Advantages of Yoga For Sportsmen
Joe X RiosMore sportsmen are turning to yoga as an extra exercise routine to mend the variation in their body and to boost their performance in their chosen field of sport. Whether you are a baseball, basketball, tennis, or football player, the mind body connection in yoga is a vital component in producing peak performance.
Although correct respiring technique is the bedrock of many sports, it is usually ignored by many sportsmen. Yoga will help fix this shortage of respiring talent and develop the proper respiring method that is very much required in any game of sport. Many sportsmen are already using yoga movements as a warm up and warm down routines in their sport. Athletes in sports field like tennis and golf will notice enhancements in their swing as a result of this pliability of the muscles and joints. In any given sport, the addition of yoga as an extra routine training has been known to boost the performance of the athletes.
Most sportsmen are involved in some type of weight coaching and other training and other weight lifting that only develop certain muscle groups, while ignoring others. Yoga is ready to fix this imbalance and help to develop the muscles that have been ignored through the contraction of these muscles in the assorted poses.
Yoga is also a good workout to alleviate boredom in sportsmen who perform the same sorts of exercises year in year out by adding variety. It's also a vital component in recovering the body from hard aerobic and strength workouts. The many poses in yoga can be done in a low or high power workout according to the sportsman's desires. Overall, yoga is not just significant critical in bringing in more strength, balance and flexibleness to a sportsman, but also brings more alertness, attention and focus that is so much-needed by sportsmen in their very competitive world.
Proper breathing techniques and the mind / body connection are extremely important to most athletic performance. To learn how Yoga can help you to integrate these skills into your everyday routine
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Yoga For Recovery
Waller McInnesDo you yoga? Do you yoga beyond the mat? Do you realize that yoga is a gateway to connect you with your heart's desire and life purpose?
Being in recovery from drugs, alcohol and eating disorders, I am very familiar with being disconnected from my body and rooted in shame and fear and all the feelings that made me feel powerless and out of control. I knew how to feel bad and yoga taught me how to feel better and to create radiance. Perhaps what the world needs now is a few more people walking around with open hearts.
Until we come inside and practice deep breathing, being in recovery can be a painful experience. If you are looking around for what might be wrong, it is not possible that you are breathing deep.
Yoga helps you to reclaim your life by breathing through the anxiety, the fear of being out of control, and brings you back inside, where all is well and life is taking place one breath at a time.
Yoga is grounding. Yoga is rooted in compassion and fulfills a mission that feels larger than one's self-pity, story, or limitations. Yoga teaches you to breathe deeply through the pain, to process the emotions and to get you into action, to releace and let go and out of your own way. Yoga helps you to cultivate inner peace, to go within to harness the flow of radiant well-being, and to feel grounded in your body.
If you are struggling with an addiction, or in some phase of recovery, you may be familiar with the sensation of resistance or sabotaging. Do you think you were breathing when you chose to go against your body, or when you allow the thoughts to come in that tell you there is something wrong, do you think your heart is truly open and available then? Yoga clears those thoughts, the sacred practice of yoga asanas are a roadmap to clear away the cobwebs, to loosen the internal knots and to create space for positive development.
Waller McInnes is a life coach, writer, yoga and meditation instructor and founder of Create Radiance--offering coaching, customized meditations, classes, workshops and guidance to awaken to your life and shine. Her services and products are designed to relax the Body, release the Mind and restore the Soul. Visit for more information and her blog for inspiring ways to follow your inner vision.
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Yoga For Stress Release
Barb WolfeToday's world is highly stressful. There are probably very few people around who will dispute this. Given this fact, we cannot sit around and simply accept that it is truly stressful to live in today's world. High levels of stress can cause quite a number of ailments that, at their worst, could cause death. Hypertension, diabetes, and other more serious cardio vascular diseases have been found to have some connection to highly stressful lifestyles. We have to do something either to make our bodies more resistant to stress or to take away the stressors altogether.
Taking a stand and controlling our bodies is obviously a more workable path than trying to deal with taking out the stressors from your life. There are things that we can do in order to help our bodies handle the amount of stress that we endure everyday. The way you react to stress is actually more controllable than the stressors themselves.
One particularly easy therapeutic activity that you can incorporate in your life to help your body deal with stress - or more aptly, to shake out stress from your body, is yoga. Yoga is an ancient meditation art that calm's down the mind and eases the tension from the body. This ancient meditative practice enhances one's physio-mental state. Stress relief using yoga involves getting into various positions and performing various stretches for periods of time in order to improve the blood flow throughout the body and improve the heart rate. Through the practice of yoga on a regular basis, the body's natural responses to stressors are developed and a person is able to relax his mind and body easily. Yoga is a safe and easy way to get relief from stress. Unlike some therapeutic medication, there are no side effects to the practice of yoga.
It is easy enough to get into yoga. If you are not confident enough to do it on your own, you can join yoga classes. There are local gyms and health clubs that offer yoga classes as part of their services. In these classes, you will be guided by a yoga instructor as you assume the poses that are designed to align your spine, stretch your muscles, and relieve pressure on your joints. As you feel stress ease up, you will also notice that your body is feels better and is more flexible.
The movements in yoga are simple and gentle enough not to cause any injuries even for beginners. Those who have existing orthopedic problems, however, should consult with their doctors first before taking up yoga as a stress relief activity.
The practice of yoga is an effective way to shake out your physiological, mental, and psychological woes. The poses and postures of yoga help you improve your nervous, endocrine, and digestive systems. It also clears your mind of negative thoughts as mental activity is slowed down with meditation and gentle stretching. The practice of yoga for stress relief generally gives you a feeling of peace, calm, and relaxation.
Stress release yoga can and will improve the quality of your life, stop researching and do something about your stress now.
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Full Body Fitness With Yoga
Anmol MehtaKundalini Yoga is a great science to help with full body fitness and health. This is because kundalini yoga combines powerful breathing with dynamic movement, and this combination helps deliver a workout which both, builds your strength, as well as helps with flexibility and stamina. In this article, I will teach you three great yoga exercises which when combined will help you on your march to achieving total body fitness.
The three exercises which will help you in strengthening your entire body are Plank Pose, Stretch Pose and Frog Pose. Plank pose will work on the upper body, helping build your chest, shoulders and arms. Stretch pose will work on your abdominal systems, helping to tone and strengthen your abs. Frog pose is excellent for building and toning your legs, especially your thighs and buttocks. So the combination of these three exercises will give you a full body workout and done consistently, will make you fit and strong.
Here are the details of each of these three exercises:
Plank Pose for Upper Body Fitness:
a. How to Do Yoga Plank Pose:
* Most of us are familiar with doing push ups, and plank pose is essentially the up position when doing a push up.
* For plank pose be sure to keep your body in a straight line, now allowing the butt to sag and the hands should be directly underneath the shoulders.
* Breathing is normal, except if you are doing a particular Kundalini Yoga Kriya, which might require you to do Breath of Fire while holding Plank Pose.
b. Duration:
* 15 seconds - 7 minutes.
c. Benefits:
* Strengthens the arms, shoulders, chest and back.
