The Single Greatest Way to Increase Flexibility & Decrease Body Pains
Dan BoyleI wanted to comment further about Yoga because I have been doing it for almost a week... twice a day and already feel a lot better about my progress. Although I still feel stiff and wake up stiff, I instantly get a loose feeling when I start a 15 minute workout.
I feel like I don't have to worry about the majority of the women because they are probably already into yoga or would really like to be. The majority of the guys on the other hand probably think this is a waste of time and to feminine for them...
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The benefits of yoga are 3 fold -
1. Flexibility This is obvious isn't it. But this has to be talked about again... I know a little redundant. Flexibility will really benefit your body and weight training.
Let's just put it this way. When I wake up in the morning and start my yoga routine, I bend over for the first time to touch my toes and the stiffness is incredible. I cannot wait for the morning when I bend down and with the ease of rubber band just flop right down.
That image and feeling that I dream of in my mind keeps me going big time. I am also really excited to see if this might be the missing step in my person weight training.
The greatest thing about flexibility and yoga is it is by far the greatest range of motion increaser out there. Whatever you may read, muscle down get longer... then just get back to moving the way they were meant to move.
We are all dysfunctional and yoga will cure this!
2. Breathing I would easily consider this to be one of the most under appreciated techniques in fitness. Breathing can make the difference between getting that one extra rep or saving your head from blood pressure headaches.
Yoga is really cool in that sense because it teaches your to concentrate and control your breathing. It will actually a lot harder to do at first. Concentrating on breathing out and breathing in on direction is hard... especially when you are tired and start to break faster.
However in both yoga and weight training, breathing makes your body feel less restricted. It helps to relax your muscles and make them easier to move.
Learn to breathe and don't underestimate the importance of it.
3. Mental Power The ability to concentrate and keep your mind focused is huge. Focus will improve your performance not only in yoga but in weight training. Yoga is so great because if forces you to focus.
I can't even imagine how I would let me mind wander during the routine. I am so present trying to make the different positions effective that I am always there. That is a good habit to form.
In the gym focusing on your exercise can make the difference between getting results and just going through the motions. Concentrating on the movements will actually help your muscle perform them better.
The power of the mind!
So don't let the zen like image of yoga scare you away, or make you feel like you are going to be laughed at... once you practice it and improve you will become a preacher of yoga! The benefits are great for your weight training and just the range of motion increases are going to be out of this world.
Dan Boyle is a National Academy of Sports Medicine certified personal trainer. He specializes in weight training, however realizes that Yoga and flexibility play a major role in creating the body you want. To learn more about weight training and yoga and receive a free fitness analysis, visit
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Everything You Want to Know About Yoga
Jeff BeharWhat is Yoga?
Yoga is an ancient physical and spiritual discipline and branch of philosophy that originated in India reportedly more than 5,000 years ago. The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yuj, which means to yoke, join, or unite.
The Iyengar school of yoga defines yuj as the "joining or integrating of all aspects of the individual-body with mind and mind with soul-to achieve a happy, balanced and useful life."
Purpose of Yoga
The ultimate aim of yoga, they claim, is to reach kaivalya (emancipation or ultimate freedom).
The History of Yoga
There is no written record of who invented yoga because it was practiced by yogis (yoga practitioners) long before humans knew how to write. The earliest written record of yoga, and one of the oldest texts in existence, is generally believed to be written by Patanjali, an Indian yogic sage who lived somewhere between 2,000 and 2,500 years ago.
How Does Yoga Work?
Yoga uses asanas (postures), focused concentration on specific body parts, and pranayama (breathing techniques) to integrate the body with mind and mind with soul.
The Mind
Yoga focuses on the mind by teaching you to concentrate on specific parts of the body. The focus is internal, between your head and your body. The idea is to not fight any thoughts you have, but to let them come and go while the instructor leads you through visual imagery to help you focus on how your muscles feel. The result is to drift into a peaceful, calm, and relaxing state.
The Spirit
Yoga uses controlled breathing as a way to merge the mind, body, and spirit. The breathing techniques are called pranayamas; prana means energy or life force, and yama means social ethics. It is believed that the controlled breathing of pranayamas will control the energy flow in your body and lead to a deep, inner calm and sense of relaxation.
The Body
Yoga asanas (postures or poses) help condition your body. There are thousands of yoga poses to help condition the body.
In Sanskrit, these poses are called kriyas (actions), mudras (seals), and bandhas (locks).
Jeff Behar, MS, MBA regularly writes about hot topics in the areas of health, fitness, disease prevention, nutrition, bodybuilding, men's health, women's health, weight management, weight loss, vitamins and supplements and alternative medicine. His work also often appears in several of the major health and fitness newsletters, blogs, RSS Feeds, as well as print magazines, and many other online health, nutrition,and fitness websites, like and just to name a few.
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Yoga For Beginners - Five Things You Need to Know Before You Start Your First Yoga Class
Ntathu AllenPeople have many reasons for thinking about starting yoga. Maybe like me, you were advised by your midwife to take-up yoga as a form of relaxation during pregnancy.
Perhaps you are overweight, have a stress-related medical condition and been advised by your doctor to "exercise and relax more." Or you may have seen an article in your favourite magazine featuring Madonna practicing yoga.
Maybe you are a parent and have to juggle the demands of parenting with a hectic work schedule. This can be exhausting and leave you with little time to care for yourself, relax and, recharge your batteries.
Yoga is the ideal form of exercise to help you relax, strengthen and nurture your body and calm your mind. To the novice student, it can be quite bewildering to know where to begin when want to start practicing yoga.
Types of Yoga
There are various styles and different approaches to yoga. In essence, postures (known as asanas) breathing exercises, relaxation and in some cases meditation and chanting form the basis of all yoga styles.
However, different schools of yoga place difference emphasis on these aspects. Some yoga teachers, may focus more on breathing techniques (known as pranayama ), whilst another may pay more attention on the alignment of the body in the poses.
