By Ntathu Allen
If you are feeling stressed, anxious or tired, you may experience tension headaches, neck pain or discomfort. The practice of yoga is the ideal way to learn how to naturally enhance your physical health and emotional well-being. The following simple yoga stretches and breathing exercise will help to ease stiffness and tension in your neck, shoulders and upper back muscles.
As with any form of exercise, please exercise caution, respect and patience for your body and consult your GP before you embark on an exercise programme.
- Lower your head to your chest, breath in as you lift your head to look forward, then breathe out as you lower your head backwards. Repeat 3 - 7 times.
- Keeping your head erect, turn your head to look to the right, back to the centre, then all the way to the left. Repeat 3-7 times each direction. Taking time to breathe slowly and deeply with each movement.
- Raise your right shoulder, then drop it down. Repeat with left shoulder. Repeat 3 - 7 times each shoulder. Raise both shoulders at once, then lower them down again. Repeat 3 -7 times.
- Finally, link your fingers together and stretch your arms high above your head. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply for 3 - 5 times. Lower arms. Repeat 3 - 5 times.
Breathing to De-Stress
- Sitting comfortable on your chair, feet flat on the floor, straight spine, hands resting on your thighs. Close your eyes, relax your face. Relax your shoulders. Next:
" Breathe in slowly and fully through your nostrils for a count of four
" Hold the breathe for a count of four
" Exhale slowly for a count of four
Repeat this breathing pattern 4-7 times and then return to normal breathing.
Self Massage
Massage your Ears to relax and unwind:
- Sitting comfortably, straight spine, feet flat on the floor, gently "walk" your fingers around your ear lobes, gently pulling your ears as you massage the ears. Repeat 3 -5 times in both directions.
Repeat theses simple yoga stretches, breathing techniques and massage regularly during your day.
Registered Polarity Practitioner and Hatha Yoga Teacher, Ntathu inspires and supports you in your health and wellness journey. She offers private 1-2-1 yoga at home sessions, yoga at work and yoga for children. Through the practice and teachings of Yoga and Polarity Therapy
Treatments, she helps you learn simple yoga stretches, meditation and relaxation techniques which you can use to release stress, boost your energy, relax and, feel more alive. Email to sign up for your free Yoga and Polarity monthly enewsletter, "Healing for Soul" - full of simple health building exercises, relaxation techniques and inspirations which you can use to reduce stress, boost your creativity and experience inner and outer peace.
Phone: +44 7973 777 882, +44 20 8432 3429
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