By Lyla Feldman
Unless you have been living under a rock for the past decade, you or someone you know has tried yoga at least once. There are so many different forms to choose from, so most of us are likely to find some kind we like. I, for example prefer the power vinyasa yoga over all others simply because it is what I have grown accustomed to. I feel it is a very intense workout, yet very relaxing at the same time. However, there are times when I am too worn out and prefer to take my workout down a few notches with a more soothing yoga.
Restorative yoga focuses on relaxing the body in restful poses by using props such as blankets, bolsters, pillows, blocks, and straps. Remember, rest does not mean sleep. These poses help tone the body with minimal effort and give it the opportunity to heal and renew itself. It also increases the efficiency of the glandular and parasympathetic nervous system balancing the equilibrium. This lowers your heart rate and blood pressure while stimulating the immune system. It is believed that if the PNS is diminished or under active illness permeates. The mind and body working together is a powerful asset in combating illnesses.
Restorative yoga poses or asanas can help people who are not only depressed but also suffering from sleeping disorders such as insomnia. Other benefits are associated with better resistance to injury, improved circulation, increased metabolism, and immunity. It also provides a source of relief from exhaustion and fatigue. After a relaxed yoga class such as a restorative kind, you should feel an overall sense of well being. It is also important to stay in a relaxed state immediately after to reap the complete effects. So, this is just a friendly reminder that an exercise routine does not always have to be an all out sweat session. Be kind to yourself and just relax, you will feel so much better.
Lyla Feldman writes about health and fitness. Some of her favorite passions include writing about energy drinks and natural sleep aids.
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