By Julia Denham
Are you looking for yoga poses for stress relief? Triangle pose is a great pose which energizes as well as relaxes you. Spending just a few minutes in triangle pose can change your mood completely.
The following process takes just a minute or two, and has huge benefits.
1. Start in Mountain Pose
If you're doing the pose in your office during the day, remove your shoes. Start in Mountain pose, ensuring that your alignment is correct. Your weight should be evenly balanced between the balls of your feet and your heels. Relax your neck, and your shoulders.
Stand in Mountain pose for a few breaths, breathing normally. Your belly should expand as you breathe in.
2. Relax Into Triangle Pose
Take a wide step to the right, with your feet are parallel and 3 to 4 feet apart. Turn your left foot in, at a 45 angle and your right foot out by 90 degrees. Open your arms so that they're parallel to the floor, then bend sideways until your left arm is pointing straight up and your right arm rests on your right leg, or beside your right foot.
Relax your neck, and look up towards your left hand. Breathe evenly, and remain in the pose for several breaths. Use your left foot to anchor yourself and come back up, until you're standing with your arms parallel to the floor.
Perform the pose to the other side moving your right foot inward to 45 degrees, and your left foot outward 90 degrees. Step your feet back together and rest in Mountain pose. You can repeat triangle pose two or three more times on both sides of your body if you have sufficient time.
3. Feel the Benefits As You Return to Mountain Pose
When you return to Mountain pose you should feel very energized. Feel the energy moving throughout your body. Wait for a few moments, and then return it to your day.
Triangle pose leaves you relaxed and confident, and is a perfect stress-buster.
Discover yourself with yoga, a gentle form of stretching. Yoga strengthens both your body and mind, and is suitable for anyone, from children to seniors. Visit Easy Fab Yoga Blog at for daily yoga information, tips, and inspiration.
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