Thick Yoga Mats
Rob KuhnThere's a fairly natural hierarchy to the choices involved in selecting equipment for doing Yoga, but there's still plenty of room for you to set your own priorities.
One of the most basic choices involves the density of the mat, and you might be surprised to learn that not everyone prefers thick Yoga mats.
Here's a quick list of commonly offered thicknesses:
1/8-inch - 3.2 mm (one common standard)
3/16-inch - 4.7 mm
4 mm - just under 3/16-inch
1/4-inch - 6.4 mm (common "double standard")
5 mm - just under 1/4-inch
5/16-inch - 7.8 mm
3/8-inch - 9.4 mm
1/2-inch - 12.8 mm (extreme thickness)
And what will those offer you? Well, among the most typical advertising adjectives are: support/cushioning, comfort/safety, density/resistance, durability/resilience.
Beginners may be comfortable with the thinnest of those, and some folks simply prefer that 1/8-inch option. The thickest mats, four times that depth, may suit some folks, but can also be too soft to allow maintaining proper alignment in some poses. Others will find comfort in an intermediate thickness.
What's intermediate in this range, however, is rarely referred to that way. In order to be able to establish value in mats of differing thickness, manufacturers tend to want to define a "standard" -- typically 1/8-inch -- so that they can then refer to their 1/4-inch mats as "twice the standard thickness." But 1/4-inch mats are also so common that you'll occasionally see those referred to as "standard."
There's certainly validity in calling 1/8-inch a standard because -- other than a plain cotton mat that's closer to a blanket -- it's tough to find a mat with less thickness than that. The point is never to go exclusively by the word "standard" -- make sure you check the thickness!
In terms of mat materials, there are two main aspects to consider: type and texture. Most mats offer "high-tack" texture designed to prevent slipping -- by the mat on the floor, yes, but more importantly by you on top of the mat.
The variety of types materials requires research and thought. If you're willing to experiment with different ones, just remember to avoid anything to which you might be allergic (latex, for instance).
Most mats come in standard and kids sizes, with assorted other options. There are dozens of color choices and design options, but of course not all of them are offered on every mat.
As far as additional features, some folks want a reversible or two-sided mat, while other highly valued characteristics include easy cleaning and easy portability.
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Yoga - The Couch Potato's Way to Health and Fitness!
Paul WeissHave you been called a "couch potato?" Does the title "cream puff" fit? Never exercise? Then there is a simple solution to get you back into shape. It's called Yoga.
I know what you're thinking! You have to stand on your head, twist yourself into a pretzel, or have incredible strength to do Yoga. Those are myths that came about because Yoga originates in India, a place greatly misunderstood by most Americans.
The exposure most of us have had to the ancient culture and exercise forms of India is what they see in movies and TV shows. That view of Yoga is design to entertain people watching films and sitcoms and not to inform them about the truth.
Many people who have seen factual information on India in a documentary don't realize that the Yogi presenting the art form was a master and doing poses that show off his prowess or excite him the most. Also, the amount of information presented was only a small portion of what is actually available on the subject. Thousands of books, instructional videos, and classes have been created in the more than 1,000 years since Yoga was first practiced.
Finally, any experts touting the benefits of Yoga as an exercise form seem intimidating because they have transformed themselves into super humans with years of hard work and dedication. When these instructors show previews of their training secrets in an infomercial, they combine a wide variety of poses to excite the experienced as well as the novice.
Take away the ancient names and the poses for experienced practitioners and you have a great starting point for the average Joe or Jane.
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, breath in while extending your arms above your head, and looking up to the sky until your back is arched. That starts most peoples Yoga workout. The routine continues by slowly leaning forward and exhaling until your finger tips are pointing at the ground and your face is pointing toward your legs.
Getting the picture? Yoga has a beginning for the novice practitioner that involves nothing more than the ability to follow simple instructions, be able to breath in and out, and a desire to improve one's fitness level. Also, because Yoga novices need only shorts and a t-shirt to get started, anyone could get off the sofa right now and begin improving their health.
Go to "Free Zone" in your cable on demand section and look under health and fitness. Yoga workouts are their in a wide variety of styles. Many of them are for beginners.
If the choices available on demand aren't palatable then look for free Yoga instruction on the internet ( It is also easy to purchase a DVD ( or download a Yoga workout that instructs beginners ( Some cost as little as $1.99!
Yoga is also a great starting point for the newcomer to health and fitness because of the variety. Many people stop exercising because of the boredom involved in doing long and repetitive workouts. Who enjoys chugging along on a treadmill or pedaling a stationary bike for an hour or more? Not most people.
It is estimated that Yoga forms from around the world include a total of 20,000 unique poses. Since one hundred carefully and gently employed poses more than make up a good beginning workout it is to see how a newcomer can find stances that are easily executed and enjoyable.
Currently a lot of fitness professionals are talking about plateau. That simply means doing the same workout for too long causes its effectiveness to decrease over time.
One hundred divides into 20,000 two hundred times if you create each workout from poses not used in another workout. Start mixing your favorite poses with stances you haven't yet used and you could probably exercise everyday of the rest of your life without doing the same workout twice.
Another advantage to Yoga is its effectiveness. Strength, flexibility, and balance are all being worked simultaneously. Most other forms of exercise, like weight lifting, only work one aspect of fitness at a time.
A second reason people quit exercising is the lack of results. Why bother if no improvement is occurring? It's a waste of time! One of the modern world's top complaints is not enough time to get everything done.
Avoid weight loss pills and their side effects. Give up on those useless exercise contraptions that promise miracles. Stay away from Doctors too willing to do complicated and dangerous procedures. Get in far better shape with a simple, enjoyable, and effective method known as Yoga.
Copyright Paul Weiss 2009
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Hatha Yoga Sessions - Anxiety Solution to a Stressful Economy
Paul JerardOn a worldwide scale, many people practice Hatha Yoga daily to compensate for chronic stress. While anxiety and stress are nothing new to humankind, this recent state of economic instability, and uncertainty, has caused people from every part of the world to worry about the economy.
At the same time, people are taking a pro-active stance toward their health. During the Great Depression, many people resorted to alcohol instead of seeking a positive solution. In contrast, it is encouraging to see the number of people, who are seeking alternative health methods to deal with overwhelming stress.
The level of education today has resulted in more rational solutions, when people consider methods for relief of worry. The age groups, who practice Hatha Yoga, cover the entire spectrum. There are Baby Yoga, Mommy and me, and Chair Yoga classes.
