Yoga to Reduce Stress
Joan Schonbeck"I'm not having a heart attack, and I don't need that damn stretcher.....I can walk", Marin remembers snapping at the two EMT's, embarrassed and annoyed by all the fuss. Someone had passed her office door, saw that her head was down on the desk, and her face was gray. The person dialed 911. "That's denial, you know", the EMT muttered, checking Marin's pulse. "No one ever wants to believe they're having a heart attack." But overnight cardiac monitoring backed Marin's belief. "I have to be honest.....I don't know what happened to you", the cardiologist from the Emergency Room told her the next morning as they discharged her from the hospital. "But I do know it wasn't a heart attack."
A year later she re-experienced that frightening pain. She was at the mall, shopping. "When that knifelike pain ripped across my chest, I told myself to stay calm", she remembers, despite her dismay that it was happening again. "You know its nothing.....the doctor told will pass..... just sit down until it does". Then she passed out and awoke to hear that the ambulance was on its way.
This time a Cardiac Stress Test, Echocardiogram and eventually a Cardiac Catheterization were added, but the results were the same-still a healthy heart. But now there was something new, fear. A year ago it was a fluke, a freak occurrence. Now she knew it could return without warning, rendering her completely helpless and frighteningly vulnerable. Could it kill her, too?
The Joseph Benedict Building at University of Massachusetts Medical Center in Worcester is where the Stress Reduction Program meets. The Benedict Building looks out on a modern campus overlooked by the Clocktower Spire of Worcester State Hospital, circa 1830, one of the oldest psychiatric hospitals in the country.
It's an appropriate view. Most modern thought regarding stress reduction combines ideas even more ancient than that Clocktower. Most of the people in the room are care-takers of one sort or another, everything from physicians to middle-aged housewives taking care of elderly parents.
Most of these are Strong people, who drive themselves very hard. Some had already reached the same conclusion as Marin: that their strength is making them ill, even killing them, and they need to change.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction is the first widely accepted alternative to traditional treatment of stress with medication. Now used all over the country, it began at UMMC, the brainchild of Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of this program, and author of "Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain and Illness". The program usually involves eight weekly 2 ½ hour classes.
Kabat-Zinn is quoted as describing the goal for students of his course "to become more aware, more in touch with life, and with whatever is happening in your own body and mind when it is happening." This is learned through developing your own personal practice of yoga and meditation, and homework includes a commitment to sit still for 45 minutes each day developing and learning that practice.
"Imagine the top of your head is like the blowhole on a whale....". the instructor conjures up the image as the class-members lie on mats in a dimly-lit room. "Clean, healing and refreshing air is coming in through that hole each time you breathe in. It courses through your body. Negativity and toxins are pushed ahead of it, and out through your fingers and toes as you breathe out."
The body scan, another meditation, surprised Marin as she realized two things she'd never noticed before. "I saw that I'd never known how my body felt, and that there was perpetual tension in my right arm." "Don't judge the feelings.....just feel them", the instructor advises. But later, thinking about it, Marin began to see that she had always perceived caring for herself as being selfish. She had never given validation to how she felt.
"Its time to stop separating the mind from the body." The words are Tipper Gore's. It is written on the blackboard at the Benedict Building that first day. Marin began to see that the tension in her right arm came from feeling that she had to be in control, ready to do what needed doing. "Now.......everything let go......a good deep exhale to let all the tension out....".
The instructor's soft voice and those words were often as good as it got in the early stages of learning yoga. "You want me to do what?" Marin's horrified mind asks as the instructor described and demonstrated yet another position. In her late fifties, Marin initially complained that she had arthritis and couldn't do the pose. The instructor simply smiled and said, "That's fine. Just do what you can".
Yoga is actually a general term for several Hindu and Buddhist spiritual disciplines in existence since 200 BC. They are generally divided into three types: 1. Jnana Yoga, a path to wisdom 2. Bhakti Yoga, the path to love and devotion to a personal God 3. Karma Yoga, the path to selfless action.
Hatha Yoga, widely practiced in the Western World, is one means of following these paths through postures and physical control of your body. Kundalini Yoga is psyiology-based, and seeks to open centers of psychic energy called "Chakras" along the spine and to activate "Kundalini", a force located at the base of the spine.
Yoga means yoke in Sanskrit, and suggests a yoking together of body and mind. It is considered a form of meditation. Mindful Yoga involves honoring your body and the messages it is giving you, exploring your limits but not exceeding them, dwelling at the boundaries.
Marin soon found herself doing the postures she thought she couldn't do, perhaps not perfectly, but perfection is not what this is about. It became for her a matter of stretching both muscles and limits. "I had no idea how stiff my neck was until I discovered that I could turn my head further and see more peripherally when I was driving."
Marin's face colors as she continues. "This is harder to explain. I'm middle-aged with a middle-aged body. I guess I'd grown ashamed of my body, but gradually I began to notice a subtle increase in muscle-toning. I never lost the twenty-five pounds I'd still like to lose, but today I can feel (and like) every part of me much better."
"How does your body feel right now? Look at the muscles in your left leg as you do this pose......Remember to breathe!" People report amazement at realizing they never knew how they felt, or saw the miracle of muscles at work-or even that they needed reminding to do something as elemental as breathing!
The notion of using your eye and mind like a camera, zooming in on one small thing, focusing entirely upon that one thing, OR taking a panoramic view-all of this was new. The worrisome, obsessional, or even mundane thoughts that wander aimlessly into a meditation, they were told, were like butterflies. They could look at them, see them for what they were, and then dismiss them, returning to meditation.
"Dying Of A Broken Heart"........ Research On Stress And Meditation Indicate It May Be More Accurate Than We Knew:
-Stress is more powerful than diet in influencing cholesterol levels. Several studies, including one of medical students around exam time, and another of accountants during tax season, have shown significant increases in cholesterol levels during stressful events, when there was little change in diet. Dr. Paul Rosch, Professor of Medicine, New York Medical College.
-75-90% of employee visits to hospitals are for ailments linked to stress. American Institute of Stress.
-Those who reported a history of workplace stress over the past ten years developed colon and rectal cancers at 5.5 times the rate of the control group. Joseph Courtney, UCLA School of Public Health, Epidemiology
-High levels of stress cause nerve factor growth (NGF), which hinders the ability of disease-fighting cells to ward off infections, suppressing the immune system. Reported in Psychology Today
-Meditation significantly controls high blood pressure at levels comparable to widely-used prescription drugs, and without the side effects of drugs. Hypertension, American Health Association Medical Journal.
6) Twenty-eight people with high levels of blocked arteries and high risk of heart attack were placed in a program with regular practice of meditation, yoga, a low-fat vegetarian diet, and exercise. Twenty people in the control group received conventional medical care endorsed by the AMA. At the end of a year, most of the experimental group reported that their chest pains had virtually disappeared, for 82% of the patients, arterial clogging had reversed. Those who were the sickest at the start showed the most improvement. The control group had an increase in chest pain and arterial blockage worsened. (Follow-up studies suggest that the stress-reduction element may be the most significant factor in achieving these results.)
Dr. Dean Ornish, San Francisco Medical School, University of California, Lancet Journal.
Joan Schonbeck is a registered nurse and writer.
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The Totally Natural Cotton Yoga Mat
Malc MooreIn the US and Europe, yoga has become very popular in deed for both keep fit and relaxation, and more and lots shops are selling equipment such as bags and mats. After a few weeks of attending classes and individuals will have to come to a decision about whether to buy a cotton yoga mat or use one that's being provided by the course If the decision as been made to buy one then you will find many different options that vary in features, colors and materials.
