By Thaddeus Johnson
Doing yoga for teens would be a great way to help them in dealing with anxiety and boosting self-esteem. The yoga poses can be effective in relaxation and enhance their physical abilities.
Recently, yoga has been introduced to young children and teenagers as a form of therapy and physical exercise. There are a number of yoga websites offering articles, techniques, classes, and testimonials on the benefits of the children that participate.
The teenage years
One of the most important and difficult times in a child's life is the teenage years. In school, it is the period of wanting to "fit in" accompanied with peer pressure. They will usually have lots of homework and if they are into extracurricular activities such as sports, band, or drama, a significant amount of time is required for that. For some, this can be too much of a challenge. Life at home may also have its challenges with parents and siblings.
The question to be asked is, "what activity/activities are available to help teens through difficult situations they may encounter?" For the most part, teens have support from friends, school activities and family. But where do they turn when the support is not readily available to them when they need it most?
Yoga benefits
Doing a low impact style of yoga, such as Iyengar, would be the best way for kids to experience calmness and empowerment. Each pose is performed gently and consciously with much attention given to breathing, expansion, and balance. In this process, it will enable the teen to focus on self that will help release tension, frustration or even anger and transform those energies into a more relaxed state.
The poses are excellent for boosting self-esteem in that it challenges the individual's ability to stay in balance, both in mind and body. Significant results may be attained through each session. Yoga exercises are not easy to do as some individuals may realize but with continued commitment, teens will be taking great strides towards self-fulfillment. With that level of confidence, teens will be able to handle trying situations differently and effectively.
Place of comfort
Yoga is not a cure-all by any means but it is a safe and alternative way for teenagers to find a place of comfort. Finding that place is far more intriguing and beneficial than doing drugs or being caught in unfavorable situations. Yoga is not for everyone but for those who embrace its importance, it will improve their quality of life in the days and years to come.
Where to find yoga classes
Parents, you might be able to find classes in your neighborhood or in your local newspaper. Keep in mind that not all yoga studios will have programs specific to teens. Probably the best avenue to do a search would be online. The age of the world wide web has made accessing information on any topic quick and easy.
From the web you will be able to narrow your search specific to your needs without even leaving your home. Though, if a studio were found, it would be wise to visit and observe the practice.
Take the time to get as much information that you will need from the class instructor to insure it will be a match for your child.
About the author:
Thaddeus W Johnson is a writer who enjoys providing online shoppers with valuable information for purchasing and the benefits of shopping online. Discover great savings on products such as yoga t-shirts, affordable clothing and much more.
C 2008 Thaddeus W Johnson
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