Yoga - 5 Reasons to Give it a Second Try
Lisa HoldrenYoga isn't hard. It can be a challenge, but almost anyone can do it. Check out these ideas and then give it another go. Take a friend, or make a friend, use the buddy system if it helps.
1. Lots of times things don't work out as expected the first time around. Whenever you start anything new, it takes time and effort to get it going. It doesn't matter how young or old your body is, there's some kind of yoga for everyone.
2. We've all gained weight or lack strength or just need a great hobby. Yoga is really about mind over matter. The poses are an aspect of getting there. Lots of people can't bend over and touch their toes. With practice maybe you will, and maybe you won't. But you can relax your back, and stand up straighter, and breathe more easily. You can have fun, too. Lots of teachers are funny.
3. Yoga is not about competition. It's about personal best. You don't even know what your personal best is yet. Forget about looking at the yogis around you. You're in a beginner class. Look at the teacher and inside yourself. The looking inside can be hard, but it's you, so if you don't like who you see, get busy changing yourself. Breathe in, breath out, you can be on your way to a new you.
4. If you didn't like the teacher, try someone else. It's been said that people don't go to yoga class, they go to a yoga teacher. Think of it like finding a new friend. You'll know when you meet the right person, but it can take awhile for that connection to happen. Isn't it wonderful to get to know a new friend? Especially one who helps you feel better, and look better in your clothes. It's just fine to appreciate the visible benefits of yoga.
5. You get too hot, drip with sweat and can't breathe. The hot and sweaty part is your power and energy coming alive. Think of those other times you were hot and sweaty and loved it. Just wipe your face. You can shower later. Everybody holds their breath when they're trying hard to do something. A huge part of what you learn as a yogi is to allow yourself to breathe. Seems like it should come naturally, but not in our culture.
All you really 'have' to do is 'all you can do' until you can do better.
You will learn what your body can do. You will learn the poses and their names. You will get healthier, even on a cellular level whether you care or not, and you can find peace and tranquility, if you let yourself.
For more tips, essays, and resources to find peace and energy in an adventurous and eventful life, visit Lisa Holdren's blog at retired from episodic television and series development to guide her children toward contentment and successful careers. Now she helps readers in search of tranquility and purpose with humor and intuitiveness.
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Pilates For Beginners - What You Need to Know
Mike J BaileyTheres no need to be concerned about learning Pilates for beginners. Pilates is known for creating trim figures. But the truth is that Pilates classes are full of all shapes and sizes. If you want to lose weight, Pilates is supportive of weight loss. But there are lots of other reasons to do Pilates. Achieving a toned appearance and general fitness are the top reasons that people do Pilates. Other reasons include increased strength and flexibility, as well as therapeutic effects. People start Pilates for a variety of reasons and its this variety that makes classes interesting and sociable but also Pilates on your own is truly rewarding.
Many people feel intimidated starting a Pilates, and some specifics about its movements set it apart from other fitness systems. The good news is that when you go to a Pilates class, no beginner is expected to know what to do. Fear not, people will ensure you understand what to do before youre let lose.
Now if like me you have a back pain, you should use a certified instructor. People with back and neck pain are more vulnerable to injury and some precautions should be taken. If you have an injury, you need to work with a certified instructor who can help you modify exercises and make sure that you are doing the exercises correctly. When done properly, Pilates exercises develop core strength, which is key to relieving muscle strain in the back and neck.
Pilates is about a fundamental set of movement principles that can work for any body that is still in motion. You really can't be too old to do Pilates and reap benefits from its practice. The adaptability of Pilates exercise makes Pilates classes accessible to people of all ages and levels of fitness. Pilates classes are attracting a lot of seniors and classes just for seniors are a growing Pilates trend.
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Basic Yoga - What Everyone Needs to Know Now
Korbin NewlynBasic yoga is very simple to learn. There is no exercise equipment required. You jut need to spend roughly 30 minutes at the most completing all the necessary movements. All that you really need is a yoga mat and some extra space and unless you have issues of mobility, you can begin immediately. It is no secret that the human body is a highly resilient and astonishing piece of machinery. It has the ability to do things that can literally astonish us.
There are things that are bodies can do that we are not even aware of. Yoga is a great case in point. Odds are, if you have ever noticed pictures of asanas or poses for yoga, you have witnessed the practitioners of yoga accomplish things that in normal cases, you would not believe possible, yet there they are doing it.
The odds are, you have the ability to accomplish these things as well, only not immediately.
Attempting any one of the advanced asanas if you have before done any conditioning can end up in severe injury. The appropriate as well as persistent practice of primary techniques of yoga is essential so that you can make these types of advanced movements achievable.
Over the 5,000 years that yoga has been in existence there is said to be in excess of 8,400,000 asanas or positions of yoga that were compiled by the masters of yoga. For the majority of novices of yoga, substantially less are needed to get started. The amount of primary yoga asans that are recommended by instructors differs yet typically there are a little more than 12 primary movements of yoga positions that are trained to beginners.
Even if a person is not so inclined to have the ability to execute the more advanced and complex types of asanas, there are numerous benefits to practicing basic yoga exercises, regardless of the school of thought you may choose to follow. The initial and most clear benefits are that of improved flexibility, balance and strength.
One of the less obvious benefits of practicing yoga is that of an increased awareness of oneself as well as that of nature. Additionally, yoga has demonstrated to provide benefits to your health such a heightened internal functions of your organs, an increased immune system, reduction of the various symptoms of numerous types of diseases as well as numerous other types of benefits. All different kinds of yogas, which include basic yoga, assists in relaxation as well as lowering stress without any fatigue and too much exertion.
Yoga Body Movements
Basic yoga involves seven main types of movements while exercising that include flexion, rotation, circumduction, adduction, extension, as well as hyperextension. Various combinations of these kinds of body movements are utilized to make the yoga positions and stances. These movements are accompanied with breathing exercises as well as various levels of concentration.
A persons breathing is also the guide in basic yoga for arriving into an asanas, as well as coming out of it. All of the various movements are ideally completed in a graceful manner. To educate yourself on how to complete basic yoga, search for an instructor that is qualified or the next step would be to search for educational videos that might help you out.
Listen to Korbin Newlyn as he shares his insights as an expert author and an avid writer in the field of health. If you would like to learn more go to
Yoga Exercises advice and at
What Is Yoga tips.
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Read Yoga Books For Wellness
Victor EpandBooks have been considered as one of the best sources of knowledge in every possible field.
