By Phillip Bernard
Yoga originated in India over than 5,000 years ago. It is an ancient discipline that teaches calming of the mind, body, and spirit. The main goal of yoga is to reach "kaivalya" meaning, "emancipation or ultimate freedom".
Yoga uses asanas, witch are postures which focus concentration on specific body parts, switching from upper to lower body between static and balance postures, and "pranayama" (breathing techniques) to unite the mind body and spirit.
Yoga classes can be taught in a variety of places, from tranquil places too heated rooms, or more traditionally, classes can take place in your local gym or yoga class. You can even have private yoga lessons one on one in your home.
Yoga is one of the only forms of exercise that helps you relax, strengthen, and calm your mind all in one. When starting out it can be hard to know where to begin when want to start practicing yoga.
There are many types and styles and different approaches to yoga. Postures, breathing exercises, relaxation, chanting, and meditation are the core of all yoga styles.
Regardless of the type of yoga, and the wide range of benefits it offers, it does not offer a end all way to get fit. According to the American Council on Exercise, a nonprofit organization that certifies fitness instructors, avid yoga practitioners show no improvement in cardiovascular health. A typical 50-min. class of yoga burns off fewer calories than are in three Oreos, at the same rate as a 50-min. walk.
It is best then too supplement yoga with other exercise, in order too promote optimum health and fitness. But the facts show that yoga is something you cant do without!
Yoga Safety
1. Ask an instructor for credentials as a yoga or fitness instructor.
2. Alert your instructor to your physical condition.
3. Beware of stationary instructors. They should be roaming around, monitoring participants and making adjustments for those who need them.
4. Avoid positions that are prone to cause injury or positions that you are uncomfortable with.
5. Yoga should not cause pain, stop if it hurts.
Phillip Bernard writes on Beginners Yoga. Find more information at
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