By Pooja S Modi
Recreational activities can become a friend for life. These activities can change your life and make it immensely interesting and joyful. Activities like Yoga, Exercising, Painting, Dancing and Cooking can accompany you during your most difficult times. On a personal experience, I can very well say that it is very important to have one or two of such activities practiced on a daily routine. This is important to rejuvenate one self from a highly stressful and unhealthy living.
Yoga will help you maintain a very healthy body and mind. It helps in building up concentration which is extremely important in this very competitive world. Also, yoga is a great stress buster, helps one to take wise decisions in the most difficult of times. It helps you develop a positive attitude towards life without letting you think wrong about the people around. Even in the worst of times it builds your confidence and helps you to wear the smile constantly on your face. It is said that the confidence of a person is in his smile.
The most simple and effective types of yoga to perform on a daily routine are Pranayam, Anulom Vilom, Kapalbhati. Any of the form of yoga exercises should be performed on an empty stomach in the fresh air for maximum benefits and relief. Above all, Surya Namaskar is the most beneficial practices of yoga. It takes twelve postures to complete one Suryanamaskar. The saints of the ancient times have performed 108 surya namaskars in a day. One must at least perform eleven such namaskars everyday to have a happy and healthy life. Now, make yoga your friend for life and see the changes. I'm sure this piece of information will be very helpful in the life of many if practiced regularly.
Pooja S. Modi
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