Yoga classes can be taught in rooms which are heated more than 100F (Bikram Yoga, as developed by Bikram Choudury) or more traditionally, classes can take place in your local leisure centre or yoga studio. You can even have private 1-2-1 yoga lessons in the comfort and convenience of your home.
Given the array of styles and classes, how do you choose which style/class is "right for you?" How do you know what qualities to look for, what questions to ask when enquiring about a particular class?
So before you pick up the phone, or click on a prospective teacher's website email address for further information, make sure you have this list to hand as a guide to help you chose your style of yoga.
Five Things You Need To Know Before You Start Your First Yoga Class.
It is always best to learn yoga from a qualified yoga teacher. Ask your prospective teacher where they trained, how long their course lasted and what subject areas where covered. Also, find out how long your prospective teacher has been practicing yoga and who inspires her to continue with her practice.
Enquire whether your prospective yoga teacher or yoga studio runs classes specifically for beginners'. A beginners' class will be tailored to ensure you learn the foundations of yoga in a safe manner.
Check out the average number of people who attend the class. As a beginner, look for a class that isn't too crowded - between seven to fifteen students - this allows the teacher to get to know you, observe your practice and make appropriate adjustments to your technique.
The class needs to be at a time and venue which is convenient for you. Maybe you prefer to take a class on the way to or from work, or a class which is near your home. Anything too far, difficult to reach or held at an inconvenient time for you, makes it harder for you to start and integrate the class into your daily routine.
Talk with your prospective yoga teacher. This gives you the opportunity to see how comfortable you feel working with the teacher. By talking, you will also find out more about their particular style of teaching, experience and to share any health related matters you may have.
It may take you time and energy to find a class or yoga teacher suited to your individual needs.
Preserve. Once you start, you will feel lighter, calmer and glad you took the time to find a class and teacher suited to you.
Ntathu Allen c. 2008
Registered Polarity Practitioner and Hatha Yoga Teacher, Ntathu inspires and supports you in your health and wellness journey. She offers private 1-2-1 yoga at home sessions, yoga at work and yoga for children. Through the practice and teachings of Yoga and Polarity Therapy Treatments, she helps you learn simple yoga stretches, meditation and relaxation techniques which you can use to release stress, boost your energy, relax and, feel more alive. Email to sign up for your free Yoga and Polarity monthly enewsletter, "Healing for Soul" - full of simple health building exercises, relaxation techniques and inspirations which you can use to reduce stress, boost your creativity and experience inner and outer peace.
Email: +44 7973 777 882 +44 20 8432 3429
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Choosing the Yoga Mat For You
Patricia CoatesSo you've decided to practice the art of Yoga? Considering the many other workouts you could choose from, Yoga is a great choice. Yoga requires coordination, balance and connection of the mind and body. The last thing you need to worry about is whether your equipment is reliable during your poses. Although there are other accessories you will need, the most vital piece of equipment is the yoga mat. There are several questions you should ask yourself before making this purchase.
What type of Yoga are you practicing?
The most strenuous forms of yoga can be more comfortable with a thicker mat or a yoga rug.
If you have joint problems, a thicker mat will give more cushion and support.
Will the yoga mat help me maintain my pose without slipping?
You can test the mat for slippage by performing the wet friction test: moisten your hand and bear down laterally on the mat's surface. The mat should be sticky enough to maintain your pose.
Consider purchasing an extra long mat or a customized one to avoid adjusting your mat during your Yoga routine.
How durable is the mat?
You want a good quality yoga mat that will hold up with repeated washings.
Try rubbing the mat with a blunt metal object such as a coin until the surface starts to tear. A strong yoga mat will take a great deal of rubbing before it tears.
Is the yoga mat in a style and color you like?
There are many colors and styles to choose from. Choose a mat you like to look at and can live with.
You could buy more than one if you're serious about practicing and just like to change your mat at times
How much should I spend on a yoga mat?
The price of a good yoga mat ranges from $20-$60 or more depending on the quality, thickness, durability and comfort you're looking for.
Don't make the mistake of buying a cheaper yoga mat if you plan on continuing yoga to avoid wasting money.
Is it easy to transport?
Your yoga mat should be lightweight and require only a small amount of storage space.
Your yoga mat is an essential piece of equipment that should be comfortable for multiple sessions of practice. After you've asked yourself the above questions, your choice of a yoga mat should be one that you can rely on and be happy with.
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Yoga and Pain
Jennifer ChuIn comparing 12-week sessions of yoga or conventional therapeutic exercise classes or a self-care book, Yoga was found to be more effective than a self-care book for improving function and reducing chronic low back pain, and the benefits persisted for at least 26 weeks. Sherman KJ. Cherkin DC. Erro J. Miglioretti DL. Deyo RA. Comparing yoga, exercise, and a self-care book for chronic low back pain: a randomized, controlled trial. Annals of Internal Medicine. 143(12):849-56, 2005 Dec 20.
Yoga training and a single bout of yoga appear to attenuate peak muscle soreness in women following a bout of eccentric exercise. These findings have significant implications for coaches, athletes, and the exercising public who may want to implement yoga training as a preseason regimen or supplemental activity to lessen the symptoms associated with muscle soreness. (Boyle CA. Sayers SP. Jensen BE. Headley SA. Manos TM. The effects of yoga training and a single bout of yoga on delayed onset muscle soreness in the lower extremity. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 18(4):723-9, 2004)
The information below is an excerpt from the article by Paul P: When yoga hurts. Practicing it is supposed to make you feel better, but doing it wrong is dangerous. Time. 170(16):71, 2007 Oct 15.
Yoga, regardless of the form, does not offer a comprehensive way to get fit. According to a study by the American Council on Exercise, a national nonprofit organization that certifies fitness instructors and promotes physical fitness, dedicated yoga practitioners show no improvement in cardiovascular health. It is not the best way to lose weight either. A typical 50-min. class of hatha yoga, one of the most popular styles of yoga in the U.S., burns off fewer calories than are in three Oreos-about the same as a slow, 50-min. walk. Even power yoga burns fewer calories than a comparable session of calisthenics.
