety of factors including one's current fitness levels, goals and type of practice.
Fitness Level: Exercise history can play an important role in the types of benefits that one may experience in yoga. A study sponsored by the American Council on Exercise found that the average person off-the-street who doesn't have a fitness program can improve strength and endurance, balance and flexibility in just eight weeks. The benefits may not be so much for those who have strong physical activity programs already and, weight loss may take a significant effort since a session will only burn 144-237 calories per 50 minutes.
Fitness Goals: While yoga can help with strength and endurance related goals, it doesn't meet the American College of Sports Medicine's recommendations to get aerobic exercise at 55-90% of one's estimated maximum heart rate for 20-60 minutes 3-5 times per week. Although many programs marketing the benefits of the practice say it's an all encompassing workout, it really isn't. You have to get additional cardiovascular training such as walking, biking, swimming or any other mode of aerobic exercise. And the more you make yoga aerobic, the fewer benefits one will get from flexibility and strength.
Practice Type: There are numerous styles of Hatha yoga, the physical form that includes postures, breathing and meditation. Styles range from relaxing and meditative practices such as restorative to physically demanding styles such as Ashtanga. The type of practice will make a difference on the final outcomes. Be sure to research any practice and talk with the teacher about the class components and your goals.
In the end yoga is a great way to start a new physical activity program. It also targets areas of fitness such as flexibility, skill related components such as balance and coordination and relaxation that are often overlooked. It also gives us the opportunity to practice an activity that moves beyond fitness to examine the balance of our mental, emotional and spiritual sides.
For more information on yoga, breathing and meditation, visit our yoga teacher training and meditation teacher certification resources at KCFitnessLink is a registered school with the Yoga Alliance offering instructor programs in yoga, yoga therapy, Thai massage therapy, meditation and holistic health.
Darryl Olive, MBA, MHA, CSCS, E-RYT 500 is a 500 hour certified and registered yoga teacher with the Yoga Alliance. He leads yoga teacher training workshops and is the director of programs for KCFitnessLink. For more information, visit, e-mail or call 816.256.4443 for information about yoga classes, private yoga instruction and yoga instructor certification.
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Value Your Eco Friendly Yoga Mat
Robert W. WalkerAny yoga practitioner will tell you that a mat is the best thing you could buy and use to improve your yoga experience. An eco friendly yoga mat increases comfort by cushioning your body from the hard surface of the floor or ground. Mats also increase traction, so you do not slip and hurt yourself when executing postures, or asanas as they are called in yoga lingo. Given their importance, one needs to learn to value and care for their mat.
How you value your mat reflects how much you love yoga and yourself. You could get off to a good start by buying an eco friendly mat. Eco friendly mats are made with recycled materials, or with processes that minimize or eliminate negative environmental effects. Yoga fosters inner peace and harmony with all around us, so by making smart choices that help preserve nature, we embrace and apply the underlying ideals of yoga.
The next thing you can do is to maintain your eco friendly yoga mat so that it lasts as long as possible. This is not just for environmental consciousness and practice, but also for practical financial reasons. By caring for your mat, you extend its lifespan and reduce the frequency at which you will need to buy new mats. Regular cleansing of the mat surface will do a lot to keep it clean. A clean mat looks good, especially if you perform yoga in a class.
Light cleaning can be done with some water and a cloth. Dampen a small area of the surface with water, then rub it clean with the towel. Work on a small area at a time to minimize water absorption. Use detergents or soap only when the stains are deep and dark. Mats can absorb soap into the porous structure of the material, which could combine with sweat and cause the surface to become slippery during use. By minimizing the use of soap, you lessen the likelihood of this potential danger. If you must use soap, squeeze out any soapy liquid by rolling up the mat and stepping on it then rinsing it, repeating at least twice.
Drying your mat will keep it odor-free and minimize the amount of bacteria that may live on it. Hanging it up to dry after washing or use in exercise and leaving it to air out will dry the mat quickly. It is important to dry the mat before putting it away, since rolling it up will reduce the surface area that moisture could escape from. If you leave it out in the sun to dry though, remember to take it inside after a short while. Leaving it out in the sun could damage the rubber and make it stiff and rough.
Avoid rolling your mat too tightly to reduce the amount of curl that the mat retains when you roll it out. Also, roll it such that the side of the mat you use during exercise is facing outward, so that the curled-up corners will lie flat against the floor when you lay it out. These are just some of the things you can do to value and care for your eco friendly yoga mat.
Robert W. (Bob) Walker reports on a number of natural health and wellness issues and believes the ecological way is the only way. Please visit his blog
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How You Can Relieve Back Pain With Yoga - Stop Living in Pain
Trish E WilliamsAnybody who has ever had back pain knows just how disabling it can be, that is why using yoga to relieve back pain is the way to get your back stronger and feeling good. Back pain is usually causes by weakness in the back and abdominal muscles from too much sitting and living a stressful lifestyle. Think about how often you are sitting...watching TV, driving your car, in front of the computer, or at your desk at work. This all takes a toll on your muscles and puts strain on your back.
A study published in the December 2005 issue of Annals of Internal Medicine found that 3 months of a specifically designed yoga practice gave significant relief to subjects suffering from chronic back pain and is more effective than traditional exercise for relieving back pain. The reason why yoga is so effective for back pain is because through your practice you will be releasing the negative energy which causes tension and replacing it with positive energy resulting in:
Increase of muscle strength
Increased flexibility
Decrease of tension
Alignment of the spine
All of this will result in less pain and with a continued practice will prevent pain from occurring in the future. Yoga also helps to calm the mind and body and allows you release the build up of stress. Stress is another factor that causes pain in your back because of the tension it brings. Through a series of breathing, physical poses, and relaxation you will find your stress and tension melt away. You will also learn how to deal with stressful situations better and redirect the tension out of your back.
Why use yoga to relieve
back pain instead of some other exercise program? Yoga is not just an exercise program, it is a lifestyle. It teaches you how to breath, exercise, relax and to live in the moment. Stress is caused by our minds reaching into the past or jumping into the future, both of which we have no control over. Focusing on living now allows you to understand and listen to what your body needs to over come the pain and heal.
