By Michael J Mckay
What do you think is one of the most common ailments that patients consult their doctors for?
Did you guess it? Yes, the answer is back pain. The majority of adult Americans have at some point in their physical development suffered from a bad back. Seeing as we are discussing facts, another fact is that over 82% of the people visiting their doctors complaining of back pain actually have no physical disorder of their backs. The pain and unease that they are feeling in that region of their bodies is systematic with a lack of suitable exercise that results in the corresponding pain caused by a lack of muscle tone in the back. These muscles assist in the support of the back.
Tension in the surrounding muscles is also created in the surrounding area where pain is experienced. Without doubt, Obviously then, following a course of yoga exercises will greatly improve your condition, and if maintained regularly these exercises will considerably reduce the need for visits to your doctor. It would be inappropriate of me not to offer a word of warning at this juncture, in that you should always see your doctor prior to embarking on any form of physical persuit. This is to ensure that there aren't any contributory factors present other than has already been mentioned that could actually be causing the back pain. A herniated disk, for example, is a condition that will require professional attention, and following any form of physical activity without a full medical consultation could well worsen the existing condition.
That said, various yoga postures assist in strengthening the core muscles of the body, such as the abdominal muscles, and increased strength in this area in particular gives the back an increased amount of support. This benefits the sufferer by reducing the likelihood of further injury, which in turn lessens pain.
The vast majority of basic yoga exercises actually help to strengthen both the back and the abdominal muscles, as a result of which these will assist in reducing the occurrence of back pain.
However, if you are already suffering from back pain it is advisable to take care and only do exercises you are able to complete comfortably, limiting the range of movement until you can release some of the tension and stiffness without causing any further inflammation.
Start practising Yoga now to see the great long term health benefits you will receive.
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