By Glen Wood
The pressure can also be adjusted by pushing into your feet and take the full body weight into the tennis balls, take care it can be a bit strong, it is a wonderful way of helping to release tension in the shoulders and back.
A simple method that works wonders with just simple tools, all you need to do is to keep an open mind. Of course I'm not suggesting that you ignore medical advice, as a yoga teacher and spinal therapist we have used these methods for many years and have been extremely effective - if you give it a go.
There will be some folk who do not want to do this for whatever reason. It maybe through a fear of some kind, fear of stepping into the unknown, fear of SUCCESS.
That's a strange one. Fear of success? Again keep an open mind. There are some who do not want to get better, they use their condition as a crutch as a way of getting attention, a control drama, remember keep an open mind. WE ALL HAVE ISSUES.
For those that wish to take the tennis ball method a stage further. Instead of using a tennis ball use a pebble. That's right a pebble. The rounder the pebble the gentler the approach. A pebble which is triangular in shape will go deeper into the area so you need to take extra care and I mean extra care so go gently, your body will tell you if it's too much so listen to it.
Pebble work. We have chosen a pebble which is about 3-4 inches round, about 4-8 cms for those who are metric.
We are going to work the gluteal muscles, the buttocks which tend to give concern to many.
While laying on your back (this can be done clothed) lift your hips and place the pebble under the buttock below your hip. If you are uncertain which one to do first do them both, the one that feels the most tension is the one that needs the work most.
Just rest your body on the pebble and gently begin to move your hip around on the pebble, your searching for those tight areas, this will be the painful areas, stay with it, if you are gentle you will be ok. If you go in hard (not to be recommended) you will create further tension and those muscles will lock up and will need more work done so be GENTLE.
Only when you are ready, if you wish, you can go deeper. Let's say we are working the right side of the buttocks, you can gently bring your right leg across so the ankle is on the left leg above the knee and on your left thigh. This is deep work so take care, and very effective.
If you went to an osteopath he or she would use an elbow at this point, you are using a pebble, they both work. With pebble work you are in full control. Until the next time, take care.
Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher. Glen is a yoga expert whom loves to teach you how to lose your neck, shoulder and back pain with yoga.
Dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back Pain.
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