Stop living with your back pain today! You can be pain free again. Learn how at
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Caring For Your Eco Friendly Yoga Mat
Robert W. WalkerAn eco friendly yoga mat is a tool used to provide comfort and stability in the practice of yoga as a system of exercise. Yoga is often practiced atop these mats when they are laid out on the ground or floor. While they are not very expensive, they certainly are not cheap, and thus maximizing their viable lifespan and comfort are in the best interests of the owner. For cost-efficiency, safety, and comfort, users will need to take some steps to take care of their mats.
A new mat will often have a rubbery smell and a slightly slippery feel to it. The rubbery smell will fade over time, however you can accelerate this by air-drying, if the smell is too bothersome.
The slippery feel of the surface is due to a residue that forms on the mat during manufacture.
This residue eventually rubs off with repeated use, so after a few sessions it should no longer be a problem. If you want to get rid of it quickly though, you can use a solution of mild detergent and water to wipe it off, or a vinegar and water solution to that same effect. Use as little detergent as possible to avoid impregnating the mat with soap particles. Leaving the mat in the sun for a while also helps to get rid of both the smell and the oily residue.
With long periods of use, an eco friendly yoga mat will eventually become soiled. If the soiling is light, you can spray the surface with a little water and use a towel or cloth of some sort to rub off the residue. If the soiling is heavier, you might want to give the mat a proper washing. These mats are not machine washable, so you will have to do it by hand. Fill a tub with some cold water and add just a little detergent or household cleaner. Wash your mat in this solution, but remember to scrub lightly to avoid wearing down the surface too much. After scrubbing your mat, rinse it well to get rid of any soap. If soap seeps into the mat, it could make the surface slippery when sweat during exercise mixes with the soap. Seeing as this could make using the mat uncomfortable and dangerous, rinsing should be done properly.
To dry a mat, just hang it up. If you want to make the process quicker, you can use a towel to hasten the drying. Simply lay the towel on top of the mat, and roll the mat together with the towel. Then step on the mat to squeeze out any remaining water which will then be absorbed by the towel. Unroll and hang both to dry, which should take less time since the water content is spread out over a wider area.
Lastly, rolling an eco friendly yoga mat for storage should be done with the used surface outside. This will keep the corners down when you unroll it for use. Keep it in a cool, dry place, to avoid any microorganism growth on it.
Robert W. (Bob) Walker reports on a number of natural health and wellness issues and believes the ecological way is the only way. Please visit his blog
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Back Pain and Balls Part 3
Glen WoodThe pressure can also be adjusted by pushing into your feet and take the full body weight into the tennis balls, take care it can be a bit strong, it is a wonderful way of helping to release tension in the shoulders and back.
A simple method that works wonders with just simple tools, all you need to do is to keep an open mind. Of course I'm not suggesting that you ignore medical advice, as a yoga teacher and spinal therapist we have used these methods for many years and have been extremely effective - if you give it a go.
There will be some folk who do not want to do this for whatever reason. It maybe through a fear of some kind, fear of stepping into the unknown, fear of SUCCESS.
That's a strange one. Fear of success? Again keep an open mind. There are some who do not want to get better, they use their condition as a crutch as a way of getting attention, a control drama, remember keep an open mind. WE ALL HAVE ISSUES.
For those that wish to take the tennis ball method a stage further. Instead of using a tennis ball use a pebble. That's right a pebble. The rounder the pebble the gentler the approach. A pebble which is triangular in shape will go deeper into the area so you need to take extra care and I mean extra care so go gently, your body will tell you if it's too much so listen to it.
Pebble work. We have chosen a pebble which is about 3-4 inches round, about 4-8 cms for those who are metric.
We are going to work the gluteal muscles, the buttocks which tend to give concern to many.
While laying on your back (this can be done clothed) lift your hips and place the pebble under the buttock below your hip. If you are uncertain which one to do first do them both, the one that feels the most tension is the one that needs the work most.
Just rest your body on the pebble and gently begin to move your hip around on the pebble, your searching for those tight areas, this will be the painful areas, stay with it, if you are gentle you will be ok. If you go in hard (not to be recommended) you will create further tension and those muscles will lock up and will need more work done so be GENTLE.
Only when you are ready, if you wish, you can go deeper. Let's say we are working the right side of the buttocks, you can gently bring your right leg across so the ankle is on the left leg above the knee and on your left thigh. This is deep work so take care, and very effective.
If you went to an osteopath he or she would use an elbow at this point, you are using a pebble, they both work. With pebble work you are in full control. Until the next time, take care.
Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher. Glen is a yoga expert whom loves to teach you how to lose your neck, shoulder and back pain with yoga.
Dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back Pain.
For further information and your FREE Yoga and You report go to you FREE Introduction Audio CD go to
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Back Pain and Balls - Part 2
Glen WoodWe have pain in the left shoulder or right it doesn't matter which. Initially, we may just rub the shoulder if we can or get someone to do it for us, great if we can. If it's deeper then they may need to go deeper with either finger pressure or forearm or even an elbow. One does need to take care with this. If there is no one about then this is where the tennis ball comes in.
Find a wall that you can lean your back against, place the tennis ball at the area where you feel the pain. Put a little bit of weight into the tennis ball and gently massage the area. When you are used to this you can go a little bit further by bending your knees and rolling the tennis ball up and down the wall and varying the weight into the wall as you feel fit.
Now as you are in an office you may get strange looks. You may also get some comments from your manager etc; if they are switched on to your health they will understand and may even suggest that you go to a room for privacy, great if that is the case. More often than not it isn't.
Companies who are really switched on engage masseurs and body workers to go into offices to give remedial work to the workers.
A simple suggestion for those with back pain. Place two tennis balls into a sock and tie the end off. If you can, lay on the floor and place the tennis balls which are in the sock into your lower back just above the hips with your knees bent. Now it may seem strange to do this - private or otherwise, if you haven't done this before as your body doesn't know what to expect so go gentle.