And while yoga has been shown to alleviate stress and osteoarthritis, it does not develop the muscle-bearing strength needed to help with osteoporosis. Part of the problem is that increasingly, the people teaching yoga don't know enough about it. Yoga was traditionally taught one-on-one by a yogi over a period of years, but today instructors can lead a class after just a weekend course.
Though the Yoga Alliance, formed in 1999 and now based in Clinton, Md., has set a minimum standard of 200 hours of training for certification, only 16,168 of the estimated 70,000 instructors in the U.S. have been certified. "Yoga means bringing together mind, body and spirit, but in Western yoga, we've distilled it down to body," says Shana Meyerson, an instructor in Los Angeles. "That's not even yoga anymore. If the goal is to look like Madonna, you're better off running or spinning."
1. Ask an instructor for credentials. And don't be afraid to leave if you're not satisfied.
2. Alert your instructor to your condition. Talk about past injuries and current weaknesses, and ask for any necessary modifications.
3. Beware of stationary instructors. They should be roaming around, monitoring participants and making adjustments for those who need them.
4. Avoid positions prone to cause injury. These include lotus, chaturanga or plank, headstands and downward-facing dog.
5. Stop if it hurts. Yoga should not cause pain. Chu, M.D. emeritus professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, pioneered eToims Twitch Relief Method that utilizes surface electrical stimulation to locate motor points (trigger points). The motor points are then stimulated to induce strong local muscle contractions, termed twitches. This results in reduced muscle pain and discomfort in the areas that were stimulated. The involved pain/discomfort-relieving mechanism is thought to include local muscle exercise and stretch effects.
eToims Soft Tissue Comfort Center® specializes in diagnosis and treatment which ends muscle discomfort and pain.
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Help From Yoga
Yolanda SpearmanMany argue the origins of Yoga but most historians agree that it has a prehistoric origin. Yoga offers a systematic technique to bring harmony within the mind body and soul. It accomplishes its goal through various exercises or poses and breathing techniques. In the past Yoga represented a way of living and was deemed a type of religion. Yoga is said to have its roots in India. It is there that the Hindu priests practiced various forms of meditation, breathing and posses to give them complete balance. These priest know and Yogi's were often very strong, flexible and lived extremely long and healthy lives.
Western society adopted yoga as a very popular philosophy in the 70's and early 80's. During this time yoga prevailed as the supreme level of physical unity. Trends change rapidly and Yoga lost some of its glam our in the 90's with the surge of kickboxing, aerobics and various new bandwagons for the healthy conscious. Throughout the changes of societies taste buds for exercise came our love of good food. Westerners gained weight and experienced new disabling sicknesses and diseases. Insurance companies, city governments, and various communities banded together to try to find a solution to the obesity problem.
Now we see the resurgence of an old faithful philosophy. Yoga has regained the vigor it lost in the ninety's. There are new yoga centers in communities everywhere. One of the fastest growing businesses is the Yoga Shelter which is popping in many neighborhoods.
Yoga offers something that other exercises don't. It is gentle and it's all about you. Yoga uses stretches, breathing, heat, music and poses to achieve a supple and well toned body. Classes that utilize heat purge impurities from your system combined with the use of poses and breathing.
These classes are more physically demanding because room temperatures can reach in excess of 90 degrees. Most classes allow participants to establish their own limitations. It promotes serenity and inner peace.
Practicing yoga strengths the entire body and relaxes the mind. Seniors often find arthritic relief by doing yoga. There are classes that utilize props like a wall or a chair to make the poses more gentle on joints. Yoga can also promote fertility in women because the practice reduces stress.
This reduction of stress can encourage a woman's body to be more balanced which can influence her ability to conceive. The strengthening effects of yoga often improve sexual performance and pleasure. The poses grant ladies and men more flexibility and allow them to release pressures that may have prevented them from experiencing pure pleasure during intimacy.
As with any form of exercise, no matter how gentle, each person must understand their limitations. Yoga practice encourages individuals to understand their mind and body. It is a fantastic way to improve your health, have fun and lose weight. Yoga clears aways stress and welcomes positivity into your daily living.
Yolanda R. Spearman
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Boost Your Weight Loss Efforts With Yoga
Kim ArcherRenowned for its capacity to reduce stress, enhance flexibility and improve muscle tone and strength, yoga is not so well known for its contributions to weight loss. Most people don't think of yoga as a way to burn off the calories, so it can be surprising to discover that it can be an effective way to boost your weight loss efforts.
Conventional yoga isn't a vigorous type of exercise. While it conditions and tones your muscles, you're not likely to work up a sweat during a yoga session. However, the fact that your muscles are being given a workout means your body is utilizing calories more effectively. So, cardiovascular exercise will yield better results if you also practice yoga regularly.
An important component of yoga is discipline of mind and body, which will help you stay committed to your exercise program and healthy eating habits. Yoga reinforces the link between your body and your mind, increasing your desire to look after your body. This is very helpful for people who want to lose weight but have trouble getting motivated.
New Yoga Varieties
If you plan on using yoga by itself to help you drop some pounds, there are some new variations on the traditional practice of yoga, which provide the advantages of both yoga and aerobic exercise in one package. These types of yoga include:
Vinyasa yoga - Vinyasa yoga is centered on shifting from one asana, or pose, to another while concentrating on your breathing. The Sun Salutation is a typical position, but there are many others. Vinyasa yoga is often practiced in a heated room to encourage sweating.
Ashtanga yoga - This is an intricate approach to yoga, integrating six series of individual asanas. They increase in complexity as you progress, so you must perform them in order, improving your skill as you go.
Power yoga - This modern adaptation of yoga mixes active, high-speed actions with yogic breathing.
These yoga techniques offer more of the heart-healthy benefits of aerobic exercise than the usual kinds of yoga. While they won't quite give you the workout of a cardio class, you still get the dual advantages of aerobic fitness and the muscle toning and flexibility of yoga, which will no doubt help your weight loss efforts. And they're great for people who are too busy for more than one workout routine.
