Laughter Yoga In A Nutshell
Marelisa Fabrega"Mirth is God's medicine. Everybody aught to bathe in it" -- Henry Ward Beecher
Hasya or Laughter Yoga ("Hasya" means laughter in Sanskrit) is an alternative healing technique that consists of exercises designed to get people to laugh for no reason, combined with simple yoga breathing techniques. It uses a blend of playful and tension-releasing laughter exercises to improve health, reduce stress, and increase feelings of wellbeing. Every day new studies are being published on the myriad physiological and psychological benefits of laughter, and Laughter Yoga can help anyone partake of these benefits.
Laughter exercises, even if begun by faking it, almost always lead to real laughter, especially when done in a group. However, research has shown that simulated laughter creates the same physiological response in the body as spontaneous laughter. So even if you're faking it when you laugh, your body does not know the difference. Therefore, you don't need to be happy to laugh and you don't need to have a reason to laugh; even fake laughter can help relieve stress and bolster your mood.
Laughter Yoga encourages unconditional laughter: it's possible for adults to laugh like children without the use of jokes, humor, or comedy. In a Laughter Yoga session you won't find people sitting in a circle taking turns telling jokes or using humor to make each other laugh. Instead, a session of Laughter Yoga consists of a series of exercises which include yoga breathing, funny gestures, systematic giggling and guffawing, and improv-like activities.
A Laughter Yoga session will probably begin with rhythmic clapping and chanting of "Ho-Ho-Ha-Ha-Ha" in unison, followed by a mixture of stretching, breathing, and silliness. Some of the exercises typical of a Laughter Yoga session are the following:
- People wandering around with their hands in the air, laughing hysterically.
- People of all ages squawking like chickens.
- Men and women rotating their hips while talking gibberish.
- Improv-style exercises such as playing on an imaginary swing set; flapping your arms and
squealing like a seagull; and sitting in an imaginary rocket ship getting ready for take-off.
- At one point you walk around to different people with palms pressed together at the upper chest in the Namaste greeting-place the hands together at the heart chakra, close the eyes and bow the head--or shake hands and laugh, making sure to look into other people's eyes.
- A popular exercise is "Lion Laughter": thrust out the tongue, widen the eyes, and stretch the hands out like claws while laughing.
- Another improv-style exercise is Airport Laughter: people pretend they're at the airport and are late for check-in, running around with their bags.
- There's also Regal Laughter: each person takes turns walking like a king or queen between two rows of applauding subjects.
- If the group of people has become comfortable with each other, you can come closer and hold each others' hands or hug and laugh.
All of these seemingly whacky exercises are meant to induce laughter to help participants combat stress and boost their immune system. Laughter Yoga is currently practiced by over 250,000 people in more than 50 countries worldwide. Find a Laughter Club near you and join them.
For more information on Laughter Yoga visit Marelisa Fábrega, Founder and CEO of
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Yoga Practice For Teens To Reduce Anxiety And Boost Self-Esteem
Thaddeus JohnsonDoing yoga for teens would be a great way to help them in dealing with anxiety and boosting self-esteem. The yoga poses can be effective in relaxation and enhance their physical abilities.
Recently, yoga has been introduced to young children and teenagers as a form of therapy and physical exercise. There are a number of yoga websites offering articles, techniques, classes, and testimonials on the benefits of the children that participate.
The teenage years
One of the most important and difficult times in a child's life is the teenage years. In school, it is the period of wanting to "fit in" accompanied with peer pressure. They will usually have lots of homework and if they are into extracurricular activities such as sports, band, or drama, a significant amount of time is required for that. For some, this can be too much of a challenge. Life at home may also have its challenges with parents and siblings.
The question to be asked is, "what activity/activities are available to help teens through difficult situations they may encounter?" For the most part, teens have support from friends, school activities and family. But where do they turn when the support is not readily available to them when they need it most?
Yoga benefitsDoing a low impact style of yoga, such as Iyengar, would be the best way for kids to experience calmness and empowerment. Each pose is performed gently and consciously with much attention given to breathing, expansion, and balance. In this process, it will enable the teen to focus on self that will help release tension, frustration or even anger and transform those energies into a more relaxed state.
The poses are excellent for boosting self-esteem in that it challenges the individual's ability to stay in balance, both in mind and body. Significant results may be attained through each session. Yoga exercises are not easy to do as some individuals may realize but with continued commitment, teens will be taking great strides towards self-fulfillment. With that level of confidence, teens will be able to handle trying situations differently and effectively.
Place of comfort
Yoga is not a cure-all by any means but it is a safe and alternative way for teenagers to find a place of comfort. Finding that place is far more intriguing and beneficial than doing drugs or being caught in unfavorable situations. Yoga is not for everyone but for those who embrace its importance, it will improve their quality of life in the days and years to come.
Where to find yoga classesParents, you might be able to find classes in your neighborhood or in your local newspaper. Keep in mind that not all yoga studios will have programs specific to teens. Probably the best avenue to do a search would be online. The age of the world wide web has made accessing information on any topic quick and easy.
From the web you will be able to narrow your search specific to your needs without even leaving your home. Though, if a studio were found, it would be wise to visit and observe the practice.
Take the time to get as much information that you will need from the class instructor to insure it will be a match for your child.
About the author:
Thaddeus W Johnson is a writer who enjoys providing online shoppers with valuable information for purchasing and the
benefits of shopping online. Discover great savings on products such as
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affordable clothing and much more.
C 2008 Thaddeus W Johnson
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Back To Nature With Naked Yoga
Bernard MatthewsThe practice of yoga is not usually associated with practicing in the all-together but naked yoga is now becoming surprisingly popular. There are regular classes springing up across America although it still seems to be a fairly well-kept secret.
Those who attend are matter of fact about the whole process and essentially naked yoga probably isn’t anything new, many people may have practiced at home without wearing the usual yoga garb, but it’s the concept of a class full of naked people practicing yoga, which seems to be causing a stir.
If the thought of naked yoga is appealing and you are tempted to search for a local class, take a moment first to consider some of the benefits that you might experience:
• Feeling of freedom for those participating
• Feeling of being less inhibited.
• Being more in touch and comfortable with their own bodies
• Connecting on a more intimate level with other students
Classes can be any size and groups are often mixed. Whilst on paper this may seem to have some sexual connotations, this is not the aim of many of those who attend. Naked yoga provides a freedom of movement and increases the ability to be able to focus on the postures and the correct lines without being hampered by restrictive clothes and in addition, it enables the practitioner to be able to view their actual positions in the mirrors and so they can self-correct if the pose is not as it should be. Naked or not, yoga poses are important and it is vital that the postures are accurate.