Now you can stay there and gently massage your lower back by rolling the tennis balls up and down your spine by just an inch or so. Be aware that your clothes will ride up and get caught in the tennis balls. Ideally this is done with bare skin so it is not appropriate to do on the office floor! However, if you can find a locked room, and do this that will be great as you will be able to relax into it.
By rolling your body up and down over the balls you will be massaging the muscles around the spine and also helping to re-align the spine from poor posture etc. You can also do this with just a single tennis ball into man area of the shoulder or lower back.
Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher. Glen is a yoga expert whom loves to teach you how to lose your neck, shoulder and back pain with yoga.
Dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back Pain.
For further information and your FREE Yoga and You report go to you FREE Introduction Audio CD go to
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Back Pain and Balls - Part 1
Glen WoodWith back pain we all have different ways of dealing with it depending on how severe it is. It may be lower back pain, middle or upper back pain or neck and shoulder pain. It depends on how much pain we are in.
For instance, if we a little shoulder pain, just a twinge, then we may just rub it a few times and think nothing of it. However, if it is a start to something that may develop into something more severe then we cannot really afford to ignore it. Our bodies are really excellent with taken on board imbalances, a little ache here and there just dismiss it as a layer. We tend to just bury it, and then over a period of time that layer gets deeper.
Then we have another little ache or pain and we do the same thing and bury it further. The body then takes a view and says they are not listening to our body so we will now may the ailment/pain more stronger, to a point that will incapacitate us. The body may just lock up.
It may be that when it starts out small, this is the pain or stiffness etc that it's not worth the bother and it will go away. Sometimes this is true, if it does go away and not buried that's great. If it does just that.
If we an office worker at the keyboard for example, a lot of back, neck and shoulder pain come from these professions and are ignored by office managers and are a real concern. Offices, work places that are not conducive to how the body needs to be, posture etc are losing money big time through loss of time off because of injury.
The companies with foresight are winning hands down who do concern themselves with getting it right for their employees. A stress less employee is a happy employee and will be more productive than one who has stress. This is not new, it's been around for decades and companies still ignore the welfare of their employees to their cost.
A simple thing as a tennis ball could work wonders to avert any stress in the neck and shoulders as well as back pain, again depending on how severe it is. Let's take s situation of shoulder pain as we are dealing with workers in the office as such.
Let's say that we have pain developing in our left shoulder or both, you choose. What I am to suggest please keep an open mind.
Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher. Glen is a yoga expert who loves to teach you how to lose your neck, shoulder or back pain with yoga. Dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back Pain.
For further information and your FREE Yoga and You report go to
For your FREE Introduction Audio CD go to
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A Younger Mindset With Yoga and Tai Chi
Stephanie YoungerAnxiety syndrome and panic attacks are a very common result of living life in the fast lane....and it's something we cannot and should not ignore. The problem with most people is that the moment the words 'look up a psychiatrist' are uttered, they reel back in shock and their fort of defense goes up.... 'I am not going crazy!'
No, you're not. No one is. But if looking up a psychiatrist isn't exactly what you're looking for, here are some things you should know if you don't get some help. Anxiety and panic not only makes your life a misery, it also ages you by a lot if you don't learn how to relax yourself. Fact two, there are other ways to relieve the symptoms of anxiety and stress (apart from looking up a psychiatrist) and that would be to count on alternative therapy which does NOT cost a lot, is easy to follow and you have many different options to choose from. Pick one that works best for you, that is my advice.
Tai Chi, yoga, meditation, religion and spirituality, prayers, chanting and hypnosis are just a few of the many different types of ways you can use to control the way your mind wanders to areas it should not wander into. Once you've learned how to control your mind with mindful thoughts of the present, you will be happier person. And a happier person is always a more beautiful person who looks and behave younger. Learn to let things go and go with the flow, like they always say, it will do you a world of good.
Tai chi and yoga are extremely powerful methods of combating stress and relaxing the mind. Yes, it has its roots in the East but if you open your mind a little, you'll be able to find your way to a more beautiful you.....inside and outside. If enrolling yourself into a class full of experts bothers you, this is what you can to the nearest DVD store and get your hands on one of those do-it-at-home videos. Plug it into the TV and do it right there in your living room. It's fun, you'll see.
Yoga and Tai Chi is considered, by most, a mind and body relaxation therapy. Yoga not only stretches the limbs but it also stretches the mind. Tai Chi, in the meantime, will slow down your the flowing river water....and promotes activity without stress and reduces the risk of illnesses.
Both Yoga and Tai Chi involves the whole body therefore, you become physically fitter and mentally more agile. You'll also be in a better position to battle the onslaughts of everyday living without bringing stress with you when you're trying to go to bed at night.
Once the benefits of practicing either yoga or Tai Chi sinks in and you start seeing signs of improvement in the way you feel, one day, you're going to wake up, look in the mirror and see a
younger and more beautiful 'you'.
Stephanie Younger is part of a rapidly growing New York-based company, Harvey Prince & Co. The company is responsible for the discovery of the revolutionary anti-aging fragrance that can help its wearers look, feel and behave eight years younger. To find out more information about how Ageless Fantasy can help reverse the hands of time by visiting right now.
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Proper Breathing Can Enhance Your Yoga Positions
Dennis FrancisMany yoga positions are geared to improve your posture. Like dance, yoga when done right uplifts the practitioner and helps to strengthen the spine and neck. One of the most important aspects of yoga postures is the breathing rhythm.
Pranayama is the science of breath control. By controlling your breathing, yoga practitioners discover how to control their thoughts and emotions. New practitioners are taught to first focus on the form of the posture and the motion and position of their bodies. The Asanas or exercises are the physical aspect of yoga. This aspect develops your physical form; it allows you to build a strong foundation for what is to follow.
What most new practitioners don't yet realize is that proper breathing consists of five of the eight fold path of yoga. Proper breathing is important for a number of reasons; the breathing itself is controlled to affect the body chemistry as you move and pose. It also controls the mind by giving focus to your mind and emotions.
Once you are able to get your muscles to accept the movements and postures as a natural part of its routine, your mind must begin to focus on the control of your diaphragm. There are complex actions going on when you attempt to take over from your autonomic system.