One the surface, aerobics and yoga have few similarities. Nevertheless, conventional yoga can boost the benefits of cardiovascular exercise, and the newer styles of this ancient practice can be a great replacement for your usual aerobics. If you're dissatisfied with the results you're seeing from your normal exercise program, why not give yoga a try?
Kim Archer enjoys the health benefits and relaxation of
yoga. A great source of information on this restorative practice can be found at
Yoga Essentials.
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Meditation Makes You Fit and Fine
By Purvi Shah
Practice Meditation And Make Life Beautiful
Victims Of Fast Life
We are all becoming the victims of fast life. Thus we all say that there is simply no time to stand and stare. But with lack of time we are becoming more and more inhuman. We are moving away from humanity and thus there are so many problems in the world. To be a better person, we need to look into ourselves and find out the real "me". For this meditation can be the best option.
Meditate To Find Out The Real You
Meditation is not anything new. It has been practiced since thousands of years. The sages and sadhus are believed to perform meditation and get immense power from that. They have taught this ancient art in their transcriptions.
So, how is meditation going to help you? Well, it increases your concentration and makes you a better human being. You get time to and of course chance to look into your soul. The benefits of meditation affect your health, your emotions and, possibly, your powers of self-determination.
Managing Stress
You face a hell lot of tensions everyday and so with meditation you can get a lot of peace of mind. One of the main benefits of meditation is that it helps you learn how to manage your stress. Too much stress is a very unhealthy state to be in. Too much stress tends to lead to poor sleeping habits, which negatively impacts on every area of your life because you are exhausted all of the time. Too much stress also makes you too fat. You must keep yourself tension free. Thus, an unstressed person can eat the exact same foods as a stressed person, but won't gain as much weight as the stressed person. Weight loss and a reduction of cellulite may be other benefits to meditation.
Increasing Immunity And Defense
It is believed and proved that stress can affect the immunity and make it more complicated.
Your defense system of body can get affected with stress. Hence, meditation is an important key to open up this tension situation and get rid of such problems. Doctors are finally admitting that there defiantly is a mind-body connection in regards to health. If you are generally a happy, calm person who does not overreact to every little event in your life, you are generally healthier than if you were completely stressed out. Another benefit of meditation is learning how to get a handle on your emotions. You learn to keep focused on the present moment instead of dwelling on the past or brooding over the future. You will learn that past is past and future is vast. So, why to worry?
Getting control of your emotions and your health gives you great self-confidence. This shows you that you do have some power over what happens in your life. You are not just a victim of chance events. In this writer's opinion, that is the best benefit of meditation that you can find.
With meditation you will move towards divinity and spirituality. You will learn that we are all spiritual beings on human journey and also you will get more inclined towards positives of life. You will become more forgiving and thus can remain light and stress free all the time.
We are all becoming the victims of fast life. Thus we all say that there is simply no time to stand and stare. But with lack of time we are becoming more and more inhuman. We are moving away from humanity and thus there are so many problems in the world. To be a better person, we need to look into ourselves and find out the real "me". For this meditation can be the best option.
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The 6 Styles of Yoga
Patricia CoatesYoga as a form of fitness exercise has many benefits. Although you may not lose a significant amount of weight, you will improve your strength and flexibility. The traditional form of yoga originated from ancient India and the philosophy of connecting "mind and body". This "connection" was achieved through the use of physical exercises in the form of postures. Several styles of yoga have developed over the years with each having a unique focus. These styles are named: Hatha, Ashtanga, Bikram, Iyengar, Anusara and Kundalini.
Hatha is the "umbrella" of yoga. It is the yoga of breathing and postures. The goal of Hatha is to teach you how to concentrate, focus and hold your postures. This form of yoga is more slower and relaxing than the other styles. This makes Hatha a good starting point for beginners.
Ashtanga Vinyasa is a form of flowing yoga. The goal is to flow from one posture to another. It's purpose is to increase the body temperature to allow purification through increased circulation and sweating. In addition, you build strength, flexibility and stamina. Ashtanga can be demanding on the body which may not be suitable for beginners. However, this doesn't mean you shouldn't try it on for size. Just recognize your limitations and don't overextend yourself.
Bikram or "Hot Yoga" consist of 26 postures done in a room heated between 90 and 105 degrees. The heat allows the individual members to achieve the poses more easily due to increased flexibility. In addition, the sweat allows body toxins to be released. This form of yoga increases metabolism and helps to alleviate chronic pain and symptoms of arthritis. However, if you have health conditions such as high blood pressure, or are pregnant you should avoid practicing Bikram yoga.
Iyengar yoga uses props to strictly focus on body alignment. The best form is achieved through the use of block and belts. Since this form of yoga is very structured beginners benefit. However, the downside to structure is that you are unable to gradually flow from different poses.
Anusara means "flowing with grace" and is about being free. Anusara allows the participant to move freely from one pose to another. A set of alignment principles, "Attitude, Alignment and Action " forms the foundation of each pose. These poses are modified with props if needed to help participants achieve the general form of each pose.
Lastly, Kundalini is a form of spiritual yoga. The purpose of this ancient practice is to free energy in the lower body which moves upward. The energy is formed by chanting, meditation and kriyas. Kriyas are a set of movements which are performed to achieve a certain outcome.
Kundalini involves the use of fast repetitive movements and breathing to move deeper into each posture.
There are many different styles of yoga which makes this form of exercise so interesting. You can choose from slow and relaxing styles to an intense workout. Regardless of the type of yoga, you will definitely strengthen and improve your mind and body.
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Anti-Aging Yoga
Carson C DanfieldYoga is one of the most effective ways to make you look and feel younger and can add years to your life with better health, strength and flexibility.
Yoga is suitable for all ages and all health conditions and almost everyone will get some positive benefits from doing yoga on a regular basis.
Yoga is one of the most effective methods of reducing stress, along with meditation and anything that will reduce the effects that stress can have on your mind and body will make you look and feel younger.
There are various different types of yoga and you can choose the one that suits your needs the most from the simplest exercises that will help you to relax to the advanced exercises that will help you get a toned body and help to wind back the years.