Various Designs of Mats:
You'll find the rubber yoga mats to be the cheapest and most common mats in the market place today. Most stores that sell exercise equipment will stock most of these mats in different colors and sizes, but will cost you around $15-$60. Even though the majority are manufactured from synthetic rubber materials, you'll see some mats that are more environmentally friendly because they are made from recycled rubber.
For those individuals who would like to spend more on a mat, they will find cotton ones available.To stop any slippage, a few of the mats will have to have a thin rubber mat put underneath them. Some of the mats have a non-slipping material within the design, so all you will require is the cotton yoga mat, which has a natural cotton fiber filling with an outer cover also manufactured from cotton. These bags can be cleaned very easily, just put them in a washer machine to get rid of all the bacteria have sweat. You can expect to pay around eight dollars or more for a mat that is made from completely natural cotton fibers. You can also purchase massage equipment and cotton yoga mat kits as an inclusive package, however, these will cost over $200.00, a large investment indeed.
The reason for getting a good quality mat, regardless of whether it is one of the rubber yoga mats or a cotton yoga mat is to assist an individual in keeping their feet and hands in place when doing poses. They also make a cushion between a persons body and the floor while creating poses, which definitely makes it much more comfortable. Most of the mats are less than half an inch thick, the reason being it would be difficult to do balancing poses on anything thicker.
Getting a cool
sticky yoga mat and
yoga DVDs online will be a great help with your yoga practice, for more on yoga check out our website.
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Are Yoga Pants Really Important? The Secret to Optimum Performance!
Megan A RobertsEvery beginning yoga student wonders whether it is actually necessary to go out and purchase yoga pants and other various yoga clothes. Some go to their first class in their regular gym clothes only to discover in an awkward, uncomfortable manner why those clothes are made to begin with! You can save yourself the drama and irritating experience by purchasing them before you attempt the art.
Why are They Necessary?
The clothing is important because they allow your body to move more freely than other types of workout clothing will allow. There is a great variety of movement involved with a yoga class, no matter which form of the practice you are learning. If your body is held back from full movement then you will not get the most out of each pose and could possibly even injure yourself.
Even further, yoga is based a great deal on the natural energies of the body. Clothing that is too tight may restrict and confine your energy rather than setting it out to play freely.
Performance Boost
If you want an interesting experiment, try to do a difficult yoga sequence wearing two different outfits. First, dress as if you are going out for a job on a cold morning. Wear long spandex pants or other tighter fitting clothing that covers up the body well, including socks.
Next, do the same yoga poses wearing the appropriate clothes. Bare your feet and ensure that the clothing fits loosely and allows full range of free motion for all limbs of the body. You will notice what a difference yoga clothes make by the end of the first sequence, but the second sequence will make yoga pants the absolute favorite item in your closet.
Yoga isn't just a physical exercise; it's also a mental one. Get all the latest yoga tips and proven strategies about getting the most out of yoga. Visit
Yoga Asana for more on Yoga.
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Don't Be Scared - Yoga 101
Sari LewisHave you wanted to try a yoga class, but are nervous about what to do? Here are some tips to help you feel more comfortable:
• You don't need to wear special clothing for a yoga class, but might want to wear a shirt that is a little more fitted, so it doesn't fall up around your ears as you bend over.
• Try to get to the class a few minutes early. The instructors are generally already there, and are happy to help you get started with set-up.
• If you experience claustrophobia, or tend to overheat, try to find a spot near the door.
• Everyone was new once, so, you will find that most members are very helpful if you ask questions.
• Although mats are provided at many facilities for yoga classes, most participants prefer to bring their own. That way, you can take it home and clean it with antibacterial wipes or a cloth with gentle soap and water after a sweaty workout.
• Props include yoga blocks, rugs and straps to help support you in postures where you might have limited motion. The instructor can help you use these tools.
• Classes may vary in intensity and levels. Start with a Yoga 101, if possible, be gentle with yourself and build your practice
• Yoga is really about the breathing, not the postures, so, slow down, enjoy and Namaste!*
*Sanscrit~ 'The Divine in me recognizes the Divine in you', a salutation used at the end of most yoga practices.
Sari Hands PLC
sarihands.comSari Lewis, OTR/L, RCST® has been an exercise enthusiast for years. Her private therapy practice is in No. Scottsdale, AZ, where she specializes in gentle manual therapies, including Craniosacral Therapy, myofascial release, joint and soft tissue mobilization and neural tension releases to calm tissues and the nervous system.
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Banish Burnout! Three Easy Yoga Breathing Exercises to Ease Your Stress at Work
Ntathu AllenStress is the leading cause of occupational ill health in the UK.
As a Yoga Teacher, I see many students suffer from the physical and emotional symptoms of work place stress, for example, head/neck aches, snapping at colleagues, tiredness, ulcers and a general sense of overwhelm and worry.
The causes of work-place stress are quite obvious. There is the constant demand for your time and attention from multiple sources, deadlines and competing priorities, work presentations too name just a few. Learning how to relax and respond to these demands requires patience, skill and an ability to know, for example, when to stop and rest, when to say "no" and when to delegate task.
Known as pranayama, yoga breathing exercises, offer you an easy way to support your body to deal more efficiently with stressful conditions.
Good breathing is healthy breathing. Your breath is your connection to your life. You can survive for about six weeks without food and a few days without water. But without breathing, you would not survive for more than a few minutes.
In my experience as a yoga teacher, I notice that many students do not know how to breathe correctly, which has a knock-on effect on your physical, emotional and mental health.
Most students tend to breathe shallow, irregular and rapid. In extreme cases, you may forget to breathe during long periods of focused work. When you breathe correctly, you bring in rich oxygen into the body and help to eliminate carbon dioxide buildup in the body.
Learning to breathe correctly helps to release the symptoms of anxiety and tension. As you practice the following three yoga breathing exercises, you will notice that you feel calmer, more relaxed and able to produce a higher quality of work.
Three Easy Yoga Breathing Exercises To Ease Your Stress At Work
To help reduce stress and tension at work practice the following easy-to-do yoga breathing exercises, which you can do in your chair, at your desk. As with all yoga breathing exercises, be gentle, respect and listen to your body. If you feel uncomfortable, stop the exercise and return to normal breathing.
1. Counted Breath
• Sit comfortably on a chair, rest your hands on your thighs, uncross your ankles, place your feet apart flat on the floor and close your eyes.
• Next breathe in slowly through your nostrils for a count of four and slowly breathe out, throughout your nostrils for a count of four.
• Repeat this sequence of breathing in for 4 and out for 4 for 3 - 5 rounds.
Slowly open your eyes and remain seated for a few more moments before engaging with your day.
2. Deep Yogic Breathing
Either sit comfortably, arms relaxed, nice straight spine and feet resting firmly on the floor or lie down on your bed.
• Place your right palm on your lower abdomen and your left palm on your upper chest, just below your collar bones.
• Breathe slowly in through your nose and as you do so, consciously focus on sending your breath from your right hand up to your left hand, be aware of the hands raising on the in-breath and slowly lowering on the out breathe.
• Repeat this deep yogic breathing for 3 - 5 more times, each time, allowing the breath to be fuller and deeper.
3. Simple Alternate Nostril Breathing
Sit with your back straight and gently close your lips.
• Rest your left hand on your left thigh, hands facing upward and position your right hand in Vishnu Mudra (for Vishnu Mudra, extend the thumb, ring finger, and little finger of your right hand and fold down your other two fingers into your palm.)
• Close your right nostril with your right thumb and breathe in through your left nostril for a count of 4. Close your left nostril with your ring and little fingers.
• Lift your right thumb and breathe out through your right nostril for a count of 8. Then breathe in through the same nostril for a count of 4.
• Close your right nostril with your thumb and lift your fingers to exhale through your left nostril to a count of 8.
