By Anmol Mehta
Yoga is certainly more than a series of poses and postures. It is meditation in motion. Yoga is a complete science to bring out your best, by balancing your mind, body and emotions. To that end, let me give the six simple yoga tips to help you extract maximum benefit from this profound and timeless spiritual art.
1. Yoga Should be Done Without Excessive Strain:
This simple tip comes straight from the Buddha. Try to walk the middle path when you do yoga. Not letting it be too easy, but even more important is never overdoing it or over straining. This guideline applies to both beginner yoga practitioners as well as advanced yogis. Yoga is a journey, it is be enjoyed and the sights and sounds taken in, it is not a competition or race.
If you are just beginning your practice, you need to give yourself time to gauge your capacity and limits. Learn to listen to your body. As you start to better understand your body and energy, you can start to push your limits further and increase the challenge you take on. That being said, even as your yoga mastery develops, never forget this important tip. This is undoubtedly the number one cause of yoga injuries.
2. Practice Yoga with Full Awareness:
This is the number one requirement of doing yoga, regardless of whether you are just a beginner yogi or a yoga master. Try to be as aware as possible of every posture and movement you are making during your practice. This is actually more than just a tip, it is an essential part of yoga practice.
So watch your mind, body, breath and feelings with as much awareness as you can muster right though your session. Then your yoga practice will actually become meditation in motion. When this witnessing aspect matures, there will no doer, just doing taking place. This is why when people would watch masters do yoga, they would say that it is like there is no personality there, just yoga being done. So aspire for that level of awareness, where it is so complete, that the thoughts required to assert the sense of separate identity do not have the opportunity to rise. This is then real yoga. This is Unity.
3. Eating Correctly Tip:
Don't eat a big meal at least 2-3 hours before your yoga practice. The stomach should be empty when you practice yoga. This also holds true, if you can just going to do yoga breathing exercises. The body should be done digesting the food, so that it's energy can then be used for doing your practice.
4. Breath is Key to Yoga:
Breathing consciously is an essential part of doing yoga. This tip will help you take your practice to the next level. Poses and exercises done with proper breathing are much more effective in bestowing their benefits that if done without proper emphasis on breathing.
5. Proper Clothing:
You must wear comfortable clothing when doing yoga. This will help you sit in the cross legged posture which many techniques require and will also not obstruct your movement during practice.
6. When to Practice:
The best time to practice yoga is early in the morning. This is when there is maximum prana in the air and the air is freshest. At this time your mind is also empty and fresh, allowing you to follow the advise from tip number two above, and doing your practice with greater awareness.
Summary of Simple Tips for Yoga Practice:
Yoga is a complete science for personal and spiritual development and learning and practicing it well, will go a long way to helping you reach your highest potential in this life. The tips above come from years of experience with teaching and practicing yoga and I hope you find them useful and beneficial.
For more great simple yoga tips to help you get the most out of your yoga practice check out 5 Simple Yoga Tips, written by Yoga and Meditation Master Anmol Mehta. Also, enjoy the free videos, classes and e-books he offers in his popular website.
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