* Develops your core strength and abdominal muscles.
d. Practice Tips:
* Advanced variations of Plank Pose include, lifting one leg up and holding the pose, or lifting one arm up and holding the pose. This is to take your level of fitness to the next level.
Kundalini Yoga Stretch Pose for Abdominal Fitness:
a. Instructions for Kundalini Yoga Stretch Pose:
* Lie on your back.
* Place your hands under your buttocks palms facing down (to support your lower back).
* Raise your heels 6 inches, point your feet and toes away from you, raise your head slightly and stare at your toes. You will feel the abdominal muscles go to work immediately.
Begin Breath of Fire Breathing Exercise.
b. Duration:
15 seconds -11 minutes.
c. Benefits:
* Builds abdominal strength.
* Increases core fitness, energy and power.
* Helps develop the much coveted 6 pack abs.
* Improves your digestive system.
d. Practice Tips::
* To modify this pose you can do this posture with your legs bent at the knees, or do one leg at a time. Either way you will reduce the pressure on the abdominal muscles.
Kundalini Yoga Frog Pose for Lower Body Fitness:
Kundalini Yoga Frog Pose Practice Details:
a. How to Do Kundalini Yoga Frog Pose:
* Squat on the floor on your toes, with your feet apart and your heels either touching or very close together.
* Have your knees spread out and your arms inside your knees with your finger tips touching the floor. The elbows are straight.
* Look up, you can have your eyes opened or closed. Inhale. This is the starting position for frog pose.
* Rise up now by straightening your legs. At the same time bring your head towards your knees and keep your fingers touching the floor. Your heels should move down towards the floor. Straighten your legs as much as possible. Exhale. This is the ending position for frog pose. This completes 1 repetition.
* Come back down to the starting position and repeat the cycle as many times as indicated.
b. Duration:
* Beginners, start with as many as you can do and work up to 26 froggies.
* Intermediates, work up to 54 froggies.
* Advanced, work up to 108 froggies or more.
c. Benefits:
* Shapes, tones and strengthens the legs and lower body. Specially the thighs muscles.
* Builds the cardiovascular system and respiratory system. Promoting better circulation and better respiration.
* Promotes flexibility in the hamstrings and calves.
* Overall, builds one level of fitness and endurance.
d. Practice Tips:
* Careful with your knees. If you have bad knees, approach this exercise with caution.
* This yoga exercise will get your heart rate up, so careful not to get dizzy. If you feel breathless, light headed or faint, stop and take a break.
* It is beneficial to stretch the hamstrings before doing frog pose.
Summary of Yoga for Full Body Fitness:
As you can see from the above exercises, a good yoga workout can deliver quite a punch and be an effective science for building your full body fitness and health. These exercises don't just promote flexibility, but are also excellent for training your most important muscles. Doing this set consistently will undoubtedly make you fit, strong and toned.
For more great yoga sets to help you achieve full body fitness and health check out,
Yoga for Full Body Fitness, created by Yoga and Meditation Master Anmol Mehta. Also, enjoy the free yoga videos, meditation classes and spiritual e-books he offers on his popular and free website.
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Yoga Meditation Technique For Beginners
Brit ForchetDo you want to experience the health benefits that can be afforded by practicing yoga meditation? If you do, you can either buy (or borrow from the local library) a yoga meditation DVD or sign up and attend a class. If you're completely new to it, it's important that you learn how to properly execute your yoga meditation technique. There are many techniques you'll need to learn but there are a couple of basics that are essential. Many of these work with Mantras you have to recite.
When it comes to executing a correct yoga meditation technique, one important thing you'll need to learn is keeping a steady gaze. While you're doing this meditation, find an object in the room, fix your eyes on that object and keep gazing at that object for the duration of the session. Why is this yoga meditation technique so important?
For one, it helps you achieve and maintain a good balance while you're doing it. The object serves as your point of focus. For another, fixing your gaze on the object helps to calm your mind. Imagine if you kept looking around the room or switching your gaze from one object to another while you're doing your yoga exercises.
Another thing you need to learn and remember as you do your meditation technique is to observe proper breathing. Breathing is actually a crucial component of meditation. In order to experience the benefits of it, you'll need to be sure you're breathing in and out properly especially at the right instances. You need to let go of conscious thought and when you catch yourself thinking, let the thought go and concentrate on breathing again.
Focus (through maintaining a steady gaze) and proper breathing are just two things you will learn if you choose to sign up for a yoga and meditation class. With this set-up, you'll have a knowledgeable instructor who can show you the proper way of executing your chosen technique.
He can also immediately correct you if you are doing anything incorrectly. This interactive and immediate feedback is something you won't get from a meditation DVD or by reading an instruction book on. When you are performing your meditation exercises the right way, you can expect to see results right away.
Not only is yoga meditation a wonderful exercise that strengthens your body, it's also a great experience for your mind and spirit. Search for a yoga meditation technique you feel comfortable with and practice it several times a week. Many who have tried it have discovered that doing it regularly benefits their body, mind and soul.
Ancient Indian philosophy and wisdom is hidden in the physical and mental exercises we call yoga and meditation. Brit Forchet helps to shed some more light on these beneficial pratices on her pages about
Yoga for Beginners and
Yoga Meditation.
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6 Simple Yoga Tips For a Great Practice
Anmol MehtaYoga is certainly more than a series of poses and postures. It is meditation in motion. Yoga is a complete science to bring out your best, by balancing your mind, body and emotions. To that end, let me give the six simple yoga tips to help you extract maximum benefit from this profound and timeless spiritual art.
1. Yoga Should be Done Without Excessive Strain:
This simple tip comes straight from the Buddha. Try to walk the middle path when you do yoga. Not letting it be too easy, but even more important is never overdoing it or over straining. This guideline applies to both beginner yoga practitioners as well as advanced yogis. Yoga is a journey, it is be enjoyed and the sights and sounds taken in, it is not a competition or race.
If you are just beginning your practice, you need to give yourself time to gauge your capacity and limits. Learn to listen to your body. As you start to better understand your body and energy, you can start to push your limits further and increase the challenge you take on. That being said, even as your yoga mastery develops, never forget this important tip. This is undoubtedly the number one cause of yoga injuries.
2. Practice Yoga with Full Awareness:
This is the number one requirement of doing yoga, regardless of whether you are just a beginner yogi or a yoga master. Try to be as aware as possible of every posture and movement you are making during your practice. This is actually more than just a tip, it is an essential part of yoga practice.
So watch your mind, body, breath and feelings with as much awareness as you can muster right though your session. Then your yoga practice will actually become meditation in motion. When this witnessing aspect matures, there will no doer, just doing taking place. This is why when people would watch masters do yoga, they would say that it is like there is no personality there, just yoga being done. So aspire for that level of awareness, where it is so complete, that the thoughts required to assert the sense of separate identity do not have the opportunity to rise. This is then real yoga. This is Unity.