Yoga helps to improve your blood circulation and that will make your skin condition look and be healthier. Even certain inverted exercises will increase the blood flow to the scalp and this can assist with the reduction of hair loss in some people.
Increased flexibility will help to reduce muscular and joint pain and a reduction in pain can help with a reduction of frown lines that are common with people who suffer from constant pain.
Yoga helps the digestive system and this will help to get the maximum benefits from the food that you eat and in doing so improve overall health and nutrition which will be reflected in good skin condition.
By bringing about a balance in both mind and body yoga can do more for the aging process than a hospital full of surgeons. You should consider trying it as it can be done freely at home without the cost of gym fees; it is convenient and scaleable according to your fitness levels.
Carson Danfield is an "Under the Radar" Internet Entrepreneur who's been quietly selling various products for the last 8 years. Although you've probably never heard of him there's a good chance you've visited his websites in the past and even purchased some of his products.
For lots more unique tips about
Yoga, visit the website
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How Yoga Exercises Can Help With Weight Loss
Michelle SpencerYoga Exercises for Ideal Weight and Ideal Shape
What is ideal weight? How can you tell whether or not you are at your Ideal weight? And is your ideal weight realistic for your body type or based on some unattainable ideal flaunted in fashion magazines? Is your image of ideal weight more about an ideal shape - one which may not have any bearing to the actual shape of the body you were born into?
Is ideal weight or shape a personal, inner-referenced experience, or something determined from outside yourself? Is it something you can feel or is it based on the opinion of others, or cultural, societal ideals, or tables that tell you what your ideal weight should be in relation to your height, weight or fat percentage?
Yoga is a training ground for inner-referenced awareness, starting in Hatha Yoga, with attention to the body in various Yoga postures, and moving beyond this to naturally meeting your attitudes toward yourself and your life. For this reason, from a Yogic perspective, ideal weight is not seen as a specific, measurable number or amount relative to height, age or fat percentage, or any other means of determining your weight from a source outside yourself.
This would mean deeming outside sources as experts over and above yourself, with these outer sources determining what is acceptable for you and your body. This is disempowering because it robs you of the opportunity to exercise your inner knowledge; your inner wisdom.
Yoga is all about cultivating your internal evaluation and motivation system, based on how you feel and what you deem appropriate and desirable. Added to this is an inner strength and willpower generated through Yoga practice.
In Yoga, ideal body weight and shape are considered natural byproducts of health. For this reason, the question of what is ideal body weight naturally leads to a broader question of what is health and how to cultivate it. The order of importance in the process of moving toward ideal weight is health first, which determines how you feel and extends to how you look. This offers a sustainable solution: the stronger your feeling of health and wellbeing, the stronger your self esteem.
This, in turn, makes you less likely to allow criticism (your own, or other people's) of your body, based on unrealistic ideals, to undermine your ability to focus on attaining good health. In good health, your attractiveness and beauty shine through. And once you have achieved good health, you may discover that you are within a healthy weight range.
Michelle is a leading health and yoga practitioner who helps people experience the
benefits of yoga in their everyday life, health and well being. Through practicing
yoga poses and exercises on a regular basis you can achieve your ideal weight and shape more easily than through dieting alone.
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De-Stress With Restorative Yoga
Lyla FeldmanUnless you have been living under a rock for the past decade, you or someone you know has tried yoga at least once. There are so many different forms to choose from, so most of us are likely to find some kind we like. I, for example prefer the power vinyasa yoga over all others simply because it is what I have grown accustomed to. I feel it is a very intense workout, yet very relaxing at the same time. However, there are times when I am too worn out and prefer to take my workout down a few notches with a more soothing yoga.
Restorative yoga focuses on relaxing the body in restful poses by using props such as blankets, bolsters, pillows, blocks, and straps. Remember, rest does not mean sleep. These poses help tone the body with minimal effort and give it the opportunity to heal and renew itself. It also increases the efficiency of the glandular and parasympathetic nervous system balancing the equilibrium. This lowers your heart rate and blood pressure while stimulating the immune system. It is believed that if the PNS is diminished or under active illness permeates. The mind and body working together is a powerful asset in combating illnesses.
Restorative yoga poses or asanas can help people who are not only depressed but also suffering from sleeping disorders such as insomnia. Other benefits are associated with better resistance to injury, improved circulation, increased metabolism, and immunity. It also provides a source of relief from exhaustion and fatigue. After a relaxed yoga class such as a restorative kind, you should feel an overall sense of well being. It is also important to stay in a relaxed state immediately after to reap the complete effects. So, this is just a friendly reminder that an exercise routine does not always have to be an all out sweat session. Be kind to yourself and just relax, you will feel so much better.
Lyla Feldman writes about health and fitness. Some of her favorite passions include writing about
energy drinks and
natural sleep aids.
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Exhale! Wake-Up to the Power of Your Breath
Ntathu AllenHave you ever woken up feeling slightly "off balance", anxious and worried about something?
Maybe you are mourning the loss of a loved one and wake up feeling empty and alone. Perhaps you have recently separated from your partner and lie in bed and ponder what your future holds. You may be aware of rumours at work of possible redundancies and are fearful what will happen to you and your family if you are made redundant. No matter what your particular issue is, you wake up, feeling heavy-hearted, grumpy, tense and just "don't feel right."
Have you noticed that when you wake up and feel like this, things just don't seem to flow, for example, you don't have time or energy to prepare a nutritious breakfast and make do with a handful of biscuits or packet of crisps as you rush out of the door; maybe you argue with your children about the untidy pile of clothes and books on their bedroom floor, or the copy of the report you thought you left in a safe place, is no longer there and you feel your head beginning to throb as you panic as you try to remember where it could possible be.
During these moments, it is very easy to wish you could just hide, return to bed and curl up with a good book!
If you can identify with the above scenarios, have you ever thought "there must be a better way to start my day" and wondered what you can do to try and set your day off on a better footing.
Spending a few quiet moments when you wake up and focus on how you are breathing is a simple yet powerful tool you can use to support your desire to wake up, alert and positively engage with your day.