During the course of a week, I see students from 5 to 101 years of age. In comparison to alcohol, Yoga is very inexpensive. The cost of a Yoga class is about the same, or less than, two glasses of wine at a local restaurant. In contrast to consuming alcohol, it is safe to drive home after a Yoga class.
Low levels of stress cause many different aches and pains. Headaches, back pain, neck pain, cramps, and an upset stomach are common ailments, which often result from too much stress.
High stress levels can cause many serious health ailments. In fact, chronic stress can kill you.
When constant stress attacks the body, you may have high blood pressure and heart palpitations as a result of it. Over the long term, heart disease is a potential by-product of constant stress.
However, many Yoga students have done their research about the benefits of preventative health. The results of a steady Yoga practice tone the body and clear the mind. So far, nobody has been able to produce these same results by drinking alcohol or taking drugs.
Lastly, your mind is your most valuable asset in any economy; but in the worst of times, we need clear heads to prevail. This is not the worst of times for most of us, but it's certainly not the best of times either. Yoga allows people to find some relaxation, despite the new economy.
Your mind has to be able to relax in order to find solutions for a variety of problems, which each of us face on a daily basis. Hatha Yoga is a path which leads one toward training the mind to find solutions.
© Copyright 2009 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications
Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:
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Questions About Back Pain and Yoga
Paul JerardThe exact cause of back pain can sometimes be a mystery. If your physicians cannot come up with a solid reason for your pain, after a battery of tests, you may want to try an alternative method. Below is a case when Yoga has helped a back pain mystery.
Q: I have been getting pain in the L-4 and L-5 area of the Lumbar spine for the past six years. Sometimes, the pain is in my sacrum, but it is a mystery. My doctors have taken numerous X-rays and MRIs, but nobody has found anything structurally wrong with my spine.
One doctor told me it is all in my head, but the pain is sharp, wincing, and I swear it is real to me. Another doctor offers me all the pain killers I need. My Chiropractor suggested I visit a Yoga class. After listening to her say it ten times, I finally went to a gentle restorative Yoga class, because I was in so much pain that I couldn't think straight.
After the class was over, I was in complete shock. The pain was gone and I slept well that night. After two days, the pain came back. I visit Yoga classes and it goes away again. Do you have any idea what is going on?
A: Chronic spinal pain can be a mystery. It is believed that as many as 85% of patients, who experience lower back pain, cannot be given a precise diagnosis. Hence the reason why we hear terms such as: "sprain" or "strain," when no structural damage is apparent.
There are many approaches to solving back pain, and it seems as if you have experienced many of them. One of my suggestions would be to develop a daily Restorative Yoga practice that you can perform each day. You should base it upon what you do in your classes.
Why change the routine, if you know it works? Ask your Yoga teacher if he or she objects to your taking notes, and explain why you need to gather information. It is the combination of postures which adjust your spine, laterally, forward, backward, and twisting during your session that helps; but the combination of pranayama, meditation, and relaxation techniques could also be of therapeutic value.
Consider this: Through your attendance at Yoga classes, you have learned an effective form of pain management, with no side effects. You may be able to maintain your spine naturally, without spending a fortune. It would be nice to know the exact cause of your pain, but you have found a solution that may work over the long term.
© Copyright 2009 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications
Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995.
To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:
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Posture Tips For Chronic Lower Back Pain
Nathan TapambwaThe backbone is the most important bone structure in human body. Its main functions are to house and protect the spinal cord, which is the main neural link between brain and other parts of the body. It also keeps the arms through shoulder girdle; keeps the legs through pelvic girdle; keeps the ribs that protect important organs; and keeps the skull in its place. It also provides a structural platform for attachment of tendons, tissues, ligaments, bones and muscles so as to make the body movement possible.
Postural imbalances are the main causes of backache. If the pelvic balance is maintained, backbone aligns itself naturally and there is no scope for any back related pain.
Posture tips for chronic lower back pain:
Start doing warmup exercises for at least 15 to 20 minutes before starting the actual exercises. When your body becomes warm, the muscle becomes flexible, as the muscle viscosity gets decreased. This is the ideal situation for starting regular exercises.
Avoid slouching whether you are standing or sitting. When you slouch, your pelvic balance is lost which in turn affects the vertebral positioning.
While working, whether in office or at home, see that the table is of a comfortable height. You should be able to sit straight and your feet should be firmly planted on the floor.
Always wear a comfortable low-heeled shoe. This is very important as high heels can alter the way you walk and this would put undue stress on your back, which in turn would lead to back related problems.
Sit in the chair straight, and keep the back supported by the backrest. Leave no gaps between your lower back and the chair backrest.
While sleeping try as far as practicable to sleep on your sides. A soft pillow between your knees will do a lot of good.
Never lift heavy objects.
Do not bend to remove anything from the floor. Go down on one knee, pick up, straighten, and resume your standing position.
If you follow the above mentioned tips you could get relief from chronic back pain. To be relieved from back pain by treating the root cause you can visit and get a more in-depth information by signing up to a FREE copy of the first part of Bad Back No More four Part Course.
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Stress Relief Yoga - Get the Benefit With Some Quick & Simple Stretches
Amanda HodgesStress relief yoga can be an excellent way to get past the pressures of everyday life, and help you start to feel normal again. Most people seem to think that yoga is a very complicated pastime with very tough stretches and poses. It really doesn't have to be like that though, so read on for you quick guide to getting the benefits today...
Pose one- Seated arm stretch-Sit on a dining table chair facing the wall. Reach out with both hands and place them flat on the wall. Slowly crawl your fingers up the wall until you are reaching out above your head. As you do this make sure your shoulders and neck remain relaxed. When you get as far as you can go, hold the post for 10 seconds. Remember not to overdo anything - this is stress relief yoga - not gymnastic.
Pose Two- Seated lower backstretch-Move your chair away from the wall, and sit on the edge of it. Try and get your lower legs at a right angle to your upper legs. Spread your feet so that they are wider than your body. Now lean forward from your hips so the top half of your body folds over. Once you are fully folded over, completely relax your body. Hold this for as long as you can. Again, remember this is stress relief yoga, so the moment you are uncomfortable please stop.
Pose three- Knees to chest-this is very simple, one of the most basic stretches. All you need to do is lie down on your back, and hug your knees to your chest. As you breathe, try and imagine the breath going all the way through your body into your lower back, and each time you breathe out this makes your lower back relax a little more.