3. Eating Correctly Tip:
Don't eat a big meal at least 2-3 hours before your yoga practice. The stomach should be empty when you practice yoga. This also holds true, if you can just going to do yoga breathing exercises. The body should be done digesting the food, so that it's energy can then be used for doing your practice.
4. Breath is Key to Yoga:
Breathing consciously is an essential part of doing yoga. This tip will help you take your practice to the next level. Poses and exercises done with proper breathing are much more effective in bestowing their benefits that if done without proper emphasis on breathing.
5. Proper Clothing:
You must wear comfortable clothing when doing yoga. This will help you sit in the cross legged posture which many techniques require and will also not obstruct your movement during practice.
6. When to Practice:
The best time to practice yoga is early in the morning. This is when there is maximum prana in the air and the air is freshest. At this time your mind is also empty and fresh, allowing you to follow the advise from tip number two above, and doing your practice with greater awareness.
Summary of Simple Tips for Yoga Practice:
Yoga is a complete science for personal and spiritual development and learning and practicing it well, will go a long way to helping you reach your highest potential in this life. The tips above come from years of experience with teaching and practicing yoga and I hope you find them useful and beneficial.
For more great simple yoga tips to help you get the most out of your yoga practice check out
5 Simple Yoga Tips, written by Yoga and Meditation Master Anmol Mehta. Also, enjoy the free videos, classes and e-books he offers in his popular website.
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Benefits of Yoga For Athletes
Azmi AdnanMore and more athletes are turning to yoga as a supplementary exercise routine to fix the imbalance in their body and to improve their performance in their chosen field of sport. Whether you are a golfer, basketball, tennis, or football player, the mind body connection in yoga is an important element in producing peak performance.
Although proper breathing technique is the foundation of many sports, it is often ignored by many athletes. Yoga will help fix this lack of breathing skill and develop the correct breathing technique that is very much required in any game of sport. The integration of mind and body through correct breathing patterns helps to build stamina and endurance in an athlete. Proper breathing techniques also bring more focus and attention to the mind and sharpens one's intuition. This gives the athlete an advantage over his rivals.
The various poses in yoga helps to build a strong mid-section and the different types of contractions of these poses and movements act as a form of resistance training to the typical gym-based workouts. But unlike in a gym, you can practice yoga outdoors without having to bring heavy equipment. Imagine doing yoga exercises by a windy beach with the sound of waves in the background, on a hill top with a great view and fresh air, or in a zen garden.
Frequent yoga practice increases flexibility and range of motion and the slow movements is perfect for athletes. Many athletes are already using yoga movements as a warm up and warm down routines in their sport. Athletes in sports field such as tennis and golf will notice improvements in their swing as a result of this flexibility of the muscles and joints. In any given sport, the addition of yoga as a supplementary routine training has been known to improve the performance of the athletes.
Most athletes are involved in some form of weight training and other resistance training that uses repetitive motions that only develop certain muscle groups, while ignoring others. That creates imbalance in the body. Yoga is able to fix this imbalance and help to develop the muscles that have been ignored through the contraction of these muscles in the various poses.
Yoga is also a good workout to relieve boredom in athletes who perform the same types of exercises year in year out by adding variety. It is also an important element in recovering the body from hard aerobic and strength workouts. The numerous poses in yoga can be done in a low or high intensity workout according to the athlete's needs. Overall, yoga is not only important in bringing in more strength, balance and flexibility to an athlete, but also brings more alertness, attention and focus that is so much needed by athletes in their very competitive world.
Azmi Adnan is a writer and a yoga practitioner. Subscribe to his newsletter for interesting articles on yoga at his website
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Health Benefits of Yoga Exercise
Azmi AdnanYoga studios are springing up in many cities all over the world to cater to the demand by yoga beginners in the midst of the current economic downturn that is characterized by daily stress, fatigue and pollution. More and more people are taking up yoga classes to seek that elusive sense of relaxation, comfort and inward consciousness. It has provided them with a refuge away from the daily confusion and yielded benefits useful to their practical daily lives.
The benefits of yoga is that it is therapeutic both physically and mentally and it conditions the mind and body. Hatha yoga which is very popular in the west, for example, conditions the muscle joints making them flexible, tones the muscles, strengthens the spine, eases back pain, correct body postures, creates balance, improves overall fitness and health, increases circulation, strengthens the heart, reduces blood sugar levels and cholesterol and assists in weight loss.
It also creates balance and relaxes the mind and body, by freeing the spirit and sharpens mental concentration and awareness. Hatha yoga is known to relieve the symptoms of illnesses such as arthritis, diabetes, asthma, obesity, fatigue, arteriosclerosis and prolongs youthfulness. No wonder then that yoga is becoming a popular activity to help solve modern day illnesses and problems.
In practicing yoga, practitioners will attain a sense of centeredness, grace and coordination. The different postures in yoga heals and invigorates the body as it stretches and tones the muscles and joints and improving blood circulation and oxygen to the brain and other vital organs. Yoga postures involves every muscle of the body and challenges them in a passive way, creating resistance by moving the body's center of gravity. The quality of yoga postures and strengthening of the muscles brings relaxation and refreshes the body and mind.
Unlike other forms of exercise like aerobics or jogging, yoga when done correctly does not cause any strain or injury and has no negative effects. For beginners, it is recommended that the presence and direction of a qualified yoga teacher is sought before fully practicing yoga on one's own.
Yoga is suitable for people of all ages, including children. It helps to develop self-discipline and improves a person's physical and mental health. It also improves memory and concentration through breathing exercises, and for young people it enables them to keep their natural flexibility for years. The benefits that the practice of yoga provides far outweigh the time and effort that practitioners put in their daily routine.
Copyright (c) 2009 Azmi Adnan
Azmi Adnan is a writer and a yoga practitioner. Subscribe to his newsletter for interesting articles on yoga at his website
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Yoga Classes For Yoga Beginners
Azmi AdnanYoga is fast becoming the most popular fitness activity in this recession period. People affected by the current economy are looking to yoga classes for fast relief of their stressful conditions. It is no wonder then that yoga studios are doing a brisk business in accepting more and more yoga beginners into their programs.
Before you embark on a 'yoga for beginners' program, be aware of your fitness level, health condition and physical limitations. Let the yoga instructor know of your condition because he or she is able to offer corrections and make modifications if you are not doing the yoga poses correctly. The instructor is also able to help you in getting a deeper experience from a yoga pose so that you will gain more results.
The great thing about yoga is that unlike any other sport or fitness program, you are not competing with any other participants but yourself. You are only concentrating on your own body and listening to it as it responds to the challenges you are putting it through. Your body will communicate with you through feelings of pain or pleasure, and you respond to this feedback from your body by doing the yoga postures correctly.
Breathing is an important element in yoga as it corresponds with each pose or posture. As a beginner you need to practice the art of breathing correctly as it helps you to get relaxed and move you deeper into each pose for a positive experience. You can actually direct your breathing to any spot on your body where there is tension and feel the effects as the feelings of tension is being released.
It is important too that you do not eat a heavy meal before the commencement of each yoga session. However, water is essential to keep yourself from being dehydrated.
