Monday, August 18, 2008

Laughing Yoga For Better Sexual Health
By Suzanne Andrews

How do sex and energy co-exist and blend with yoga? They are a twin-ship, even if we don't see them that way. Let's begin with the ancient practice of yoga. Yoga means to yoke - to blend mind, body and spirit. And now - sex. Think of it - when the mind is busy, busy, busy, we stay unaware of our sensations, our perceptions, the smells, sounds, and tastes all around us. Good sex is letting go of the mind and getting into, really into, the sensations/pleasures/feeling of the experience. People are born with an innate awareness of these senses - but as we get older, we lose that primitive, wonderful sense of our internal self. And so basically, for the sexual experience to be a high, we need to forgo all thought and get into the energy of the experience, feel it in all of you.

"Chi" energy contains two polar forces: yin and yang. In everyday terms, yin is often connected with female energy, yang with the male. But each of us, male and female, contain both. As such, what is needed, for both is balance. Unbalanced, you are in a state of dis-ease. Too much yang is the overly-active person, always on the move, can't stay still; too much yin, the opposite.

The formation of all sexual energy is Prana - the driving force of sensuality, vital energy, and passion. Prana means breath and is an innermost belief in Yoga offering enriching, escalating sexual activity. So- look at your Prana and Chi. Are you out of balance - too much of one thing - too little of another? Too little laughter, too much work?

Yoga combined with laughter creates an increased energy body response by enhancing circulation, increasing the heart rate, and exercising muscles of the face and stomach. Laughing is jogging for the heart, mind, body and spirit.

1. Laughing tones your abdominals, (making it easier to perform intercourse), 2. Increases your circulation (which makes it easier for your man to get an erection) 3. Enhances your immune system increasing your opportunities to enjoy sex with your partner because you'll both be healthy. "

Laughter is much more effective when you have someone to laugh with. Try this laughter exercise from the bonus section of the yoga DVD, Yoga Chi for Energy with your partner.
Caution: Side effects include:

* Increases production of love - happy hormone dopamine *Boosts immune system *Enhances circulation *Strengthens abdominals *Ventilates Lungs

The laughing hyena

1. Stand facing each other and look into each others eyes

2. Loosen up your mind, body and spirit by gently shaking your arms, legs, wiggle your hips and bend & straighten your legs.

3. Keep looking at each other and begin to make a laughing sound. Soon genuine laughter will bestow you both and you will produce the same hormone that raged in your bodies when you both fell in love.

4. Laugh for at least 2 full minutes and end by giving each other a hug. Make the change and live the richness of life as it was intended: one of balance, joy, pleasure and the new exquisite awareness of who you truly are.

Suzanne Andrews, host of Yoga Chi for Energy DVD, and Host of PBS TV Functional Fitness is giving away a FREE Stress Release and Weight Loss meditation CD valued at $19.95 to the first 200 orders of Yoga Chi for Energy DVD from August 11 - September 11, 2008. Offer available at This article may be reprinted and published when accompanied by the above information and website link.
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