Breathing is an automatic system for a very good reason, if everyone had to control their daily intake and exhalation of air, I guarantee you that people would be dead as soon as they fall asleep.
What we learn to do in yoga is breathe on purpose. The cerebral cortex allows us to take over from the autonomic system to control our body's ability to take in air and expel it at our conscious will. Controlled breathing can alter our biology in profound ways. We can slow our heartbeat, our blood pressure and even affect our brain chemistry.
Executing yoga postures strengthens our bodies, our backs, knees and the arms. As you get used to practicing yoga positions everyday, you can begin to gain insight into the benefits of the breathing exercises.
Certain types of advanced breathing techniques can enrich your levels of oxygen in the blood stream and decreasing the levels of carbon dioxide. The effect is like going up to the high altitude mountains. Practitioners can sharpen their senses and reach a heightened level of awareness.
Thoracic breathing occurs in the chest. The shoulders and chest do most of the work which causes a more shallow breath. Thoracic breathing in yoga is used for therapeutic reasons. Chest breathers tend to feel short of breath and will tend to yawn.
Paradoxical breathing takes the chest breathing exercise to the extreme. During this exercise, the chest is expanded and abdomen is constricted to a large degree. Paradoxical breathing stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and stimulates your flight or fight response.
Abdominal breathing is a natural, relaxed form of breath control that reaches deeply into the diaphragm. The diaphragm plays an important part in your full breathing regimen. Lung volume is increased and your blood volume will increase as well.
You can practice abdominal breathing while lying in the prone position. Breathe through your nostrils as evenly and as deeply as you can while filling your lungs. Your abdomen will rise as your lungs expand; you'll be able to monitor the movement of your diaphragm. Make sure that your chest remains motionless during the exercise.
These exercises allow your mind and body to work together for harmonious integration. Yoga breathing exercises cover a lot more than what I've covered in this article. There are even complex systems of breathing for sex, sports, illness recovery, spiritual growth and health maintenance.
Very few of us use the full capacity of our respiratory system. Our lifestyles and priorities lead to several complications popularly called - lifestyle disorders. Many of the diseases we face later in life are based on our priorities as young men and women. Yoga can help you to deprogram your nervous system to give you full control of your breathing capacity.
If you are older and suffer from asthma, COPD, or other pulmonary ailment, yoga gives you an opportunity to help your system get back to optimal health. Be sure to practice breath control once you have achieved familiarity with your postures and poses. Trying to master both at once can be daunting for a beginner.
For more information on combating disease and getting fit with yoga, visit our website.
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Weight Loss With Yoga
Jennifer PereiraCan you really use yoga for weight loss? Yes. Most people write off yoga as simply being stretching. If you walk into a class at your gym, though, you will probably walk out with a very different perception of this type of exercise. In fact, a typical class can burn approximately the same number of calories as doing any other form of moderate cardio activity.
When you are doing yoga, you are actually doing resistance exercise as well. Think weight lifting when you hear resistance training. The weight you are lifting is your own body weight, and this can be extremely effective. This type of activity will strengthen your muscles just like any other resistance exercise would.
It is easy to find variations on exercises you would typically use in training. Yoga is full of types of lunges, squats, push-ups, etc. The reason yoga is more fun is because you are not thinking of these poses as exercises in the traditional sense. Yoga seems more like an art. You see your beautiful body reflected back to you from the mirror, and you start to appreciate it more fully.
One of the more subtle reasons yoga is effective for weight loss is that it helps you mentally as well as physically. When you begin finding a level of peace in your day, you decrease your need for less effective coping strategies. By this I mean 'emotional eating'. Most people think they don't do this-but anytime you eat for reasons other than hunger, there is something going on for you.
Obviously decreasing non-hunger eating will decrease your overall intake. This would result in weight reduction by itself. Yoga can help you get 'out of your head' for a while. When you get good at this during yoga, you begin to improve this ability during your everyday life as well.
If you can commit to doing yoga 3-5 days a week, you will certainly begin to see some weight loss results. Yoga promotes some really beautiful physical results. It can take you by surprise because it does not seem like the kind of exercise that would change your body. Sometimes you get stuck in the mentality that you have to hate the exercise for it to be beneficial. No pain, no gain, right? No, that is not true. You don't have to torture your body into submission. You can actually be really kind to it, and you will be very pleased with how it responds.
Jennifer Pereira, RD, LD, CSCS is a Registered/Licensed Dietitian, and Certified Strength/Conditioning Specialist. She works in her private practice in Arlington, Texas. If you would like to learn more about yoga for weight loss, please visit her frequently updated blog . For further information on finding balance with a healthy lifestyle, you can visit .
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Yoga For Women Basics
Malc MooreYoga for women will give a healthy way of life absent of any stress or strain, every woman should begin her day with breath yoga.
The first thing to do when you get out of bed is to sit on a mat and hug your knees. Then lift your legs high in the air and hold this position till your head clears. The next thing to do is to bend down and touch your forehead to your shins until you're ready to go shower and start your day.
Many people including women abuse themselves physically from the very moment they get out of bed, with cigarettes, caffeine, and the wrong type of exercise or even no exercise at all. There on many fitness regimes that practice a very tough and aggressive approach like jogging on a hard pavement or doing 50 pressups.
The approach to well-being or fitness in life should be a less strenuous and aggressive one by working at your own pace on being kind to your body. The tip here is to be more gentle with yourself and take your time.
A good balanced routine should center on the yoga postures you have been taught by your trainer. You should do some breath yoga combine with some stretches.
Yoga for women can be strenuous, but is usually not painful, and boy does it give you a great workout. It will also strengthen a body that as been plagued by injury. Doing yoga will help build strength and muscle definition and flexibility. Spend about 60 minutes on breath yoga five days a week.
Yoga basics to a healthy balance life:
Always trying to work on your weakest points, the biggest mistake is to focus on areas of your body that are strong.
Don't lose focus during your workouts, try focusing internally, ask yourself how do you feel mentally, physically, and emotionally, not forgetting spiritually to, also ask is there anything that needs special attention today.
You should practice yoga for women in the early morning or early evening, a good guide or rule of thumb would be one hour after a snack or approximately three to four hours after a main meal.