Repeat this sequence 5 - 10 times.
As you go through your day, take time, to be aware of your breathing and to practice at least one of the above yoga breathing exercises to reduce work-place stress. You will feel calmer, more alert, engerised and more importantly, relaxed.
"And now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to my Special Report "Yoga Exercises and Breathing Exercises to Ease You Into Your Day" when you visit - Use these easy yoga exercise to gently stretch your body awake and start your day with a smile and a peaceful mind."
From Ntathu Allen - Sivananda Yoga Teacher and Registered Polarity Therapist.
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Exploring Yoga Training Today
Lisa MichaelsYoga training is not only about relaxation and meditation, but also about its application towards effective management of life. The self-control attained through yoga helps in the over-all development of an individual. Very few people know that yoga training comprises of eight steps, with meditation and contemplation at the top. The other six steps of the ladder are being ethical principled, having and trying to live up to your ideals, bodily postures, energy control, impassiveness, concentration and deliberation.
Training, at least in the west, often initially begins with a fundamental course which is followed by an intermediate then advanced training course. Few if any master training programs exist in the west and this level can only be obtained by direct personal supervision by a spiritual master.
The motive of any yoga training is mainly to develop the self and eventually reach enlightenment, either in this life or the next. Many people show interest in continued training even when they do not have any intentions of becoming a yoga trainer or teacher, this is mainly because they have already benefited by regular practice of yoga and hence they want to deepen their knowledge and experience by participating in more yoga training programs.
Yoga is a discipline which has been practiced for centuries by the yogis, yoginis and sanyasis of India. There are many and exact references of the best yoga methods to employ in the ancient Sanskrit literature, and it is good to observe that the Sanskrit literature places more emphasizes more on the spiritual aspect of yoga than the physical aspects. However, no yoga teacher can discount the importance of physical exercises or the knowledge of poses of yoga which are considered as essential for the overall development of the individual.
Yoga training in the initial stages, amongst other things, is intended to stimulate the flow of energy to various parts of the body by increasing the blood circulation to all the various organs of the body. Yoga utilizes all the aspects of personal development from postures to mantras and contemplation in a systematic manner to achieve an in-depth knowledge of inner self.
These ancient methods also help move individuals toward achieving perfect harmony and unison between one's body, mind and spirit. Yoga training has the power to take one from using it as a simple holistic body practice to a mystical and the sacred inner trust. The mind is connected to the whole body through energetic power (through the nervous system) and yoga training effectively facilitates learning to work along with these energies, which in turn gives power, balancing the chakra, thus bringing the body temple to the state of perfect health with the mind clear and calm. Going through the various and many yoga training steps results in the awakening of a consciousness which is free to embrace its own spirit, and gives rise to a mind which is peaceful and clear, and to a body which is healthy and strong and creative in all its endeavours.
Lisa Michaels is a yoga practitioner, writer & editor. For deeper insights into
Yoga Training please visit
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Yoga Poses - Four Simple Poses For Fast Stress Relief
Julia DenhamAre you looking for stress relief? Yoga is a great help. You can get great results from even 10 to 15 minutes of yoga per day. Here are several simple poses which will calm and relax you, instantly.
1. Mountain Pose Helps You to Center Yourself
The basic yoga pose is mountain pose, but because this pose is so simple many yoga enthusiasts tend to overlook its power. Mountain pose is an essential pose for stress relief.
Try it. Stand in mountain pose, making sure that your body is correctly aligned. Your weight should be balanced on both feet with the weight distributed between the balls of your feet and the heels. Breathe evenly, without straining, and remain in this pose with your eyes shoulders and neck relaxed for five full breaths.
How do you feel now? You feel better don't you? Mountain pose has an amazing effect, and the biggest benefit is that you can use this pose wherever you are.
2. Forward Bends Give You a New Perspective
Forward bends are relaxing. They have an even more relaxing effect than mountain pose. Get up from your desk, and find some space.
Begin in mountain pose, then bend forward at your hips and let your head hang freely. Stay in your forward bend for five full breaths. Now come back up into mountain pose. No matter how stressed you are, you'll find that the forward bend has relaxed you. This is a great pose if you're nervous. It will calm you down before you give a presentation, or just before an interview with your boss.
3 and 4. Upward and Downward Facing Dog Revitalize Your Spine and Build Your Courage
Upward and downward facing dog are basic yoga poses which you'll learn in any beginners' yoga class. These are two essential poses which you should do every single day. They have a wonderful effect in revitalizing your mind and body, and in eliminating stress. This is because these two poses manipulate your spine in beneficial ways.
Your entire nervous system relies on the health of your spine. All nerves originate from the spinal cord, therefore a healthy spine means that you will handle stress well and that your whole system will be in harmony.
Practice these two poses every day, either in the morning or in the evening; just spend five breaths in each pose. Whenever you're under stress, consider yoga first. You can count on yoga to be your primary stress management tool; just ten minutes a day of yoga can make a big difference in your life.
Discover yourself with
yoga, a gentle form of stretching. Yoga strengthens both your body and mind, and is suitable for anyone, from children to seniors. Visit Easy Fab Yoga Blog at for daily yoga information, tips, and inspiration.
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All About Yoga Diet Tips
Lydia QuinnThe typical yoga based diet is simply very healthy, containing whole grains, fruits and vegetables, but there's a little more to it than just healthy eating. Here's a quick primer on a diet that centers around the practice of yoga:
A yoga diet is basically vegetarian, it does not typically include meat, poultry or fish. In some areas, this is based on a spiritually based practice of being kind to all beings. Kindness to animals, of course, includes not eating them. However, if you are new to yoga and a yoga centered diet, you do not have to switch to a vegetarian diet instantly, you can gradually switch out meat for other tasty vegetarian options like seitan or tofu based products. The yoga diet is considered to be lacto-ovo, which means that only meats are not allowed, however, dairy products like yogurt, butter, milk, eggs, cheese and related products are acceptable.
Beans & Legumes
Since a yoga diet is typically vegetarian, you must get protein from a variety of other sources. This includes incorporating more beans and legumes into your diet. It can be more salads, recipes with lentils and beans, tasty curried bean dishes or whatever other bean dishes you may prefer. Try bean soups, lentil salads and sandwich spreads.
A main source of nutrition in a yoga diet includes a wide variety of vegetable dishes. Organic, seasonal vegetables can be used in many dishes like stews, curries, casseroles, appetizers and entrees.
It is generally recommended that you get about 2 liters of water a day. You can incorporate tasty fruit or vegetable juices, smoothies, coconut milk, nut milks, rice milk, soy milks and other healthy beverages to achieve this amount.
Foods to Avoid
In the yoga diet, it is important to avoid some foods that are not easy to digest or foods that are considered heavily processed. These can include many packaged foods, foods made with white flour or white sugar, food that comes in cans or other packages that tend to be filled with preservatives to keep them on the shelf as long as possible.
Foods to Enjoy
Good foods to enjoy on the yoga diet include food that is easy to digest like fruits, vegetables, juices, beans, honey, milk and butter.
Slow Eating
Another important aspect of the yoga diet is eating your food slowly and letting it digest properly. Don't simply scarf down your food, but enjoy every mouthful, chewing it enough for proper digestion. offers yoga positions for beginners, free online yoga,
yoga poses galleries, free yoga exercises, yoga diet tips and free yoga instruction, tips and advice. Visit us at:
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Zap Stress! Three Simple Yoga Exercises to Release Tension and Stress at Work
Ntathu AllenAre you stressed? Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of paperwork and projects you have to complete at work?
Constant exposure to stress, places undue tension on your body. Long term exposure can have a detrimental effect on your emotional and mental health.