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Beginner Breathing in Yoga
Dave BenzIn yoga, many experts have the opinion that breathing is more important to successful practice than perfect pose form. You already have the basic equipment to reach your goals. Remember to consciously engage your breath and be aware of your breathing as you develop your skills. When performing Asana, keep in mind that it isn't necessary or even possible to do it perfectly all the time. Especially for beginners, this should be more of a goal, and as with any form of meditation, you should try to be mindful and have progress, but also not beat yourself up about it.
You Don't Need Any Yoga Props to Breathe.
We breathe all day every day, and as human beings it's something we do as naturally as fish swimming in the water. As such respiration isn't something we think about much. So why make such a big deal about it once you start practicing yoga? To return to the fish in water analogy, almost everything that is good to a fish comes to it through water. A fish in bad water will eventually sicken and die. A fish which cannot breathe in water will most certainly perish. Good water is necessary for fish not just to grow but to thrive. Anyone who keeps fish will tell you that the number one biggest challenge to keeping fish is water quality. People with aquariums need filtration equipment.
So why are we so casual about how we consider air and breathing? We are in air all the time just like fish are in water all the time. We breathe air in and out. The air brings us oxygen, which our body uses in our brain, our organs, our heart, and blood. Air is something we all need not just to live but to thrive. Maybe you could even think of air as vitamins. You need to get your Vitamin O! Your vitamin O is being used by your body for your autonomic nervous system. So your heart rate, respiration, digestion, perspiration, and even how much your eye pupils are dilated.
The equipment of your body. In addition, there is the somatic nervous system, which is the part which you control consciously. So it's voluntary bodily movement, and sense organs. Beginning and ending.
So looking at it this way, you can see that breathing is how you bring that vitamin O into your body. It is something we need to survive. And when we exhale, waste products of our metabolism are leaving our bodies through our lungs. Our continued health and life hinges on this function. Like fish with water, air and breathing are central to everything we are.
Our breathing changes depending on our mood or situation. If you are stressed out you may breathe in a more shallow or constricted way. Others may breathe too much and hyperventilate.
In another situation, maybe you're reading in an awkward position, or slouching in a chair at work. Your breathing may be too shallow or small. Either situation needs to be remedied. To breathe as deeply as you should in yoga, you need to make sure your posture is correct. A person should not just pay attention to their posture, they should be aware of their breathing.
I wonder how it is that we don't learn how to breathe. I guess it just comes naturally, but it is also something that is easy to forget about. When you practice, however, you become aware of your respiration, and breathe consciously, you can escape these situations where you aren't breathing mindfully. This is even more important for beginners.
By now you're probably seeing the connection between your mental state and the way you breathe. Scientists and physicians are aware of this connection as well as people who practice yoga. Think of the practice of breathing deeply and counting to ten when you are upset. In yoga with breathing we strive to connect mind and body. So take time in your practice to concentrate on your breathing. Be thoughtful and aware. A popular class topic for yoga teachers is breathing. You create harmony and connectedness inside and out. Visit my website if you're interested in
yoga for beginners and equipment.
Breathe deeply and regularly. Make sure your breaths are not shallow. This will improve the health of many parts of your body. Your skin will stay fresh and young. Your lungs will benefit and your heart will thank you. The different nervous systems and the brain will be nourished.
Try to be a beginner every day. You don't need equipment to do it. Mind and body will come together as one and it will be more easy to reach a relaxed, mindful state.
Dave Benz started folding origami more than twenty years ago. He has been gluten-free for over a year. He writes about origami,
gluten-free diet, and horror books and movies among other things
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Hot Yoga Mat
Rob KuhnEvery year, more and more folks are giving Yoga a try, as part of their search for a healthier lifestyle. Novices can rent the only piece of equipment that's essential. But once you're fully committed, or if you're going to begin at home, you'll either want or need to buy yourself a mat.
It's fortunate that there aren't a lot of factors to consider, or any firm rules to follow, when deciding about material type and texture, density, design and color. A quick check of on-line advertising will give you a pretty clear picture of what the most popular characteristics are, because you'll see certain claims repeated over and over again.
The practice of Yoga has been around for thousands of years, and while technology can introduce occasional breakthroughs in mat materials and construction, the aims don't change very much.
Most of all, the mat should provide good cushioning and stability. Beyond that there are assorted convenience benefits and appearance options to choose from, but they are incidental to comfort and safety.
There is one contemporary Yoga practice, however, that is rapidly increasing in popularity, and begs the question: Do you need a special hot Yoga mat?
What are some of the reasons Hot Yoga is so popular?
For one thing, the 26 postures aren't especially difficult, even for beginners. Classes are 90 minutes and the same postures are done in the same sequence each time.
The high heat helps loosen up joints and muscles, so you're able to stretch more easily. It also seems to improve concentration. The intensity of it naturally slows you down, and helps (some would say forces) you to focus. This allows students to more safely explore new physical limits each time.
That brings us back to the question Do you need a special hot Yoga mat?
Well, you may discover with experience that a different density of material is more desirable than one you used to prefer. Also, since Hot Yoga is designed to make you sweat, you might want a mat that's stickier (more high-tack) than what you've previously used.
How easy your mat is to clean and maintain may move up the checklist in terms of priority, too. In fact, you may finally be prompted join the ranks of those who create their own special cleaning spray to use immediately after every session.
Another alternative, if you can find a comfortable combination, is to use two thin mats. One may then require more frequent cleaning while the other should remain more durable.
As for color and design, some things never change. You can go for something "hot" or something "cool" -- whatever best expresses your personality and enhances your Yoga experience.
Yoga mats and Yoga accessories ON SALE NOW at
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How to Get Started With Yoga
JoBeth LevinaThe word "yoga" is derived from the Sanskrit word for "unite" as it is a series of exercises designed to united body and mind and thereby achieve a state of happiness and peace. At its purest it denotes a way of life involving strict self-discipline, and is often associated alternative lifestyles including vegetarianism, but benefits can be felt by anyone who follows the exercises that are designed to calm both body and mind.
Originally postures were known to a few yogis who shared their knowledge with a small number of students, and in fact it wasn't until the early twentieth century that the Yoga Institute of Santa Cruz was founded in Mumbai, India.
The best way to start yoga is to seek a class in your area, since you will be demonstrated the yoga postures and receive guidance and advice on holding them. However, if you have difficulty finding a yoga class - perhaps you live too remotely, there is no one in your area suitable, or it just doesn't suit your timetable or lifestyle - you can get started with a book, or better still, video demonstrations.