Books can be a man's best friend, when there are no mentors or teachers showing the right path. There are different types of books available in the market on topics like cookery, fashion, general knowledge and even yoga. Yoga, a scientifically proven method for controlling the heart, mind, and body, has become very popular. It is like a practical science, which not only treats various ailments in the human body, but also prepares it for leading a healthy life. Since it is difficult to have a trained yoga teacher's supervision all the time, yoga books can be of great help due to their value and content.
Whether you do the simple pranayam practice or raja and hath yoga, authors of yoga books try to provide as much practical and relevant information as possible. Yoga being a practical science, it requires a lot of research before the constituents are compiled into a book. One feature that is very essential in any yoga book is relevance. The author's ability for conveying the essence of yoga in the book is also one of the main pre-requisites.
Aasans, different body postures having different impact on general health, are the most important part of yoga. Every book must cover this part and this is the reason why you will find a lot of diagrams, illustrations and pictures along with simple interpretations. Pranayam, distinct breathing exercises are also essential in yoga. Also, make sure that the author of the yoga book has put the impact and significance of respiratory exercises in detail.
You must be aware of the fact that yoga is an ancient medical practical science and this is why the important chronicles were written in the Sanskrit language. This is a complicated and tough language to understand and in today's yoga books you will find few concepts and theories mentioned in Sanskrit. A good yoga book author will elaborate every concept in detail, so that the readers benefit from it. You can determine the success of a book on the basis of communicability of the content. Even the practicability of the theories is very important.
Yoga books basically consist of content that an interested person would like to know. From different body postures to ways of treating particular ailments, yoga books can teach you a lot.
They also describe how a particular posture can help you solve a problem and tone up your body. Yoga has been considered an effective method for achieving nirvana too. It is like a cord between cosmic consciousness and individuals.
Victor Epand is an expert consultant about books. When shopping for books, we recommend you shop only at the best bookstores for
used yoga books,
autographed books.
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Why Yoga?
Annie RobinsonWhy are so many people getting into Yoga? While most of us are not really into the philosophical, metaphysical or religious basis of Yoga, although many of us are, the one thing that no-one can deny is the incredible rewards of greater health, vitality and balance that result from a regular
Yoga practice.
In the east Yoga has been practised for thousands of years and shows no signs of flagging, in both India itself the birthplace of most forms of common Yoga, and in most Asian countries which have their own form of yoga known under different names.
What is Yoga?Yoga is a system of techniques and disciplines that move the user to an end goal. The system may vary as in the many different forms of Yoga, but the end result is the same, to find the true balance within and without that leads to knowing the self completely.
Now that may seem like a big ask, but even taking a few steps toward that end goal can result in multi-faceted changes in your life as you begin to feel the effects of better posture, better focus and better health. Yoga literally means the 'union' of body, mind and soul that leads to enlightenment.
Within the many forms of Yoga there are the constants, those physical postures that enable the body to become more balanced, flexible and healthy and create a body awareness that can be felt in daily life. This body awareness helps to keep us healthier as we are able to become aware almost immediately of any imbalance in the body. In our busy world we are often too busy to take note of the smaller warning signs that our body is becoming overloaded, either through stress, toxicity or poor dietary and sleep habits and we often do not know we are becoming unwell until it is far too late to prevent. We end up sick and in bed and at times this can become the only time we take off from our busy schedules.
It is this Yoga cultivated body awareness that can help us to prevent and pre-empt most of these illnesses and become aware of the need to slow down and take some time for ourselves so that we can be at our best, and giving of our best at all times. We also get to enjoy our time off rather than spend it in bed wishing someone would just bury us alive.
The Character Of The PosturesAn Asana or posture or pose, is meant to be refreshing and relaxing rather than fatiguing or requiring effort, although some forms of Yoga are a real workout. These postures when performed regularly are meant to create a stable and balanced use of your body in all situations. Some of the postures have been developed from copying the characteristic postures of animals, reptiles, insects and birds and others as form of dance performed as a prayer to the sun. All of them prepare the body for sitting, standing or moving in conscious stillness as meditation.
Before Performing a Yoga Workout
There are a few commonsense rules that should be observed before performing a Yoga workout:
Allow at least 2 to 3 hours to go by after a main meal and an hour after a snack
Empty the bladder and if possible the bowels
Sponge over your body to give a feeling of freshness before you begin
Wear loose fitting preferably stretchable clothing
Workout on a level floor or park and be sure the room has adequate ventilation
Use a thick blanket or yoga mat under your body
For greater control and for deepening your practice use a Yoga Swing
There are many types of Yoga filtering into Western society which means it will be easy to find one that suits you. There are the very traditional systems and the more westernised forms and amongst them you will find both hard Yoga and softer Yoga, my advice is to try a few different classes until you find the one that suits you.
Yoga can be a one way ticket to health, vitality and longevity so check out a yoga class or personal one on one instruction today.
Annie Robinson has been a Natural Practitioner for over 20 years, she specializes in metabolic disorders and their core preventable solutions. She also holds a Masters in Coaching and NLP and a Grad Dip in Education (science and history). Her passionate belief in everyone's ability to heal and manage all patterns of disease is her focus. Her partner Helen Eames is a Yoga Instructor who specialises in teaching Inyengar and Integral Yoga and together their business "balancenoosa" situated on the beautiful Sunshine Coast in sunny Queensland has the slogan "Wellness that Comes To YOU." They bring wellness solutions to your home, your business or your holiday unit and are about to launch an exciting new program of Lifestyle Makeover retreats. For more information on this subject or on 'balancenoosa' please see: or the balancenoosa Blog:
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Yoga Exercises a Great Way to Relieve Stress
David TaggartSo often in todays society is so fast paced we do not have any time to just sit down and relax. We are constantly surrounded by stress that is affecting every one of us in a negative way. Rather than dealing with the stress in the right way, many people prefer medicines to deal because their just seems to be no time otherwise.
Rather than self-medicating to deal with your high stress levels, let me introduce you to Yoga, which is considered one of the most effective ways for improving your health, fitness, and more importantly, high stress levels.
Yoga provides you with psychological, physiological, mental, and physical benefits. It gives you an outlet to unite yourself with happiness and the ability to release major stressors in your life including: fears, agony, and tension.
Yoga first evolved from a spiritual exercise in Hinduism, but now is considered just part of a good healthy life style. There are so many different types of Yoga, I just want to give you some generic guidelines that will help you to be familiar with the basics.
Always use a mat or grass for laying postures
Close your mouth and focus on using only your nose for inhaling and exhaling
Breath as deep as you possibly can so that you can supply your body with the maximum amount of oxygen.
Take your time and rest in between poses if needed
Avoid eating too much before your yoga practice, and avoid fasting often. Stay away from stale and unhealthy foods that can be harmful.
