By Ntathu Allen
If you are a busy mum, how do you relax at the end of your day? What do you do to look after yourself and care for your body? Do you take time-out for yourself or are you so busy caring for your family that you don't have energy or the time for "me-time?"
You may even be wondering, how can I relax and have me-time with so many demands made on your time.
With so much activity going on in your life, what can you do to relax, to find time for yourself?
Constant rushing, multi-tasking and caring for others takes its toll on your health. Over time, your ability to effectively manage your work load and meet family and other life commitments is effected. You may constantly feel tired, exhausted and stressed. Failure to rest and relax leads to stress related symptoms such as migraines, high blood pressure and in some cases depression
With so much at stake, it is vital you make time to care for yourself. In the long run, the more quality time you invest in yourself, the greater your capacity to give your best to friends and loved ones.
Five Fast and Effortless Ways To Unwind and Relax At the End Of A Busy Day
When the pressure is on try the following five easy-to do yoga relaxation exercises to help you unwind, boost your energy and relax at the end of the day.
1. Give yourself a hand and finger massage. Gently massage your fingers and thumbs. Take time to really enjoy your mini-hand massage, if you have a favourite hand cream or even warm olive oil, use it to add a bit of luxury to your evening.
2. Shake and flap your hands, vigorously for 2 - 5 minutes. This is a wonderful way to get rid of excess energy. Make a dance with your hands and shake them up in the air, behind you and below your knees.
3. Stroke down your arms and upper body, this is a loving way to release blocked energy from your body. Stroke down each arm and your chest at least 3 - 5 times.
4. Practice the yoga pose - the seated forward bend. Sit on the floor, legs straight out in front of you, back straight. Stretch your arms overhead, exhale and bend forward, place your hands on your feet, shins or thighs. Inhale, and as you exhale press your chest down towards your legs and press the backs of your knees into the floor. Take 5 - 7 rounds of deep breathing in this pose. Slowly come up and sit still for a few moments.
5. Sit comfortably, straight back. Close your eyes. Relax your facial muscles. Gently breathe in and out through your nose and whisper the word "peace." Do this 3 to 6 times. As you say the word, feel the peace inside you as you relax and breathe.
So, next time, you come home from work, or had a long day caring for your children, spend a few minutes and practice any one or all of these simple yoga relaxation exercises. You will feel relax, calm and ready to have a restful evening.
Ntathu Allen, Yoga and Meditation Teacher works with working women to inspire and support you feel the fun and joy of living in the now. She teaches you simple yoga relaxation techniques, prayers and guided meditations which support you to live a life fully alive and energised. To find out more go to:> and sign up for your copy of Ntathu's free monthly yoga Inspires enewsletter and regular Quick and Easy Yoga Solutions for Stress Relief and Relaxation. =============Email:>
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