Yoga is a great way to start your day and for keeping fit and relaxed, for more practical tips on
yoga for women and
breath yoga, please go to our web site.
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What is a Yoga Kit?
Michael JJ WilliamsIf you have decided you need some exercise or want to relax your muscles, yoga is a great way to do both. Yoga is a type of exercise that allows you to concentrate on your body and ranges from light calming movements to extreme and demanding positions, it is all up to you. Yoga can serve to give you relaxation or get you ready for more strenuous things you want to do.
Regardless of what you use yoga for it is important to have the right equipment for your exercises. A yoga kit has everything you need to follow your favorite yoga routine.
You will get everything you need for any yoga session whether doing it at home or at a facility for yoga classes. There are many kits on the market for yoga; you will find the simple basic kit or the kits for the more advanced user. A mat is included in all the kits whether simple or advanced; it has a sticky backing so that it does not slide on the floor when you are using it. The yoga mat will let you do any yoga position with confidence and comfort when working on the floor. You need to do a little research to find a yoga mat to fit your needs and provides you with the comfort you like when doing your yoga exercises.
You need to check and see just what is included in your yoga kit, as some may not contain all the things you want or need. The kits that have videos to show you how to do the yoga positions are excellent for those just starting out with yoga. There are also kits for those who are going to a regular yoga class and just need something to continue their exercises at home. If you are doing yoga practice at home, you will want to have the foam blocks for balance and a strap to let you reach further so you will be able to pull yourself into the position you desire using your hands.
There are various sizes of equipment designed for smaller or larger people; this means you can buy a kit to fit your particular height. A person who is tall will need a longer mat, this way they will have no worry when doing the stretching exercises or just lying down on the mat. You will also want to consider how much all this equipment weights and whether or not everything will fit in a bag that you can carry easily when going to and from practice. You will not be comfortable carrying a large heavy bag around when going to and from your car.
Take the time to consider your needs and look at everything available before buying a yoga kit. You want to ensure you are completely satisfied with the kit before making a purchase. The kit you purchase will have a big effect on how well you perform when doing your yoga routines, so take the time and effort to make a good choice.
Michael JJ Williams is the owner of
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Using Yoga Cleansing to Regulate Type 2 Diabetes
Dennis FrancisFor those who suffer from type 2 diabetes, it is a life changing situation. Diabetes can cause heart disease, stroke, amputations, kidney failure, blindness etc and it can remain undetected for years. If you are overweight, pregnant or over 50, it is important to get checked for diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes develops due to a diminished production of insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, and was previously known as juvenile diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar (glucose), starches and other food into energy needed for daily life.
Type 2 diabetes develops due to resistance to insulin effects and is mostly associated with obesity. In type 2 diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin. Insulin is necessary for the body to be able to use glucose for energy.
Yoga can help to regulate your mind and body while cleansing your system. Yoga has several parts- asana, pranayama and shatkarma. Asanas (postures) and Pranayama (breathing techniques) are quite popular and widely practiced but today only a few people practice Shatkarmas (Yoga cleansing practices).
By taking up yoga your quality of life can vastly improved. If you dedicate yourself to the daily practice of yoga, the practice can help to reduce your stress hormones, bring a feeling of calm and relaxation and at the same time help to reduce the effects of type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes can be prevented. It is not a foregone conclusion to get the disease or to fall victim to its effects once contracting it. The best method of prevention is a balanced diet and exercise program that regularly cleanses your system and lowers your stress level.
Yoga provides a stress reducing regimen and a vigorous exercise program that can reduce your fat level and strengthen your body. If you become a serious practitioner, you can master the ancient cleansing arts. In order to perform these rituals, you should find an accomplished yoga master.
There are six practices used in Yoga cleansing; they are Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Tratak, Nauli and Kapalbhati.
Dhauti is an important yoga system of cleaning. It has four distinct types.
Antar (internal) Dhauti - This further divided into Vatsara Dhauti (Expelling air through the anus).
Varisara Dhauti (Purging water through the bowels).
Vahnisara Dhauti (rapid expansion and contraction of the abdomen).
Bahiskrita Dhauti (washing the rectum in the hands).
Hrida (cardiac) Dhauti - It has three kinds of practices Danda Dhauti (Inserting soft banana stem in the stomach).
Vastra Dhauti (Swallowing a long thin strip of cloth)
Vaman Dhauti (Regurgitating the contents of the stomach).
Basti - This practice of colon cleansing has two parts Jala (water) Sthal (Dry) basti (Air is sucked in this case).
Neti - this yogic nasal irrigation technique is of four types Jala (water) Neti (passing warm saline water through the nose) Sutra (thread) Neti (passing a soft thread through the nose) Ghrita (ghee) Neti (passing clarified butter through the nose).
Dugdha (milk) Neti (passing of milk through the nose.
Tratak - A yoga exercise for the eyes, it involves steady and continuous gazing at a point of concentration. It is further subdivided into:
Hantar (internal) Trataka, and Bahir (external ) Tratak.
Nauli - A yoga abdominal cleansing technique which serves to massage the internal organs of the body. In this the abdominal muscles are isolated and churned. It has three parts akshin Nauli (when muscles are isolated to the right). Vama Nauli (left) Madhyama Nauli (middle).
Kapalbhati - this mind detoxification technique of yoga has three components Vatkrama Kapalbhati (similar to bhastrika pranayama). Vyutkrama Kapalbhati (sucking water in through the nose and expelling it through the mouth) Sheetkrama Kapalbhati.
Using yoga to reduce your stress, cleansing your body and mind as well as building your body is a great way to stave off the effects of diabetes. If you are working pro-actively to reduce your chances of contracting Type 2 diabetes, cleansing and working out regularly can help you to combat the disease.
For more information on combating disease and getting fit with yoga, visit our website.
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Yoga - For the Nose
Stacy SeebartThe practice of nasal cleansing has been used by Yoga and Ayurveda Practitioners for thousands of years. This practice is called "Neti." It is one of the six purification techniques performed as a way to prepare the body for yoga practice. This simple technique uses lukewarm water as an irrigation process to gently cleanse the nasal passages. As the gentle flow of salt water (similar to the concentration of your tears) flows through your nasal passage it will help wash away bacteria and viruses.