Take in a balanced diet consisting of all the different food groups
As you begin your yoga practice, start with easy postures and progress slowly to a more difficult level.
Be certain to wear clothes of maximum comfort that are more of a tighter fit. The last thing you want is loose and scanty clothing getting in your way while performing a pose.
Yoga requires a lot of focus and concentration. Drink a glass of water before you begin your practice.
The best results come from the most level of comfort. Make sure to empty your stomach and bladder before your practice. Eat dinner early and try to consume less at night.
Make sure that you have selected a peaceful place that is airy and pleasant, this means that there should be no distractions. Often times pleasant Yoga music is a big plus.
All of these suggestions can greatly improve your stress levels and bring a state of relaxation in your life while enjoying a new healthy-fit life style.
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YOGA For Mental Health, Mind and Body
Mike D PaulYoga is a system of mental and physical exercises which were originally developed in India over thousands of years.
Yoga comes in many forms specifically designed to suit different types of people. As a result, some forms of yoga have gained significant popularity outside India, particularly in the West during the past century.
Today there are many different styles with many different goals. Yoga is not a religion. It doesn't require that you fast or abstain.
The Basics.
Yoga is basically the practice of stretching for one hour. Stretching should only take five minutes, other peoples would rather spend the extra fifty- five minutes playing in an actual sport or spending time with their families and friends. Yoga is not just physical fitness training. It is an authentic holistic tradition inclusive of contemplation and meditation. Yoga injuries are unheard of. The meditation techniques are a comprehensive combination of concentration, sublimation and ideation.
Reduce Stress and Anxiety.
Yoga is an effective method to reduce stress and anxiety. See how to get started. Yoga is a union of the organ systems in the body with the consciousness in the mind. Philosophically, yoga produces a union of body, mind, and energy (or soul or spirit) to bring about a state of equanimity (calmness). Yoga is most effective in dealing with psychosomatic problems. If practiced diligently on a long-term basis it can have a significant effect on a person's health both on a preventive basis and to control and cure existing problems.
Benefits of Yoga.
Yoga has tons of benefits. It can improve flexibility, strength, balance, and stamina. Yoga is all about breathing correctly about integrating that breath into your being. Conscious Yoga doesn't call for you to force or strain your never or sinew. Yoga Slackers are a group of yoga practitioners who practice their asanas not on a mat, but suspended on a piece of 1" flat, stretchy tubular webbing (like rock climbers use) tensioned between two anchor points above the ground.
A Great help for Expectant Mother.
Yoga is an excellent way to "train" for the marathon of labor and motherhood. Practicing Yoga in pregnancy helps to strengthen and stretch muscles, release tension and maintain good posture. Yoga is more than just a form of exercise, but part of a well-rounded philosophy that dates back over 5,000 years. The practice of Yoga can help you to live a healthy, integrated life. Yoga can help liberate your true nature. Please don't use yoga to suppress it.
Is Yoga a Religion?
Yoga is not a religion, it fits with any lifestyle, and in fact yoga is one of the most valuable tools you can learn! It will improve your lifestyle! Yoga is not a competitive sport. Yoga, including postures, breathing exercises and meditation is the science of positive mental health. Practice Yoga regularly and it will strip away the obstacles that separate you from your source. Yoga practice can be invaluable in this process, as it can alleviate tension from and clear energy blocks in the body and mind. So speak to a teacher about developing a practice to suit your needs.
Hands on Process.
Yoga teaching is, to a large degree, a hands-on process. A gentle guiding touch can definitely help you fine-tune your practice. Yoga is a way of life, an art of righteous living or an integrated system for the benefit of the body, mind and inner spirit. This art originated, was perfected and practiced in India thousands of years ago. Yoga, Meditation, and other stress reducing wellness practices are critically important in today's world. By making these healing arts easily accessible, people will attain greater health, balance, and harmony in their lives.
Yoga for Kids.
Yoga for kids is an excellent way for a child to exercise and has many other benefits for a child's health. Not every type of yoga can be used as yoga for children though. Yoga is an ancient science of personal self -development that has evolved into an integrated lifestyle program. The practice of Hatha Yoga will release the physical tensions and stress so that you feel energized calm and peaceful.
This article is the original work of:
Mike Paul
Copyright C 2008How to Get Rich Building a Lazy Downline.
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10 Yoga Techniques For Advanced Fitness Buffs
Jesse MillerFitness is an evolving field. The emergence of several approaches to trim down is sometimes too much to contain. The more choices of health programs, the more an individual gets confused which is the best for him is. Effectiveness in fitness programs is not questionable. It's a matter of whether or not such program works on you if it does make an impact to others.
Among the weight loss programs, the most commonly used are cardio exercises such as running and aerobics, dancing, outdoor sports playing, body pump, bench press cardio and elliptical training. For the more up-to-date health buffs, they have started appreciating the effects of taekwondo-kickboxing combo, boxing, Pilates and Yoga. The last two programs are more or less related as they use mind-body-spirit alignment to burn fats and strengthen muscles groups.
These 10 Yoga techniques for advanced fitness buffs might help you:
1. Before doing the 10 Yoga steps, it's important to note that you should not allow your head to turn while your neck is under pressure. Pose with a supported headstand. First step in this technique of doing Yoga at home is to kneel down gradually. After that, your hands must grasp your elbows as if enclosing them both. Your forearms are the ones that carry on the weight of your body.
2. Take your hands of your elbows and bring them toward your front. Your fingers must be together closely. Your elbows should be straightened.
3. Still on a supported headstand position, you can place your interlocked hands at the back of your head. Your head's top must be aimed on the floor. Your hands and elbows should make a trivet or support that allows a solid foundation of your reversed body. Imagine standing on your head, you are turned upside down.
4. This time stretch your knees straightly and lift your hips.
5. Now, get your knees to straighten steadily while you bring your feet closely to your head. Draw your hips toward the back with your neck unbent forward or backward. Instead, your neck must be aligned with your spinal column.
6. Bring your bent knees toward your chest and raise your feet away from the floor. Drawing your hips backwards is to be done along with it. Hold this position and halt before trying to bring your knees a little higher.
7. Still bending your knees, you bring the upwardly toward the roof and feel the contraction in your abs.
8. You can now gradually stretch your legs straight. Your body's weight is mostly felt on the forearms this time. Move on and off the position gradually and controllably. To stretch your spine, you have to lengthen your legs up.
9. Tone down by doing steps 5, 6 and 7 again.
10. Rest as if you're sleeping and do six breaths deeply.
When doing yoga, it's important that you execute steps gradually. It's the art of stretching and breathing deeply where your mind, spirit and body align harmoniously.