If you are excited about learning yoga but are not able to find a class in your area, you may want to get your hands on an instructional yoga DVD which is widely available on the internet. The great thing about these yoga DVDs is that they come with online support so you will have assistance should you have questions later.
I have known of a group of women who pooled their resources together to purchase a set of yoga DVDs and conduct a yoga session for themselves every weekend in their homes. Doing with a group is fun as you can look out for each other if one participant is not doing it correctly. This not only makes for a good social activity but a healthy one too.
Copyright (c) 2009 Azmi Adnan
Azmi Adnan is a writer and a yoga practitioner. Subscribe to his newsletter for interesting articles on yoga at his website
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What is the Correct Way to Breathe When Doing Yoga?
Neil CrenshawHow should you breathe when you do yoga? Yoga instructors will often say "breathe" as if you were not already. Breathing is usually a natural process that takes little effort, either physically or mentally. However, there are times when breathing correctly, while moving the body through space, is as important as knowing how to do the yoga pose. Sometimes yoga students will unintentionally and unconsciously hold their breath while doing a pose. A case in point, is the prowling tiger pose where you are on one knee and the opposite arm with the other leg and arm stretched out in front and back. The prowling tiger is a fairly difficult pose to hold for any length of time because it requires the use of strong back muscles. A beginning yoga student will tend to hold their breath when doing this pose because, in the first place, they are unaware of their breath. This is why an experienced yoga teacher will say "breathe."
Being aware of the breath is a learning process that gets easier with practice. Awareness becomes almost instinctive, in that the breath "flows" with the movement, without having to think about it. In the beginning, learning to be aware of the breath is more like watching the breath. When holding a pose and even while moving from one pose to the next, being the observer of the breath is more of an intentional act than an instinctive one. It isn't until the student finally becomes a yogi that he is aware of the breath. So, the question is, how do you become aware of the breath?
If you are relatively new to yoga, begin by feeling the difference between positive and negative forces when you move your body. For example, from a standing position slowly squat down and then slowly stand back up. The movement down into the squat is a negative force and the act of standing up is a positive force. In weight lifting they call the standing up movement, concentric (positive force) and the going down into the squat, eccentric (negative force). Pressing a barbell up off of your chest in bench pressing is a concentric movement and lowering the barbell is an eccentric movement. It is not necessary to know the terminology but what is important is to be able to feel the difference between positive (concentric) and negative(eccentric). The general rule for breathing correctly is to breathe in while performing a negative force movement and breathe out while performing a positive force movement. This is true for 98% of all yoga moves.
By intentionally breathing in while doing a negative force movement and breathing out while doing a positive force movement is the first part in learning to be aware of breath. Do a push up and intentionally breathe in while going down and intentionally breathe out while pushing up.
This simple exercise will demonstrate how breath influences movement.
The act of breathing out engages the abdominal muscles, the diaphragm, and the muscles of the pelvic floor. When these muscles contract, the core of the body is strengthened and the transition between poses becomes easier. By practicing intentional breathing in yoga, the sense of union with body and breath will become apparent. Before long, the union of body and breath will become automatic and instinctive. When that happens, moving through yoga poses will occur naturally without thinking.
Neil Crenshaw, Ph.D.
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The Benefits of a 30-Minute Yoga For Busy People
Azmi AdnanYoga is widely known to improve health and well being. It is the union of the mind, body and soul and the benefit you get out of yoga far outweighs the time you spent practicing it. While many people find it difficult to set aside an hour or two of yoga practice each week, a 30 minute yoga session is finding its way into the lives of busy executives, financial brokers, teachers, bankers, and other people with very busy schedules.
The body responds positively to 30 minutes of yoga exercise done routinely everyday or every alternate day, compared to an hour of yoga done each week. This half-hour yoga fits very well into the lives of people who can't spare an hour or two of practice because of their busy careers.
30 minutes a day is all it takes to reap the benefit of yoga as it stretches and lengthens the muscles and reduces the risk of injuries. It also gives balance and a sense of agility as we get older. It relaxes the muscles and reduces tension which minimizes pain that is associated with it while toning them to build stamina and endurance.
This daily incremental yoga session helps us to relax, clearing away tension in our body. As a result of that we benefit by getting higher levels of energy to carry out our daily chores. The breathing practices in yoga helps to relax the muscles and the mind and brings the much needed oxygen to the cells in our system. This produces a sense calmness and confidence and also better quality sleep as it clears away clutter and allows us to focus our attention on every aspect of our lives and be present in our current activity without having to worry about the past and the future.
The deep breathing in yoga reduces our stress level as it decreases the hormones in the body which are released when we are overwhelmed. The different yoga poses create a relaxation response and helps us to reach an inner state of calmness for more focus, alertness and attention.
Many successful people routinely practices this 30 minute yoga each day to keep themselves in balance, alert and productive. Yoga practitioners have also attributed their success in business and in their personal lives to this daily routine.
Azmi Adnan is a writer and a yoga practitioner. Subscribe to his newsletter for interesting articles on the yoga at his website
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Pilates and Yoga Mats - Why They Offer You Additional Safety While Exercising
Lilly SmithePilates is an exercising method which focuses primarily on promoting physical harmony and balance, and thereby improving flexibility and strength for the entire body.
It includes a series of controlled movements. This will help you feel refreshed and alert with a feeling of mental and physical well-being. These exercises help the body to become strong and realigned, with movement in the overall posture.
These Pilates exercise programs enhance the quality of life for people of all ages along with their fitness levels. These are very popular methods of exercising all over the world. Similar to other types of workouts, the Pilates exercise method also requires some types of equipments, not to mention proper instruction. Pilates mats are important ones among them.
The Pilates exercises center around six basic principles which are the foundation for the program. The principles are:
1) Centering
2) Concentration
3) Control
4) Precision
5) Breathing
6) Flowing movement
Supine breathing, cat stretch, sun salutations etc are some of the important steps of Pilates exercise program.
Pilates Yoga mats are a versatile tools which can assist any home fitness program. They can be used to increase the comfort of any exercise program at home. If you have a hard floor for the floor and stretching exercises, these mats can come really handy. Lightweight, soft mats provide a comfortable cushion which is non-slip.
The beginners will need proper instructions for the proper alignments and techniques with the Pilates method of exercise. They can get these instructions in many different ways. They could do so by attending the classes since it is the best way to understand the techniques.
Unfortunately, not many people find this option as a convenient one.
As such, some people would like to do a Pilate mat workout from home. The good news for them is that they can get the live demo and instructions on the DVDs. Pilates workout DVDs are very popular in the market and are available for any skill levels. Look for a Mat Pilates DVD or a Stott Pilates Mat DVD program. However, the Pilates mat is very important to perform exercises like Yoga and other floor exercises from home.