Learning how to breathe correctly is an essential part of life. The slower and deeper you can breathe, the more you allow oxygen to enter and flow through your body. This expands your lung capacity, stimulates and opens up your heart, which has the instant effect to make you feel brighter and happier.
Next time you wake up and feel out of sorts, off-balance or just plain tired from lack of sleep, try this simple Yogic Breathing Exercise to energise, rebalance and align your energy.
-Lie on your back in your bed, with your eyes closed. Stretch out your legs (about 12-18 inches apart). Tuck your chin slightly into your chest, stretching out the back of your neck. Make sure you feel comfortable.
-Rest the palm of your right hand firmly yet gently on top of your navel and your left hand just below your collar bone.
-Take a slow steady breathe in through your nose from your abdomen (right hand) and breathe slowly up to your left hand.
-Slowly breathe out.
-Breathe slowly and deeply this way for 4 - 7 rounds as you feel your mind become calmer and quieter.
-Slowly release your hands, gently stretch your body, rest a while in your bed and enjoy the calm and peace you have now created in your body.
Relax and Have a Good Day!
Ntathu Allen, Yoga Teacher, teaches professionals simple yoga stretches, breathing practices and meditation to manage stress at work, improve creativity and strengthen relationships at work and at home. Contact Ntathu for your free monthly Yoga and Polarity Enewsletter - Healing for the Soul. Email: and phone: 07973 777 882
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The Benefits of Yoga and Stretching
Victoria PrimiciasBefore we go into the benefits of yoga and its adjunct, stretching, we first have to understand what yoga is. Most of us think that yoga is some exotic spiritual ritual practiced by the mystics of India and shrouded in secrecy. In some ways, this belief is correct because yoga was generally practised by the ancient mystics of India some 5,000 years ago. However, it has since been demystified and has come to mean something quite different from how it was known earlier. The word "yoga" has a lot of definitions in Sanskrit, an ancient classical language of India. Some of these are "union," "conjunction," and "manner." Yoga is a very old system of assuming postures (asanas) and performing relaxation methods, breathing exercises, and healing, and has its origins in the philosophy of ancient India. The earliest known descriptions of yoga are written in Sanskrit, and foremost of these are The Yoga Sutras, written more than 2,000 years ago.
Yoga, as defined by one of the greatest sages of India named Maharishi Patanjali, is a technique used to control the body, the mind, and the soul. It is a way of life. It is beyond the consciousness of body, mind, and intellect. It is this way of life that is now propagated and practised.
Why perform yoga? To be brief, yoga makes you feel better. Period. The practice of the various stances, the relaxation or meditation techniques, and the breathing exercises make you healthier in body, mind, and soul. Yoga tunes you up just as you tune up a car's engine to make it run better. It keeps your body in shape by firming and toning it. You simply feel better.
The advantages of yoga are manifold. Most of the treatments that we undergo are purely symptomatic. During hectic days when we can't afford to just sit and stare at the wall, we go in for "gunshot" treatments. The symptoms of headache are gone! Good! Back to work! We often don't even bother to find out the root cause of the ailment until such time that the symptoms take on alarming proportions and refuse to go away with over-the-counter-drugs.
This is where yoga steps in. The practice of yoga is directed towards the goal of eliminating the root cause of the disease. The workings of the techniques of yoga are not fast-paced; they are subtle and delicate and border on the miraculous. As a way of life, it embraces a code of ethics, follows a set of regulations, places a premium on discipline, and combines prayer and meditation. The simplest of asanas, wherein the body is maintained in a particular position for a relatively brief period of time, helps release tension and relaxes and stretches the body.
Regarding the control of the body -- the physical aspect, that is -- yogic postures stimulate the glands, organs, muscles, and nerves in ways that traditional exercise just cannot. Yoga improves muscle tone, flexibility, strength, and stamina; it also reduces stress and tension, lowers fat, improves blood circulation, and strengthens the immune system.
On the mental and spiritual plane, the postures of yoga, together with meditation techniques, definitely improve concentration and creativity and induce a sense of well-being and serenity. It boosts self-esteem. Just as it reduces physical stress and tension, it also reduces mental stress.
Combined with prayer, the spiritual effects are far-reaching and beneficial to a great extent.
They are also wonderfully permanent.
Breathing exercises, called pranayama, help clear the nadis, or channels, that carry the universal life force prana, allowing the prana to flow freely. When the channels (nadis) are clear and the block at the base of the spine has been opened, kundalini rises through the spine through the central channel called the sushumna-nadi, and joins the crown, chakra. According to tradition, the release of kundalini leads to enlightenment and "union," which is the ultimate goal of yoga. An oversimplification of kundalini may be explained as an "awakening". Literally translated, chakra means "wheel". A chakra is a center of activity that accepts, absorbs, and also expresses life force energy (prana).
The ultimate aim of the yogi, or the practitioner of yoga, is to attain "union" with the divine consciousness known as Brahman or Atman. This embodies the attainment of true happiness, liberation, and enlightenment. The concentrated and dedicated practice of the postures, the breathing exercises, and the meditation techniques are all directed to this one final spiritual goal.
The dedicated practice of yoga is bound to change your physical, mental, and spiritual life, as well as your outlook of life, in ways that you never thought existed. Yoga encourages you to lead a harmonious way of life.
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Meditation and Yoga Explored
Vinay RanaYoga is a science of proper breathing and proper blood circulation in the body. Yoga helps in keeping the body fit and healthy. There are many kinds of yoga techniques like Lom- Vilom, Bhastrika, Bhramri. Kapal Bhati. Most famous of them is Lom Vilom, which is practiced by millions all over the world. The origin of yoga comes from India where Rishis, Tapasvies (Gurus) do continuous yoga daily from thousand of years back. One of the famous Rishis and Saints was Guru Gorakh Nath, Baba Balak Nath, Vyas Rishi. Because of the yoga they used live for more than hundred years before taking Smadhi (divine departure of soul). Today most famous Guru in Yoga teaching is Guru Ramdev. He has taught it to millions allover the world. Even the doctors in are recommending yoga these days. More over one has to spent only small piece of time while performing it. It helps in proper circulation of blood, curing breathing problems, curing heart diseases and sugar diseases. But if a person is already suffering from any chronic disease like heart problem then one should consult his Doctor or Yoga Teacher for proper guidance. The best time to do yoga is in the early morning to get the best results.