Finding the perfect
Workout Routines takes time and effort. These best workout routines is a great place to start if a person is interested in flat abs. The
P90X workout routines is also another workout that will help develop flat abs.
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Over Weight - Straight Shot to the Yoga Point
Chris L. JensenThere are easy ways to come back to your normal and natural size, only two factors will make it easy for you. First is to understand the problems that too much body weight can get you into and second is a determined effort to reduce on your part.
To mention a couple handicaps that come with weight. Number one is the disheartening fact of being over weight, some ridicule you, others pity you or sympathise with you, but you cannot just ignore it. This constant social snub or sympathy works on your mind and you could possibly develop psychological problems, making you nervous, insecure or non social.
A second problem concerns your physical health as you become prone to eating too much in depression and that makes the problem worse. There are also a host of other problems the people face, and we all know them quite well. These health related problems may not be a factor today, but over time they will eventually catch up in some shape or another.
The remedy as I said is not difficult and there is plenty written about appropriate weight loss. I would recommend exercise as the first step. Yoga exercise, which is in mass popularity these days and helping people greatly. To make you enjoy yoga and keep it up, try doing yoga with music with a group of people and keep the discipline of time and regularity. Make yoga a habit as an important tool for your body mechanism.
Secondly, have a diet plan laid out to follow. For this do not cut down drastically on what you like, but just take everything in a balanced quantity. You will realize that gradually it will be more enjoyable as you will relish many things, but in small quantities each day.
Thirdly, plan ahead and keep track of how your routine is helping you, do not be in great hurry for quick results of the quick weight loss solutions. What is required to lose weight is a solid habit formation.
Not giving up all your favorite food items, but to eat to moderation. Balance is the key word for this problem and let me tell you balance will also bring a healthy thinking process thus enhancing your mental capabilities too.
Yoga is said to be a help in that increasing the mind capabilities too, so go ahead read about yoga, practice yoga and live a healthy life. Remember do not expect lasting results in a short time.
Chris Jensen is a contributing Author of Jetfly Blog. For more related articles and reviews visit
Jetfly Healthy Lifestyle Blog now. Also, for the Best up-to-date related Online Products, check out
Jetfly Yoga & Pilates Shop for Todays Current Online Deals.
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Laughing Yoga For Better Sexual Health
Suzanne AndrewsHow do sex and energy co-exist and blend with yoga? They are a twin-ship, even if we don't see them that way. Let's begin with the ancient practice of yoga. Yoga means to yoke - to blend mind, body and spirit. And now - sex. Think of it - when the mind is busy, busy, busy, we stay unaware of our sensations, our perceptions, the smells, sounds, and tastes all around us. Good sex is letting go of the mind and getting into, really into, the sensations/pleasures/feeling of the experience. People are born with an innate awareness of these senses - but as we get older, we lose that primitive, wonderful sense of our internal self. And so basically, for the sexual experience to be a high, we need to forgo all thought and get into the energy of the experience, feel it in all of you.
"Chi" energy contains two polar forces: yin and yang. In everyday terms, yin is often connected with female energy, yang with the male. But each of us, male and female, contain both. As such, what is needed, for both is balance. Unbalanced, you are in a state of dis-ease. Too much yang is the overly-active person, always on the move, can't stay still; too much yin, the opposite.
The formation of all sexual energy is Prana - the driving force of sensuality, vital energy, and passion. Prana means breath and is an innermost belief in Yoga offering enriching, escalating sexual activity. So- look at your Prana and Chi. Are you out of balance - too much of one thing - too little of another? Too little laughter, too much work?
Yoga combined with laughter creates an increased energy body response by enhancing circulation, increasing the heart rate, and exercising muscles of the face and stomach. Laughing is jogging for the heart, mind, body and spirit.
1. Laughing tones your abdominals, (making it easier to perform intercourse), 2. Increases your circulation (which makes it easier for your man to get an erection) 3. Enhances your immune system increasing your opportunities to enjoy sex with your partner because you'll both be healthy. "
Laughter is much more effective when you have someone to laugh with. Try this laughter exercise from the bonus section of the yoga DVD, Yoga Chi for Energy with your partner.
Caution: Side effects include:
* Increases production of love - happy hormone dopamine *Boosts immune system *Enhances circulation *Strengthens abdominals *Ventilates Lungs
The laughing hyena
1. Stand facing each other and look into each others eyes
2. Loosen up your mind, body and spirit by gently shaking your arms, legs, wiggle your hips and bend & straighten your legs.
3. Keep looking at each other and begin to make a laughing sound. Soon genuine laughter will bestow you both and you will produce the same hormone that raged in your bodies when you both fell in love.
4. Laugh for at least 2 full minutes and end by giving each other a hug. Make the change and live the richness of life as it was intended: one of balance, joy, pleasure and the new exquisite awareness of who you truly are.
Suzanne Andrews, host of Yoga Chi for Energy DVD, and Host of PBS TV Functional Fitness is giving away a FREE Stress Release and Weight Loss meditation CD valued at $19.95 to the first 200 orders of Yoga Chi for Energy DVD from August 11 - September 11, 2008. Offer available at This article may be reprinted and published when accompanied by the above information and website link.
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Easy Weight Loss Through Yoga
Prakash Indra PunYoga was developed in India by vedic gurus, or what they call them in India as. For ages Rishi-munis were known to practice yoga for spiritual and physical well-being. It is believed that when carefully and correctly performed yoga can increase the life span of a person. Yoga is believed to keep you away from diseases and also can be used for effective weight loss.
Yoga can help you loose weight are by accelerating your metabolism rates. Practicing Yoga regularly helps to prevent weight gain and aids in weight loss. Like any other weight loss method Yoga too can take time to achieve the desired results.Discipline is required for experiencing its benefits totally.
Yoga consists of various breathing techniques and physical poses or twisting positions that stimulates metabolism. The heat is created in the body due to various poses which increases metabolism rate and thus more calories are burnt.
The various positions in yoga improve the endocrine system responsible for the chemical processes of your body, which converts food into energy for use by your body. Also blood circulation is improved which can lower blood pressure. Yoga has different breathing techniques that helps in oxygenation of the body cells which in turn helps in weight loss.
Yoga can also help in toning of muscle tissues. The various positions allow each part of your body to work which leads to lean and toned muscles.
Yoga can help loose weight easily thereby creating high metabolism. A healthy diet low in carbohydrates and calories combined with yoga will help to loose weight easily. However it does take time before the desired results can be seen.
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Yoga Poses For Easy Weight Loss
Julia DenhamWant to lose weight the easy way? Yoga is a perfect solution for weight loss, and no, you don't need to tie yourself up like a pretzel to do it.
