By Heather Ferri
In Kundalini Yoga the first two words you learn to vibrate with are "sat," which means "truth," and "nam," which means "identity." These two words will eventually resonate within each breath you take during class. On the inhale you will think "sat" and on the exhale "nam." Kundalini Yoga is de-signed to work on balancing your chakras. We have 7 chakras that start at the rectum and work up the spine to the crown of the head.
Many yoga techniques speak of an 8th chakra which is a person's aura or energy field that surrounds their body. Speaking your truth requires an open and balanced fifth chakra. This particular chakra is located at the throat and represents our ability to communicate and speak the truth to others, as well as, ourselves. If a person has a difficult time with voicing their feelings or opinions usually that means their fifth chakra is blocked. A person can have problems in their thyroid gland or lose their voice often when the fifth chakra is not addressed.
In Kundalini Yoga, finding a kriya to heal the fifth chakra usually requires the student to sing/chant many different mantras. The sound vibration effects and shifts a person's being. A person who speaks with a loud and dominating voice illustrates having too much energy in their fifth chakra. A person who speaks softly or loses their voice often is a trapped soul who is undefined in personal truth.
Words manifest an energy and effect a person's being. Speaking to a loved one with a soft voice creates a warmth to it, but when we feel angry the voice changes tone and becomes sharper and more direct. For example, a mother yells at her child everyday and voices "Shut up" creates harm to the child's fifth chakra. That child grows up feeling and believing that it is acceptable to raise your voice and may even feel it is the only way to be heard.
Finally, by balancing the fifth chakra, a person's soul is being developed not only to speak the truth but to live their truth. Learning to speak with grace and follow one's own personal path requires honoring your life. When we value our voice we value our life.
Heather Ferri is a professional dancer, Pilates Instructor, and certified Kundalini Yoga teacher from KRI Research Institute in New Mexico. She has worked with Western PA Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation, Western Pennsylvania Alpha 1, American Respiratory Alliance, GlaxoSmithKline, Heinz USA, Delmonte, Oncology Nursing, and Health America. Discovering a deep passion for teaching/healing Heather spent the last 15 years traveling around the world. You can discover Heather's unique background/business at
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