Essential for yoga are loose fitting comfortable clothes, and any yoga session - like any other form of exercise - starts with a warm up and finishes with a cool down. What you may be surprised about though is how much emphasis is given to simply breathing, really concentrating on the air you breathe and controlling your in and out breaths.
After completing the warm up exercises, a series of postures will be repeated which you may often find to be difficult to hold - you may also be surprised at how taxing some of the postures can be, which is why it has proven for centuries to be an excellent for stretching and toning muscles. While it may seem quite simple to hold yourself and move in prescribed ways, everything is extremely controlled and rather than just moving your body you are focusing on how it is moving and how each part of the body interacts and feels while making a controlled movement.
You may initially find that you are unable to hold some of the postures and that the instructions you receive for holding them make little sense - particularly when you are trying to concentrate on several areas of the body simultaneously and that some instructions seem to counter others.
However, it really is a question of practice and as you become more used to the postures, more familiar with how it feels and much more aware of your body and how you move and hold it things will gradually fall into place - what at first makes no sense at all will suddenly work perfectly.
The benefits of yoga are tremendous and it is suitable for people of all ages. You will find that not only is it a good form of exercise that gives you a surprisingly thorough workout, but it is also highly effective at calming your mind. You will feel fitter - more importantly you will be fitter - but you will also feel much calmer and deal with stress far better than before.
Yogis will recommend that you practice yoga 4 times a week, but if you are just starting out why not dedicate an hour at the weekend if you can? There is even a free video you can download and watch on your computer screen, ideal if you travel a lot so you can even practice in the comfort of your hotel room on your notebook computer.
Search for "free yoga video" on Google to find a beginner's guide to yoga that will get you started. Reduced stress can benefit you in many ways, and even acts as an effective
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How Recreational Activities Can Be Your Stress Buster
Pooja S ModiRecreational activities can become a friend for life. These activities can change your life and make it immensely interesting and joyful. Activities like Yoga, Exercising, Painting, Dancing and Cooking can accompany you during your most difficult times. On a personal experience, I can very well say that it is very important to have one or two of such activities practiced on a daily routine. This is important to rejuvenate one self from a highly stressful and unhealthy living.
Yoga will help you maintain a very healthy body and mind. It helps in building up concentration which is extremely important in this very competitive world. Also, yoga is a great stress buster, helps one to take wise decisions in the most difficult of times. It helps you develop a positive attitude towards life without letting you think wrong about the people around. Even in the worst of times it builds your confidence and helps you to wear the smile constantly on your face. It is said that the confidence of a person is in his smile.
The most simple and effective types of yoga to perform on a daily routine are Pranayam, Anulom Vilom, Kapalbhati. Any of the form of yoga exercises should be performed on an empty stomach in the fresh air for maximum benefits and relief. Above all, Surya Namaskar is the most beneficial practices of yoga. It takes twelve postures to complete one Suryanamaskar. The saints of the ancient times have performed 108 surya namaskars in a day. One must at least perform eleven such namaskars everyday to have a happy and healthy life. Now, make yoga your friend for life and see the changes. I'm sure this piece of information will be very helpful in the life of many if practiced regularly.
Pooja S. Modi
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Why Yoga Could Be the Answer to Your Stress Problems!
Sue BradleyRecognise yourself in any of these symptoms?
Frequently find yourself feeling frazzled and overwhelmed by life
Anxious or racing thoughts
Agitation and an inability to relax
If you do, chances are you are suffering from an overload of stress. Stress is normal bodily response to life events and a small amount of stress is vital in keeping us healthy. However, the problems arise when we have too much stress and our nervous system goes into overload.
I found in my career that doing Yoga has helped me smooth out the bumps in the road. When I do Yoga, I can relax and unwind, giving my nervous system some time out.
Yoga can be used by people who are perfectly healthy (but feeling stressed!) as a means of stress reduction. Yoga is also a way to promote physical flexibility, strength or as a way to enhance your spirituality. But as a stress buster, it cannot be under estimated.
Yoga lowers your levels of anxiety, stress, and lethargy. It will enable you to focus on whats spiritual and important - achieving balance and happiness.
Yoga is a very interesting in it's own right as a subject. It is after all an ancient approach of uniting the body and the mind. But it has proven health benefits, including emotional and physical betterment of your life. It should be on your list of things you do to take care of yourself.
So do some research, find out about Yoga classes in your area and perhaps do some more reading about Yoga.
Your research into this fascinating subject will bring peace and harmony into your life, I promise!
Sue Bradley is a professional writer and uses her Yoga routine to relax and unwind. For a beginner's introduction to Yoga, please visit
Yoga Central-----------------------------------------------------------------------NOW
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How Yoga Can Help With Back Injuries
Andrew MitchellBack problems are often a hazard, making it difficult to do the common things that most take for granted: lift objects, bend down, or even sitting in a cushy armchair. While GPs recommend diets, pills, and hospital treatments to help cope with enduring symptoms, more and more people have been turning to non-western approaches to help them overcome their problems. Why? Because they work. One alternative technique has been particularly popular for back pain sufferers: yoga.
How it works
There are many types of yoga: there are gentle forms that help calm the mind and body, and there are more psychically demanding types that serve as a great workout. Yoga works to help you improve your posture, your alignment, and gain a greater awareness of your body, doing so through a combination of breathing exercises and poses.
Yoga experts and osteopaths recommend gentle exercises, and discourage yoga variations such as Bikram and Ashtanga, as they are often too challenging for people with back problems. Hatha is the style of yoga that would work best, as it is gentle and involves slow breathing exercises, stretches, and practises some of the most basic yoga poses. It creates greater flexibility, while at the same time strengthening your backs muscles. Hatha yoga can also facilitate the fast recovery of back problems such as Sciatica, Osteoarthritis and Fibromyalgia, and can help prevent these from developing altogether.
What can you do?
Here are some yoga exercises you can do to strengthen your back, alleviate pain, and make your muscles more flexible:
1) Begin with a stretch before moving into to the exercise poses. Start in the Mountain Pose position : stand up straight with your feet together, balance the weight of your body evenly over the feet, and slightly press your arms into the sides of your body. Stay in a firm posture while tightening your buttocks and stomach muscles, and breathe in slowly through the nose, out through the mouth.
2) Crescent Moon Pose: this pose strengthens your back, legs, and shoulders, helping you build extra stamina. Complete it in two steps:
Kneel down to your knees while keeping a straight back. Step forward with your right foot so that your foot is a little past your right knee, and keep your leg parallel to the floor.