Many yoga studios offer special classes for people who want to shed a few pounds. If no special Weight Loss Yoga classes are available in your area, any beginners class will be suitable, in forms like Hatha and Bikram Yoga.
As with any exercise routine, see your doctor first. Yoga is perfectly safe, but your instructor will want to know if you have challenges like high blood pressure, arthritis, or weak knees.
When you go to a yoga studio for the first time, tell the instructor what your health challenges are, and she or he will offer modified poses for you during class.
How Yoga Helps You to Lose Weight
Unlike other forms of exercise, yoga isn't primarily an exercise routine; it's a way of achieving balance by uniting your mind and body with your spirit. The word "yoga" comes from a Sanskrit word meaning, "to tie, unite, balance."
So while the goal of any yoga practice isn't explicitly to lose weight, this is one of the effects.
Overweight is a sign that your system is out of balance, yoga brings it back into balance.
If you suspect that you're overweight because you have emotional issues, yoga will help you resolve them. You don't have to do anything special. As you practice, the poses releases deep emotions buried in your body's tissues.
Many yoga practitioners find themselves spontaneously laughing, or weeping - this is just blocked energy releasing. Yoga is a great way to release stress.
Yoga Poses for Weight Loss
You can turn any of your favorite poses into a weight loss routine.
Here's an example:
After a Sun Salutations warmup, go on to:
* A standing pose, like Warrior Pose; then
* A sitting pose, like Forward Bend; then
* A complementary pose like the Camel; and
* A Twist; and
* End with Corpse Post
Create your own routines, according to the time you have to spare. Just ten minutes twice a day will set you on the path to harmonious weight loss with yoga.
Discover yourself with
yoga, a gentle form of stretching. Yoga strengthens both your body and mind, and is suitable for anyone, from children to seniors. Visit Easy Fab Yoga Blog at for daily yoga information, tips, and inspiration.
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Benefits of Yoga on Your Health
Dr John AnneMost of the time in life you feel some degrees of ill health and whenever your stress level increases it may weaken the immune system and our body becomes more susceptible to infection.
Our body is made up of five elements-air, water, fire, earth and sky. If any of the disturbance cause to the body it gives way to health problems. Many stresses contribute to development of hypertension, heart diseases, digestive disorders and many other ailments.
Yoga is becoming popular and practiced by many people. Yoga is considered the most powerful way to restore the health. If someone's have knowledge of five elements of body he/she may understands the law of nature and use to attain greater power, knowledge, wisdom, happiness and health.
The knowledge of the five elements is an essential pre-requisite for more advanced yoga practice because the elements form the world we live in and the structure of our body-mind. All yoga practices should work on these five elements. Knowledge of the elements is also the basis of yoga therapy and of Ayurveda, which is a traditional Indian medicine.
Benefits of yoga
Yoga is perhaps the only form of activity which massages all the internal glands and organs of the body in a thorough manner and including those - such as the prostate that hardly get externally stimulated during our entire lifetime. Yoga affects various body parts. This stimulation and massage of the organs in turn benefits us by keeping away disease and providing a forewarning at the first possible instance of a likely onset of disease or disorder.
Different yoga techniques act upon the various joints of the body including joints that are never really on the radar screen. A person having increased flexibility and strength with yoga can prevent the causes of some types of back pain. Many people who suffer from back pain spend a lot of time sitting at a computer or driving a car. That can cause tightness and spinal compression, which you can begin to address with yoga. Yoga also improves your alignment, both in and out of class, which helps prevent many other types of pain.
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Yoga Just For You - Fun Exercises For Every Day
Julia DenhamIntrigued by yoga? This article will help you to discover a new fulfilling life: discover your body's innate wisdom with some easy yoga exercises that everyone can do.
Here's an essential point about yoga: it's much more than exercises. If you think of yoga only in terms of "getting some exercise" you're missing the point. Yes, yoga IS exercise, but it's also an entire system of wisdom.
Yoga Helps You to Trust Your Body, because Your Body is Wiser Than Your Mind
Neuroscience is discovering what yogis have known for thousands of years. Your body's wisdom, that instinctive intelligence Dr Candace Pert described in her book Molecules of Emotion, knows what's best for you. It's better than your forebrain in deciding what you should eat, and how you should exercise.
You already trust your body. You know to follow your gut - your instinct.
Let's look at two simple exercises, which will help you to get in touch with your body's wisdom.
They're both easy and fun, but don't treat them lightly.
Mountain Pose - Tadasana - Be Right Where You Are
Stand straight, with your feet hip-width apart, and your arms completely relaxed, as they drop from your shoulders towards the ground.
Push your tailbone down slightly to straighten your pelvis, and feel your spine lift upward.
Press your shoulder blades downwards without straining. This will open your chest.
Breathe normally.
Relax, and be aware of your body, and your breath; maintain the pose for a minute or two.
Easy Post - Sukhasana - Just Sitting and Being
Basically, in Easy Post you're just sitting cross legged. You'll need a cushion.
Place your cushion on the floor, and sit toward the front of it so that your hips are higher than your knees. Straighten your legs, and then cross them. Ideally, your knees will be close to the floor; as you continue to practice, your hips will open more, making this easier.
Rest your hands lightly on your knees. As in Mountain Pose, press your shoulder blades downwards to open your chest.
If you can't achieve this pose with a cushion on the floor, sit on a chair with your feet together on the floor.
Breathe normally, and relax. Be aware of your body, by scanning it with your mind and consciously relaxing those areas which are tight. Stay sitting for a minute or two, or as long as you wish, getting in touch with your body.
Mountain Pose and Easy pose seem simple, and they are. They're also complex, as you'll discover, in that they help you to become aware of your body. As your awareness grows, you'll come to discover your body's wisdom - this is the gift of yoga.
Discover yourself with
yoga, a gentle form of stretching. Yoga strengthens both your body and mind, and is suitable for anyone, from children to seniors. Visit Easy Fab Yoga Blog at for daily yoga information, tips, and inspiration.
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Learn Basic Yoga Moves Easily
Katie S TurnerIt can seem daunting to learn basic yoga moves when you watch an experienced Yoga teacher doing their stuff on DVDs or videos. But remember that they had to start right at the beginning once, too!
When I started practicing Yoga I bought all sorts of Yoga videos, some that I'd seen advertised on TV and some that had been recommended to me by well-meaning friends. However, I struggled watching someone demonstrating whilst I was trying to twist and turn my way into the same positions that they seemed to easily glide into without their bones creaking or seemingly begging them to stop before they fell over!
I was only a beginner and so I didn't want to start classes just yet and draw attention to my unsupple, weight laden body. Sensibly I then turned to books and this proved successful. By studying a book and ingesting the moves and how they should be approached and executed without actually trying them first I felt more confident.