Teachers also are able to see much more clearly if a final position is not quite right and can help the student to realign their position thus increasing the benefits of the posture.
Whilst initially there may be some embarrassment whilst removing clothes, once the practice sessions start, and the students focus on the task at hand, the embarrassment begins to fade. As yoga is non-competitive, there is little use trying to focus on others, attention is turned inward, students reconnect with their inner feelings and what their bodies are trying to tell them.
Many of those who study naked yoga feel that they are somehow reconnecting with nature, even if much of their practice is done indoors and away from scrutiny.
Practicing yoga outside whilst not wearing any clothes takes the practice a step further, but again practitioners feel that it enhances their individual session allowing them to reconnect with their body in a way that they would not be able to if wearing any sort of clothes.
Of course, naked yoga is not for everyone, and it is unlikely that the craze will see the demise of more traditional yoga groups, providing those who attend benefit and feel relaxed and comfortable in their environment, maybe there is something to be said for the back to nature theme.
Back to Nature with Naked Yoga From Bernard Matthews.
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Yoga for a Healthy You
Tom ChuongThe benefits of exercise are many for a healthy life. Exercises are of many forms and yoga is one of them. But though yoga for healthy living is getting popular by the day you should decide if yoga will suit you.
The common benefits of regular exercise are that it reduces the risk of many illnesses by boosting our immunity and also conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, osteoporosis and blood pressure. Exercise ensures positive frame of mind by reducing depression. It helps to maintain healthy joints, bones, muscles and nervous system. It helps avoid premature aging and maintain the right weight. Yoga as a concept of maintaining fitness has a lot of advantages.
The regular practice of the best movement or position (asana) that suits you combined with easy breathing techniques will bring good results. No special equipment or personal trainer is needed. You can do yoga on a mat or carpet. Yoga is so simple that you can also learn the different postures from a book. But it is however advisable to get training from a certified practitioner.
Yoga relives stress and is relaxing. For stress related disorders, yoga offers a complete remedy. In addition to its various health benefits, learning yoga breathing and putting it to practice regularly ensures that you burn fat quickly.
Once you start making progress in your ability to do yoga poses or asanas you will feel a sense of control and gaining mastery of life and self becomes easier. This will also equip you with greater strength of mind to avoid over eating and other eating disorders.
In short yoga holds the key for a long and active life by bringing the right balance between mind and body.
Tom Chuong works as an Health Consultant for Clay Media Group, LLC. Currently, he's writing health articles on topics related to
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Stress-Free Parenting - Three Simple Yoga Stretches to Help Parents Reconnect and Enjoy Parenting
Ntathu AllenAre you a parent and have trouble dealing with the difficult and challenging behaviour of your son or daughter? Do you ever feel stressed and upset by their attitude and wonder what you can do to help them develop a more positive approach to life?
If your child is in trouble, plays truant, uses drugs or involved in crime, you may find it difficult to cope with their behavior. Have you ever staid up all night; have knots in your stomach, not sure, where your son/daughter is, what they are doing and what time they will return home?
If you continue to struggle to understand and manage the situation, the chances are you end up feeling stressed, tired and worn-out. You may develop headaches; feel irritable, frustrated and, angry. When you feel like this, it is hard to relax and think straight. You may think you are a 'failure', feel guilty and blame yourself for your child getting into trouble.
How do you ask for help and support when you feel like this? What can you do to make yourself feel better and, find a way to make constructive changes in your son/daughter's life and their behavior? How do you reconnect with your child and enjoy being with them?
The Benefits of Yoga for Parents
The practice of yoga is a powerful way to calm the mind and release strain and tension in your body. Yoga exercises help you learn how to relax. As you gently stretch your body, you feel better, more alive, and more able to deal in appositive way with your son/daughter's troublesome behaviour and attitudes. Regular practice of the following yoga stretches will help you relax and let go of tension in your body.
Three Simple Yoga Stretching Exercises to Relax your Body
ONE: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms by your side. Slowly take a deep breathe in, and as you do, interlink your fingers and stretch your arms above your head. Stretch up as far as is comfortable and hold for a moment. Repeat this stretch 3- 5 times.
TWO: Rag doll Pose: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, bend your knees, and drop your hands to the ground. Relax your head and shoulders and take 3 - 5 deep breathes. Return to standing by slowly walking your hands up your legs. Repeat 3 - 5 times.
THREE: Breathe slowly and deeply. This instantly calms and soothes your mind. Sit comfortable, with a straight back, hands resting on your lap. Close your eyes and slowly breathe in for a count of four and breathe out for a count of four. Repeat this 4 -7 times.
Let me know how you get on practicing these simple yoga exercises to help you cope more effectively with difficult situations. I would love to hear from you.
Registered Polarity Practitioner and Hatha Yoga Teacher, Ntathu inspires and supports you in your health and wellness journey. She offers private 1-2-1 yoga at home sessions, yoga at work and yoga for children. Through the practice and teachings of Yoga and Polarity Therapy Treatments, she helps you learn simple yoga stretches, meditation and relaxation techniques which you can use to release stress, boost your energy, relax and, feel more alive. Visit to sign up for your free Yoga and Polarity monthly enewsletter, "Healing for Soul" - full of simple health building exercises, relaxation techniques and inspirations which you can use to reduce stress, boost your creativity and experience inner and outer peace.
Ntathu Allen, Yoga Teacher +44 7973 777 882 +44 20 8432 3429
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Practice Yoga as a Lifestyle and Enjoy Every Day
Paul JerardStarting your day off with a short Yoga session, can change your outlook for the entire day. Yet, there are some people who manage an eternally optimistic view of life and have never consciously practiced Yoga. If, or when, they visit a class, they will find themselves surrounded by like-minded positive energy.
How many people do you know who really enjoy life? Take the time to observe their common qualities. You will notice how they look forward to each day. They wake up each morning, anticipating the best possible day. Passion for life fuels positive energy and creates a long-term state of enthusiasm.
In Yoga, positive visualization, and positive affirmations, are taught in order to create a healthy frame of mind. One could naturally be an optimist, but it is nice to have the formula for optimism so close at hand. A Yoga class can also help on those occasions when we feel less motivated.
Once the mind is positively charged, we can look forward to each opportunity the day presents to us. This is in stark contrast to those who see life as an endless trail of tasks, with problems around every corner.