You may have heard of the Neti Pot recently from articles in the Minneapolis Star and Tribune or possibly on Oprah. Many people nationwide are discussing its benefits and why it has become so popular. Unfortunately with the rise of pollution and chemicals in our environment-what follows is a rise in sinus infections and respiratory illnesses.
A natural way to avoid these issues is to adapt to the practice of Neti just like you would with brushing your teeth in your daily routine. Find a Neti Pot that best suits your nostrils. They come in many shapes and sizes, plastic and ceramic. Most Neti Pots will come with full instructions on how to use them and a salt mixture for you to make your own saline solution at home.
This practice will be very helpful if you are irritated by allergies to pollen, dust or chemical irritants.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and these materials are products and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Stacy Seebart, Massage Therapist, Pranassage Practitioner, Interdisciplinary Yoga Teacher
Stacy Seebart approaches bodywork holistically, drawing from many modalities, always with the intention of helping to connect the body, mind, and spirit. She is a graduate of New England Academy of Therapeutic Sciences in Dublin, New Hampshire, and has worked as a massage therapist since 2001.
Stacy is also a Pranassage Practitioner and Interdisciplinary Yoga Teacher. She is a graduate of the Nosara Yoga Institute in Nosara, Costa Rica. She is on faculty at NYI as a teaching assistant for the annual 100-hour Pranassage Practitioner Training. As Stacy has continued her yoga studies, she has focused on Yoga Therapy. Visit Aagesen Chiropractic Clinic at for more information.
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Health & Yoga
Pradeep MahajanDisease is the disappearance of natural ease.
Yoga philosophy aims at the prevention of the loss of our ease and peace. Most of the modern problems are due to wrong habits like -- smoking, drinking, eating the wrong foods, over eating and stress.
Yoga aims at putting us back into natural living. Yoga follows certain path to attain this. First of this is Asanas -- physical postures. Asanas give mild pressures to certain body parts, squeezes out the toxins and provides fresh blood circulation to those areas.
The second is to educate people about how to breathe better. This is Pranayama. It is proved experimentally that we normally take only about 500 mls ( mls--millilitres ) instead of 3700 mls which our normal lung capacity. With proper practice of pranayama we can increase our lung capacity slowly.
Pranayama allows the entire body to get oxygenated and burns out toxins from cells. By breathing alone, we can prevent and cure many ailments.
The best way of course is not to put any toxins in our system. Our food should contain clean nutrition, free from any toxins easily digestible.
The same holds good for the mind. The mind is constantly fed upon our thoughts. Thought is the food for the mind. Thoughts affect both mind and body.
Meditation is recommended in Yoga. First you need to know your present thoughts. Then you need to fill the mind with proper thoughts. Lead a dedicated, selfless life. Do everything for the joy of doing it. That is yoga. This is the yoga way to clean the body and mind so you can truly enjoy the life. You are relaxed and in good health.
By : M.Pradeep
Also visit for more information on health, fitness & wellness.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of a Natural Yoga Mat
Robert ProbertWhat is the most recommended yoga mat and what are the advantages of using one? Well this article will endeavor which is best suited for you and why it is so. The natural mat is the best one so far. It is getting many of good reviews ever since its first appearance in the market. The materials used in this are pure rubber extracts.
Thus, it has no harmful chemicals that can cause irritations in your skin unlike most of the mats of today that contain Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC). Prolonged contact with PVC contents can have various effects on the health of the user. A natural mat is therefore good for the body since it does not cause any negative side effects.
If you are going to make a research about the natural rubber yoga mat, you will find out that they are actually the one recommended by yoga professionals. The composition is solely 100% rubber and free from any synthetic materials. A drawback of using a natural rubber one is its rubber smell. However, if you can tolerate a slight odor of rubber while you are doing yoga, then this will suit you best.
Another drawback of the rubber yoga mat is its quite heavy compared to other mats. For this reason, it is not suitable for travelling yoga practitioners. Unlike the travelling version, the natural rubber mat cannot be folded or rolled thus it cannot fit in small bags. In addition, carrying it around for transport is a little exhausting.
Some of the advantages of using the all-natural yoga mat is it can allow the user to be more daring in practicing yoga positions. Being 100% pure rubber, has a high traction giving the yoga practitioner a better grip of the supporting surface. This is actually necessary because if the mat is slippery chances are the practitioner will sustain an injury due to accidental slips.
Another great thing with the natural rubber yoga mat is its thick enough to give support and comfort to the user. This is good for practitioners who want to remain in the lotus position and meditate for several hours. The comfort is for lessening the amount of stress the body of the practitioner is going through. This would allow him or her to practice yoga for as long as the yogi likes it.
There are many places that you can buy a natural rubber mat. Most sport stores keep a stock of mats for yoga however, not all of them have the natural rubber version available. Thus, if you are looking for an all-natural one, you may want to try to look through the Internet.
To sum it all, a natural rubber yoga mat has many benefits to the user. With the current pace of advancement in technology, soon, all the drawbacks of the natural version will also be gone.
Thus, if you want to start practicing yoga, take into consideration the mat that you are going to use.
Robert has extensive knowledge on
yoga mats, and also provides information on many
yoga products.
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5 Critical Things You Need to Know About Yoga
Veronica VolkYoga is very popular among fitness fanatics. Just like any other exercise, the purpose of yoga is to help the practicing individual to achieve healthy state within their body and mind.
Several important yoga principles can be explained through five key points, all of which are listed below.
1) Complete Relaxation - This principle is all about proper relaxation and releasing muscle tension, and as such, Yoga revolves around maintaining a sense of peace and tranquility. Putting the mind and body into a state of self-realization is the main focus of Yoga. This helps to rejuvenate the nervous system, and at the same time reveals an effortless means of gaining true happiness and internal peace.
2) The Right Diet - It is true that you are what you eat. The food that you put into your body has a big impact on your thinking. Neglecting your body of proper nutrition can cause a mental deficiency, and this will cause roadblocks in your path to self-discovery. Keeping a balanced diet will nourish your body surely, but also your mind.
