By Stacy Seebart
The practice of nasal cleansing has been used by Yoga and Ayurveda Practitioners for thousands of years. This practice is called "Neti." It is one of the six purification techniques performed as a way to prepare the body for yoga practice. This simple technique uses lukewarm water as an irrigation process to gently cleanse the nasal passages. As the gentle flow of salt water (similar to the concentration of your tears) flows through your nasal passage it will help wash away bacteria and viruses.
You may have heard of the Neti Pot recently from articles in the Minneapolis Star and Tribune or possibly on Oprah. Many people nationwide are discussing its benefits and why it has become so popular. Unfortunately with the rise of pollution and chemicals in our environment-what follows is a rise in sinus infections and respiratory illnesses.
A natural way to avoid these issues is to adapt to the practice of Neti just like you would with brushing your teeth in your daily routine. Find a Neti Pot that best suits your nostrils. They come in many shapes and sizes, plastic and ceramic. Most Neti Pots will come with full instructions on how to use them and a salt mixture for you to make your own saline solution at home.
This practice will be very helpful if you are irritated by allergies to pollen, dust or chemical irritants.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and these materials are products and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Stacy Seebart, Massage Therapist, Pranassage Practitioner, Interdisciplinary Yoga Teacher
Stacy Seebart approaches bodywork holistically, drawing from many modalities, always with the intention of helping to connect the body, mind, and spirit. She is a graduate of New England Academy of Therapeutic Sciences in Dublin, New Hampshire, and has worked as a massage therapist since 2001.
Stacy is also a Pranassage Practitioner and Interdisciplinary Yoga Teacher. She is a graduate of the Nosara Yoga Institute in Nosara, Costa Rica. She is on faculty at NYI as a teaching assistant for the annual 100-hour Pranassage Practitioner Training. As Stacy has continued her yoga studies, she has focused on Yoga Therapy. Visit Aagesen Chiropractic Clinic at for more information.
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