The feature of good Pilates mats are as follows:
1) It has to be made from quality natural rubber material
2) They need to be environmental and it should be manufactured without PVC, hazardous phthalate plasticizers, or other heavy metals 3) It needs to be more convenient carry so that you can easily take it for your gym classes, Yoga classes or Pilates classes
4) It needs to be safe and shouldn't cause any harm to body or skin
5) Warm and soft
6) It should be Comfortable, durable, lightweight and washable
7) It should have Non-slip and sticky surface for safety
The yoga mat is not only safe for your health and our environment but it also guarantees the best performance which your practice deserves. Some companies allow you to print your logo, but only upon your request. These mats are available in different color size and thickness. The thickness may be 1cm, 105mm, 2cm etc. A thick Pilates mat is most important for your workout comfort and safety.
Lilly Smithe has been practicing Pilates for many years and loves the exercise regime. She has developed a website for
pilates product reviews,, where you can also find a great collection of
Pilates and Yoga Mats.
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How Much Do Yoga Classes Cost?
Chris Ramos and Lucas Rockwood
There a number of things that determine how much yoga studios and wellness centers charge for yoga classes. Across the United States, on average, yoga classes cost about $12 per drop-in session. Each of these sessions may cost anywhere from $9 to $15, depending on your location.
But if you're living in metropolitan or coastal areas it is not unusual to be charged as much as $18 for a drop-in, or maybe more. Rates go significantly higher, pretty much like everything else, as the cost of living increases.
Buying in Bulk
These are only drop-in fees. Of course you can get it for less when you buy in bulk. Again on average, you will save about 15% per session if you buy multiple sessions. That's like paying $100 when you sign in for 10 sessions, instead of spending $120 for dropping in on the same number of sessions.
In some studios you will find a variety of packages offered at fixed rates. A typical monthly plan entitles you to one class everyday for 30 days, but for only half the price of what you would otherwise pay based on drop-in prices. A package may offer specific classes only-under a particular instructor and during certain schedules. Be sure it is right for you before paying up.
Saving on Bundles?
With gyms, meanwhile, unlimited yoga classes are frequently bundled with membership. Such offers of total access are a good idea if you have the time to use the equipment and attend the classes. If you only have time for one, then that's the only thing you should pay for. When something is bundled, it doesn't necessarily mean it's free. You may be paying for it, too, albeit at a lower price.
Special promos and incentives affect the rates, as well. For instance, some fitness centers charge less for first timers even if they're just dropping in. Some even throw in a massage therapy or a Pilates training along with the yoga classes. Others offer seasonal discounts. Loyalty reward and referral programs are common schemes.
Additional Costs
There are inclusions that increase the costs. Studios may have reasonable rates per session, but also charge you for the lockers, sauna, mats and towels. Know beforehand whether you actually need such facilities. As for the mat and towel, which you do need, you may want to compare prices first. Yoga mats are priced at $25 to $80; microfiber towels are about $30 apiece.
All that said, how much your yoga classes should cost will really depend on you. How often can you go? How much are you willing to spend?
My advice: find the time and you will find the class that fits your budget. Just find the time.
Bikram Yoga Poses * DOUBLE YOUR FLEXIBILITY* in 28 days... 7 Secrets of Nutrition and Flexibility. Free 7-day email course at link above.
Bikram DVD *BIKRAM YOGA LOVER?* Get the definitive home study course on Hot Yoga. Giant 300-page book, 2 DVDs, pose chart, and more.
YOGABODY Naturals LLC is a yoga educational and nutritional supplement company aimed specifically at students of yoga asana. Founded by Lucas Rockwood in 2007, the YOGABODY community now includes over 10,000 students and teachers worldwide.
"Powerful Yoga for Real People" - Lucas Rockwood
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Yoga Improves Your Overall Health
Gerald FitzYoga is an ancient spiritual tradition dating back 5000 years. But today, many people separate the spiritual yoga and the physical yoga, and focus primarily on the physical aspect: stretching and breathing as an exercise program. Yoga has many health benefits. It will improve your balance and posture. It will also improve your mood, memory, and your overall well-being. Specifically, yoga can improve your flexibility, build lean muscle, and reduce stress.
Flexibility-Stretching of your body will help your joints and muscles to become more flexible. Yoga especially helps your legs, back, shoulders, and hips become more flexible. Yoga is a serious of poses that stretch your muscles. As you do more yoga, you will feel yourself becoming more flexible. Not only will your muscles become more flexible, but your joints will be more flexible as well. Each time you practice the poses you will be able to reach a little farther. Yoga will loosen your tight muscles by releasing the lactic acid that builds up while weight training. Yoga is a total body stretch. It stretches not only the muscle, but the ligaments and tendons.
Building Lean Muscle-Yoga is a way of building muscle without the bulk. Yoga uses isometric resistance to help build lean muscle. Isometrics uses the body's own weight as resistance. This happens when the muscle does not change its length. For example, when you lift a dumbbell you are shortening the muscle, and when you lower the dumbbell you are lengthening the muscle.
Isometrics does not move the added weight to make it stronger. This type of training is easier on the muscle.
In addition to yoga another good way to build lean muscle is by taking whey protein. Whey protein is dairy based, so it is easy for people to digest. It offers more pure protein than soy based proteins. There are many other benefits to taking whey protein. It also aids in the keeping your immune system healthy. But mainly, it helps build lean muscle and promotes the loss of fat giving you a lean physique. When purchasing Whey Protein be sure to buy Isolate Whey Protein solutions. They contain 90 % pure protein without the fats and carbohydrates of a Whey Protein Concentrate.
Reduce Stress-Studies have shown that participating in some kind of physical activity at least three times a week will reduce stress. Exercise releases endorphins, which naturally make you happy. Yoga helps you to relax by learning how to breathe deeply and through meditation. The concentrated stretching in Yoga releases the tension that is stored because of stress. One way to reduce stress is to breathe deeply. Yoga teaches this. The more oxygen you take in the less stressed you will be. Yoga also teaches you to meditate. Meditation also relieves stress. The mental benefits of yoga offset the stress in our life. Yoga is all about relaxation.
Yoga will increase your flexibility, build lean muscles, and reduce stress. This ancient tradition has many health benefits-inside and outside the body, emotional, disease prevention, and alleviation. There are many styles and forms of yoga. It can be an intense aerobic workout or a peaceful meditation. The stretching of the muscle to create lean muscle and taking whey protein as a nutritional supplement can have a positive effect overall on your bodies health.
For more info on
whey protein, visit
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Yoga and Weight Loss
Debra JanoskoAs a yoga instructor, one of the most frequently asked questions I get is, "Can yoga help you lose weight?" The short answer is yes, for many reasons. Yoga goes along way in promoting a healthy weight loss. Yoga asana is excellent for burning calories while stretching, toning, and strengthening muscles but that is only one piece of the puzzle. We have to look at diet as well.
What, how much, and even why we are eating is an important part of the "weight loss" picture.
First, let's look at what we are eating. A diet high in fats and sugars will, not only pack on the pounds, but wreck havoc on the systems of the body. Mom was right, eat your fruits and veggies! If you want to feel your best, look your best, and be at your best... eat your best.
Mother nature has a delicious bounty of whole foods to choose from, eat up! For optimal health, there's no better choice.