Unfortunately, the negatively-charged mind will drain itself of energy and naturally, work toward draining the energy out of anything surrounding it. You can recommend Yoga, but a pessimist is very uncomfortable when surrounded by enthusiasm, optimism, and self-improvement.
If it is possible for a pessimist to continually practice Yoga over the course of months, you will begin to see a change in him or her. It will not happen instantly, but he, or she, will begin to anticipate opportunities in life. You may even notice that goal-setting skills will follow this person's new found positive outlook on life.
Yogic breathing techniques, (Pranayama), are unconsciously practiced by everyone. Have you observed people sigh, yawn, or huff for natural reasons? Some people, who have never heard of Pranayama, take a deep natural breath every time they feel stressed.
In Yoga classes, we practice Pranayama to link the mind and body. Pranayama helps us be more present in our practice, but it can be a life saver, and a mood changer, in daily life. Try to focus exclusively, and purposely, on drawing out a natural breath, if you are near a conflict.
Once you have managed to breathe slow, steady, and smooth, during a crisis, you will notice that you are not swallowed up into the conflict. Your opinions should be even-handed, and constructive, as a result of Pranayama.
In Yoga, this is a form of breath awareness, which is nice to learn in a classroom setting, but much more valuable, when applied toward daily life situations.
© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications
Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:
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Three Great Benefits of Yoga
Richard FatoohThe benefits of yoga to your mind, spirit and body are immeasurable. Here are just three benefits that can keep you motivated to stick with your current yoga practice. Or even better, push you over the fence to start that beginners' yoga class you have always wanted to do.
Increase Your Inner and Outer Beauty
Beauty is not just physical. This has been proven over and over again. You have likely proven it for yourself. I can't tell you how many physically beautiful people appear so ugly to me because of their character.
Likewise, I can't begin to mention the countless individuals I know that although not blessed with extreme physical beauty, actually appear beautiful because of their glowing spirit and wonderful attitude.
One of the greatest benefits of yoga, both the exercise, philosophy and all the wonderful people you will meet, is that it will make you a more beautiful person both inside and out.
Yoga Your Way To Heart Health
That's right! Consistent yoga practice can contribute significantly to a healthy heart. There are three aspects of yoga that contribute to this. First, proper breathing is an essential part of yoga.
This aspect alone will have a great impact on your heart health and your sense of well-being.
Second, a good yoga session can raise your heart rate to the level necessary to achieve an aerobic benefit from it. Third, yoga makes you happy and happy people are healthy people. It's true!
Higher Consciousness
Regardless of who you are, there is always room for you to expand your mind and consciousness even further. Our reason for existence is too continually expand our minds and consciousness and yoga can play a part in this.
Many yoga exercises put you in a meditative state and can help prepare you for growth in the area of mind, spirit and soul. Yoga doesn't have to contradict your current beliefs. Rather, it can support and confirm them.
These benefits of yoga are what motivate many to keep doing yoga or to start that class they have had their eye on. And, the benefits don't stop there. There are literally hundreds of health and spiritual benefits that make yoga a great exercise and practice for anyone who is interested.
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Yoga - Supplies Make A Difference
Anne ClarkeLoose-fitting and comfortable clothing are the most popular yoga supplies because some Asanas (yoga postures) demand a freedom of movement not offered by tight clothing.
Asanas are yoga-postures that promote a healthy internal body, increase muscle flexibility, tendon strength, and stamina.
Most yoga supplies are unnecessary or supplementary at best to a successful workout. The practice is designed to physically connect body and mind, but anything that makes a workout more comfortable and effective is worthwhile. Each yoga instructor will have his or her own style and equipment, whether it's inherited from their teacher or created as a melding of styles.
Instructors might also recommend mats/mat bags, blocks (adds strength/stability to postures), cushions, grips, and relaxing music/DVDs.
A yoga mat is a slender piece of foam rubber protecting the sharp angles of your body from the floor. While not strictly necessary, floor poses are going to be very painful without a yoga mat to provide a little padding.
A yoga mat bag protects your yoga mat from getting dirty or torn. It also provides a handy carrying case when you take your mat to and from yoga class. Even if you just practice yoga in our own home, a bag can still serve as a convenient way to store your mat when not in use.
Yoga balls allow you a range of stretching you couldn't normally achieve without this type of support. The balls are effective because not only do they stretch you well, but they also keep your back from being injured during the stretch. As with any method in yoga, it is wise to see the yoga ball stretches demonstrated for you before you try them on your own. Whether this demonstration comes from an instructor or an instructional DVD is up to you.
In addition to the mat, yoga balls and the yoga mat bag, there are a number of other useful and popular yoga supplies.
Yoga DVDs are a great way to stay in practice if you cannot afford daily lessons. Yoga DVDs are also great yoga supplies for beginners. They provide ongoing structure and encouragement to those practicing yoga.
Yoga blocks or grip blocks are two other pieces of equipment that can enhance and advance your yoga practice. Grip blocks are a wrist-stress reliever for certain poses, such as the "downward dog" pose. They are designed to bear your full body weight in place of your wrists.
Blocks also allow for deeper stretches and can expand your range of poses. To prevent serious injury, it's a good idea to view a demonstration of how to use yoga blocks before trying to use them yourself or you could get hurt. If your yoga instructor doesn't use or demonstrate blocks to you, blocks are usually sold with at least written instructions on how to use them. In this case, try to find blocks accompanied by instructional DVDs.
Yoga blocks are made from a variety of materials such as cork, bamboo, and lightweight foam. Blocks, also called bricks, are great yoga supplies that offer enhanced poses and deeper stretches.
Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, and health and fitness. Her background also includes teaching, gardening, and fashion. For more of her useful articles on yoga, please visit
Yoga Supplies, home of articles about yoga mats, yoga clothing, and more.
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Protecting The Elderly From Falls With Yoga
Glen WoodWith old age says scientists, yoga exercises done gently can cut the risk of falls being painful.
With as little as only two months of yoga classes, women who took part in the program for the over 65's found that they had improved muscle strength, balance and flexibility with the result of any falls less likely and when falls did take place the recovery rate was much quicker.
They also felt more confident and had a more positive attitude the study found in the United States.
Figures show that falls are one of the most common causes of death in the over 75's. The study also showed that half of the women die within two years of a fall.
Dr Jinsup Song researcher of the Temple University in Philadelphia said that at the end of the nine week course the women's walking speed, strength and balance all improved along with flexibility and confidence. This also helped the women maintain their mobility and independence.