Meditation is done for spiritual healing and for curing stress related problems. Meditation is very good for the people who are working in very high stress environment like software, marketing, banking, teaching and medical professions. Meditation is also helpful in knowing thyself. Yoga and meditation are both complementary to each other.
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Prenatal Yoga and Its Many Benefits
Laura GreenacresThese days expectant mothers everywhere are looking for ways to maintain their health and stay in shape throughout their pregnancy. Unfortunately, pregnancy can severely limit a woman's exercise options. That's why thousands of pregnant women have turned to yoga as a way to stay active and healthy-when performed properly, yoga is safe for pregnant women and has benefits for everything from flexibility to cardiovascular health. Here are some of the most important benefits of yoga for a pregnant woman:
- Stretching exercises promote circulation of blood and oxygen throughout the body, relaxing both body and mind and promoting a sense of general well-being
- Pregnant women typically shift their pelvis forward in response to the increased weight, which places significant strain on the lower back. Yoga strengthens the core muscles, resulting in better posture and alleviated back pain.
- Yoga strengthens the muscles used in delivery, which will make the entire process easier and less painful.
- Pregnancy can shift the position of the digestive organs, impeding digestion and causing unwanted side effects. Yoga can help reverse this process and restore healthy digestion.
- Practicing yoga will build muscle mass, which will give you more energy and make your pregnancy easier. It will also make it easier to lose the weight you put on while you're pregnant.
- One of the most important benefits of yoga for a pregnant woman is the practice's focus on breathing. Concentrating on breathing properly will teach you to relax your mind and your body, even in frightening or high-stress situations, helping your pregnancy to develop healthily.
- Yoga is also a great way to make contact with a community of pregnant women, who will be able to give you support and advice. Enrolling in a yoga class will also give you regular motivation to keep exercising and stay relaxed.
If you're pregnant and are considering taking up yoga, try to find an instructor that specializes in prenatal yoga. If you already take yoga, accept that your routine will have to change, and consider switching to a specialized instructor. A specialist in prenatal yoga will be able to advise you on which positions to avoid and recommend substitutions, and also recommend exercises that will help alleviate the aches and pains that pregnant women have.
Laura Greenacres is a mother of two, a student at Emory University, a freelance writer and partner of
SleepyTime Store, seller of fine
baby blankets, apparel, toys, and more.
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Enhanced Breathing Exercises Help Attain Better Life
Sagar GeminiWhat it means
Prana means life force and anayama means control. Pranayama means mastering the life force within. When consciously controlled, it has a powerful vitalising effect on the body, mind and spirit.
Pranayama helps to connect the body to its battery, the solar plexus, where tremendous potential energy is stored. When tapped through specific techniques this vital energy, or prana, is released for physical, mental and spiritual rejuvenation. Regular practice removes obstructions, which impede the flow of vital energy. When the cells work in unison, they bring back harmony and health to the system. Everything we do uses life force or prana - notice how fatiguing it is when an argument leaves you feeling drained. For most of us, this vital energy is constantly depleted and never recharged.
One may also consider following:
Fast, shallow breathing
Pranayamas cause rhythmic expansion of the lungs, creating better circulation within the kidneys, liver, stomach, spleen, intestines, skin and other organs of the body
Oxygen is essential for efficient functioning of every body cell. It purifies the blood stream and therefore there is improvement in the quality of blood
The mind is calm and able to concentrate better.
Deep, slow breathing results in a stronger and more efficient working of the heart and lungs.
Types of Pranayama exercises
(1) Yogic breathing (the complete breath)
(2) Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing)
(3) Kapalabhati (cleansing breath)
(4) Bhramari (humming bee)
CLICK on these links (
PART 1 and
PART 2) for a more detailed guide on enhanced breathing exercises, which would help you revitalize your routine life!
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Can You Lose Weight With Yoga?
Kanye RobinYoga is revered for its power to relieve stress, increase flexibility, and build muscle tone. It is not, however, well known for promoting weight loss. So you might be surprised to learn that it can actually help us burn calories.
Traditional yoga is not an extremely active pursuit. It works our muscles, but we rarely break a sweat just by holding a pose (unless it's really hot in the room). But the muscle-building effects of yoga do allow us to burn calories more efficiently. So if we participate in a good aerobic workout, we will see greater results than we would if we weren't doing yoga.
Yoga can also give us the discipline we need to stick to a diet and exercise program. It enhances the relationship between the mind and body, giving us the motivation to take better care of ourselves. Lack of motivation is a frequent problem among those who want to lose weight, so this is a very important benefit.
New Incarnations of Yoga
Those who want to lose weight solely through yoga might find what they're looking for in non-traditional yoga classes. There are a number of yoga styles that can give us the traditional benefits of yoga and a cardiovascular workout at the same time. These include:
* Vinyasa yoga - This type of yoga is based on movement from one pose to another while practicing yoga breathing techniques. Sun Salutations are frequently used, but other poses are usually included as well. This is sometimes done in a hot room to increase sweating.
* Ashtanga yoga - Ashtanga is a complex style of yoga that includes six different series of poses. Each serious is more complex than the previous one, so it is important to start at the beginning and work your way up.
* Power yoga - This is an Americanized version of yoga. It combines faster, more active movements with traditional yoga breathing techniques.
These types of yoga are more likely to increase our heart rate and work up a sweat than traditional yoga. While they may not give us as much of a workout as aerobics, they combine weight loss and cardiovascular benefits with the muscle building and flexibility training of yoga. And for those who do not have the time to participate in two separate workout programs, they can be great options.
Other than being forms of exercise, yoga and aerobics seem to have little in common. But traditional yoga can enhance the effects of more intense workouts, and these newly popular styles of yoga can give us the best of both worlds. If other workout routines have left you disappointed, adding or switching to yoga might be the answer you're looking for.