Next let's look at why and how much we are eating. Stress plays a huge role in overeating. It also determines how and where fat is stored in the body. Yoga asanas, breathing exercises, and meditation reduces stress and lowers cortisol levels which will aid in weight loss. Habitual eating can also be a problem. Eating mindlessly as if the auto pilot has been switched on without thinking or even tasting what we are putting in our mouths, that's habitual eating. Then there's emotional eating. Eating when we feel hurt, anger, or depression. Ever hear the expression, "It's not what you're eating but what's eating you," that's emotional eating. Yoga practice helps you to become mindful in the moment. You become connected to and aware of your body and emotions.
You will learn to discerne true hungrer from habit and how to re-direct habitual and emotional eating toward effective methods of healing. When you are hungry, you'll make healthier choices, taste and enjoy your food better, and lose weight.
A yoga practice that includes dietary modifications, breathing techniques, and meditation can help you lose weight. Think of the process as a journey of transformation and self-discovery. It will take time and patience. These positive changes are sustainable, unlike those quick-fix fades that feed the cycles of bad habits and ill health. There is a fresh start, a new beginning in everyday. Don't get hung up on where you were or what you did five minutes ago. Don't waste time thinking about what you will do five minutes from now. In this moment, make the choice to be your best right here, right now. Be Well!
Debra Janosko, E-RYT, CYT-500, Yoga TherapistMineral Springs Yoga & Health Center, MS 38852
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Pilates and Yoga Mat Bags - They Are Funky and Practical - Why You Need One!
Lilly SmitheEveryone wants to stay in shape, and Pilates is able to provide the perfect way to do just that.
When we head out for a workout session, there are a number of things that we need to carry when we go. Water bottles, extra changes of clothes, and the essential Pilates or Yoga mat are just a few of those very necessary items. For the mat, a Pilates or Yoga mat tote bag is needed.
Other items can easily be carried in an additional gym or tote bag, but nothing fits the mat like a bag that has been made for carrying it. The Pilates mat is what makes doing the Pilates exercises safely and effectively a possibility, as they provide a non slip, padded surface.
If you are new to Pilates exercises, then you might want to buy a Yoga mat bag first, because you will definitely need a mat for maximum safety during workouts. You can choose to buy one or several different Pilates mat bags. There is a Pilates Mat bag to suit every mood! There are several different styles to choose from that include various colors and patterns. You can buy a silk yoga mat bag with Asian printed patterns if you would like. They are not at all expensive, and they are extremely fashionable and come in many designer prints. If you prefer pink cotton or a mesh yoga mat bag, then your wish shall be granted. There are so many styles to choose from. Hugger Mugger make a great collection of Yoga and Pilates mat bags.
The Pilates mat bag comes with a shoulder strap that is meant to decrease the amount of pressure that is placed on the spine. Everything about Pilates focuses on the human body. The spine is a very fragile region of the body that needs to be taken care of and maintained over the years. Too much pressure in the incorrect areas can potentially result in extreme injury that requires physical therapy and other medical treatments. Injury prevention in exercise is one of its most important facets. Without the prevention of injury, harm becomes more probable. The Pilates or Yoga mat is the back brace to all of its movements and exercises.
Other features that you will be able to find in the Pilates Yoga mat bag include extra compartments to place your money, keys, or other small and valuable items in. The Pilates mat bag is great for those who love organization. They are also wonderful for those who want to keep up with the latest and most fashionable styles. You can even find these types of bags available in leather and suede. Unique colors like gold and silver are also available. Polka dots and flowers are also no stranger to the Pilates mat bag.
Make sure that the bag that you choose to buy contains all of the features that you are looking for. This type of bag goes a long way when it comes to saving money and making room. It gives you a place to put your mat, and it can be stored away in the bag as well. They are convenient, and nifty. Staying organized has never been so easy.
Lilly Smithe has been practicing pilates for many years and loves the exercise regime. She has developed a website for
pilates product reviews, where you can also find a great collection of
Pilates and Yoga Mat Bags.
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Should You Practice Yoga During Pregnancy?
Tom D NolanMy patients frequently ask me for general medical advice because they know that dentists are required to have a sound working knowledge of the body as a whole. They also know that if they ask a question about something that doesn't fall within my specialism, I won't try to treat them for it - not always an assumption they can safely make with their doctors.
A woman recently asked me if she should continue practising yoga during her pregnancy. My immediate reaction was that of course she should. But I'm neither an obstetrician nor a yoga instructor, and there are few things more dangerous than advice from someone who doesn't know what they're talking about.
So, in the interests of keeping you safely informed, I took a couple of friends out for a drink and got them to pay me back with advice. One of these friends is a consultant obstetrician and the other is an experienced yoga instructor. This is what they told me:
As with any form of exercise, it's basic common sense. If you listen to what your body is telling you and avoid any pose or movement that causes physical discomfort, you will not harm yourself or your baby. On the contrary, yoga can be immensely beneficial during and after pregnancy. It will make you more flexible and make your ligaments more elastic. This enables you to adapt to various positions during labour and will reduce labour pain.
Yoga improves posture, reducing the incidence and severity of back problems which are common during pregnancy.
Yoga boosts circulation and reduces fluid retention.
Stretching exercises help to relieve aches and pains - but you must avoid excessive stretching or twisting of the abdominal area.
Also avoid any postures that require strong use of the abdominal muscles. Supine (lying on your back) leg raises would be an example of this.
Be careful with postures involving balance because your centre of gravity changes dramatically during pregnancy.
Yoga has psychological as well as physical benefits - and you can't have too many of those. By encouraging breath and body awareness, yoga reduces stress and helps prepare for the birth.
You should stay well hydrated, stopping frequently for water breaks.
Avoid 'hot' yoga such as Bikram during pregnancy because it can dangerously raise body temperature.
Don't force yourself to lie on your back if it's uncomfortable. During the later stages of pregnancy, a uterus with a fetus inside is a large, heavy lump and your body knows where it doesn't want this lump to press.
You may be more prone to dizziness when standing from a sitting or lying position, so avoid sudden positional changes.
Yoga is also beneficial post-natally because it strengthens the abdominal muscles and the pelvic floor. It will also help you regain your shape more quickly. Do not, however, attempt it for 6 weeks after the birth because you might tear muscles and other tissues that are in the process of repair.In conclusion, I asked the experts to sum up their advice.
Obstetrician - 'Listen to your body. If it feels okay, it probably is. On the other hand, if your body is complaining, don't ignore it. Physical pain is designed to be a warning sign - not a challenge.'
Yoga instructor - 'Don't try to do this alone. Consult a qualified teacher and find a yoga class specifically for pregnant women.'
The governing body for yoga in Great Britain is The British Wheel of Yoga. Check them out at for further advice and a list of local registered instructors. Similar organizations exist in most countries.
Stay healthy.