3) Breathing Correctly - It is critical that you master Yoga breathing exercises. Breathing correctly uses all parts of the lungs, and so, the intake of oxygen is increased. One of the ideals of Yoga is that every breath contains the energy of life, and you can improve your well-being by breathing properly.
4) Correct Exercise - Movement and exercise are two things for which your body was created and designed. Yoga forms a very important part of this very principle. The various postures and stretches that comprise Yoga should, for the most part, be performed in a certain order. It is normal that each pose should challenge you, but at the same time, you want to be careful not to over-do it. Yoga exercises help to improve the regulation of blood flow, and they also relax the muscles and spine making you more flexible.
5) Positive Meditation - Yoga meditation is soothing and very relaxing to the mind and body. It helps to remove negative thoughts, and so improves the flow of positivity through the mind. This gives you control over stress in your life and those things which may cause you to worry.
Keep these points in mind if, and when you make the choice to practice Yoga. You will then be able to remain focused on your goal of becoming balanced within your body and mind.
Hopefully, you have learned something new about yoga in this article as yoga is a great way to get in shape, get a stronger body, lose weight and get your mind and body in balance. Check out to find more exclusive yoga tips and yoga related products!
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Some Tips About Yoga Sandals
Malc MooreWhether you should buy some yoga sandals to wear in your class is a decision only you can make. A has to be said, however most people prefer to be barefoot. On the other hand some people do like to wear something on their feet. You could give barefoot a try, and if that doesn't work buy some sandals. Your feet need to have a good grip on the floor all mat, because being balanced in almost all the positions is important.
You will have a choice of color when buying your new sandals with browns and blacks being the most popular with both sexes. Quite a few people actually like to wear sandals but don't wear them in class.
Yoga sandals are unlike other types of footwear that are designed for martial arts. They have four supports for your toes to fit into, unlike normal sandals which only have one support. They certainly help keep your balance and not put all of your weight on the bones of your feet. They help your toes by stopping them curling up which in turn helps your balance and circulation.
Different natural styles.
Yoga sandals can help you become healthier when walking, this is because they use certain principles that allow your body to get into physical alignment, which is obviously very healthy. You might be interested know that Beech Sandal Company of Australia holds the trademark for this type of sandal.
More and more people around the world are becoming environmentally aware and are try to live more naturally. So many stores are offering holistic products such as environmentally friendly sandals. Generally, these eco-friendly and holistic fashion products copy or model Hindu traditional attire such as sandals and robes.
Funnily enough, in India, Yoga is practiced barefoot so you don't actually see many people in sandals.
The designers at Beech Sandal Company of Australia, noticed that in order to stop nail varnish from smudging professional pedicurists employed to holders. This was the idea that inspired the shoemakers to manufacture yoga sandals.
Malc has been interested in yoga for many years and likes the
airex yoga mat and
yoga sticky mats, for more interesting topics about yoga please check out his website.
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Yoga For Beginners - Eight Easy Ways to Be a Good Yogi
Ntathu AllenCongratulations! You have made the decision to start yoga. You have brought your first yoga mat, a pair of pants, read a few books and seen Madonna perform some amazing moves in her latest videos.
After the exhilaration of attending your first class and chatting with the other students, you begin to realise there is a lot more to yoga, than meets the eye. In the changing room, you overhear snippets of conversation - "yeah, she is a good yogi" or "I know, that wasn't a very yogic thing to do..."
You leave, full and wonder, what is a "Good Yogi?"
We live in a fast-age. Results are wanted straight away. You want to be a "Good Yogi", yet heard, it takes lifetimes to be one. This may be so. However there are several things you can do, in this lifetime, to get your foot on the ladder and be a "Good Yogi.
Eight Easy Ways To Be A Good Yogi
1. Release All Judgement This is the golden rule for anybody who is serious about becoming a Good Yogi. You have to release all preconceived ideas and stereotypes about others and you're self.
2. Accept Yourself and Where You Are In Your Journey This relates closely to point #1. You have to be able to accept yourself, as you are, warts and all. The more you accept yourself, the easier it becomes for you to accept others as they are.
3. Respect Yourself When you practice "respect", you give your best to every situation. You have clear boundaries on what you are able to do, and willingly do what you say you are going o do. People can trust you to follow through.
4. You Show Up Even on days when you don't feel like practicing yoga or meditation, you show up on your mat, maybe when you feel like this, you just lie down and relax for 5 minutes. That's fine. It is the thought that counts.
5. Take Time To Tune In During your day, take time to regularly stop what you are doing and consciously reconnect with your breath. Be aware of how you are breathing and what thoughts come to the surface as you finish your internal check. Taking time to stop, breathe and be present often gives you the breathing space you need to make correct choices, or say the right thing.
6. Be Open, Honest And Compassionate When asked to give your opinion about something, maybe a friend has a new hair cut or your partner has written a book and asked you to review it. Give your honest opinion but do it in a way which considers the other person's feelings. Be compassionate with your reply
7. Give Thanks And Show Gratitude This is probably the most important quality required to be a "Good Yogi". Showing gratitude, saying thank you, doing some thing for nothing, are all positive yogic attributes. When you show appreciation, you share a part of yourself, you are saying thank you to the universe for enabling you to say thank you and to ask for more
8. Adopt A Yogic Lifestyle Being a Good Yogi isn't just about being physically flexible and supple by practicing asanas (yoga postures) and eating healthier. It is a conscious choice you make to live your life in a particular way - one that embraces all of the above attributes.
As you can see, being a Good Yogi is a way of being, of living in the world.
So, there you go, include these seven tips in your daily life and hey presto, before you know it, other people will be looking at you and saying "yeah, she is a good yogi"
"And now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to my Special Report "Yoga Exercises and Breathing Exercises to Ease You Into Your Day" when you visit - Start your day with a smile, a relaxed body and a more peaceful mind."
From Ntathu Allen - Sivananda Yoga Teacher and Registered Polarity Therapist.