To counter-act the negative effects of stress at work, for example, sore lower back muscles, tense shoulders, headaches or tired eyes, have you thought about practicing yoga?
Many of the students I teach yoga say that yoga gives them "inner strength", a "sense of balance and inner peace." This helps them to stay focused at work and gives them easy tools and techniques to cope with stressful situations in a calm and more positive way.
To help reduce stress and tension at work practice the following easy-to-do yoga exercises, which you can do in your chair, at your desk.
You will feel lighter, calmer and more in control of the amount of work you have to do.
Three Simple Yoga Exercises To Do At Your Desk To Release Stress and Tension
Before you begin these simple yoga exercises, sit comfortably on your chair. Feet flat on the floor, arms hanging loosely at your side. Smile and relax your shoulders. Lengthen your spine, and breathe slowly and deeply in and out through your nose.
As with all yoga exercises, please exercise respect and patience with your body.
1. Seated Trunk Twist Rest your hands on your shoulders and gently twist your body side to side. Twist gently 3 - 5 times in each direction. Make sure you twist from the base of your spine and keep your back straight throughout the stretch.
2. Arm Stretch Above Head Breathe in and slowly stretch your arms up in the air above your head. Slowly breathe out and arch your back your back slightly. Breathe in and as you breathe out slowly return your arms to your thighs.Repeat 3 - 5 times.
3. Seated Cat Stretch Make sure you have space in front of you. Sitting on your chair, bend forward and hold your ankles or shins. Arch your back, like a cat, relax and repeat 3 - 5 times
Practice these simple yoga exercises regularly throughout your work day. These will help you to cope better with work place stress and tension. With regular practice you will feel calmer, brighter and more able to focus on your work.
And now, I would like to invite you to claim your Free Special Report "Yoga Exercises and Breathing Exercises to Ease You Into Your Day" when you visit - Use these easy yoga exercise to gently stretch your body awake and start your day with a smile and a peaceful mind.
From Ntathu Allen, Sivananda Yoga Teacher. Email Ntathu at
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Relieve Stress Learn Yoga
Jama DujirnAchieving more balance in our lives is important to our health and well being. As the new year gets bedded in, more and more of us look for ways to bringing more balance into our lives. We want to get fit and do more exercise. We want to be more conscious of the food we eat and we want to get rid of the stresses and strains that plague our daily existence. Learning Yoga is one way that we can do this.
Yoga is a Sanskrit word that means 'union' or 'merger'. The main purpose of practicing Yoga is to get a balance between body and mind. Yoga can help you realise self-enlightenment through a combination of techniques including breathing, meditation, different poses and relief. When you practice these Yoga techniques, you can understand and get benefit from the knowledge that you can maintain a healthy, balanced approach to life.
Yoga is not a religion, although it does have it's roots in the Hindu religion. There are no codes of belief in Yoga, one is merely given the tools and techniques you need to gain a better understanding of your bodies potential. When mind and body work in tandem, you will feel better, you will look better and you will have a very different perspective on life.
Yoga is much more than just a workout. Although as a runner or if you do weight training, you exercise particular muscle groups, with Yoga you can do both cardio and toning, and much more.
It is more that stretching and relaxing, after a complete Yoga session, you will feel totally relaxed and full of energy. You can work on your physical and learn how to breathe deeply and effectively. This technique in particular allows oxygen to flow too your heart, brain and lungs.
The experience of total relaxation is a great stress reliever.
If you are wanting to learn more about how Yoga can help you change your life in this new year, you can search for Yoga instructors in your local area, or you can buy a yoga instruction book and learn it at home, whichever suits you. Whatever method you choose, you will enjoy this form of exercise and once learned, the techniques and skills will benefit you for the rest of your life.
Jama is a freelance writer who specializes in health and exercise related topics. Learn more about
basic yoga exercises to relieve stress and change your life. Get more information about the
health benefits of yoga and how you can use Yoga to change your stressful life.
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How Yoga Can Help Your Life
Steven StrattonA lot of people want to live a healthier life. They want to be more flexible, be able to climb a flight of stairs without running out of breath and feel energetic all day long. The major problem is that usually people do not have hundreds of dollars to spend on a gym membership or the time it takes to dedicate their lives to working out on a daily basis. Either that or they feel uncomfortable working out in a gym environment. Being surrounded by muscular men and women can be an intimidating experience, to say the least.
The best way to alter your lifestyle is to find something you enjoy doing. It is far easier to work up the energy to do something if you are enjoying what it is you are doing. And that is really the bottom line.
For many people, Yoga is the answer to their prayers. If you have some extra money, you can join a class, but if you do not, you can always pick up a Yoga book at the nearest bookstore or library. Yoga can be done at home, too, which makes it a convenient pastime. A good Yoga mat and some Yoga blocks is pretty much all the equipment you need in order to get started, and they are relatively cheap to buy.
How Yoga Will Benefit You
Yoga will help build flexibility in your joints as well as build strength and endurance in your muscles. Stretching may not look particularly hard, but it is harder than it looks. Yoga will also teach you breathing techniques to help calm your frazzled nerves in times of stress. In today's economic environment, we need all the stress busting tips we can get.
Yoga also helps detoxify the body. Stretching muscles joints and massaging various organs will ensure that you get maximum blood flow to your organs and muscles, which in turn help your body flush out any toxins lingering in these areas.
If you are looking to work up a sweat, you can try Power Yoga, which is a form of Yoga that combines Yoga and aerobics in order to give you the best work out possible. However, if you are just starting out, it is probably a good idea to start out in a regular Yoga class, since Power Yoga is intense and can lead to injury if you are not careful. Yoga is a safe and fun way to increase the amount of exercise you do. It will help you burn off excess fat, make you more flexible and ensure that your body has the necessary blood flow to flush out toxins.
Obviously, there are a lot of women who do Yoga, but it is also great for men to do it too. If you are a guy who loves to lift weights and build muscle, than Yoga is great, not only will it help your muscles develop, but also Yoga will prevent you from becoming stiff. What is the point of building all the muscles if you can't even straighten your arm out? With Yoga you can build the flexibility to compliment those muscles.
Steven is passionate about living a healthy life, and helping other people find ways to improve their own health. Hiking, running and sports are a normal part of Steven's life. Steven also enjoys finding new exercises to incorporate in his daily workouts. He has also completed the in home
p90x fitness routine and the
10 minute trainer routine.
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Yoga - 3 Moves to Reshape Your Posterior Fast
Adriel YapanaDo you want to get a better butt? Do you want to get stronger from feet to fingertips?
Try these three postures. All you need is your yoga mat.
-Hip Bridge. Lie on your back. Your knees bent at 90-degrees and over inline with your heels. Have both hands on the floor relaxed, palms down. Now inhale and lift your hips, driving the heels into the ground and squeezing your glutes at the top. Hold for several calming, deep breaths and lower slowly. You can make it harder by holding a pair of dumbbells or weights on top of your pelvis as you press them towards the sky.
-Star Five-Point. With your feet wide apart, arms to the sides outstretched, wrist in line over your ankles, Your body forms a star shape as your head as the top point. Now, turn toes out and tilt your pelvis up. Squeeze those glutes and make sure you tuck your tailbone under. Squat down (plie-style) with knees overextending your toes. While Plie, sweep your arms inward toward the chest and exhale. Palms facing each other. Breath in as you return to the starting position.
-Warrior Two. If you've done a lunges, you know how you it can make your legs feel like they're burning. Well, this one I feel is tougher. Do this one 3-4 times per side. With feet wide with, turn your left foot pointing at a 45-degree angle. As you press the outer edge of your right foot, lift both arms straight about shoulder height. Bend your left knee until your thigh is parallel with the ground with knee tracking over the toes (not passing it). Keep the tummy tight, look over your left side over your hand. Keep the shoulders relaxed. You'll hold for about 12-15 seconds. Straighten left leg and repeat to the other leg.