Stretch both arms above your head, hooking the thumbs together. Keeping your balance, slowly lift your left knee off the floor, stretch out the leg, and make sure your weight is spread evenly over both the front and leg. Pay attention to keeping your chest low, otherwise you create a hollow in your back.
3) The Child Pose: this pose helps you stretch your spine, hips, and thighs, and should help alleviate the psychical and emotional stresses in your body. Carry it out in three steps:
Kneel onto your knees, keeping the knees slightly parted, sitting with your feet pointing outwards.
Now, carefully place your forehead on the floor and swing both arms forward, around the head at the height of the ears.
With your head still touching the floor, bring your arms around to your sides, palms facing upwards.
These traditional ways of healing the body can therefore be a great supplement or alternative to western back treatments. As long as each pose is exercised with caution, hatha yoga can ensure that your mind and body feel better and refreshed.
Andrew Mitchell, clinical editor at the
Osteopath Network, writes papers about musculo-skeletal conditions, drug-free treatment, pain management and how to find a
Leicester Osteopath. He is interested in the treatment of back pain, neck pain and injury and pain management
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The Basic Yoga Positions For Beginners
Margarita PasayeYoga positions for beginners are so easy to learn. If you have not experienced any yoga session or have not seen one, that is not a problem.
Practitioners have talked about the unification of the mind, body and spirit. They claimed that this will be acquired through the practice of yoga exercises and techniques.
If it is your first time to hear of yoga, you will of course wonder how these exercises are done and how it looks like. Since you are a beginner, you will also definitely ask what kind of positions will be best for you.
Yogis have believed that the mind and the body are bonded into a unified structure. This belief has never failed and changed through time. Yoga has extensively performed an amazing procedure of healing oneself through harmony. This can be successfully done if you are in a proper environment.
With the great effects of yoga, the doctors have been convinced that yoga has some therapeutic results and can be recommended for people who have illnesses that is hard to cure.
If you have some illness that has been with you for a long time, you can practice the yoga positions for beginners and apply it to yourself.
If you want to practice the yoga positions for beginners, you must believe that yoga is effective and will help you to be cured or be refreshed.
Yoga is not just a recent application. It has been practiced and applied a long time ago and up to the present, the people are benefiting a lot from it.
Investigations and researches have been implemented to prove that yoga can be helpful in the healing process.
Therefore, it has been proved that the yoga positions for beginners are extremely effective and useful when it comes to maintaining a high level of joint flexibility. Although the yoga positions for beginners are just simple and basic, it can slowly bring up a healthy lifestyle and bring more when it is practiced over and over again.
The yoga positions for beginners are very interesting and exciting to perform. Beginners will never find it hard to keep up with the exercises because it is just simple. The technique of yoga gives a very big contributing factor to our internal glands and organs. It also includes the parts of the human body which is barely stimulated.
If you want to learn the yoga positions for beginners, you can learn it easily at home or at school where yoga is taught.
Some basic yoga positions for beginners include standing poses, seated poses, forward and backward bends, balance and twisting. These yoga positions for beginners are not that far from those who are used to practicing yoga. Only that the extreme poses and positions are handled at the latter part of the exercise.
The time duration in executing the positions are also lessened because a beginner cannot fully cope up with a longer time exposure in practice. Rest is required of the beginner so that he will not be drained easily to prepare the body for further positions.
Since you are a beginner, the most important thing you should understand is self discipline. Yoga is not just doing yoga and executing the poses. If you haven't mastered the basics yet, do not jump into the complex stages and positions because you will not feel the essence of executing the yoga positions for beginners.
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Yoga and You
Andrew MitchellYou may have noticed that over the past five years, there has been a great surge of interest in non-western practices to dealing with health issues. Todays bookshops are lined with sections of self-help bestsellers discussing how traditional eastern approaches such yoga, meditation, reiki, or tai chi are the key to leading a healthy, balanced life. We shall examine yoga in greater detail, particularly looking at why osteopaths recommend yoga to people with chronic physical ailments.
But what is yoga exactly, and how does it work? Yoga is a traditional Indian practice that dates back more than 5000 years. The term comes from the Sanskrit word Yuj, which means to join, unite, or integrate; yoga would have the purpose of integrating all aspects of the individual - body with mind and mind with soul. In order for these to be united, a balance had to be achieved between our emotions, actions, and intelligence " and thats where yoga comes in.
Yoga uses a combination of body postures (or asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayama) to help us achieve our highest potentials and to improve our quality of life. It doesnt necessarily have the purely spiritual connotations that have been attributed to it in the past " nowadays, westerners have embraced the practice as a means of relaxation, centering themselves, and ridding their bodies of certain pains. Yoga is still rooted in spirituality, but anyone who is willing to learn can do it, because, regardless of your reason to do it, the outcome is the same: it makes you feel better.
Let us now look at yoga in more detail, in terms of what it does for the body, and why so many osteopaths recommend it:
Yoga makes you fitter and gives your stamina a boost. It tones your muscles, strengthens them, and makes them more flexible.
Each pose in yoga improves circulation, sending blood to all the areas that need it most.
It purifies your abdominal system, strengthens your immune system, and cleans any unwanted toxins from the body.
Chronic conditions that do not respond to conventional medicine have been known to improve because of yoga
It helps prevent and treat symptoms that osteopaths have to deal with on a regular basis, including back pain, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, asthma, epilepsy, carpal tunnel syndrome, heart disease, and many others.
Yoga also has many benefits for your psychological well-being. It improves concentration, making it easier to stay focused during long hours at work. The breathing techniques help to combat stress and help you stay calm. And, if yoga is done regularly, you'll start to notice changes in your mood, energy levels, and your overall health.
The books say it, osteopaths are saying it, and Indian Yogis have said it for thousands of years: yoga makes you feel better. So regardless of whether you are suffering from headaches or sacroiliac joint problems, yoga is a useful practice you might want to try.
Andrew Mitchell, clinical editor at the
Osteopaths Network, writes papers about musculo-skeletal conditions, drug-free treatment, pain management and how to find a
Stevenage osteopaths. He is interested in the treatment of back pain, neck pain and injury and pain management.
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The Five Things You Should Know About Yoga
Cindy HellerYoga, an exotic form of exercise, is now the new trend in the fitness world. Just like any other form of exercise, it is based on basic philosophies in order to attain a healthy body and mind for its practitioners.
The following details will discuss the five yoga principles and how they may be of help to our exercise.
