By Richard Fatooh
The benefits of yoga to your mind, spirit and body are immeasurable. Here are just three benefits that can keep you motivated to stick with your current yoga practice. Or even better, push you over the fence to start that beginners' yoga class you have always wanted to do.
Increase Your Inner and Outer Beauty
Beauty is not just physical. This has been proven over and over again. You have likely proven it for yourself. I can't tell you how many physically beautiful people appear so ugly to me because of their character.
Likewise, I can't begin to mention the countless individuals I know that although not blessed with extreme physical beauty, actually appear beautiful because of their glowing spirit and wonderful attitude.
One of the greatest benefits of yoga, both the exercise, philosophy and all the wonderful people you will meet, is that it will make you a more beautiful person both inside and out.
Yoga Your Way To Heart Health
That's right! Consistent yoga practice can contribute significantly to a healthy heart. There are three aspects of yoga that contribute to this. First, proper breathing is an essential part of yoga.
This aspect alone will have a great impact on your heart health and your sense of well-being.
Second, a good yoga session can raise your heart rate to the level necessary to achieve an aerobic benefit from it. Third, yoga makes you happy and happy people are healthy people. It's true!
Higher Consciousness
Regardless of who you are, there is always room for you to expand your mind and consciousness even further. Our reason for existence is too continually expand our minds and consciousness and yoga can play a part in this.
Many yoga exercises put you in a meditative state and can help prepare you for growth in the area of mind, spirit and soul. Yoga doesn't have to contradict your current beliefs. Rather, it can support and confirm them.
These benefits of yoga are what motivate many to keep doing yoga or to start that class they have had their eye on. And, the benefits don't stop there. There are literally hundreds of health and spiritual benefits that make yoga a great exercise and practice for anyone who is interested.
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