Then when I actually got around to trying them out I felt more self-assured that I'd be doing them correctly.
Compared to following a video or DVD I could choose the yoga moves that appealed most to me and also only the basic yoga moves to start with as I wanted to undertake my practice slowly and safely without expecting too much from myself, too soon.
I've since worked up to joining a class and I truly believe that I only grew in confidence to take this next step by learning my basic yoga moves at home at my own pace from a good instruction book.
Remember when you start off learning yoga that you should never be in pain or shake in any of the positions that you practice. The most extreme that you should feel is comfortable discomfort; otherwise you've stretched yourself too far.
That doesn't mean that you'll never manage that yoga move it's just that your body's not quite there yet.
Time & patience and practice are all that's needed for you to achieve basic yoga moves easily. Good luck.
Find out about some fantastic books to help you learn basic yoga moves easily at my site
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How to Get Started With Yoga Positions For Beginners
Anthony EnriquezThe ancient practice of yoga has recently made a large impact in modern day society, even though it has been around for centuries. On a regular routine, the health benefits are enormous. A reduction in weight, a toner body and feeling great in general are just a few of the possibilities that open up to those practicing beginner yoga exercises.
Different Types of Yoga
Pick the type of yoga that fits you best. As a beginner, you should examine different styles and pick the appropriate one for your personality, present health condition, and your fitness level. When it comes to understanding what each style offers, take into consideration that you need to choose one that you will be able to perform comfortably without straining any muscles.
When you practice, an experienced teacher should supervise you when performing the positions. When you practice, an experienced teacher should supervise you when performing the positions. Good instructors are able to give you advice as to which type of yoga is best for your body type. When performing each pose, the body alignment is crucial to be correct. Adjustments can be made by the yoga teacher to help you with any physical limitations you might have that is keeping you from properly performing the exercise. A teacher will also ensure that each pose is performed correctly to target the areas of concern and provide the quickest relief possible.
If you are looking for a yoga class, you will most likely find one in a gym or studio. Many times the first class in most places is free which allows you to test numerous classes and choose the one that is right for your needs.
When taking lessons, it is important to have a good attitude. When you are in class you need to focus on yourself and not compete with others.
Your concentration should be on your body and its response it gives you. Your goal should be to increase your flexibility, but it is important to listen to your body's complaints. If you begin to feel any sort of pain from the yoga posture then ease up the stretch a bit. As a beginner, you probably won't be able to perform each position perfectly. Some discomfort will be felt during each pose. Don't over exert yourself.
Yoga Breathing Technique
Make sure to breathe during each pose. Taking deep breathes through your nose, while performing each position is important. Proper breathing will keep you relaxed and increase the results you see. If you start to notice any tensing of muscles, then channel your breathing to relax the tensed area. Whenever you feel that you are short of breathe, it is important to stop the posture.
Basic items such as a yoga sticky mat, some yoga blocks, and strap are good to have when beginning. To prevent dehydration you should make sure to drink lots of water before and after your workout.
Trying to live a healthier life has become a priority for many people, others that are sitting behind a desk all day are also looking for a way to keep their health in tact.
Beginner yoga exercises have made it possible for many to get back into shape, relieve pain, and just feel better over all. There are numerous
yoga positions for beginners that can help anyone willing to start their way toward a healthier lifestyle.
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An Introduction to Yoga
Heather RichardsThe ancient mystical practice and spiritual path of Yoga is believed to date back to the 8th century BC, the main sources of its concepts being Indian texts such as Upanishad and the Mahabharata. Although, seals from as distant a time as a thousand years earlier depicting yoga- and meditation-like postures were discovered by archaeologists at the Indus Valley Civilization site and many scientists think these drawings suggest a precursor of yoga.
In essence, the aim of the spiritual path of Yoga is achieving a union with the Supreme Consciousness, or even loftier goals set by some yogis (practitioners of yoga). However, outside India it is most commonly associated with the practice of postures and/or as a form of exercise. It can certainly have its advantages in both cases.
Raja Yoga is one of six orthodox stika (schools of thought) in Hindu philosophy. The term yoga is derived from Sanskrit, its root word can be translated a number of ways. For instance, it is most commonly taken to mean "uniting" or "joining", but sometimes it is understood as "mode, manner, means". With so many varied systems of yoga philosophy (similar to sects of Christianity) there may really be something for everyone to identify with and take to heart, but as mentioned before it is generally practiced in the western world today for health and well-being.
Practicing yoga postures can help to ensure optimum blood flow and supply throughout your body while massaging your various organs and gently stretching your joints and muscles as well. Yoga may increase the flexibility of the practitioner by exercising little-used joints and also help to lubricate different tendons and ligaments in the body of the practitioner. This can even be done by beginners with non-strenuous positions!
It is also suggested that by regularly messaging organs within our body which tend to not receive any external stimulation during everyday activity, we can become more aware of our bodies and more quickly and easily sense early onset symptoms of disease and infection, enabling us to take sooner action and better control of our physical health.
In addition, increasing and enhancing blood flow throughout the body of the practitioner can help to flush out toxins, which may lead to decreased ageing, increased energy, and essentially enhance the practitioner's quality of life! (Not to mention this valuable exercise can tone your muscles and trim excess body fat.)
I know, in spite of the vast multitude of benefits that yoga can offer for your mind, body, and soul, you still may not want to join an expensive class, or wear something like a leotard in a room full of strangers! Breathe easy, the above is not necessary at all, you are free to try it for yourself in the comfort of your own home by taking advantage of one of many available resources such as videos, books, or even eBooks which can help you to get started. Good luck and namaste!
Heather Richards has been in business for herself for over 25 years now and understands the importance of delivering quality, informative and relevant information. Heather has Professional Consultants and fellow Business Owners who contribute and assist to ensure she delivers information of a high standard. For many FREE Tips and Hints on a broad range of Topics Relevant to Women in today's society, Register for Your FREE Monthly Health and Happiness Magazine that includes great tried and tested Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes by our very own "Vegan & Health Consultant" at
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Beginners Yoga Information
Phillip BernardYoga originated in India over than 5,000 years ago. It is an ancient discipline that teaches calming of the mind, body, and spirit. The main goal of yoga is to reach "kaivalya" meaning, "emancipation or ultimate freedom".
Yoga uses asanas, witch are postures which focus concentration on specific body parts, switching from upper to lower body between static and balance postures, and "pranayama" (breathing techniques) to unite the mind body and spirit.