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A Pregnancy Yoga DVD Aids You in Dealing With Pregnancy
Jill BorashYour body goes through umpteen alterations as you progress throughout your pregnancy. You get the option of how to handle these alterations and the way you will respond to all of them. It can be troublesome going from time to time, particularly when your body does not even feel like your body at times. Each woman manages these changes in different ways but you invariably have a choice in the way you manage them. A productive and helpful way to deal with them is to use a prenatal yoga DVD.
It might aid you get in tune with your body and the shifts going on within and outside of it. Getting in tune with your body might help you cope with all of those changes and come to a place of understanding and acceptance with them.
One area that a pregnancy yoga DVD may aid you to do is merely experience your body. The stretches and various yoga positions which you do may aid you find where your body is tense and may help you to loosen that area. As you go on in your pregnancy, there is so much of additional weight tugging at your back that doing these stretches can help you unwind your back and feel improved.
Another terrific thing about a prenatal yoga DVD is that it can help you deal with your ever-changing body with the deep breathing techniques taught. Most of us do not really take a breath in the manner we should (from the diaphragm, not from the chest) and yoga can assist you do that. These breathing techniques are fantastic for helping you tune in and listening to your body.
A few deep breaths can have you actually get grounded in your body and experiencing each area of it. Closing your eyes as you breathe in and out can assist you ground and focus yourself. This may aid you get in touch with what is occurring inside your body.
Another thing which you will discover on a pregnancy yoga DVD which may assist you manage your altering body is meditation practices. Once again, this is a great way for you to merely loosen up, center on your body and your growing child, and relax into your body. Taking the time to merely sense your body and what is taking place in it. A terrific thing to do is to just welcome the alteration as you get in touch with your body throughout your meditation. Merely concentrate and unwind. Permit your body state to you what is coming about with it and what it wants. If you just heed, it will tell you.
Having time with a
prenatal yoga DVD to unwind yourself and get in touch with your body can assist you handle the alterations that are coming about in your body right now. Simply allow yourself to slow down and realize what is coming about in it. Acquire additional free pre natal yoga help at
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Beginners Guide to Yoga - How to Do 3 Popular Yoga Balancing Poses
Ntathu AllenAs a beginner yoga student, it is essential you learn how to do the basic yoga poses correctly before trying out variations and more advanced poses.
There are numerous ways in which you can learn how to do yoga, for instance, you can attend classes at your local yoga centre, invest in a personal yoga teacher and have lessons in the comfort of your own home, or even buy a yoga DVD.
Yoga poses can be divided into five main categories - twisting poses, forward bend poses, backbends, inverted poses and standing poses. As a yoga teacher, I aim to teach students the correct alignment of poses and most importantly ways you can incorporate yoga into your every day life. For instances, if you are at work and find it difficult to concentrate and focus your mind on a particular task, then practicing a standing balancing pose helps you to refocus your mind, concentrate and regain your sense of inner balance.
3 Popular Yoga Balancing Poses
Practice the following 3 yoga balancing poses anytime you feel scattered or disorientated. They will help to ground your energy and improve your ability to concentrate.
As with all forms of exercise, take your time to get into the pose, listen to your breath and be gentle with yourself when you are in the pose.
The key to any balancing pose is to focus on an external point, such as a still object ahead of you and to keep your attention on it as you hold the pose.
1. The Tree Pose - Vrkasana
The tree pose encourages your mind to become calmer and steadier. It is a beautiful pose which encourages you to not only balance on one leg but also to focus on the connection your feet make with the earth and the upwards reach of your arms to the sky.
1. Stand tall and straight and look at a fixed point at eye level.
2. Transfer your weight completely on to your left leg. Bend your right knee and bring your right foot gently against your upper inner left thigh. Gently squeeze your foot and thigh together. If this feels uncomfortable and you have difficulty maintaining your balance in this position, then just lower your foot and rest your right foot besides your left ankle with your toes just touching the floor.
3. Raise your arms up over your head, gently bringing your palms together and releasing your shoulder blades down.
4. Breathe deeply for 10 - 20 rounds of deep breathing. Whilst in the pose, feel the soles of your foot connect with the ground, lower your tail-bone and keep both sides of your waist up and lift up through your abdomen.
5. Lower your right leg and repeat the pose on your opposite leg.
2. The Eagle Pose
The eagle pose is excellent to help you achieve a clear, focused mind. Your arms and legs are wrapped up which encourages circulation to the limbs.
1. Stand in Mountain Pose. Then stand on the right leg, knee slightly bent. Wrap the left leg around it so that the toes of the left foot are on the inside of the right ankle.
2. Wrap your arms over your chest with your fingers stretching over your shoulder-blades. Place the left arm over the right.
3. Keep your elbows close together as possible. Bring your palms together.
4. Bend as low as you can and hold the position, squeezing your arms and legs together.
5. Stay in this balancing position for 10 - 20 breaths. Release the legs and arms and come back to the Mountain Pose. Repeat on the other side.
3. Boat Pose - Paripurna Navasana
This seated balancing pose is ideal to strengthen and tone the stomach muscles. It increases the circulation in the abdomen and relieves lower backache by strengthening the spinal muscles. As you focus and balance on your buttocks, your mind becomes calmer and steadier.
1. Sit on the floor on a blanket or yoga mat. Place your hands on the floor beside your hips.
2. Lean back slightly, bend your knees and raise your bent legs, stretching them forwards.
3. Keep both legs straight. If this is too uncomfortable bend your knees. Balance on your buttocks. Have the feet in line with your eyes.
4. Stretch both arms forwards, keeping them parallel to the floor with palms facing one another.
5. Keep your awareness on stretching and lengthening your spine. Keep your chest open and take 10 - 20 rounds of deep breathing. Make sure you relax your shoulders and neck muscles.
6. Exhale and return your legs to the floor.
So, there you go. Three essential yoga balancing poses to help you concentrate focus your mind and promote a deeper sense of inner balance. The more time you spend practicing these yoga poses, the easier in becomes for you to stay calm and centred in your daily life.
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From Ntathu Allen - Sivananda Yoga Teacher and Registered Polarity Therapist.
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