Tom Nolan
Dr Tom D Nolan is a dentist working in Birmingham City Centre, in the UK. He does a lot of cosmetic work and runs half marathons for charity. His immediate goal is to stop moaning about how his knees won't allow him to play football any more (apart from with his 9 year old son - and even then, the tackles are starting to feel a little heavy)
Check him out at:
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Yoga Benefits
Cade O.So you have heard of the many benefits of a yoga workout. You have finally given in to purchasing a ten-dollar mat, the hot yoga pants, and even a short DVD to help you along.
However, when you finally find the time to try it out, you are disappointed in discovering it is not the yoga routine you have been hearing about. What happened?
Don't give up. There might be a few things you are not considering simply because you haven't heard about them yet.
First things first, the meaning behind yoga is critical to understanding the mentality of beginning a yoga routine. It was originally developed as a spiritual practice. Today it has been morphed into this stereotype of an excruciating circus of flexibility, but it is important to recognize that while some people favor this extreme of yoga that has branched off from the tree, it is not an accurate representation of yoga itself. Yoga is about being present in the moment. It is about having no distractions and aligning your mind, body, and spirit. The word itself literally means "union," and it is all about getting your mind and body in union and feeling balance within yourself.
Before you go back and try that DVD or yoga class, try winding down and thinking about the purpose of yoga and what it is you are trying to accomplish. When you begin your breathing, remember to stay within the moment and put all of your thoughts and concentration on your breathing and nothing else. When you get that equilibrium established, move the breath deep within your belly, and from there move it throughout your entire body. It may sound abstract now, but once you get into this mindset it will become easier and easier to establish this yoga way of thinking.
Of course it isn't going to be natural at first, because you are not used to giving undivided time solely to yourself. It is so easy to get lost in the noise of the world and feel our internal solace drowned out in the constant daily hassles we all face. The important thing is recognizing that to battle those hassles we need to find some balance within ourselves by acknowledging that there is an importance in the mind body relationship. This is why you wanted to start yoga to begin with. Just remember as you go back to that video that it is not about looking exactly like the model being pictured or bending your body in ways you didn't think imaginable. Maybe that day will come, but for now focus on the true spirit of yoga and the joy that comes with your new mind and body relationship. Only after that will the many health benefits and new thinking processes begin.
Read more here about
power yoga pants and
yoga workout clothes.
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Pilates - Is it a Type of Yoga?
Chris Ramos and Lucas Rockwood
Pilates has surged into the mainstream during the last couple of decades. In the US alone it is estimated there are more than 11 million regular practitioners. Pilates is a system designed to improve core strength and balance through exercises that harmonize mind and body. It is centered on a method called Contrology, wherein the mind is focused and then directed to control the muscles.
Sounds like yoga? It does. In fact, there are practitioners in different parts of the globe who say when you do Pilates it does not only look like you're doing yoga; that it actually feels like doing yoga.
That brings us to the question: Is Pilates a type of yoga? Well, let's take a closer look.
"Pilates" is derived from the name of its German founder, Joseph Pilates, who developed the physical fitness system during World War I. The system was initially used to rehabilitate veterans returning from the war. By 1925, apparently disillusioned with the political situation in Germany, Pilates migrated to America. He met his wife, Clara, and together they opened a studio in New York City. They personally trained students until the 1960s.
In comparison, yoga is much, much older. Yoga is so old nobody knows who invented it or when. It is however widely accepted that yoga originated in India. This is mainly because the earliest known references to yoga can be found in Hindu texts dating back to 900 BC. More recently, 6,000-year old seals from an ancient Indian civilization that depict positions resembling yoga postures have been discovered.
Clearly, there is a huge amount of disparity in maturity. So how can the two be even considered to be the same? This should not be surprising. Before he founded the system, Joseph Pilates was a boxer, a circus performer, and a self-defense instructor. He was into body-building and gymnastics. Most importantly, he was into yoga.
He blended all these disciplines and knowledge to conceive Contrology, which eventually developed into the system we now call Pilates. Many of the breathing exercises, centering techniques, and controlled movements in Pilates are yoga-inspired. Joseph Pilates knew how these methods can positively affect blood circulation, detoxification, and metabolism because he understood yoga.
Which is Better?
It is really difficult to say which is better because it is difficult to compare, in the first place. Yoga traces its roots from religion and is essentially spiritual. Pilates was originally intended for rehabilitation and, though it involves concentration skills as well, is mainly focused on the physical.
If Pilates works for you, keep doing it. But if it's too mild or too intense for you, then try something else. It all depends on whether you're making progress towards the attainment of your goals in a manner and at a pace you choose.
Bikram Yoga Poses * DOUBLE YOUR FLEXIBILITY* in 28 days... 7 Secrets of Nutrition and Flexibility. Free 7-day email course at link above.
Bikram DVD *BIKRAM YOGA LOVER?* Get the definitive home study course on Hot Yoga. Giant 300-page book, 2 DVDs, pose chart, and more.
YOGABODY Naturals LLC is a yoga educational and nutritional supplement company aimed specifically at students of yoga asana. Founded by Lucas Rockwood in 2007, the YOGABODY community now includes over 10,000 students and teachers worldwide.
"Powerful Yoga for Real People" - Lucas Rockwood
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Yoga Pants Help Elevate Your Practice
Bryan G MccartyWhile it's true that the original practitioners of yoga didn't have access to the great designs and materials used in today's yoga pants, that's no reason why you should forgo the benefits. Sure, you can show up to class in your old sweats, (or no pants at all, in the ever-popular naked yoga niche - yikes!). But wouldn't you rather enjoy an outfit that accommodates the type of practice you love the best?
We are spoiled for choice these days. Many prefer the form-fitting capabilities of synthetic fibers with a bit of spandex. They offer sleek comfort with materials that conform to your every move and allow fabulous range of motion without any binding. They are light weight and never in the way. These yoga pants can be great at wicking away moisture during a strong practice, and look sleek and modern coming and going from the studio, too!
Almost at the other extreme are all natural fibers, including cotton and hemp. Some people just love the feel of yoga pants made from these materials, even though they may not be quite as accommodating in the various asanas. There can be some compensating comfort in the knowledge that you are making use of all natural substances, and are keeping with the green ecological mindset that many of us associate with the greater thoughtfulness that our yoga practice helps us develop. By the way, these natural fiber yoga pants can look great too! While not so much form-fitting (and hey, a few of us aren't all that wild about showing off every nook and cranny of our forms!) these materials can have a lovely natural drape and flow to them.
Some find the loose fit actually much more comfortable, and don't particularly care for the clinginess of the spandex blends. Another consideration is how the material interacts with a yoga mat. That again is a matter of preference and depends if you use a sticky mat or natural fiber mat.
It's true that women have more choice in yoga pants, but men can find some options too. It's more common to see full length pants and Capri's for women, and shorts for men. The men's shorts typically are quite short in the leg for maximum mobility, but have elastic to keep all those important parts where they belong and out of sight.
For everybody, quality, fit and price are of course important considerations. You may have to compromise in one of these areas! You can stick to a well known brand, but there are some great boutique brands around too, offering interesting, unique designs, especially in the natural fibers.
