By Vinay Rana
Yoga is a science of proper breathing and proper blood circulation in the body. Yoga helps in keeping the body fit and healthy. There are many kinds of yoga techniques like Lom- Vilom, Bhastrika, Bhramri. Kapal Bhati. Most famous of them is Lom Vilom, which is practiced by millions all over the world. The origin of yoga comes from India where Rishis, Tapasvies (Gurus) do continuous yoga daily from thousand of years back. One of the famous Rishis and Saints was Guru Gorakh Nath, Baba Balak Nath, Vyas Rishi. Because of the yoga they used live for more than hundred years before taking Smadhi (divine departure of soul). Today most famous Guru in Yoga teaching is Guru Ramdev. He has taught it to millions allover the world. Even the doctors in are recommending yoga these days. More over one has to spent only small piece of time while performing it. It helps in proper circulation of blood, curing breathing problems, curing heart diseases and sugar diseases. But if a person is already suffering from any chronic disease like heart problem then one should consult his Doctor or Yoga Teacher for proper guidance. The best time to do yoga is in the early morning to get the best results.
Meditation is done for spiritual healing and for curing stress related problems. Meditation is very good for the people who are working in very high stress environment like software, marketing, banking, teaching and medical professions. Meditation is also helpful in knowing thyself. Yoga and meditation are both complementary to each other.
Author's Educational Achievements
Masters in Business with Specialization in Marketing and Information Technology
Bachelors in Electronic Science
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