Do these moves and you'll better from the back in no time.
As a personal trainer and boot camp instructor, I know how hard it can be to drop stubborn body fat. To get FREE powerful, life-changing strategies, videos and finally stop the weight-loss battle, visit my website at
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Speaking Your Truth - Learning the Two Most Important Words in Yoga
Heather FerriIn Kundalini Yoga the first two words you learn to vibrate with are "sat," which means "truth," and "nam," which means "identity." These two words will eventually resonate within each breath you take during class. On the inhale you will think "sat" and on the exhale "nam." Kundalini Yoga is de-signed to work on balancing your chakras. We have 7 chakras that start at the rectum and work up the spine to the crown of the head.
Many yoga techniques speak of an 8th chakra which is a person's aura or energy field that surrounds their body. Speaking your truth requires an open and balanced fifth chakra. This particular chakra is located at the throat and represents our ability to communicate and speak the truth to others, as well as, ourselves. If a person has a difficult time with voicing their feelings or opinions usually that means their fifth chakra is blocked. A person can have problems in their thyroid gland or lose their voice often when the fifth chakra is not addressed.
In Kundalini Yoga, finding a kriya to heal the fifth chakra usually requires the student to sing/chant many different mantras. The sound vibration effects and shifts a person's being. A person who speaks with a loud and dominating voice illustrates having too much energy in their fifth chakra. A person who speaks softly or loses their voice often is a trapped soul who is undefined in personal truth.
Words manifest an energy and effect a person's being. Speaking to a loved one with a soft voice creates a warmth to it, but when we feel angry the voice changes tone and becomes sharper and more direct. For example, a mother yells at her child everyday and voices "Shut up" creates harm to the child's fifth chakra. That child grows up feeling and believing that it is acceptable to raise your voice and may even feel it is the only way to be heard.
Finally, by balancing the fifth chakra, a person's soul is being developed not only to speak the truth but to live their truth. Learning to speak with grace and follow one's own personal path requires honoring your life. When we value our voice we value our life.
Heather Ferri is a professional dancer, Pilates Instructor, and certified Kundalini Yoga teacher from KRI Research Institute in New Mexico. She has worked with Western PA Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation, Western Pennsylvania Alpha 1, American Respiratory Alliance, GlaxoSmithKline, Heinz USA, Delmonte, Oncology Nursing, and Health America. Discovering a deep passion for teaching/healing Heather spent the last 15 years traveling around the world. You can discover Heather's unique background/business at
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Cheap Yoga Pants
Stacy MartinsSome people, when first beginning their practice of yoga, opt for a pair of cheap yoga pants. And, of course, that's fine. You don't really even need any sort of specialized yoga clothing to get started. Any sort of loose clothes like sweat pants or cargo shorts will do.
But like with most things in life, you like to look good where ever you go, even in yoga class. First of all, if you've practiced yoga for even the smallest length of time, you know that you don't want any yoga pants that are too tight or restrictive. With the number of postures and stretching exercises that you will practice you'll need something loose and flowing. As well as being restricting, tight pants can be distracting.
Obviously, given the meditative quality of the system, comfort is of the highest importance.
Even cheap yoga pants come in a wide variety of styles, colors, and fabrics. You might want to limit yourself to bright solid colors, although I've seen a number of very attractive prints. You might also want to get a recognizable illustration on your yoga clothes as well. Perhaps something like the "Om" symbol or a likeness of the Buddha.
As far as fabric choice goes, most people like natural (non man made) products like cotton, silk, satin, hemp, or linen. And I can understand this. You are going to be working out pretty hard and are guaranteed to work up quite a sweat and most folks don't like the feeling of wet synthetic fabric sliding against their bare skin.
Unless you live near a big city you might have a hard time finding a store that sells a good quality garment like Lucy yoga pants. So you may have to purchase your items at an on line store. Look for a site that sells yoga pants for man, woman, and child to get the widest selection.
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Beginner's Yoga
Isha DuttaYoga is a unique way of purifying the soul and the body through the aid of certain body postures and health care rules. Yoga is beneficial for all ages and no matter the condition of your health and age yoga would always be effective for you to provide you with a better quality of human life. With the growing awareness of yoga as the way of dismantling all maladies of physical and mental senses, a considerable number of training institutes have cropped up across the world. You may even learn the technique of mind and body purification on the internet as well. For information on beginner's yoga you would get ample information in the internet.
You may take the help of the following guidelines while you are about to take up beginner's Yoga.
Beginner's Yoga Information
• You must begin your first stage of yoga session by knowing the various requirements of the Yoga. You have to know the basic accessories and clothing for performing the yoga. Even you should be aware of the rules of trying out the basic postures of yoga.
• The postures that you are supposed to learn in the beginner's Yoga include the various poses performed during the opening of the yoga session, the basic standing poses, salutations, shoulder and hip exercises, the backward and the forward bending, postures of inversions, twists and the ones usually done in the finishing poses.
• Learn the relaxed poses of yoga as well. You will get to know about the relaxed postures that you should be doing when you are relaxing or resting midst of the yoga session. You may try out the relaxed postures like the corpse pose.
• As a beginner you would find it to be difficult to manage a certain amount of time for performing yoga as you are not in the habit of doing so. But you must learn how to manage time from your busy schedule to carry out yoga on a regular basis as it helps you to get relief from your stressful life effectively.
• To learn to carry out perfect yoga postures you must be aware of the interconnection between exercise, breath and meditation. The more you know about the three basic components of yoga the more would be yoga beneficial for you.
There are five basic principles of yoga; the technique of proper relaxation, performing exercises, right ways of breathing, maintaining of proper diet, positive thinking and meditation.
Isha is an yoga enthusiast. She has taken part in various programs of yoga throughout the world. You may search for a good
Indian health aid guide to learn about
beginner's yoga.
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The Different Types of Yoga Mats
Thomas ChooIf you are new to yoga, you might be wondering if you should get a yoga mat. The reality is that in several circumstances, you do not have to have a mat. For example, if you do yoga at home, you can do it on the carpet or if you are at a gymnasium, you can borrow one.
However, if you are serious about yoga or are stuck in a situation where you have to practice in places with a hard floor, a yoga mat becomes a must have. Some yoga mats are really plain whilst others have fascinating patterns and textures to help with friction when trying more challenging poses. Because yoga is about connecting your mind and body, plenty of yoga mats are built to fit your personality and help you achieve these challenging poses.
You may find dearer mats that may offer more support or a special design, but for most of us the average mat will do. Because there are a wide variety of yoga types available, you may wonder about the different ways of which to pick the best mat, particularly if you are new to yoga. The kind of yoga mat you should buy relies on many factors, the most significant being the kind of yoga you practice and your ability level.
If you do more active and challenging poses or need more support, a thicker mat is the best option for you. You may also wish to consider a textured mat if you want help in maintaining poses.
Thinner mats are great if you want a mat that is convenient for you to carry around and to do more relaxing poses. If you prefer a mat that is small enough but will support your poses, sticky mats are just the thing for you. These yoga mats are thinly made and also come in a selection of colours.
It is light enough for you to carry around, and a lot of these mats have guides to indicate where to set your feet and hand. If you are an amateur, such guidance on a mat is an ideal concept till you get used to the basic hand and foot placements. These yoga mats are just perfect in mastering those poses and are very useful in stopping you from slipping off and sliding.
