By Ntathu Allen
As a beginner yoga student, it is essential you learn how to do the basic yoga poses correctly before trying out variations and more advanced poses.
There are numerous ways in which you can learn how to do yoga, for instance, you can attend classes at your local yoga centre, invest in a personal yoga teacher and have lessons in the comfort of your own home, or even buy a yoga DVD.
Yoga poses can be divided into five main categories - twisting poses, forward bend poses, backbends, inverted poses and standing poses. As a yoga teacher, I aim to teach students the correct alignment of poses and most importantly ways you can incorporate yoga into your every day life. For instances, if you are at work and find it difficult to concentrate and focus your mind on a particular task, then practicing a standing balancing pose helps you to refocus your mind, concentrate and regain your sense of inner balance.
3 Popular Yoga Balancing Poses
Practice the following 3 yoga balancing poses anytime you feel scattered or disorientated. They will help to ground your energy and improve your ability to concentrate.
As with all forms of exercise, take your time to get into the pose, listen to your breath and be gentle with yourself when you are in the pose.
The key to any balancing pose is to focus on an external point, such as a still object ahead of you and to keep your attention on it as you hold the pose.
1. The Tree Pose - Vrkasana
The tree pose encourages your mind to become calmer and steadier. It is a beautiful pose which encourages you to not only balance on one leg but also to focus on the connection your feet make with the earth and the upwards reach of your arms to the sky.
1. Stand tall and straight and look at a fixed point at eye level.
2. Transfer your weight completely on to your left leg. Bend your right knee and bring your right foot gently against your upper inner left thigh. Gently squeeze your foot and thigh together. If this feels uncomfortable and you have difficulty maintaining your balance in this position, then just lower your foot and rest your right foot besides your left ankle with your toes just touching the floor.
3. Raise your arms up over your head, gently bringing your palms together and releasing your shoulder blades down.
4. Breathe deeply for 10 - 20 rounds of deep breathing. Whilst in the pose, feel the soles of your foot connect with the ground, lower your tail-bone and keep both sides of your waist up and lift up through your abdomen.
5. Lower your right leg and repeat the pose on your opposite leg.
2. The Eagle Pose
The eagle pose is excellent to help you achieve a clear, focused mind. Your arms and legs are wrapped up which encourages circulation to the limbs.
1. Stand in Mountain Pose. Then stand on the right leg, knee slightly bent. Wrap the left leg around it so that the toes of the left foot are on the inside of the right ankle.
2. Wrap your arms over your chest with your fingers stretching over your shoulder-blades. Place the left arm over the right.
3. Keep your elbows close together as possible. Bring your palms together.
4. Bend as low as you can and hold the position, squeezing your arms and legs together.
5. Stay in this balancing position for 10 - 20 breaths. Release the legs and arms and come back to the Mountain Pose. Repeat on the other side.
3. Boat Pose - Paripurna Navasana
This seated balancing pose is ideal to strengthen and tone the stomach muscles. It increases the circulation in the abdomen and relieves lower backache by strengthening the spinal muscles. As you focus and balance on your buttocks, your mind becomes calmer and steadier.
1. Sit on the floor on a blanket or yoga mat. Place your hands on the floor beside your hips.
2. Lean back slightly, bend your knees and raise your bent legs, stretching them forwards.
3. Keep both legs straight. If this is too uncomfortable bend your knees. Balance on your buttocks. Have the feet in line with your eyes.
4. Stretch both arms forwards, keeping them parallel to the floor with palms facing one another.
5. Keep your awareness on stretching and lengthening your spine. Keep your chest open and take 10 - 20 rounds of deep breathing. Make sure you relax your shoulders and neck muscles.
6. Exhale and return your legs to the floor.
So, there you go. Three essential yoga balancing poses to help you concentrate focus your mind and promote a deeper sense of inner balance. The more time you spend practicing these yoga poses, the easier in becomes for you to stay calm and centred in your daily life.
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From Ntathu Allen - Sivananda Yoga Teacher and Registered Polarity Therapist.
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