By Dave Benz
In yoga, many experts have the opinion that breathing is more important to successful practice than perfect pose form. You already have the basic equipment to reach your goals. Remember to consciously engage your breath and be aware of your breathing as you develop your skills. When performing Asana, keep in mind that it isn't necessary or even possible to do it perfectly all the time. Especially for beginners, this should be more of a goal, and as with any form of meditation, you should try to be mindful and have progress, but also not beat yourself up about it.
You Don't Need Any Yoga Props to Breathe.
We breathe all day every day, and as human beings it's something we do as naturally as fish swimming in the water. As such respiration isn't something we think about much. So why make such a big deal about it once you start practicing yoga? To return to the fish in water analogy, almost everything that is good to a fish comes to it through water. A fish in bad water will eventually sicken and die. A fish which cannot breathe in water will most certainly perish. Good water is necessary for fish not just to grow but to thrive. Anyone who keeps fish will tell you that the number one biggest challenge to keeping fish is water quality. People with aquariums need filtration equipment.
So why are we so casual about how we consider air and breathing? We are in air all the time just like fish are in water all the time. We breathe air in and out. The air brings us oxygen, which our body uses in our brain, our organs, our heart, and blood. Air is something we all need not just to live but to thrive. Maybe you could even think of air as vitamins. You need to get your Vitamin O! Your vitamin O is being used by your body for your autonomic nervous system. So your heart rate, respiration, digestion, perspiration, and even how much your eye pupils are dilated.
The equipment of your body. In addition, there is the somatic nervous system, which is the part which you control consciously. So it's voluntary bodily movement, and sense organs. Beginning and ending.
So looking at it this way, you can see that breathing is how you bring that vitamin O into your body. It is something we need to survive. And when we exhale, waste products of our metabolism are leaving our bodies through our lungs. Our continued health and life hinges on this function. Like fish with water, air and breathing are central to everything we are.
Our breathing changes depending on our mood or situation. If you are stressed out you may breathe in a more shallow or constricted way. Others may breathe too much and hyperventilate.
In another situation, maybe you're reading in an awkward position, or slouching in a chair at work. Your breathing may be too shallow or small. Either situation needs to be remedied. To breathe as deeply as you should in yoga, you need to make sure your posture is correct. A person should not just pay attention to their posture, they should be aware of their breathing.
I wonder how it is that we don't learn how to breathe. I guess it just comes naturally, but it is also something that is easy to forget about. When you practice, however, you become aware of your respiration, and breathe consciously, you can escape these situations where you aren't breathing mindfully. This is even more important for beginners.
By now you're probably seeing the connection between your mental state and the way you breathe. Scientists and physicians are aware of this connection as well as people who practice yoga. Think of the practice of breathing deeply and counting to ten when you are upset. In yoga with breathing we strive to connect mind and body. So take time in your practice to concentrate on your breathing. Be thoughtful and aware. A popular class topic for yoga teachers is breathing. You create harmony and connectedness inside and out. Visit my website if you're interested in yoga for beginners and equipment.
Breathe deeply and regularly. Make sure your breaths are not shallow. This will improve the health of many parts of your body. Your skin will stay fresh and young. Your lungs will benefit and your heart will thank you. The different nervous systems and the brain will be nourished.
Try to be a beginner every day. You don't need equipment to do it. Mind and body will come together as one and it will be more easy to reach a relaxed, mindful state.
Dave Benz started folding origami more than twenty years ago. He has been gluten-free for over a year. He writes about origami, gluten-free diet, and horror books and movies among other things
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