By Megan A Roberts
Every beginning yoga student wonders whether it is actually necessary to go out and purchase yoga pants and other various yoga clothes. Some go to their first class in their regular gym clothes only to discover in an awkward, uncomfortable manner why those clothes are made to begin with! You can save yourself the drama and irritating experience by purchasing them before you attempt the art.
Why are They Necessary?
The clothing is important because they allow your body to move more freely than other types of workout clothing will allow. There is a great variety of movement involved with a yoga class, no matter which form of the practice you are learning. If your body is held back from full movement then you will not get the most out of each pose and could possibly even injure yourself.
Even further, yoga is based a great deal on the natural energies of the body. Clothing that is too tight may restrict and confine your energy rather than setting it out to play freely.
Performance Boost
If you want an interesting experiment, try to do a difficult yoga sequence wearing two different outfits. First, dress as if you are going out for a job on a cold morning. Wear long spandex pants or other tighter fitting clothing that covers up the body well, including socks.
Next, do the same yoga poses wearing the appropriate clothes. Bare your feet and ensure that the clothing fits loosely and allows full range of free motion for all limbs of the body. You will notice what a difference yoga clothes make by the end of the first sequence, but the second sequence will make yoga pants the absolute favorite item in your closet.
Yoga isn't just a physical exercise; it's also a mental one. Get all the latest yoga tips and proven strategies about getting the most out of yoga. Visit Yoga Asana for more on Yoga.
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