Yoga classes can be taught in a variety of places, from tranquil places too heated rooms, or more traditionally, classes can take place in your local gym or yoga class. You can even have private yoga lessons one on one in your home.
Yoga is one of the only forms of exercise that helps you relax, strengthen, and calm your mind all in one. When starting out it can be hard to know where to begin when want to start practicing yoga.
There are many types and styles and different approaches to yoga. Postures, breathing exercises, relaxation, chanting, and meditation are the core of all yoga styles.
Regardless of the type of yoga, and the wide range of benefits it offers, it does not offer a end all way to get fit. According to the American Council on Exercise, a nonprofit organization that certifies fitness instructors, avid yoga practitioners show no improvement in cardiovascular health. A typical 50-min. class of yoga burns off fewer calories than are in three Oreos, at the same rate as a 50-min. walk.
It is best then too supplement yoga with other exercise, in order too promote optimum health and fitness. But the facts show that yoga is something you cant do without!
Yoga Safety
1. Ask an instructor for credentials as a yoga or fitness instructor.
2. Alert your instructor to your physical condition.
3. Beware of stationary instructors. They should be roaming around, monitoring participants and making adjustments for those who need them.
4. Avoid positions that are prone to cause injury or positions that you are uncomfortable with.
5. Yoga should not cause pain, stop if it hurts.
Phillip Bernard writes on Beginners Yoga. Find more information at
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Yoga Can Help You Free Your Mind
Cindy BrowneMany of us can visualize the clutter that may be present in our mind. It is likely to be worse than your desk or other place where you allow things to pile up. Yoga is an effective form of alternative medicine that can help you to organize that clutter. Imagine having a filing system for what you need to work on, what you can get rid of, and what is just there in your mind!
It would certainly help you to concentrate on important tasks more. Constant interruptions seem to be a common part of life. Yet they can make it hard to make good decisions. In return, that can lead to even more stress building up for us than we already have to deal with.
Don't underestimate the power of yoga as it has been linked to many improvements for people.
Those with some types of mental health disorders often benefit because their overall mood improves. Fighting cancer can be done with yoga too because a good mindset is important to fight it as well as other types of medical concerns.
Yoga has also been found to be effective for weight loss. This is because it makes your bones and your muscles stronger. There are plenty of types of stretches that you can do that will help to tone and firm up your body. That is a common concern for those losing weight. Yoga in addition to eating right and getting other forms of exercise can assist you with getting the body you want.
By removing the clutter from your mind, you will find you feel better too. The burden of stress can affect us physically as well as mentally. Do you feel out of energy all the time? Do you wake up tired and groggy even though you did spend plenty of time in bed last night? Do you find yourself being irritated at small things due to the number of them that continue to pile up?
If so, adding yoga to your daily routine can help you feel much better. Before you say that sounds great but you just don't have the time, you need to make time. Yoga can be something you commit periods of time to, even 15 or 30 minutes a day. All of us owe that amount of time to ourselves. You may toss and turn in bed for that amount of time each night. Why not use it for yoga and then sleep better afterwards?
To get the most out of yoga you do need to practice it often. At first you may find it difficult to concentrate but that will get easier the more you do it. Try to put at least two hours between meals and yoga sessions as well. Drink lots of water after you complete each session as well to help stay hydrated and to naturally remove various types of toxins from your body.
While yoga is low impact, there are some moves that can be complex. Start out with the basics.
As your level of skill improves you can work up to more complicated moves. You can end up injuring yourself if you don't learn them properly. It is a good idea to take a yoga class for beginners so that you can get the most out of the process.
Cindy Browne loves everything to do with alternative health and is an author of articles about
beginning yoga. Visit her site for more information on
getting healthy.
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Basic Tips for Yoga
Noman Nasrullah GhulamaniClose your eyes and relax for few minutes. Is it possible for you to do so? The answer would be No! The world has changed; because we are living in the age of reasoning. In today's world, people are facing lots of anxiety and they have no auxiliary time to take care of themselves. The whole world is surrounded by all types of stress, and its effects are producing negative impacts on the lives of human. People usually prefer medicines to overcome their tensions due to time confinement.
In this article, I would like to give you a brief introduction and tips regarding Yoga, which is considered to be one of the most effective and less time consuming activities for improving your health and revealing beauty within you.
Within a short span of time, you will feel your life yoga is supposed to be a perfect to release stress. It provides a yogi or yogini with physical, mental, physiological, psychological etc. benefits.
But what yoga is all about? According to my acuity,
Yoga is an act to control upon your anger, a way to unite yourselves and your souls with the eternal happiness and it provides you with a platform where you release your fears, your agony, tension etc.
Yoga is a kind of exercise, for uplifting body and soul. A practitioner of Yoga is called a Yogi (male) or Yogini (female). Yoga evolved as a spiritual practice in Hinduism, but in the Modern world, it is considered to be a part of healthy life style. You may know that you want to practice yoga, but be baffled about all the different types of yoga styles you've heard of or seen on TV.
But here, I would like to give you easy guidelines, which will help you to become your own yoga expert without any hectic.
Here are certain guidelines which will help you in performing yoga:
• The most suitable time preferred for yoga is morning when your mind is calm and fresh and you can perform yoga with ease. So perform deep breath activity early in the morning for about 5-10 minutes. The most preferable time to do yoga is around 4-6 am.
• Make sure that the place which you have selected to perform your yoga is peaceful, airy and pleasant. This means that there should be no distraction.
• Your place selected for yoga should be free from dust, insects, unpleasant smell, odor, and moisture.
• You must empty your stomach and bladder so that you should feel ease and comfortable while doing yoga. The best tip is to eat your dinner early and do try to consume less at night timings. Avoid any spicy food, which can cause reflux.
• Yoga requires full concentration and devotion. Take a glass of water only before beginning, so that you don't feel thirsty during your exercise.
• Do make sure that the clothes you are wearing for yoga are loose and scanty, because maximum amount of skin should be exposed to the skin. I prefer to wear loose cotton dress as tight clothes will make you feel uncomfortable.
• Make sure that you begin your yoga with easy postures and then go to the difficult ones. The best posture, which you have to practice, is to sit straight and place one leg on another. The close your eyes and think of something good. Then take a deep breath and relax!
• You should stop performing yoga if fatigue shows.
• Yoga trainers recommend a balanced diet which means that you should take in diet consisting of all seven food groups.
• You should avoid over-eating and fasting once a day. Stale and unhealthy food, you know is harmful.
• Time for rest is advisable if a particular exercise is too tiring.
• Breath as deep as you could so that maximum amount of oxygen is supplied to your body.
• Close your mouth and only use your nose for inhalation and exhalation.
• Always use a mat or grass for laying postures.