He said: There was also a pronounced difference in how pressure was distributed on the bottom of the foot, which maintains balance". It was shown that they had improved muscle strength which helps with stability and balance.
One of the participants, Maryanne Brow, said "I feel more centered now with more confidence when I walk".
Another benefit discovered which was unforeseen was that during the course the participants found they had a better outlook. Also the class gave them something to look forward to.
Other studies showed alarming fracture statistics, persuasive advertising, and conscientious physicians are directing millions of the worlds "worried well" to osteoporosis testing and on to preventive medication.
There is no mention of the important role that regular physical activity can play in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and reducing risk of hip fractures. Several systematic reviews of the effects of exercise on postmenopausal osteoporosis have shown an increase in bone mineral density.
"If you prevent falls, you prevent fractures," Grabiner said. Instead, the key is preventing falls before they happen, according to researchers like Mark Grabiner, head of the movement sciences department at the University of Illinois at Chicago, who studies how people fall. Fall Prevention for Seniors: Injuries from falls are significant among the elderly population, and the risk only increases with increasing age.
After nine weeks of participating in an Iyengar yoga program designed for senior citizens, 24 elderly females had a faster stride, an increased flexibility in the lower extremities, an improved single-leg stance and increased confidence in walking and balance, according to the findings of researchers at Temple University's Gait Study Centre.
This randomized controlled trial compared the benefits of yoga, conventional therapeutic exercise, and a self-care book for chronic low back pain. Women who are drawn to Yoga practice, and build a long-term practice, may experience significant benefits not seen in this six-week intervention.
Conclusions: a training that improves functional balance does prevent falls.
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Novice Guide To Yoga
Koz HuseyinFor many people in the west, yoga can seem like a very strange practice. Doing yoga has many benefits and as you read this article, you will learn more about yoga and the benefits of beginning yoga.
Points I cover in this article:
* History of yoga
* Benefits of yoga
* Beginning yoga
History of Yoga
The history of yoga dates back to the Upanishad's. The Upanishad's a part of the Veda's and form part of the Hindu scriptures was written before the 7th century BC, which makes it one of the oldest texts known to man!
For many people in the west, the meditation aspects of yoga is known, however, there is more to yoga. Doing yoga for many people practicing yoga, is also a way to spiritual growth, and spiritual enlightenment.
Benefits of Yoga
When you start to do yoga, you will find many benefits, not just spiritual or physiological, but also psychological, and biochemical, not to mention the many more benefits of you doing yoga.
Some of the benefits of yoga, you may be able to get are your mood improves and subjective well-being increases, your level of Anxiety and Depression decreases, sleep improves, pulse rate decreases, and your weight normalizes. This is only a very small handful of the benefits of doing yoga.
For people who may be looking for the health benefits which can help heal certain ailments, you may be glad to know glucose and sodium levels in the body go down because of doing yoga. So the steps you are taking now can greatly benefit your health in a positive way.
As always, remember to get these health benefits from yoga, you will need to remember to keep to practicing yoga regularly. If you have old health issues, then also make sure you speak to your doctor before embarking on any new healthy health exercise regimen, such as yoga.
Beginning Yoga
Beginning yoga is much easier today, thanks to the major interest in yoga over the last few years, more and more yoga classes are being started. The first step in beginning yoga, is to decide to start! At this point, most people may wonder if they have what it takes to start yoga, what will be involved etc. Relax, yoga classes can teach you from beginning, even if you do not know the first thing about yoga.
Whether you want the spiritual benefits of yoga or the physiological benefits of yoga, you can get them by doing yoga at a yoga class. It is best to go to a yoga class to learn how to correctly do yoga. There are many great books and videos about yoga, and they can be beneficial. However, a yoga class can help you get the right yoga postures, and get the full benefit of yoga.
Finding a yoga class can be as easy doing a search online to find local classes. Perhaps speak to someone who you know who has an interest in yoga, check local adult education institutions. As more and more yoga classes are available, you can find a local yoga class.
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Use Yoga Exercises And Postures To Reduce Back Pain And Inflexibility
Michael J MckayWhat do you think is one of the most common ailments that patients consult their doctors for?
Did you guess it? Yes, the answer is back pain. The majority of adult Americans have at some point in their physical development suffered from a bad back. Seeing as we are discussing facts, another fact is that over 82% of the people visiting their doctors complaining of back pain actually have no physical disorder of their backs. The pain and unease that they are feeling in that region of their bodies is systematic with a lack of suitable exercise that results in the corresponding pain caused by a lack of muscle tone in the back. These muscles assist in the support of the back.
Tension in the surrounding muscles is also created in the surrounding area where pain is experienced. Without doubt, Obviously then, following a course of yoga exercises will greatly improve your condition, and if maintained regularly these exercises will considerably reduce the need for visits to your doctor. It would be inappropriate of me not to offer a word of warning at this juncture, in that you should always see your doctor prior to embarking on any form of physical persuit. This is to ensure that there aren't any contributory factors present other than has already been mentioned that could actually be causing the back pain. A herniated disk, for example, is a condition that will require professional attention, and following any form of physical activity without a full medical consultation could well worsen the existing condition.
That said, various yoga postures assist in strengthening the core muscles of the body, such as the abdominal muscles, and increased strength in this area in particular gives the back an increased amount of support. This benefits the sufferer by reducing the likelihood of further injury, which in turn lessens pain.
The vast majority of basic yoga exercises actually help to strengthen both the back and the abdominal muscles, as a result of which these will assist in reducing the occurrence of back pain.
However, if you are already suffering from back pain it is advisable to take care and only do exercises you are able to complete comfortably, limiting the range of movement until you can release some of the tension and stiffness without causing any further inflammation.
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Yoga Posture Basics That Are Easy To Do
Kevin SinclairYoga is a very common style of exercise that is practiced by people all over the world. These exercises help to build strength and flexibility in our bodies by creating a balance. Yoga is derived from ancient India and is still going strong in its beliefs and practices. If you are just starting your yoga training or are curious about some basic postures for yoga, then perhaps this article will be of some benefit to you. We will discuss a few of the basic postures that are easy to do.
The first posture that we will discuss is called The Cobra. When doing this posture, we want to do this in easy stages. First we want to lie down with our forehead touching the floor, our face needs to be prone and our legs should be tight together and stretched back. Next we want to place our hands under our shoulders with our palms facing down. Once we have done this we want to inhale and raise your head back pressing your neck backwards. The next step is with the use of our hands we will push up our trunks until we have formed a beautiful arc that reaches from the lower part of our spine to the back of our necks.