If you are practicing Ashtanga Yoga or Bikram Yoga, cotton mats are ideal for you. Cotton mats are made for soaking up your sweat. These cotton mats will help you to remain in position and not slip off. If your mat is not absorbent, then it is reasonably perilous because wet surfaces can be really greasy. The damp mat is good for gripping so that your feet and hands stay just where you place them.
There are different types of yoga mats for everyone, and the trick to this is to select the mat that will aid you in practicing the kind of yoga that you want, while ensuring that you remain in position and cushioning the impact of the hard floor beneath.
Are you looking to purchase a yoga mat of your own, but do not know which mat to get? Do you want a yoga mat that will suit the type of yoga you are practicing? Are you searching for the right yoga mat that will guide you in placing your hands and feet, maintaining your balance, or absorbing your perspiration? Tips on choosing the perfect
yoga mats can be found here! Go to for free tips on getting that perfect yoga mat!
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Using Yoga For Weight Loss
Thomas ChooIf you are like a lot of people, you have potentially considered beginning an exercise program to help lose weight. Many of us claim that yoga will help with weight reduction, and while many have shed pounds thanks to yoga, others do not believe that such a serene form of exercise will help them to reach their weight reduction goals.
It is widely recognized that yoga helps to develop flexibility by stretching muscles and promotes a more balanced approach to life that will also help with stress reduction, but in the area of weight reduction yoga's benefits aren't as clear.
The reality is that yoga students do lose weight from practicing yoga, but that weight reduction is not a consequence of strenuous exercise as yoga is a particularly gentle way to tone your body. The weight loss from doing yoga is a consequence of welcoming the principals of yoga that work to reduce stress and balance your mind, body, and soul.
A lifestyle that is freed from stress and is balanced is conducive to weight reduction as you can easily manage a healthful diet and lifestyle decisions. Stress has been evidently proven as a reason for weight gain, so an exercise that aims to alleviate stress will eliminate this weight gain risk factor from your life. Although the physical facet of yoga is not strenuous, it does keep your body healthy, flexible, and in shape. Though we may not know precisely how yoga causes weight reduction, you may use yoga to lose weight.
In order to shed pounds, you must eat healthily and burn energy by doing exercises that raises your heart rate on a consistent basis. Some kinds of yoga, like Iyengar, in which yoga poses are held for a bit with a resting period between each pose, will build muscles and enhance your posture, but will not give you the heart workout that you need in order to shed the additional pounds.
Ashtanga yoga is a very powerful style of practice with some distinct benefits for those who desire to shed pounds. Ashtanga practitioners are among the most dedicated of yoga learners, and amateurs are commonly inspired to sign in for a chain of classes that may give incentive to losing weight. Another advantage is that upon learning the poses, Ashtanga yoga is perfect for home practitioners.
Another form of yoga that can help lose weight is Power Yoga. This type of yoga is extremely preferred, as it offers an extraordinarily powerful cardio workout. Yet another from of yoga that can help in shedding pounds is Vinyasa Yoga. This is done in a hot room and ups the ante by guaranteeing that you will sweat buckets.
If you intend to make yoga your first form of exercise, you may do a powerful 90-minute yoga class at least three times a week. Many people also decide to mix yoga with running, walking or other aerobic exercise to reach their weight reduction goals.
Yoga would possibly not be the quickest way to shed weight but you can notice plenty of benefits after you start a yoga program. The advantages of yoga will definitely have an affect on your whole life and help you to find balance between your body, mind and soul. No other exercise program encompasses so many facets of life and serves to create balance that may help you to live a healthful way of life conducive of weight reduction.
Are you desperate to lose weight without having to perform strenuous exercise everyday? Have you heard of using yoga as a way to shed pounds? Do you want to learn how to lose weight by practicing yoga, and at the same time gain other benefits such as a peaceful mind and soul? The complete guide to using
yoga for weight loss can be found here! Discover a slimmer and healthier you by visiting now!
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11 Styles of Yoga & Everything Else That You Need to Know About As a Beginner
Outarow ChuongAre you looking for an activity that will allow you to steer clear of the stresses in your life, while maintaining the balance and harmony of your body? This is what yoga is all about. In layman's term, this is the discipline of stretching and toning your body through breathing techniques, exercises, posture, diet and relaxation techniques. Basically, the goal of this activity is to maintain control of your own body and mind.
Read on to find out more about it, its different types and tips for beginners.
Yoga for Beginners, Anyone?
If you see a room full of individuals undergoing advanced classes, you might be intimidated at the complicated poses that they make. This is the reason why there is a different set of poses and exercises which are meant for beginners.
Basically, a beginner's class will give you a preview of what the discipline is all about. Probably the only thing that you need is a mat and a willingness to learn about the basics.
Different Strokes for Different Folks: 11 Types of Yoga
After graduating from beginner's class, there are different paths that you can pursue. Take a look at the 9 different types that you can consider studying:
1. Ananda - this type focuses more on meditation techniques.
2. Anusara - the thrust of the yogic exercises involved in Anusara Yoga is oriented towards the heart.
3. Ashtanga - also known as the power of yoga, Ashtanga follows a series of steps and poses which are vigorous and quite athletic.
4. Bikram - this is also known as Fire Yoga or Hot Yoga, a style developed by Bikram Choudhury which practiced in a heated and humidified room.
5. Integral Yoga - this type focuses on the healing power of relaxation.
6. Iyngar - the center of study in this type is symmetry and alignment.
7. Kripalu - this style of yogic exercises deals with the 'yoga of consciousness'.
8. Kundalini - the focus of this style is to awaken one's energy.
9. Sivanada - if you want to live a healthier lifestyle, this is the style to go for.
10. Tantra - ideal for couples, this type deals with sensual spirituality.
11. Viniyoga - focuses on a gentle flow of the energies within the mind, body and spirit.
No matter which type of yogic exercises it is that you will go for, they all seek to create that delicate balance between the body, the mind and the spirit.
Outarow Chuong has been involved in alternative health since 1997, and is currently writing health articles related to
anti wrinkle cream, and
anti aging wrinkle cream.
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Yoga Poses - Triangle Pose For Stress Relief
Julia DenhamAre you looking for yoga poses for stress relief? Triangle pose is a great pose which energizes as well as relaxes you. Spending just a few minutes in triangle pose can change your mood completely.
The following process takes just a minute or two, and has huge benefits.
1. Start in Mountain Pose
If you're doing the pose in your office during the day, remove your shoes. Start in Mountain pose, ensuring that your alignment is correct. Your weight should be evenly balanced between the balls of your feet and your heels. Relax your neck, and your shoulders.
Stand in Mountain pose for a few breaths, breathing normally. Your belly should expand as you breathe in.
2. Relax Into Triangle Pose
Take a wide step to the right, with your feet are parallel and 3 to 4 feet apart. Turn your left foot in, at a 45 angle and your right foot out by 90 degrees. Open your arms so that they're parallel to the floor, then bend sideways until your left arm is pointing straight up and your right arm rests on your right leg, or beside your right foot.
Relax your neck, and look up towards your left hand. Breathe evenly, and remain in the pose for several breaths. Use your left foot to anchor yourself and come back up, until you're standing with your arms parallel to the floor.
Perform the pose to the other side moving your right foot inward to 45 degrees, and your left foot outward 90 degrees. Step your feet back together and rest in Mountain pose. You can repeat triangle pose two or three more times on both sides of your body if you have sufficient time.
3. Feel the Benefits As You Return to Mountain Pose
When you return to Mountain pose you should feel very energized. Feel the energy moving throughout your body. Wait for a few moments, and then return it to your day.
Triangle pose leaves you relaxed and confident, and is a perfect stress-buster.
Discover yourself with
yoga, a gentle form of stretching. Yoga strengthens both your body and mind, and is suitable for anyone, from children to seniors. Visit Easy Fab Yoga Blog at for daily yoga information, tips, and inspiration.