So, follow the above guidance and I can guarantee that your life will take a U-turn and the word stress would be eliminated from your life.
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Practice Yoga For Back Pain and Live a Better Life
Benjamin Robert EhingerAre you sick of experiences back pain every single time you roll out of bed? Are you pregnant or over weight and dealing with the strain it puts on your back? You can find a healthier life and a much less painful life by practicing yoga for back pain. Yoga has many benefit including an increase in flexibility, which will greatly reduce your back pain.
Yoga will also help to relieve the stiffness and strain in the spinal cord. This stiffness is usually caused by prolonged sitting or standing. Yoga is great for you if you are stuck in a chair all day or standing behind a counter all day.
It will also help to re alight your spine, which will help with the back pain you are experiences. Certain yoga moves are designed to help your muscles move your bones, including your spine, back into a healthy alignment. This can become very permanent and that is good for those of us that suffer from back pain.
You will also be able to release tension from other muscles like your legs and thighs. This will make it easier for your body to support itself and not become tired as quickly.
With the proper stretching posture you will be able to loosen your entire spine and relieve any congestion that is in your spinal nerves. You can also teach your abdominal muscles how to better support your back and tone them at the same time.
If you are pregnant, then there are certain moves in Yoga that you should avoid. Any yoga instructor will be able to help you set up a routine that is perfect for practicing yoga for back pain even if you are pregnant.
Find out the real Secrets to
Practice Yoga For Back Pain here:
Practice Yoga For Back Pain-----------------------------------------------------------------------
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How to Lose Weight Yoga Style - The Easy Way!
Vanessa RavenWhen most people picture yoga, they envision half-naked fakirs doing fantastical backbends or sitting in the "lotus" pose and chanting the "Om" mantra over and over. While yoga can include backbends and lotus poses, lose weight yoga is not solely about getting tied up in knots while chanting "Om".
Yoga exercises range from amazingly simple to exceedingly complex; each of them helping you to become physically flexible while staying mentally focused. It is this mind/body connection that helps you lose weight; yoga style.
Lose Weight Yoga Style - The Mind/Body Connection
One of the best things about practicing yoga is that it puts you in touch with your body. When you do yoga, you discipline yourself and you find that you actually like it. The time you spend doing yoga and meditating sets a belief in your subconscious mind that you are capable of taking care of yourself.
People who do not practice yoga and are not in touch with their inner selves will often find themselves straying towards the refrigerator even when they are not really hungry. Yoga practitioners on the other hand, are more disciplined; they can recognize genuine hunger pangs and will only give in to the urge to eat when really hungry.
Lose Weight Yoga Style - The Muscle Factor
Some yoga poses including the plank pose helps build muscle all over your body. In fact, if you only want a way to tone your arms, shoulders, chest and abs, the plank pose itself will do that for you. The good news about building muscle is that muscle burns fat. You burn an additional 50 calories a day for every pound of muscle you put on.
If you haven't yet found an exercise program that you like, try yoga. You really can lose weight yoga style!
Vanessa Raven is a well-known weight loss consultant and the author of the popular FREE report:
"36 Potent Fat Burning Foods To Lose 10 Pounds In No Time Flat!"
Download your complimentary copy now at and receive a FREE subscription to the "You Can Lose 10 Pounds" email newsletter!
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Yoga For Beginners - Five Useful Things You Need to Know About the History of Yoga
Ntathu Allen"What is Yoga? What style of yoga do you teach? What do I need to practice yoga?"
As a Yoga Teacher, I am often asked these questions by potential yoga students.
Given the vast array of yoga classes available it can be quite overwhelming to choose a programme most suited to your individual health and well-being needs and lifestyle.
You may have heard that yoga helps you to relax, calms your mind and releases tension from sore muscles, but how can you be sure if the yoga class advertised at your local Leisure Centre is the right form of exercise for you?
There are many styles and ways of teaching yoga. "Yoga" means different things to different people. I have three teenage daughters, each have their own understanding and definition of yoga ranging from:
- "Yoga is a peaceful way to exercise and, a good way to let your feelings out" - "Yoga is mum's job!" - "Yoga is gentle stretching and balancing exercises"
The following top five tips give you a clear introduction about the practice and teachings of yoga.
Top Five Useful Things You Need to Know About Yoga
One: Yoga is a form of exercise which consists of a programme of stretching exercises,(known as asanas) which gently open and stretch the body, increasing flexibility, suppleness and strength; breathing practices (known as pranayama) designed to cleanse the body and calm the nervous system and emotions; and guided relaxation to release body tension and promote a sense of well-being. Some yoga classes also include meditation and chanting. Meditation helps you to calm and focus your mind and have a sense of inner peace.
Two: The traditional meaning of the word 'yoga' originates from Sanskrit yuj meaning to yoke, unite, union, join together. Traditionally speaking, the goal of yoga is to achieve union, connection with the Divine. In more general terms, yoga is seen as a practical way to help you achieve a state of balance, sense of harmony and union into your life
Three: There are four main paths of Yoga practice, which all traditionally serves as a means to help you achieve your potential and unite with your divine nature: Karma Yoga (the path of selfless service and action), Jnana Yoga (the path of intellect, knowledge and wisdom), Bhakti Yoga (the path of devotion and love), Raja Yoga (the physical practice of yoga - asanas, breathing, plus spiritual, ethical guidelines, known as the Yoga Sutras or Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga.)
Each path of yoga will appeal to different people depending on your personal temperament and personality.
Four: There are various styles and different approaches to yoga. In essence, asanas, breathing exercises, relaxation and in some cases meditation and chanting form the basis of all yoga styles. All yoga is known as "Hatha Yoga." However, different schools of yoga place difference emphasis on these aspects. Some yoga teachers, may focus more on breathing techniques (known as pranayama ), whilst another may pay more attention on the alignment of the body in the poses. The most common styles of yoga taught are Iyengar Yoga, Sivananada Yoga, Viniyoga Yoga, Astanga Yoga and Bikram Yoga
Five: The practice of yoga exercises (asanas) is one aspect of yoga. As a way of balanced holistic living, the other elements of yoga consists of paying attention to eating a wholesome, preferably vegetarian diet, proper breathing; proper relaxation; positive thinking and meditation.
The practice of yoga is a personal journey. The holistic nature of the practice and range of tools equips you with a range of useful tools to help you find inner peace, calm and balance within your life.
Ntathu Allen, Yoga Teacher, teaches professionals simple yga stretches and meditation to manage stress at work , improve creativity and strengthen relationships at work and at home. Contact Ntathu for your free monthly Yoga and Polarity Enewsletter - Healing for the Soul. Email ; phone: 07973 777 882
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