Once we have reached this point, there is really no need to go any further, but if you feel that you can, then you can fully extend your arms. Beginning at the knees you can bend your legs and stretch your head as if try to touch your feet. Whether or not you can actually touch your feet with your head is not important as long as you can hold the posture and remain deep breathing. When coming out of this posture, we want to do this very slowly. Return to start position with our faces prone, then relax with your head to one side. This is the Cobra posture. Now all you have to do is repeat the steps.
The second posture of yoga that we will discuss is called the Bow. This posture is a more extreme version of the simple bow posture. Amazingly, there is an outstanding number of children who can easily do this posture easily almost immediately. As with the Cobra posture position, this one also we want to do in stages. First, let us lie face prone on our mats. For this posture, you may want to consider a padded mat, if you are a slim person with a neck that is thick. Now we are gonna inhale and bring our knees up.
Now that we have our knees up, we want to extend your arms back and while our fingers and thumbs are together, grab your ankles. Now that we are in this position, we are going to inhale and raise heads and our chest at the same time we are going to pull on our legs with our hands. This will lift our knees and thighs off of the mat. Now, we want to breathe normally all the while we are trying to raise our legs higher and our heads up. We are now bent into the Bow posture. With this yoga posture, we are balancing our body weight on our abdomens.
Once we have reached this final step, we can stop or we can continue to stretch your body a little further. To do this we need to move our hands down our legs, lifting them higher. Keeping our knees together, we want to pull back as much as possible. Now we want to hold position for a few normal breaths, then we will will relax and return back to our face prone positions with our heads to one side. We have now successfully completed the Bow posture.
The last posture position that we will discuss in this article is the Shooting Bow posture. This posture is also known as Akarna Dhanurasana. To start, we will sit with our backs straight and our legs extended. Now we want to extend forward and reach our feet with both our hands. We want to grab hold of our left foot with our right hand and using our left hand we will grab hold of our right foot.
While we inhale, we will bend the left knee and bring our left foot close to our chest across our body. We also want to make sure that our elbows are pointing up, while slightly twisting our body to the right. The left hand that is holding the right foot needs to stay tight and firm. While we are holding this position we will breath normally, then slowly release and relax.
Once we have completed this step, we will repeat the same steps for the opposite side. For beginners to yoga or this posture position, it will suffice to hold the now bent left leg with our right hand. Once you have done this a few times and it becomes easier to do, we will reach down and grab hold of our left foot with our right hand. Now we will continue to pull on our left foot, bringing it higher with each breath that we exhale.
These are just a few of the basic yoga posture positions that you do easily. They are perfect for the beginner yoga trainee and will help you train your body to be more flexible and stronger at the same time. By following these steps, you will start to create a balance in your body that can not be achieved any other way.
Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of, a site that provides information and articles for self improvement and personal growth and development.
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Facial Yoga - Is This The New Face Lift?
Katie CarwellWhile it is undeniable that the benefits of yoga are endless and far reaching many are still skeptical of a new trend being called yoga facial toning. The yoga element will definitely produced positive results but does it actually give you a face lift without the surgery? This may indeed be one of those things you may just have to tryout to find the answer for yourself.
Yoga facial toning is considered to be a specific exercise program which stimulates, firms, and lifts every muscle of the face and neck. The claim is that by exercising these muscle there will be a reduction of sagging skin and the disappearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Many also believe the stimulation of the facial muscles will also lead to a clear complexion.
During a yoga facial toning class the face is ultimately the focus but be aware of the fact you will not just be sitting in a chair making faces at your instructor, it is generally believed that proper form involves your heart being higher that your head. The facial poses are often combined with yoga body poses and breathing techniques to allow for an increased flow of oxygen and nutrient rich blood to all parts and aspects of the head including the face, neck, scalp and brain.
The facial poses are very precise as technique and form are considered key. In general terms some of the facial expressions utilized are looking surprised, puffing out your cheeks, looking like you are kissing someone, and wagging your tongue. The premise is that exercising the muscles of the face and neck will result in drastic improvements of an aged face and also prevention of further damage. All muscles in your body regardless of where they are located will experience atrophy when not used and stimulated.
There are additional side effects of facial yoga that may indeed lead to a younger appearance. Yoga is centered around the body, mind and spirit connection and the balance of ones vital force. When you leave a yoga class you will definitely experience an unexplainable combination of feels including increased energy, at peace, free of stress, and a sense of clarity which leads to a shift in awareness. If you feel more vibrant you will most certainly look more vibrant. In addition, we most certainly wear stress on our faces, therefore it stands to reason we should also see in the face when this stress is alleviated.
Whatever the reason, many people swear by facial yoga toning so it may require some experimentation on your part to determine for yourself if this is a trend you want to be a part of.
If yoga facial toning does indeed return the toted results it is definitely a great alternative to the cost and risk that surgery offers. At the very least it would offer the proven benefits of total body yoga not to mention laughs and good hearted fun, where else can you stick out your tongue and not get a disapproving look.
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Warming-Up for the Yoga Poses
Sarah Noelle WilliamsThe procedure of yoga poses are meant to enhance both the mind and body. It takes discipline, dedication, and daily practice to carry out these poses. But the prize is always worth the patience and hard work. One can certainly gain strength and better health with the regular yoga exercises or the Asanas. It can boost resistance and build up the mental awareness too. All it requires is for you to learn the poses and deliver it slowly as you manipulate your mind and body.
Warming-up before the actual yoga poses is very substantial in the activity. You need to do it before a session starts so that your physical health and built would be appropriate for the exercises. It can also help to put your body together for tougher poses that you might want to try later on.
The eye exercise is the primary step when warming up for the yoga poses. Just like the other muscles in the human body, the eyes must also be exercised once in a while to keep it clear and healthy. Normally, you only switch stare from left to right, with the littlest movement, then just turn your head when desiring to view a different angle. But what really toughens the eye muscles is when you move your eyes in all directions, without actually turning your head. This stops eyestrain and corrects eyesight too.
Most people usually place the pressure in their necks and shoulders. More often than not, it causes headaches, bad posture, and stiffness. However, doing the neck exercises are also recommended before doing the yoga poses to aid tension and develop flexibility. Simply maintain a straight spine and do them in a slow manner. Relax your neck and as your shoulders are facing forward, drop your head at the back then in front. After that, just keep your head up, then turn it to the right, then center, then to the left. Next, drop your head in front then roll it around in circles and do it again in the opposite direction. Now, raise your right shoulder then drop it and do the same with the left. Finally, lift both shoulders at the same time and bring them down.
