By Rob Kuhn
Every year, more and more folks are giving Yoga a try, as part of their search for a healthier lifestyle. Novices can rent the only piece of equipment that's essential. But once you're fully committed, or if you're going to begin at home, you'll either want or need to buy yourself a mat.
It's fortunate that there aren't a lot of factors to consider, or any firm rules to follow, when deciding about material type and texture, density, design and color. A quick check of on-line advertising will give you a pretty clear picture of what the most popular characteristics are, because you'll see certain claims repeated over and over again.
The practice of Yoga has been around for thousands of years, and while technology can introduce occasional breakthroughs in mat materials and construction, the aims don't change very much.
Most of all, the mat should provide good cushioning and stability. Beyond that there are assorted convenience benefits and appearance options to choose from, but they are incidental to comfort and safety.
There is one contemporary Yoga practice, however, that is rapidly increasing in popularity, and begs the question: Do you need a special hot Yoga mat?
What are some of the reasons Hot Yoga is so popular?
For one thing, the 26 postures aren't especially difficult, even for beginners. Classes are 90 minutes and the same postures are done in the same sequence each time.
The high heat helps loosen up joints and muscles, so you're able to stretch more easily. It also seems to improve concentration. The intensity of it naturally slows you down, and helps (some would say forces) you to focus. This allows students to more safely explore new physical limits each time.
That brings us back to the question Do you need a special hot Yoga mat?
Well, you may discover with experience that a different density of material is more desirable than one you used to prefer. Also, since Hot Yoga is designed to make you sweat, you might want a mat that's stickier (more high-tack) than what you've previously used.
How easy your mat is to clean and maintain may move up the checklist in terms of priority, too. In fact, you may finally be prompted join the ranks of those who create their own special cleaning spray to use immediately after every session.
Another alternative, if you can find a comfortable combination, is to use two thin mats. One may then require more frequent cleaning while the other should remain more durable.
As for color and design, some things never change. You can go for something "hot" or something "cool" -- whatever best expresses your personality and enhances your Yoga experience.
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