By Warren Marion
People commonly believe that worldly achievements and material successes are contrapuntal to yoga. But if we pause to ponder over the exact opposites that may result in poverty and failure, we realize that they are also not words that we would like to meditate upon. Then it occurs that if poverty and failure are not subjects of meditation then obviously success and prosperity is.
Pain may be inevitable, but why waste time thinking about it?
We affect the world by our thoughts. If our thoughts are positive it will reflect in the things happening to us likewise any negative thoughts are also bound to reflect. The driving force behind all human actions is faith. It is both the process and the end. Hence the evocation of me, the assertion that "I am" is of extreme importance. Because it is the thinking self that ultimately matters and teaching this self to focus on positive thoughts is the key to success. If one wants to receive the best everyday one must learn to think positively and expect the best.
If you attend a Yoga class, you will know that, of the many methods, the teacher or guru teaches while leading a meditation session- visualization is an important one. Visualization is an effective way to calm the nerves and reach a state of stasis. Once you are at peace with yourself this radiates through to your personality. Hence you grow as a person and the result is a self-confident individual with heightened self-image. This of course as all will realize ultimately leads to success. This success does not necessarily have to be material. It becomes clear if one were to observe a couple in love, happily married with children or good friends, that success does not mean riches only. Success could also mean happiness even when you are not too affluent.
The many fold benefits that Yoga offers are substantial and important. These benefits hold the potential to change your lives. Practicing yoga increases your concentration, improves your over all health and leads to a marked change in the way you view life. These are things that ultimately help you be happier in life, restore peace of mind and helps strengthen the ties that you have with your family and friends.
Ancient Indians prescribed meditation as a necessary part of a student's daily curriculum.
Meditation focuses one's mind and improves concentration and thus actively helps the mind while it pursues knowledge. Educators today are increasingly resorting back to this ancient wisdom and are acknowledging the value of meditation in increasing a student's academic performance. The modern day world with its fast lifestyles has peer groups pressing young minds to be cool and popular, goals that can be achieved by partying late etc. This makes one stray from the real goals especially when one is in college which necessarily means that you are no longer staying at home. Staying in the right part asks for quite a lot of discipline.
However this is not to say that distractions are present for young adults only. Temptations are ever present and ever ready to engulf us when we least suspect it. Yoga meditation can help ward off these temptations by helping us to stay more in control of our minds, bodies and emotions and by making us more steady and balanced individuals. Needless to say yoga meditation is not easy for it makes demands not only of one's mind but of one's body as well. But the aim of yoga is not bodily comfort but the separation of the mind from worldly goods.
Yoga meditation if cultivated for a sustained period holds the potential to widen our senses and make us more acutely aware both our inner and outer selves. Meditation actively affects one's outer environment and makes personal goal more accessible. It also ensures that one is at harmony not only with oneself but also with the outside world. It gives a person a greater insight into the nature of things and helps one understand the world better. Biggest, among all the benefits that meditation lends, is the peace that creates the optimum milieu for achieving goals or simply living in harmony with nature. Once man is in harmony with himself and his world the basic human desire to find his own special place in the greater order of the universe is satiated.
Here's an excellent way to start enjoying the benefits of meditation today. The Deep Zen audio program is easy for anyone wanting to learn how to meditate - offering a free demo, and helps advanced meditators achieve deeper levels of meditation too. Try another free demo here: Totally Tranquil.
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