Stretching the shoulders is also an excellent way to calm the tension and stress on the shoulders and upper back. It will require everyday practice for a few weeks before you start seeing the changes. In addition, the cat yoga poses are also necessary in the practice since they teach you to launch movement from your center and to harmonize your breath and movement - two of the most essential keynotes in yoga.
Even though yoga may seem a bit simple to look at, it is also a very powerful activity. The truth is, it can be harmful if the yoga poses are not done properly, more so if you do not perform warm-up exercises before a yoga class.
Sarah Noelle Williams is an active member of ABC-of-Yoga. For more information, you can go to free to join our friendly community in
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The Healing Powers & Benefits of Yoga
Sarah Noelle WilliamsFit and peaceful. Happy and energetic. No one can argue or deny the therapeutic benefits of yoga. We all know that it is an activity done to unite the body, mind, and spirit. It will make a person become more aware of his or her body's alignment, posture, and movement. Yoga also helps in making the body become more flexible and and relaxed even if you are halfway through stress and anxiety.
It has been practiced for thousands of years and researches were also done to exhibit the health benefits of yoga. Later on, yoga postures, breathing, and meditation were proven to be helpful in several categories: physiological, psychological, and biochemical. It increases a person's endurance and grip strength and helps in improving sleeping habits. Yoga also advances the amount of Vitamin C and hemoglobin in the body. More positive effects can be seen as it helps in improving mood, memory, and even learning efficiency!
The top benefits of yoga include the boosting of the immune system, reduction of stress, and detoxification of the body. It has a soothing effect that takes away stress as it stimulates the tissues, organs, and the muscles.
Doctors and practitioners agree when it comes to the healing powers and benefits of yoga; that's why most of them also propose practicing the activity as backup therapy for different illnesses.
It can relieve back pain and other unhealthy conditions such as fatigue, asthma, and diabetes.
Moreover, yoga does not only solve physical conditions. Research also says that even a terminal illness, such as cancer, also benefit from the practice of yoga. Cancer patients who go for this activity usually take a more relaxed and better sleep. Not only that, yoga can also defeat the chance of acquiring breast cancer for women.
Additionally, yoga is also for those people who want to lose weight. Yes! When done correctly and regularly, it can certainly give anyone a slim figure. That is, again, one of the magical benefits of yoga. It allows all the muscles in the body to work and by targeting areas like the thighs, abdomen, and waist, you can easily tone them evenly. That is why no one can underestimate what yoga can do. Aside from a long-term weight loss, it also helps in increasing metabolism and a person's will power and discipline, which are all major factors in a diet.
Emotional well-being is necessary in any recovery and yoga is a good remedy and answer to that! The health benefits of yoga and its calming effect give a great impact for the mind and the body. Because with yoga, you can relax and exercise at the same time. Generally, it is indeed a total healing.
Sarah Noelle Williams is an active member of ABC-of-Yoga. For more information, you can go to free to join our friendly community in
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Reduce Neck and Shoulder Tension - Four Simple Yoga Practices to Reduce Neck Pain
Ntathu AllenIf you are feeling stressed, anxious or tired, you may experience tension headaches, neck pain or discomfort. The practice of yoga is the ideal way to learn how to naturally enhance your physical health and emotional well-being. The following simple yoga stretches and breathing exercise will help to ease stiffness and tension in your neck, shoulders and upper back muscles.
As with any form of exercise, please exercise caution, respect and patience for your body and consult your GP before you embark on an exercise programme.
- Lower your head to your chest, breath in as you lift your head to look forward, then breathe out as you lower your head backwards. Repeat 3 - 7 times.
- Keeping your head erect, turn your head to look to the right, back to the centre, then all the way to the left. Repeat 3-7 times each direction. Taking time to breathe slowly and deeply with each movement.
- Raise your right shoulder, then drop it down. Repeat with left shoulder. Repeat 3 - 7 times each shoulder. Raise both shoulders at once, then lower them down again. Repeat 3 -7 times.
- Finally, link your fingers together and stretch your arms high above your head. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply for 3 - 5 times. Lower arms. Repeat 3 - 5 times.
Breathing to De-Stress
- Sitting comfortable on your chair, feet flat on the floor, straight spine, hands resting on your thighs. Close your eyes, relax your face. Relax your shoulders. Next:
" Breathe in slowly and fully through your nostrils for a count of four
" Hold the breathe for a count of four
" Exhale slowly for a count of four
Repeat this breathing pattern 4-7 times and then return to normal breathing.
Self Massage
Massage your Ears to relax and unwind:
- Sitting comfortably, straight spine, feet flat on the floor, gently "walk" your fingers around your ear lobes, gently pulling your ears as you massage the ears. Repeat 3 -5 times in both directions.
Repeat theses simple yoga stretches, breathing techniques and massage regularly during your day.
Registered Polarity Practitioner and Hatha Yoga Teacher, Ntathu inspires and supports you in your health and wellness journey. She offers private 1-2-1 yoga at home sessions, yoga at work and yoga for children. Through the practice and teachings of Yoga and Polarity Therapy
Treatments, she helps you learn simple yoga stretches, meditation and relaxation techniques which you can use to release stress, boost your energy, relax and, feel more alive. Email to sign up for your free Yoga and Polarity monthly enewsletter, "Healing for Soul" - full of simple health building exercises, relaxation techniques and inspirations which you can use to reduce stress, boost your creativity and experience inner and outer peace.
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Yoga and Back Pain
Paul JerardYoga increases flexibility by stretching and lengthening the muscles of the body. Stretching is a big help for any kind of back pain. Yoga poses require students to stretch and hold their bodies in a variety of ways that lengthen interconnecting muscles.
Instead of just stretching the area that hurts, yoga affects the entire body. When a student decides to make yoga practice a regular part of his or her lifestyle, all the muscles of the body learn to work together. This results in providing longer lasting relief, which increases with regular yoga practice. Stretching also increases circulation, which relieves back pain.
In daily life, the muscles that support the back rarely get properly worked out. For proper support of the back, many muscles around the core of the body must be strong. Yoga strengthens these muscles and brings muscle groups into balance.
For most people who spend much of their day seated, facing their computer, and leaning slightly forward, their hips will take on much of the pressure. The hips are also staying mostly stationary and locked in position.
When the hips become weak and stiff from this day-to-day atrophying, proper posture and support is lost. Yoga poses, such as the triangle pose, open up the hips when properly done. Novice yogis must make sure to get in-person instruction from a competent teacher, before attempting any yoga pose.