1. Relaxation - this yoga principle involves proper relaxation that can help release muscle tensions. This works by putting the mind and body in a tranquil state, which is the goal of yoga. This revitalizes the nervous system and lets us achieve inner peace. This makes each day of our life feels so complete and peaceful. The relaxed feeling is carried into all our activities that help us conserve energy in our body.
2. Proper diet - the food we eat greatly affects the way we think. Improper nutrition can sometimes cause mental inefficiency and hinder our capabilities to achieve self-awareness. A healthy diet should be able to nourish both the mind and the body. However, this does not necessarily mean that we have to eat all the healthy foods we come across every day. We should also learn to eat in moderations to prevent any food related ailments. Eat only when you are hungry.
3. Correct breathing - this next yoga principle involves can be achieved though deep, slow and regular breathing. Correct breathing utilizes all part of the lungs to increase oxygen intake. To achieve this we need to regulate the duration and length of inhaling, exhaling and retaining air in our lungs. In yoga practice, each breath is known to contain our life force and that through proper breathing; we can maintain our over-all wellness.
4. Proper exercise - this yoga principle is based upon the idea that our physical body is designed to move and exercise. The correct form of exercise in yoga is achieved through different form of postures and stretches. These exercises tone our muscles, regulate blood flow and enhance the flexibility of our spine. Yoga poses, also known as Asnas, works in partner with correct breathing. Each pose and stretch should be coordinated with a correct form of breathing allowing us to feel one with our body and spirit.
5. Meditation and positive thinking - meditation can relax the mind and the body. It also helps remove negative thoughts from our mind. Thus, purifying us from stress and other worldly thoughts that we might have.
For those who want to begin the yoga practice, just keep in mind these yoga principles so that you will not be mislead from your true goal. That is to attain a healthy mind and body.
Cindy Heller is a professional writer. To learn more about
yoga teacher training, please visit
Free Yoga Exercises.
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Yoga Therapy - Benefits of Learning Yoga Therapy and Understanding Its 7 Key Principles
Heather GreavesDo you secretly wish you could share yoga with others so they too can benefit? Is he idea of teaching yoga a little scary? Have courage. Learn more by looking at key principles of yoga as a healing path.
Principle 1 - Yoga Therapy is the application of the science of yoga to enhance health and wellness. All 3 levels of the whole person are taken into consideration: body mind spirit.
Benefit - Anyone going through a life change, or a transition, can benefit from this therapy as it is much more than a yoga prescription for yoga exercises.
Principle 2 - Yoga Therapy recognizes that the body and mind will be balanced when an individual experiences a sense of oneness within. This is considered an awakening to the spiritual dimensions of life, and the key to health and healing.
Benefit - When body and mind imbalances manifest as a health condition, this is seen as a signal on life's healing path that there is disconnect with some level of our being.
Principle 3 - The healing path is unique to each individual. The techniques from the yoga tradition must be adapted and modified according to age, culture, religion, and specific physical challenge.
Benefit - However you are, whatever you are, at the right time and place, you can experience health and healing through the skilful application of yoga techniques.
Principle 4 - Yoga philosophy and psychology form the basis of Yoga Therapy and state that lack of knowledge of the true Self is the source of all dis-ease and illness.
Benefit - Even though symptoms are alleviated or have gone, health and healing is still possible at deeper levels of being.
Principle 5 - The 8 limbs of Ashtanga Yoga serve as the primary foundation of Yoga Therapy.
Benefit - In the Yoga Sutras there is a clear path to gain knowledge of the true Self.
(1) Moral disciplines
(2) Restraints
(3) Postures
(4) Breathing
(5) Drawing senses inward
(6) Concentration
(7) Meditation
(8) Ecstasy
Principle 6 - Yoga techniques must be combined with the vision of yoga and the healing path of yoga for a successful treatment.
Benefit - Health, healing and awakening are achieved through the integration of body mind spirit.
Principle 7 - While remaining rooted in Yoga Tradition, the Yoga Therapist brings his/her own knowledge, interests, and healing approaches to guide the client in balancing body and mind.
Benefit - The yoga therapist remains grounded in the vision and foundations of Yoga, and offers a unique and safer environment for the client to explore body mind and emotions on the path to health and healing.
And now, I'd like to invite you to claim your free download on "Learning to teach yoga as a healing journey" when you visit Heather Greaves - Self Care Mentor and Body Therapies Yoga Training
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Ultimate Yoga Practice
Dave TeitlerFollowing the true path of yoga
The practice of yoga is a method of self development started approximately five thousand years ago. For most of us who live in the dimension of the five senses, our search for ourselves begins with a desire to understand our relationship with all there is. This is the definition of enlightenment. Yoga is that path one undertakes in the hope of developing ones self. Our five senses limit our ability to discover our own true nature; therefore we need some assistance in our search. This assistance comes to us thru the daily ritualistic practice of some form of yoga consisting of not only physical practice but also including meditation, breathing exercises, self study and methods of purification of the body and mind.
First we start with our bodies. We all have one in order to enable us to navigate the fields of the five senses. Thru the physical practice of asana (yoga poses) we start to feel and experience the relationship of our bodies to our minds. Next we start to feel the connection of our breath between our body and mind. Intuitively we now seek the path inward toward spirituality. This usually takes the form of some sort of meditation practiced either before or after our daily physical practice.
Once we commence our practice, new thoughts originating in our cells start to drift into our conscious mind. We start to become aware of the feeling of ahimsa, which means, "Do no harm". This is a profound moment for us in our search for ourselves. No longer are we commanded by our ego to reflect itself in materialistic desires. We are governed by the innate desire to help and assist our fellow human beings.
This can take the form of our leaning toward vegetarianism in order to not harm animals. In my own practice, I felt a great weight lift from my shoulders when I finally eliminated all animal foods from my diet.
Now that we have established our practice and made it a part of our lives, we need the discipline necessary to stay on the road. There are no fast routes into our own true nature. Just our daily practice. Our motivation is our belief in our intuitive judgment that we are on the right road. Expect no great realizations, as that would cloud our path.
Through your practice you will slowly understand who you are and will manifest this understanding in your daily life experience. New vistas will open up to you and bad habits will slowly dissolve. The doorway into ourselves will swing open, revealing the nature of our soul.
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Yoga Poses For Newbies - 3 Easy Ways to Jump Start Your Health
Mary JacobsIn the last few years, yoga has established itself as an anchor in the west as a way for people to better their health. However, many people are still afraid of the benefits yoga can provide for them. In this short article, I will go over the top yoga poses for newbies and the benefits of each one.