Kanye Robin is a Naturopathic Medicine Specialist: Take it from me Yoga is the ultimate for relieving stress. Visit our site and learn the proven healing secrets of using Yoga combined with
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Easy Ways to Practice Yoga at Home
Jim AndrewsYoga is a spiritual practice which assists people in unifying mind, body and heart. Yoga consists of many Asanas and different yoga postures. For practicing yoga you are not necessarily required to join some sort of yoga classes, instead, you can easily practice yoga at home. Many times on account of many reasons such as lack of time, living far from yoga studios or unable to afford join yoga classes' people prefer to practice yoga at home rather than going anywhere else.
Sometimes people want to do Yoga in odd hours, like late night for peace of mind and at such time home is the best place to practice it. But to do that you should know how and what to do.
There is below mentioned some points which you should keep in mind when you are going to do yoga at home -
• Make a specific place for meditation. It may be either a room with door or even you can part one room into two sections with the help of furniture or a screen.
• Arrange for tools required for doing yoga at home like yoga mat. It becomes easy to practice yoga with right tools.
• Paint this place with soothing colors and decorate it with music, art and plants. Soothing music will help you in concentrating your mind.
• Use some media assistance like yoga DVD. Then you will not have to worry remembering yoga steps and you will be able to practice well. During meditation if you are taking help of VCD or DVD voice then it prevents your mind from wandering anywhere.
There is no such compulsion that for yoga you must join some yoga studios. This is the best feature of yoga that you can do it anywhere you desire. When you are doing yoga at home then first of all you should make sure that you are physically fit and able to do it. If you are suffering from some sort of disease then doing yoga may be harmful. Hence practice yoga at home only when you are physically sound and healthy.
Jim is a normal person who has realized his passion by writing about being healthy. He has struggled with health problems. He is fit now, and wants to send the message accords to everyone. For more information and advice on
Health and yoga. Please visit us at
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Use Yoga Exercises and Postures to Reduce Back Pain and Inflexibility
Michael J MckayWhat do you think is one of the most common ailments that patients consult their doctors for?
Did you guess it? Yes, the answer is back pain. The majority of adult Americans have at some point in their physical development suffered from a bad back. Seeing as we are discussing facts, another fact is that over 82% of the people visiting their doctors complaining of back pain actually have no physical disorder of their backs. The pain and unease that they are feeling in that region of their bodies is systematic with a lack of suitable exercise that results in the corresponding pain caused by a lack of muscle tone in the back. These muscles assist in the support of the back.
Tension in the surrounding muscles is also created in the surrounding area where pain is experienced. Without doubt, Obviously then, following a course of yoga exercises will greatly improve your condition, and if maintained regularly these exercises will considerably reduce the need for visits to your doctor. It would be inappropriate of me not to offer a word of warning at this juncture, in that you should always see your doctor prior to embarking on any form of physical persuit. This is to ensure that there aren't any contributory factors present other than has already been mentioned that could actually be causing the back pain. A herniated disk, for example, is a condition that will require professional attention, and following any form of physical activity without a full medical consultation could well worsen the existing condition.
That said, various yoga postures assist in strengthening the core muscles of the body, such as the abdominal muscles, and increased strength in this area in particular gives the back an increased amount of support. This benefits the sufferer by reducing the likelihood of further injury, which in turn lessens pain.
The vast majority of basic yoga exercises actually help to strengthen both the back and the abdominal muscles, as a result of which these will assist in reducing the occurrence of back pain.
However, if you are already suffering from back pain it is advisable to take care and only do exercises you are able to complete comfortably, limiting the range of movement until you can release some of the tension and stiffness without causing any further inflammation.
Start practising Yoga now to see the great long term health benefits you will receive.
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Yoga Not For You? Think Again
Lenox SmithFor beginners, doing yoga may seem an impossible task. It might seem scary for people who have not tried doing this exercise. They might have seen men and women wearing almost nothing and are able to twist their bodies to positions that seem almost impossible.
Yoga is among the oldest practice for self-development. Its approach is gentle, helping even the stiffest bodies to yield and become flexible in a gentle way. The key to yoga is the non-competitive way of practice. Progress comes with regular practice. It does not come from sudden exercises that force the body into intense positions even if it is not ready yet. More like a work out system, people who do this exercise have made yoga a part of their daily life.
The results of these exercises are visible too. Greater flexibility, increase in muscle strength and an internal peace that is impossible to hide. Even though your family and friends will be unable to point out the changes, they will notice that something is different in you gradually.
Talking about yoga, the stances are identified as asanas while the breathing is known as pranayama. Both of these helps the yoga practitioner relax the body and mind at will, increase the vitality and flexibility, and a calm feeling at times of crisis. Having a frenzied society today, one can go through the stress and strains in life having inward confidence and inner peace.
For those who practice yoga with intent and focus daily, yoga will bring confidence and clearness of mind. In practicing yoga, the most efficient time of day to do it is during early hours of the day. However, some people will have stiff bodies and aches during this time, so practicing yoga will come in the later hours of the day. Yoga can be done any time of the day depending on the physique and agenda of the practitioner.
Yoga has no limitations on to who can and who cannot practice it. What is needed is the desire and intent to learn. With respect to the age or disability, the movements will be slower.
However, progress is still guaranteed even if the movements are slower.
It is ideal and beneficial for starters to attend yoga classes. There, they will experience the guidance of experts when it comes to the proper posture alignment. They will also be taught about the benefits of each individual stance. The instructors can also demonstrate each stance from early stages to higher stages.
In some cases, like pregnancy, there are stances that are to be avoided. It is significant to let the instructors be aware of any illness or condition. This is to ensure the safety of practitioners.
Yoga is a nice practice due to the fact that it can be done just anywhere and anytime. You can practice at home, at the office, the beach and even at the backyard, though it is expected that people passing by will surely take a curious glance.
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yoga for health? Lenox Smith has a website dedicated to various topics of alternative health. You can visit his website by going to:
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