An emphasis on yoga poses (asanas) is a science of good posture. Yoga instruction teaches the proper way to move between poses and hold a pose during class. Yet, the posture practice transcends the class into daily life, which teaches us to sit and stand in healthy ways, during the course of a day.
These lessons provide a comprehensive program of movements to stretch, strengthen, and retrain all areas of the body. Basically the body is being taught how to move again.
For example: Pelvic tilts, or the bridge pose, warm up the hips and lower back before progressing to more complicated postures. The cat-cow pose, and downward facing dog, are also recommended for back pain.
Cautiously practicing the forward spinal stretching of the plow pose, with proper guidance, relieves discomfort in both the upper and lower back and increases spinal flexibility. This pose is sometimes recommended to accompany the shoulder stand pose. As previously mentioned, the triangle pose helps back pain and posture. This pose is easier for less flexible yoga practitioners.
© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications
Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:
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Yoga For Back Pain
Paul JerardAlmost everyone has had some sort of back pain during the course of their lives. For most, it eventually goes away. For some, however, back pain never goes away. Yoga could be the answer to back pain.
Recent studies show that regular yoga practice can have an extraordinary effect on relieving the stiffness and agony of chronic back pain.
Yoga provides relief from back pain in several different ways. This has to do with the way the spine is affected by the alignment and function of all the parts of the body. The condition of the legs, hips, pelvis, shoulders and even the buttocks, influences the condition of the back. Due to this, as you improve strength and flexibility throughout the body, your back is in better shape.
The vast majority of people, do not pay terribly close attention to the way they move and hold their bodies, throughout the day. Sometimes we hold ourselves in ways that harm, rather than support our frame. Often we entertain poor posture or sit awkwardly most of the day in an office chair, allowing stress and tension to overtake our muscles and mind.
Studies reveal that yoga is better than conventional exercise because of this very element. Yoga involves a great deal of mental focus and a purposeful mindset. While performing poses, yoga students are instructed to pay close attention to their breath. Meditation and visualization create a direct link between the movements of the body and breathing. These interconnecting elements trigger high degrees of body awareness.
The result is that even when people are not doing yoga, they will still become aware of how they may have been moving and positioning their bodies in unhealthy ways. In turn, people who practice yoga make better and healthier choices in movement, consciously and unconsciously.
They experience a higher degree of flexibility and range of movement. Not only that, yoga reduces overall muscle tension, which is a big cause of back pain.
© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications
Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:
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Yoga for Beginners - Essential Requirements for Health Benefits
Daljit KaurYoga teaches us how to maintain harmony between various forces acting on our body. In case, we are not taking care of our body, yoga shows us the way to restore our health by taking control of our mind and body. It is in our hands to take charge of our body. There are certain yoga basics which should be followed while practicing yoga.
Regular practice. Do yoga regularly, even if you do couple of yoga asanas or pranayama in a day. Therefore, you should decide how much time to devote daily for yoga and then follow it strictly. Beginners should not make very ambitious plans as yoga requires patience. Set realistic targets and achieve them, it provides motivation for continuing yoga practice. For beginners, 30 minutes to one hour of yoga practice is adequate. Do not expect miracles overnight. Do not strain yourself while doing asanas. Your progress in yoga will depend on your age and health at the time of starting yoga. One month of yoga practice can show positive results for most of the beginners.
Practice yoga in a neat and well ventilated room by putting a yoga mat on the floor. If weather is comfortable, practicing yoga in a lawn early in the morning can be a wonderful experience.
Time for yoga practice. It is recommended to have a fixed time each day for yoga practice. One to two hours before sunrise is the ideal time for yoga practice as oxygen content is high and there are no distractions. As per your convenience, yoga can be practiced in evening also provided you are not too much tired. Do not eat anything three hours before doing yoga.
Ensure proper diet. Make sure your diet comprises of plenty of nuts, fruits, salads and leafy vegetables. Chew your food properly. Do not be in a hurry when eating food. Avoid tea or coffee, if possible. Limit yourself to maximum two cups of either tea or coffee per day. Reduce your sugar intake, avoid junk foods and untimely snacks. Strictly avoid tobacco as it will nullify the benefits of pranayama. Try to avoid alcohol. It is required to make gradual changes to your diet and make it a way of life.
Avoid constipation. Constipation is one of the ailments which can prevent you from enjoying full benefits of yoga. Drink enough water and include sufficient fiber in your food to avoid constipation. Your bowels should be clear in the morning before yoga practice.
Mental frame of mind for yoga. Try to keep your mind cool and calm at all times. Yoga practice is not complete if mind keeps wandering. For most of the asanas concentrate on the body part being affected by that asana or on your breathing. A peaceful mind is essential for gaining perfect health, strength and vitality.
Essentially yoga practice involves the following aspects:
Restraining of senses.
Following a simple diet.
Controlling the mind.
Proper breathing and relaxation.
Regular exercise.
Regular meditation.
Continuous introspection to identify your weaknesses for self improvement.
Do not forget to take a long rest lying in shava asana for 5 to 10 minutes after your yoga practice.
Daljit Kaur is a yoga enthusiast, and editor of a portal dedicated to provide valuable information on yoga to beginners. For more information on yoga, visit to her e-zine for free at for more information.
Copyright: You may freely reprint this article provided the whole text, the author name, all links and this notice remain intact.
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De-Stress For Better Memory
Rohit TomarToday's education system is highly stressful. And under stress, not only does the brain not function well, but children should be made to relax and improve their memory so that they do well. A relaxed brain leads to deeper insight. It is a well-known fact that Newton and Archimedes made their famous discoveries while they were relaxing, the former in a garden and the latter, in the bathtub. But in today's world, recreation alone cannot eliminate stress completely. The following yogic techniques improve memory, while providing the necessary rest to the brain tissues.
Sambhavi mudra:This position leads to the production of alpha brain waves immediately,indicating a relaxed mind. It can be practiced any time and in any position.
1 Roll the eyes up and cross them,look at the mid point of the two eyebrows.
2 Maintain the position of the eyes for a comfortable duration. Do not strain the eyes too much
Trataka:This is a form of meditation that de-stresses the mind.