So, what is the point of yoga poses?
The various poses were developed to help people achieve better health and wellness by relieving tension and stress throughout the body. The poses have been perfected and adapted by many yoga masters over the years so that almost anyone can apply the poses to their routine and achieve tremendous health benefits for just a few minutes a day.
1. Balancing Poses In Yoga
As people age, their balance begins to deteriorate. This can lead to having a higher risk of injuries due to poor balance and posture. Having good balance is needed to maintain good posture, especially in older people. Using balancing poses in yoga can be a little challenging at first, but once you have got the hang of those poses your balance will improve.
2. Seated Poses In Yoga
To increase the flexibility of your hips and lower back, you should try out some of the seated poses in yoga. While using these poses you can also strengthen your back muscles at the same time. You will also be able to breathe deeply giving your body the extra oxygen it needs to function properly.
3. Standing Poses In Yoga
Standing poses in yoga are very helpful in aligning your body. By using these standing poses, your posture and balance will improve by mildly stretching the back and body. By having good posture you can also eliminate some of the back problems you may have due to slouching over the years. Standing poses will also help you tone up your legs and increase the flexibility throughout your legs and hips.
That was a basic overview of the three basic yoga poses for newbies. Just remember, that every pose has its benefits to bettering your body and health. At first, you will find that practicing some of these poses will be tricky, but if you stick with them, you will be able to master them in no time.
If you want an illustrated view on how to perform these yoga poses the right way, please check out
Yoga poses for beginners.
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Yoga Breath - 5 Breathing Techniques That Can Be Used With Your Practice
Kalidasa BrownProper breathing while doing asanas (postures) is of paramount importance. There are many different breathing techniques that can affect your pose in many different ways. Most styles of yoga use various breathing practices to bring about a desired effect. Following is a short discussion of five of the main breathing technique that are used with asana practice.
Diaphragmatic Breathing
Diaphragmatic breathing is one of the most important breathing techniques. This is breathing in the belly and not in the chest. I sometimes call it "belly breathing." One of the most important things about diaphragmatic breathing is how it stimulates the part of the central nervous system that causes the body to relax.
Many asana techniques involve relaxing. Even when activating a pose it is important to relax the parts of the body that are not active as well as the muscle or muscle group being stretched.
Doing diaphragmatic breathing while working a pose stimulates the part of the nervous system that causes relaxation.
Three Part Breathing/Deep Breathing
Three-part breath is filling the lungs from the bottom up. This breathing technique starts with a diaphragmatic breath that then moves up to fill the lower chests/diaphragm area, finally filling the upper chest. Since this breath moves up into the chest, it stimulates the part of the nervous system that causes the body to go into the fight flight response.
This isn't necessarily as bad as it may sound. The nervous system goes into this state simply by walking or even standing upright. That is why it is important to sit while eating so that the nervous system can go into a digestive or relaxation mode. Deep breathing can be an important part of an asana practice that involves strenuous activity such as while doing Sun Salutation.
Breath of Fire
Breath of fire is done with quick and forceful contractions of the abdominal muscles to push the air out of the lungs. How fast the breathing is done depends on ability and your current condition. You can get faster with practice.
Start with a deep breath and a relaxed exhale to relax the diaphragm muscle, so your chest and lungs are relaxed. Once no air is moving in or out, a series of contractions are done with the belly muscles as though someone were pushing or punching you in the belly and thereby pushing the air out. After 20-50 or more of these contractions a deep inhale is taken, usually through the left nostril, with the breathe being held for as long as is comfortable. The exhale is a relaxed letting go with the air released through mouth, nose or both.
This technique brings in a lot of hot energy very quickly. This can allow for a lot of purification and cleansing of the energy channels. Even more and deeper purification can happen when it is coupled with asana practice.
Holding the Breath In
Holding a full breath allows the prana or life energy in the breath to be absorbed. Holding the breath in while in a pose has this same benefit added to the energy of the pose.
In general, a hold can be used with most poses. It is particularly powerful to hold the breath in poses that activate the upper chakras (energy centers). That is, from the diaphragm to the crown. There are asanas that should not be done with a hold of the breath. For example, shoulder stand because of the extreme compression on the throat, and head stand because of the energy shift.
Holding the Breathe Out
With this technique the breath is held after exhaling completely. It is little taught because not many people understand it. This is one of the strongest ways to purify the energy channels when done correctly with appropriate asanas. It should only be done with asanas that activate the first, second or third chakra.
This technique drives the upward flowing energy down, and the downward flowing energy up.
These two energies meeting is one of the deepest states of yoga that happens in deep meditation. When done in conjunction with appropriate asanas, the purification can be felt immediately. A sensation that often happens is of feeling lightheaded, and like you are waking up and opening your eyes.
Cautions For Holding The Exhale Technique
Holding the exhale should never be done by pregnant women. Too much of this technique can leave you in a condition where it would be dangerous to drive. The purification can be so deep that you might be spaced out for an hour or more.
If done at night, this technique can cause sleeplessness.
There is a lot more to each of these techniques, especially how they relate to the various poses. And, there are many different breathing techniques. You can learn more about these practices and more at You can find your quality yoga videos there as well including beginners videos that feature beginners as well as videos for the more experienced.
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Yoga For Women - Five Fast and Effortless Ways to Unwind and Relax
Ntathu AllenIf you are a busy mum, how do you relax at the end of your day? What do you do to look after yourself and care for your body? Do you take time-out for yourself or are you so busy caring for your family that you don't have energy or the time for "me-time?"
You may even be wondering, how can I relax and have me-time with so many demands made on your time.
With so much activity going on in your life, what can you do to relax, to find time for yourself?
Constant rushing, multi-tasking and caring for others takes its toll on your health. Over time, your ability to effectively manage your work load and meet family and other life commitments is effected. You may constantly feel tired, exhausted and stressed. Failure to rest and relax leads to stress related symptoms such as migraines, high blood pressure and in some cases depression
With so much at stake, it is vital you make time to care for yourself. In the long run, the more quality time you invest in yourself, the greater your capacity to give your best to friends and loved ones.
Five Fast and Effortless Ways To Unwind and Relax At the End Of A Busy Day
When the pressure is on try the following five easy-to do yoga relaxation exercises to help you unwind, boost your energy and relax at the end of the day.
1. Give yourself a hand and finger massage. Gently massage your fingers and thumbs. Take time to really enjoy your mini-hand massage, if you have a favourite hand cream or even warm olive oil, use it to add a bit of luxury to your evening.