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Yoga Pants - A Practical Guide
Stacy MartinsI understand that yoga pants may not be the first thing that you think of when it comes to your yoga practice. But the fact of the matter is that most people like to look good for every activity that they involve themselves in and yoga is no different.
Of course, there are many things to be taken into consideration when you decide to buy a nice pair of yoga pants. I'm going to mention a few here so that when you go to buy, you will be well informed.
The first, and probably the most obvious factor, is fit. I am assuming that you will be trying your pants on before buying. That said, many people buy online so trying them on isn't possible. You'll want to get as prefect a fit as you possibly can. You will be doing a lot of movements in them so it is vitally important that they fit well. This is where you might want to look into a stretchy material, although some people prefer natural fibers.
Next, make certain that the clothes are not too revealing. You are going to your class for a purpose other than to be alluring (I presume). My feeling is that you should be looking for a combination of clinging and yet loose and flowing, if you can get it.
Since I sweat fairly profusely in class I tend to gravitate towards darker colors so as to hide the sweat stains. For me, gray tends to show sweat more easily than other colors. Even white seems to do a better hiding job than does gray.
Clearly comfort is of prime importance-you won't practice if you are not comfortable. In that yoga is supposed to be a system that emphasizes relaxation, comfort should be high on your list. Here is where many students look for natural fabrics like cotton, hemp, linen, or even silk and satin (although I find these fabrics to be too slick).
Whatever style of
yoga pants you decide to purchase, you can get more insight by seeing my site at
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Yoga Breathing is Feeling the Source of Life
Rose WindaleBreathing is the source of life, and in yoga, breathing is everything. When you say you "breathe", it is actually more than inhaling oxygen. More than inhaling and exhaling, breathing is a way of restoring balance and cleansing the body. And then again, there is a proper way, and an improper manner of doing it. In order to gain optimal results from breathing, you ought to know how to do it correctly. In the same manner as with other things, it takes time to learn proper yoga breathing. Gaining better know-how of a technique does not happen quickly. The following pointers, however, can guide you through basic yoga breathing exercises.
First there is the Kapalabhati, which is a basic technique. This method allows you to breathe in order to purify the body. In the Kriya method, there are six practices, and the Kapalabhati is one of them. In this practice, your breath is short, strong and fast. The organ primarily involved- the lungs- acts as a pump which expels waste from itself. You breathe deliberately fast, coming from your stomach and not from your chest. Another yet fundamentally important technique is to breathe through the nostrils alternately. You breathe through one nostril and then you hold your breath. Then you exhale through the other nostril.
It's inhale-hold-exhale with the ratio 2:8:4. The Brahmari breathing technique on the other hand is not used as often. You partially close the glottis while inhaling through both of the nostrils. The lips are closed causing the palate to vibrate because of the nasal airflow. Sithali, Sitkari is a technique rarely used. This yoga breathing technique works in a different manner. You stick your tongue out a bit. Then you softly curl the sides of the tongue up. Inhaling in this technique is done through the mouth. Yoga is a combination of exercises done with breathing. Fundamental to these breath exercises are yoga exercises.
One is not without the other. In any type of session, the fundamentals of breathing are taught. Breathing is the source of life, and this is one of the central focuses of yoga. Where you feel life and let it move through you and in you. With regular yoga practice, you experience inner cleansing. And you begin to gain equilibrium or balance. This is the importance of yoga as a spiritual practice. It greatly aids in healing and relaxation. You tend to yourself holistically- mind, body and spirit. For boosting and enhancing the total person, yoga is a recommended practice.
Many people have proven how it is beneficial for stress relief and relaxation, and even for weight loss. Even more so, you get to nourish your inner self- you get more in touch with yourself. And as you do, you gain better awareness of what is around you. You can learn about this holistic practice from online and offline sources. You can also opt to enroll in a health center offering similar courses, or else you can ask for the guidance of an expert.
The author of this article
Rose Windale is a Health and Wellness Coach who has been successful with several natural health programs for many years. Rose decided to share her knowledge and tips through her website You can sign up for her free newsletter and enjoy a healthy and happy life.
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Tips on Developing a Home Practice
Susan Guise-BagleyOne of the most difficult things beginners in yoga and/or meditation face is in developing a home practice. We all face this at some point. It's our nature to want to do what's easy and comfortable and for most of us, that means we ignore or skip our own practice and instead rely on a class or group setting. In order to deepen your experience and really make it your own, you should consider taking it a step further and develop a home practice. Not only will it enhance your own awareness on physical, emotional and mental levels, it will increase the benefit you get out of your classes.
Here are a few suggestions on how to develop a home practice:
INTENTION: everything starts with intention. Without intention, we won't progress in anything. We need to be honest about our intentions and honor them as best we can. To form a positive intention, think about the reasons why you want to do a particular thing or develop a particular skill. Imagine yourself doing it, and try to make your image as real as possible.
Consider everything you can about it: what specialized equipment you might need, where you will do it, and when you will do it.
PERSONAL SPACE: Setting up your personal space is important. It's a lot harder to develop a home practice if you don't have a consistent place to practice. For yoga, it just means having a space that doesn't require you to ship furniture out to storage, just moving a few chairs and having a space approximately 7 x 8 feet is plenty. For meditation, you'll need to take it a step further and try to dedicate a space - it might just be a corner of a room with a small table on which you can place flowers, a rock or a spiritual figure. Try to make it an area of low traffic where you won't be disturbed, a place where you can close the door and where it is relatively quiet (no music or loud noises if possible). Try to set aside a regular time each day for yoga and/or meditation practice. Sometimes it's best to do them at the beginning of the day so it might mean setting your alarm clock a bit earlier in order to make time available. You won't regret doing this as these practices set you up for the rest of your day. Doing them in the evening is also beneficial, but don't do yoga too close to bedtime (or just do the relaxation or restorative practices). Meditating close to bedtime is very beneficial.
SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT: one of the excuses we often use is that we don't have the right gear to practice, so this is an easy one to eliminate right away, provided you can afford it. For yoga, you'll need a blanket or a yoga mat (prices range from CAD $14.95 to $59.95 depending on the length, thickness and mat material). Optionally you can also use props such as a yoga strap and a block. Your teacher will generally guide you if these are needed. For meditation, it's important to have a firm support cushion (a zafu or round meditation cushion is the traditional one used - they cost about CAD $55.00) in order to help support the body in an upright sitting position. Alternately, you could use a kneeling bench (prices start around CAD $60.00)if you have problems getting into a cross-legged sitting posture. You can also just sit in a chair provided you sit upright (not leaning back) with feet planted firmly on the floor. Follow the links below to find out more about yoga and meditation products.
EXCUSES & OBSTACLES: It's amazing how quickly we make up excuses NOT to practice - they happen so quickly that we are often unaware of them (or chose not to pay attention to them). One excellent method of bringing them to light is to address your yoga or meditation space on a daily basis, consciously becoming aware of the excuses that surface: "I'm too tired today, I'll do it tomorrow", or "I did enough yesterday, I'll take a break today" or "I'm not very good at this", or "I don't have time right now", etc. As you become aware of the excuse, try to recall your intention. Then go to your yoga mat or meditation cushion. For yoga, just do a warm up exercise like the Sun Salutations (part of the Integral Yoga series). You may just find that after doing these, you feel motivated to do some more postures. For meditation, go to your cushion and just sit down. Get into the habit of practicing your meditative posture (spine erect but not stiff, head upright, chin slightly tucked in to elongate the spine, shoulders relaxed and hands in lap or on knees). Even a few minutes of practice a day will ease you into the habit of sitting.
BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF: avoid the trap of judgment and competitiveness. Whatever you do is just right. If you can't practice today, you can't (but be aware of the excuses). If you can only devote 10 minutes, that's fine. Consistency in practice is more important - 10 minutes 5 or 7 times a week is better than 60 minutes once a week. What you are developing through this process of daily practice is commitment, and this is a valuable asset that you can use throughout your life.
TRACK YOUR PROGRESS: keeping a small calendar next to your practice area is a great form of encouragement. Mark down how many minutes you practice each day. Make a commitment to do a certain amount of practice a day (for example, starting off with 10 minutes a day every other day, to start, then 10 minutes a day every day, etc.) If you successfully meet your commitment at the end of a week, reward yourself! (but not by skipping practice). Try to gradually increase your home practice - setting high goals at the beginning is not the best idea, so start small and gradually work up to more each day as you find yourself meeting the commitments you've made for yourself.
Home practice is a rewarding and enriching experience that only you can develop. If you are taking a class, follow the teacher or facilitator's instructions on what to practice at home. If you're not taking a class, do consider it - one can make all sorts of mistakes in practice by attempting things on one's own. As you progress in your practice, a teacher can help point out areas of weakness or opportunity to develop.
Heartspring Yoga - yoga classes and workshops led by Susan Guise-Bagley, CGA, RYT, registered certified yoga teacher (member of Yoga Alliance and IYTA). Susan specializes in yoga for stress and back pain, and also teaches yoga and meditation to prison inmates through a local charity.
Heartspring Yoga's approach is suitable for complete beginners and is taught in an easeful and meditative manner. The student is guided to a deep level of physical and mental well-being, vitality and relaxation, promoting flexibility, strength, and health for the entire system. Integral Yoga is utilized by Dr Dean Ornish in his groundbreaking work in reversing heart disease.
We offer special INTRO TO YOGA class series (6 consecutive one hour classes on a Saturday afternoon) as well as regular yoga classes, workshops and private yoga sessions. Visit our website for more info at
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A Guide To Hot Yoga
Brotee MukhopadhyayHot Yoga, a brilliant recreation of the Indian Hatha Yoga* or Hata Yoga*, has been introduced to the people of America since the early seventies of the last century by Bikram Chaudhary who has honorably extracted and devised the therapeutic value of Yoga. Learners in Hot Yoga are led to push the body to the extreme and to use it as a medium to bring the mind back to the brain' in order to perform a 'perfect marriage between body and mind' and thus they can 'knock the door to the spirit'. Scintillating personalities like Madonna, Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones of Hollywood have been reportedly with this Hot Yoga and this Yoga is in use in different medical centers.
Hot Yoga consists of a set of 26 poses, instead of traditional 84, along with two breathing techniques traditionally termed as Pranayama* in India. The learners are to practice each pose twice and each for a period of 15 to 20 seconds in a class of 90 minutes under an unusual environment where temperature is set to reach to 105 degree Fahrenheit (43 degree Celsius) or more. The learners are instructed to stretch and turn and twist the body from the position of rest (a standing position) to left or right bends in pre-determined designs. They do sweat excessively because of extreme heat. Hot Yoga postures are simple and also challenging in any way.
The extreme heat has been justified with the ground that such warmth will enable one to utilize hundred percent performance of the vascular system when blood carrying oxygen will be allowed to be circulated better than ever. This blood, sufficiently and easily, will reach to the tissues of each and every corner of the muscle and to the tissues of all the organs of the body.
The exhaustion awards the muscles and joints greater elasticity and flexibility and the collagen encompassing the joints will achieve positive tenderness. Thus a person engaged in sports and games will find his or her position always above the risk-line.
In each class in Bikram's Yoga centre more than 600 calories will be burnt paving way for the much expected loss in weight and the body will be freed from toxins simultaneously. Students serious in the Hot Yoga classes are sure to have a reshaped body, a body energetic and strong and at the same time slim.
Hot Yoga helps in the improvement of metabolism and digestive system. The extreme heat acts against infections. It is said that diabetic or cancer patients or patients suffering from insomnia or from anychronic diseases have been greatly benefited by Hot Yoga.
The tremendous exhaustion built up by this process over the body saves the mind from getting entangled or getting disturbed by any kind of external interference and capacity of concentration is remarkably enhanced. Hot Yoga leaves fabulous effect on the nervous system and persons regular in the studios feel happy as they develop a mind free from all sorts of stress and tension.
A balance in the functions of the body is urgently needed and Hot Yoga awards perfect balance and co-ordination inside the body and redefines relaxation. Learners find a very blessed mind, a mind strong and disciplined and always focused.
Yoga was invented by the people of India thousands of years ago. Students of the history of ancient India have differences about the time of origin. A valuable seal containing image of an old person in a Yoga pose found during the excavation in Harappa has been named as Pashupati Shiva. Thus people of the Indus Valley Civilization may be accepted as the first ever contributors for Yoga. Again, in many Vedic literature, from the Rikveda* to the later Upanishadas*, Yoga and one of its variation named Hatha Yoga or Hata Yoga have been stated with great importance. Some religious aspirers like Ajibikas and other sects have been contemporaries of the Buddha or Mahabira Jain. Their unbelievable austerity in practicing Hatha Yoga in different poses under the scorching sun is also a part of the Indian history. Use of heat for the well-being of the body has also been noticed in ancient Greece. Some ancient Greek physicians used to raise body temperature for an immune defense mechanism against infection. But Yoga is something different and something greater. Yoga presents some techniques to attain physical and mental perfection. Yoga has been practiced and developed years after years. Hot Yoga is a stream of it and is undoubtedly a powerful stream. Hot Yoga has been successfully developed by Bikram Chaudhary in America. Bikram is a great Yoga teacher and he is a living legend. He founded the Yoga College of India in Every Hills in 1974.
In stead of cautions:
a) Practice awards perfection and few persons are perfect in the poses. Everyone has his shortcomings. One should not give up at the initial failure, and instead, try to find a better day. b) Heat is extreme and it will be very uncomfortable in the beginning and a learner must learn to endure this hostile environment.
c) Learners should wear light clothing and must reach to the Hot Yoga studio with their own towels and mats. In a place where people sweat profusely this is a must for all.
d) Learners of Yoga other than Hot Yoga may raise unfriendly questions. These are not to be counted seriously as in most of the cases ignorance is the reason of such outbursts. e) A learner may face headache/vomiting/weakness. He should try to keep cool and he should be patient.
f) One must not eat anything within two hours before the start of the class.
g) Learners should drink plenty of water from hours before the start and also during the class.
*Hata Yoga is very important in the Siddha Philosophy. According to the Siddha Philosophy, "ha" means Sun, "ta" means Moon. Thus union of Sun and Moon is Hatayoga. In the middle of the spinal chord, there is an energy channel known as Sushumna. The energy channels in the subtle body are called Nadis in Yoga terminology. To the right of Sushumna Nadi there is Surya Nadi (Sun Channel). It is also called as Pingala. To the left of the Sushumna there is Ida or Chandra Nadi or Moon Channel. Through Surya and Chandra Nadis, achieving the union of Prana and Apaana is called HataYoga Vidya.
*Pranayama is not merely some breathing exercise. In reality it is regulation of energy behind all our mental and bodily activities. And through breath it can be easily regulated.
Sage Patanjali in his Patanjala Yoga Darshana says Pranayama removes the veil of ignorance and leads one to Self realization.
Pranayama consists of three actions. One is Puraka(Inhalation of breath), Kumbhaka(Retention of breath) and Rechaka (Exhalation of breath).
Prana is the controlling energy behind mind, body and breath.
*Rikveda is the first of the four Vedas. These and Upanishadas following them are the most significant religious texts of the Brahaminism of ancient India.
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