1 Sit down in cross-legged posture, keeping the back straight.
2 Place a lighted candle in front of you at an arm's distance.
3 Close your eyes and still your body.
4 Concentrate on your natural breath for 2-3 minutes.
5 Open your eyes and look at the brightest spot in the candle flame.
6 Gaze steadily without blinking for 2-3 minutes(close your eyes before they start to water).
7 You will see the after image before the closed eyes.Concentrate on that image till it fades.
8 Open your eyes.This is one round. Practice three times.To rest the tired eyes,rub palms till they are warm and place them on your closed eyes for 8-10 seconds.
This should not be done for more than a month at a stretch,to protect the delicate retina.Some object such as a black dot, a flower or God's image can be used alternately.
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How To Begin Practicing Yoga
Kenneth KohDeciding that you want to start doing yoga is the first step. It is often a stopping block here.
Don't be intimidated! Below outlines some of the steps you will need to take to kickstart and start enjoying the pleasures and benefits of yoga.
1. Pick a Yoga Type
A little reading and research will be needed on your part. There are many different types of yoga classes available, and if you pick one that does not suit your personality and state of physical fitness, you may be turned off.
Take a few minutes to review the various yoga styles. Most beginners, a Hatha or Vinyasa class will be most suitable. These are basic styles and you can always try something challenging and fancy later.
2. Find a Class
These resources will help you find a yoga class in your precinct. You can also read through local alternative newspapers or wellness magazines for listings or do a search online for "yoga" and "your town."
Select a studio that is close to your home, work or vicinity. This is highly encouraged as you will need to take a shorter time getting to class and is easier. It is highly recommended to start with a basic level class. Many gyms also have yoga classes with excellent teachers. This is normally a good place to start if you already belong to a gym.
3. Find a retreat
Yoga retreat is another alternative place which provides relaxation for you in a community where you can practice focused learning and also practice it in a social setting. All that you really need is to have many people with a passion for yoga and thus a yoga retreat may last for short or long durations depending on how much commitment people have to its practice.
There are plenty of chances to mix around with other similarly inclined people and thus meet and interact with other people of diverse backgrounds. You never know when you can develop a lifelong friendship or relationship by going to a yoga retreat.
The yoga retreat is led by a guru or experienced yoga instructor who will offer special guidance to those who are just starting out in yoga, and who need to be properly introduced to its nuances. Additionally, a yoga retreat will normally provide food and accommodation in which the whole experience is very comprehensive. It pays special and close attention to each attendee and their diet as that will be one that encourages a better and healthier lifestyle, and the staff will definitely dedicate them to providing proper service in an idyllic locale.
The main objective of a yoga retreat is to promote relaxation as well as get the mind and body in perfect balance; so, be prepared to do leave out the radio and television and even phones in your room. It will afford you a welcome opportunity to relax and get away from the crazy city life and embrace instead the serenity of peaceful locations.
4. What to Bring
You will not need to bring much except yourself and some comfortable, breathable clothing on your first day. Know the basic yoga equipment you will encounter. Most studios have basic yoga equipments and these can be usually rented.
5. What to Expect
In a yoga class, the students put their mats facing the front of the room (often identifiable by a small altar or by the teacher's mat) in a loose grid. It is recommended not to line up your mat exactly with the one next to it as you and your neighbor will need some space in certain poses.
The students often sit in a cross-legged position waiting for class to begin or do some gentle stretching.
The teacher may begin the class by leading the class in chanting om three times. Depending on the teacher, there may be a breathing exercise or short meditation when the class commences.
It is followed by warm-up poses, then more vigorous poses, then stretches and final relaxation. At any time, return to Child's Pose if you need some rest.
Sometimes, the instructor will go around to each student during final relaxation and give them a little massage. Most teachers conclude class with another round of oms.
Give yourself a pat on your back as you just took your first yoga class! Note that you may experience soreness after your first yoga class.
6. Don't Have Any Access to Yoga Classes?
While there are many great yoga books and videos available, there is no replacement from learning directly from a good teacher in a yoga class. That is if you still unable to find a yoga class, I recommend starting with any beginner's video, as this will provide you with more visuals to follow than a book.
7. Dos and Don'ts
The Don'ts
DON'T eat a heavy meal right before class. Try to eat light a few hours before class commences.
DON'T drink water during class, but have it before and after.
DON'T wear shoes or socks during class.
The Dos
DO let the teacher know that it's your first class (you might not be the only one).
DO not hesitate to seek for instructor's help if you need it.
DO look around and follow what other students are doing, particularly if the teacher does not demonstrate every pose. However, take note that you may be looking at more advanced students so do not compare yourself to them.
DO familiarize yourself with some beginners' yoga poses before you begin your first class.
DO read through Yoga Etiquette so you feel very comfortable entering an unfamiliar situation.
DO return in a few days for your next class!
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Yoga - You Need The Right Accessories
Aazdak AlisimoWhat's the best thing about yoga? It can have an amazing impact on your physical and mental well being, but won't cost you an arm and a leg to get going.
The first thing that you will need to purchase before attending any class is a yoga mat. There are many different types of yoga equipment that you will come across when searching for your mat ... just make sure you find one that is comfortable for you. There are extra thick mats, yoga towels, extra long yoga mats, yoga rugs, cotton mats and covers, mat rolls, mat blankets, yoga blankets, mat bags, and aero mats. More often than not, you can find some great mats that are not too expensive. Next, look to your wardrobe to find some great yoga gear.
For the most part, you really don't have to buy any type of special clothing for your yoga course. Still, if you want to be super comfortable, you can check out Malaika Padma cotton shorts, women's yoga shorts and pants, women's t-shirts, and men's yoga clothing. Essentially, you want to make sure that your clothes are loose and comfortable, so skip the restrictive clothing. Finally, you should become acquainted with the follow props, though you won't have to purchase all of them right away.
You can buy yoga blocks, straps, bolsters, balls, sandbags, zabutons, wedges, wood blocks, and zafus to help your poses, though not all yoga types will require these props. If you intend on joining a yoga class at a local gym or yoga center, you'll find that most of these courses provide certain types of yoga equipment and props for you to use. Really, all you will need to bring is your mat and yourself.
The great thing about yoga is that you can practice your poses nearly anywhere. Once you figure out the basic movements (along with the type of yoga that you want to work on), you can really just plop yourself down on any surface and get to work. Of course, if you have the right props and accessories your body will suffer less, but this is entirely up to you.
The most important thing to think about when you are shopping for various types of yoga equipment is to find items that are comfortable, easy to use, and portable. You'll find that simply signing up for a yoga class will help you on your way to figuring out which items you really need.
Yoga is for everyone, so don't worry if you don't have everything mentioned above.
Aazdak Alisimo writes about
yoga supplies for
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