2. Shake and flap your hands, vigorously for 2 - 5 minutes. This is a wonderful way to get rid of excess energy. Make a dance with your hands and shake them up in the air, behind you and below your knees.
3. Stroke down your arms and upper body, this is a loving way to release blocked energy from your body. Stroke down each arm and your chest at least 3 - 5 times.
4. Practice the yoga pose - the seated forward bend. Sit on the floor, legs straight out in front of you, back straight. Stretch your arms overhead, exhale and bend forward, place your hands on your feet, shins or thighs. Inhale, and as you exhale press your chest down towards your legs and press the backs of your knees into the floor. Take 5 - 7 rounds of deep breathing in this pose. Slowly come up and sit still for a few moments.
5. Sit comfortably, straight back. Close your eyes. Relax your facial muscles. Gently breathe in and out through your nose and whisper the word "peace." Do this 3 to 6 times. As you say the word, feel the peace inside you as you relax and breathe.
So, next time, you come home from work, or had a long day caring for your children, spend a few minutes and practice any one or all of these simple yoga relaxation exercises. You will feel relax, calm and ready to have a restful evening.
Ntathu Allen, Yoga and Meditation Teacher works with working women to inspire and support you feel the fun and joy of living in the now. She teaches you simple yoga relaxation techniques, prayers and guided meditations which support you to live a life fully alive and energised. To find out more go to:> and sign up for your copy of Ntathu's free monthly yoga Inspires enewsletter and regular Quick and Easy Yoga Solutions for Stress Relief and Relaxation. =============Email:>
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Try Yoga to Soothe the Stress in Your Mind and the Tension in Your Body!
Bertil HjertTimes are hard and they just seem to be getting harder! Everyday, we hear more dire news about the economy, sinking stock prices and mounting job losses. Everyone is worried that they will be the next victim. This stress can have damaging effects on your emotional and physical well being.
Stress and worry can lead to more severe anxiety problems, even panic attacks! It is important to keep your mind and body balanced and one great way to do that is to learn yoga.
- Yoga is practiced by more than 6 million Americans and this number is only on the rise. As more and more people are discovering the amazing health and stress reduction effects of this ancient art, it is becoming increasingly commonplace among both men and women. Yoga is not just exercise and it's not just relaxation, it is a combination of both and it can be practiced by anyone, regardless of their age, gender, flexibility or weight.
- Yoga does incorporate some gymnastics into its movements. There are twists and contortions that will increase your flexibility and help you trim your weight and improve your appearance. To the untrained observer, it might seem like you have to be a contortionist to practice yoga. Nothing could be further from the truth. On the contrary, yoga is all about accepting the limitations of your body in the moment and working towards expanding those limitations to their fullest extent.
- Yoga also includes some meditative practices, a great way to lessen anxiety and prevent panic attacks. Meditation is not just for hippies, it is a way to let go some of the accumulated stresses that build up in our lives and simply be at peace in the moment.
An important aspect of meditation and of the more physical components of yoga is the emphasis on the breath. It is so important to breathe properly and too many of us forget how to breath from our abdomen, Without this deep breathing, we are denying our body, valuable oxygen it needs to deal with the stress we encounter in our lives.
There are many different types of yoga and many different ways to engage in the practice. As a beginner, I suggest you go to a yoga studio. Studio teachers will be more likely to help you get into the position (something you might need) and help you integrate the emotional part of the yoga experience with the physical.
Yoga classes at gyms, tend to be more physical in nature and give short shrift to the meditative component. Do not underestimate the power of meditation or the way it can release muscle tension and provide you with some inner peace. However, once you've learned the basics of yoga, attending gym based classes or indulging on your own, will accomplish the same purpose.
If neither of these options are available to you, there are a number of videos and books available that can guide you through the yoga practice although nothing replaces just a few classes for the visual and educational perspective they offer. The key to lower levels of anxiety and even panic attack prevention lay in finding ways to achieve some inner peace and some physical relief.
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Yoga For Eating Disorders
Sarah FreelandYou might not know, but there are over ten million men and women who are affected by eating disorders within the United States alone. While most being within their teen years, there are still many adults who are affected by this difficult illness. The most commonly talked about forms of eating disorders being bulimia and anorexia, all of the eating disorders have just now begun to be thought as mental ailments. It was previously thought that it was simply a physical ailment, that was the doing of the person who was ill. Instead, it is now thought to be a more complex problem. Including social, biological, behavioral, as well as psychological triggers.
But, what does this have to do with yoga? Well, it has become common-place knowledge that a calm and focused mind. Has a better chance of reducing any harmful effects of an eating disorder on a person. Which leads us to yoga. Yoga has become a proven method of reducing depression, and helping to recreate a state of balance in the mind. Yoga has also been used to encourage heightened self esteem, as well as to promote a positive self-worth and view of ones body. Which ultimately means, yoga is an unstoppable force in the healing and recuperation of anyone with an eating disorder.
It is taught that by eliminating self judgment in someone. Yoga can establish a connection between the mind and body, by allowing both of these two elements to minimize any negative effects on the illness. If you have studied anorexia, you have seen the debilitating effects it has on someone's body. Often times lowering the energy level and creating a low bone density. Of which will have negative effects at a physical level of the person who is struggling with the illness. It has been shown that regular yoga lessons can help to increase overall fitness, which will help to give a fighting chance of beating any eating disorder.
Yoga teachers and writings, have identified eating disorders as not just a common physical problem. Instead it extends to ones mind and soul. Often times considered to be a problem related with the first chakra. Poses such as the crab, full wind, locust, pigeon, and staff among many are used to balance the first chakra. Along with strengthening and raising the courage of the person who is ailing. Offering positions such as the grounding posture of the mountain, standing squat, prayer squat, and the goddess. All of which are used to help reestablish a strong mind and body connection, to help overcome any physical obstacles that someone may be going through. It has been thought that any back-bending poses will help to reduce the affects of depression, while forward bends are thought to help calm ones spirit. Thus it is assumed that it will minimize the effects of anorexia on someone's body and mind.
The three popular types of yoga you may have heard of are hatha yoga, power yoga and bikram yoga. Hatha yoga is the style of yoga most practiced today. It is what you will think of when you think of yoga in general. Power yoga is a more aerobic-style yoga, with an emphasis on cardio.
Bikram yoga is a style of yoga performed in a heated room to accelerate detoxification. Universal Yoga sells everything you need to practice these and other forms of yoga, pilates and meditation including
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