For fit, it's great if you can try them on first, but many online shops have good return policies, in case the style you picked doesn't work out as well as you thought.
Bryan has years of experience in the yoga world, and loves to share his interest with others. He encourages a better flow of information and ideas between yogis. One of the best sites for this is - a fun, informative place where yogis can post their own reviews and listings.
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Natural Treatment For Stress & Anxiety - Yoga
Ian J SpencerYou would have definitely heard of yoga, which is one of the hot favorites in the USA today. The Western world is gradually looking into the secrets of youth and health that ancient civilization of the East followed. The Indian civilization is one of the oldest and extremely rich in scientific applications not only in medicine but also in engineering, physics, mathematics, astrology and astronomy among others.
Yoga has four branches that cover the journey of any human being who wishes to attain oneness with the Universe and enlightenment. Walking on this path would also ensure that your body stays free of diseases and human weaknesses without any dependency on food and basic life-supporting comforts. Yoga not only diseases-proofs your body but also tunes your mind to find and understand the Eternal Truth.
1. Kriya yoga or karma yoga - this covers the free will of a human being whereby they make their choices in life and the consequences of these choices on his or her life
2. Bhakti yoga - or attaining liberation through prayer and worship of God
3. Gyana yoga - or enlightenment through learning and acquiring of knowledge, and
4. Raja yoga - or achieving enlightenment with the exclusive help of your mind, ignoring the body completely
You do not need to adopt the austerity of yoga in its complete form. The beauty of yoga is that you can use the exercises this science prescribes without worrying about the rest of the doctrine and still profit from it. Two things are extremely important when you learn yoga:
(i) you need to learn yoga from an accredited and recognized guru or yoga practitioner, and
(ii) you need to do it at the dawn, on an empty stomach, or at bedtime daily - if you want it to really work for you
Yoga can help fight any disease whatsoever that plagues human beings, even cancer. It is excellent for controlling and reversing anxiety. It is also exceptionally potent in treating depression. I am not giving you the asanas (postures) that are prescribed for controlling and treating anxiety and depression because I do not want you to try these exercises on your own.
Do not be tempted to buy the much-advertised DVDs from the market unless you have learnt the postures from a guru.
The danger of initiating yoga on your own is that a mistake in getting the right posture might not only be useless, but also might harm you. Every asana is meant to touch, massage and coax into optimal functioning some organ or system in the body. No matter how clear is the DVD or instruction given in a book, you would not be able to see yourself performing the asana; nor would you be able to see whether you are doing it correctly or not. This is where a proficient yoga practitioner and teacher would be able to guide you. Once you learn the asanas correctly and you are confident about it, you can practice it at home alone without anyone's help.
Yoga when combined with meditation can be an exceptional tool to defuse anxiety and depression. It is also extremely beneficial for people who suffer from sleep disorders due to anxiety or depression. You can however, go for yoga without the meditations component and you would be profited nonetheless.
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Yoga - Helping You Shed More Pounds
Jessica Praman and Lucas Rockwood
There can be several efficient ways to lose weight, but yoga is very appealing because it offers community while at the same time developing self esteem and strength.
Yoga for weight loss can be an intense workout that will definitely put your body in good shape. Unlike gym workouts that drain your energy and strain your body, yoga is a holistic practice that you can do for your entire life. Additionally, yoga takes things far beyond the physical body and also helps to improve your mental and spiritual aspect health as well.
Indeed, your entire being is shaped by performing yoga!
There are different styles of Yoga that will help you get in good shape. The techniques will start from the easiest level up to the most intense level. You just have to assess yourself in order for you to determine which kind will match up with your ability. There are some postures that are very difficult to perform, especially if you are just a beginner. So if you are new to this activity, you have to choose the easiest level. Once you are able to familiarize the positions, you can then move to a higher level.
In Yoga, you'll learn to have self discipline and focus. It boosts your self-acceptance and self-actualization. You will have a new and positive outlook in life. To be aware of your physical body results from the way you look at yourself. If you lack self confidence, you will certainly feel negative about yourself. This is what Yoga teaches its followers. It gives you a positive outlook in life. Once you achieve this, you will have a well balanced lifestyle. You really do not have to be very skinny to look gorgeous, as long as you know how to carry yourself, then you will certainly look great.
So yes... yoga helps you shed more pounds!
The benefits of this exercise has already been proven and tested for a very long time now. In almost every country and certainly in every major city, there are many yoga studios offering daily classes-and more and more individuals are getting addicted to it. It's a good addiction!
Usually, their intention of joining the sessions is to lose weight. They believe that through Yoga, they will get slender. True enough, you can accomplish this. However, you also need to posses the right attitude in order for you to reach your goal. Your objective is to lose weight, so you are expected to eat right and live right. No matter how hard you exercise or do Yoga but you are too stubborn to give up your favorite junk food or sweet cravings, everything will be useless.
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YOGABODY Naturals LLC is a yoga educational and nutritional supplement company aimed specifically at students of yoga asana. Founded by Lucas Rockwood in 2007, the YOGABODY community now includes over 10,000 students and teachers worldwide.
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How to Choose Yoga Accessories
Bryan BurbankEach year Americans become more concerned with their health and well being. All of us are in search of what we need to do to keep are bodies healthy. One of the most common methods people are choosing today is Yoga. All over the United States, in large and small cities Yoga Studios are opening. It could be in a large regional mall or small chic strip shopping centers, empty stores are being filled with these Salons. Americans are doing whatever it takes to make their hectic lives more tranquil and it seems to have become the method of choice.
First, if you are planning to start Yoga classes, you may want to consider a special Bag or Tote. This will protect the Yoga Mat you will be carrying along with letting you carry a water bottle, special props, clothing and other Yoga accessories.
Next, you will need to choose a Mat. This is one of the most essential accessories you will need for your new found exercise. The mat protects you from the hardness,and harshness of the floor while performing your exercises. A quality Yoga Mat will have something on the bottom so that your mat will adhere to the floor and not slio and slide around. Investing in a good Mat is smart as it will last you a very long time.
In addition, you will want to purchase some special attire. Many companies now manufacture lines of clothing designed just for Yoga. Clothing is usually lightweight,soft and comfortable. At the same time it tends to be form fitting so the clothes does not interfere with your exercises. A typical wardrobe may include tank tops, shorts, leggings, sweat pants and sweat shirts. There are lines of clothing for men and women that come in traditional Yoga colors and are embellished with there symbols. Many of the large sportswear manufactures now have there own special lines.
Another item to consider when starting Yoga classes is Yoga Props. They are available to enhance your routines. These items include Yoga Blocks, Straps, Bolsters, Pillows and Blankets. All of the above items are designed to help you with your workout, while keeping you safe and sound.
Lastly, Yoga Blankets and Rugs are one of the most versatile accessories you can buy. A blanket can be a mat for shoulder stands, it can stand in for a Yoga Pillow, Blocks, or Bolsters. It can even provide additional warmth under your body while doing your different positions, for added comfort.
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Losing Weight NowBryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Health & Fitness
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