By Ntathu Allen
Congratulations! You have made the decision to start yoga. You have brought your first yoga mat, a pair of pants, read a few books and seen Madonna perform some amazing moves in her latest videos.
After the exhilaration of attending your first class and chatting with the other students, you begin to realise there is a lot more to yoga, than meets the eye. In the changing room, you overhear snippets of conversation - "yeah, she is a good yogi" or "I know, that wasn't a very yogic thing to do..."
You leave, full and wonder, what is a "Good Yogi?"
We live in a fast-age. Results are wanted straight away. You want to be a "Good Yogi", yet heard, it takes lifetimes to be one. This may be so. However there are several things you can do, in this lifetime, to get your foot on the ladder and be a "Good Yogi.
Eight Easy Ways To Be A Good Yogi
1. Release All Judgement This is the golden rule for anybody who is serious about becoming a Good Yogi. You have to release all preconceived ideas and stereotypes about others and you're self.
2. Accept Yourself and Where You Are In Your Journey This relates closely to point #1. You have to be able to accept yourself, as you are, warts and all. The more you accept yourself, the easier it becomes for you to accept others as they are.
3. Respect Yourself When you practice "respect", you give your best to every situation. You have clear boundaries on what you are able to do, and willingly do what you say you are going o do. People can trust you to follow through.
4. You Show Up Even on days when you don't feel like practicing yoga or meditation, you show up on your mat, maybe when you feel like this, you just lie down and relax for 5 minutes. That's fine. It is the thought that counts.
5. Take Time To Tune In During your day, take time to regularly stop what you are doing and consciously reconnect with your breath. Be aware of how you are breathing and what thoughts come to the surface as you finish your internal check. Taking time to stop, breathe and be present often gives you the breathing space you need to make correct choices, or say the right thing.
6. Be Open, Honest And Compassionate When asked to give your opinion about something, maybe a friend has a new hair cut or your partner has written a book and asked you to review it. Give your honest opinion but do it in a way which considers the other person's feelings. Be compassionate with your reply
7. Give Thanks And Show Gratitude This is probably the most important quality required to be a "Good Yogi". Showing gratitude, saying thank you, doing some thing for nothing, are all positive yogic attributes. When you show appreciation, you share a part of yourself, you are saying thank you to the universe for enabling you to say thank you and to ask for more
8. Adopt A Yogic Lifestyle Being a Good Yogi isn't just about being physically flexible and supple by practicing asanas (yoga postures) and eating healthier. It is a conscious choice you make to live your life in a particular way - one that embraces all of the above attributes.
As you can see, being a Good Yogi is a way of being, of living in the world.
So, there you go, include these seven tips in your daily life and hey presto, before you know it, other people will be looking at you and saying "yeah, she is a good yogi"
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From Ntathu Allen - Sivananda Yoga Teacher and Registered Polarity Therapist.
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