Yoga Flexibility Exercises For Stiff Guys & Gals
Tracy RenningFlexibility exercises are the unavoidable part of any fitness program. Stretching exercises are one of the easiest ways to improve flexibility of the body but they are one of the most underestimated parts of health and fitness. Flexibility made easy is the main aim of these exercises. There are different types of stretches and stretching exercises that can improve the flexibility almost immediately. These stretches lead to improved energy and less aches and pains.
The lack of adequate energy and limited range of motion and lower back stiffness are the conditions that affect many people every year. According to a survey, an estimated 18% of the population is suffering from back pain at any given time. Right stretching and flexibility exercises can solve most of the problems and flexibility is made easy. The general inhibition towards stretching exercise, dearth of stretch related knowledge and partial flexibility are some of the reasons that lead to fitness problems and other debilitating disorders or pain in the lower back. Flexibility is one of the most misunderstood elements of health and fitness. The applicable stretches done three times a week are enough to root out the problems of aches and pains in the body and increase energy considerably. There are many ways of staying flexible with the help of these exercises. Flexibility is therefore made easy.
People need to ease into a stretching program. Whether the person is exercising regularly like visiting the gym or taking up other exercise regimens or not, the person needs to enter a stretching program. The person has to stay consistent. The ideal regimen is three to five sessions of stretching exercises a week. If there is pain, you should stop. If there is a little discomfort, it is not a problem, but the pain may be symptomatic of a problem. The right stretching exercises do not require expensive fitness equipment or complex equipment. This is flexibility made easy. If you do not know what to do, hire a fitness professional who is well versed in flexibility conditioning or watch some good flexibility conditioning videos that can guide you into the right type of flexibility conditioning.
A properly planned flexibility program, which is flexibility made easy, can develop fitness and flexibility irrespective of your age. The right flexibility regimen can increase your energy levels and your health will improve drastically. The stretches can be done on a mat with a towel thrown in and you can increase your flexibility. A well-planned stretching exercise program can improve fitness and flexibility. A little bit of floor space is what is needed for improvement of health and energy levels. Yoga can lead to a great improvement in flexibility and lead to the alleviation of lot of problems related to lack of fitness. Actually if you enroll into a fitness program, the flexibility exercises are a very important part of it. The flexibility exercises are gentle and they help to increase the flexibility and length of the muscles in your body. This is all about flexibility improvement and flexibility made easy.
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Yoga Stretching Techniques For Athletes
Tracy RenningA primary thing that requires to be correctly assessed in yoga and by the athletes
Stretching techniques are ground level guidelines for each and every type of stretching exercise.
Stretching techniques helps us to do the exercise in right posture. It helps us to avoid the injuries caused while doing our exercise. Stretching techniques are more fruitful for the yoga doers and athletes than common man. It helps them to be prepared in good shape and with perfect mind to do their respective exercises of their body. If stretching techniques are used in wrong manner it would have bad effect on the body by causing muscle injuries for the athletes and yoga doers.
Basically the stretching techniques include the manner of holding every stretch for about two seconds only. This method helps in stretching and it also works on the body for physiological makeup. This stretching technique does improve the blood circulation and increase the flexibility of the muscles joints of athletes and the yoga doers.
There are many types of stretching exercise in yoga and for the athletes, which require a great flexibility of the body. This requirement can be ultimately fulfilled if the stretching exercises are done with correct stretching techniques. The following are the basic stretches, in yoga and for the athletes:
• Dynamic Stretching
• Ballistic Stretching
• Static Active Stretching
• Isometric Stretching
• PNF Stretching
These stretches are required to be done with accurate stretching techniques to get right result.
Traditional yoga moves are well balanced for every exercise and they demand a complete range of motion, as they perfectly reveal the imbalances. Thus by constructing in symmetrical way, yoga posture allows the intensity of repetition demanded in athletic activity. It helps to prevent injuries that are caused during training exercises these all can be achieved only by correct stretching techniques in yoga.
Normally athletes get into trouble while training, as they do not know the correct stretching techniques. This type of troubles occurs to them while doing the training as due to the limitation of their range of motion. Then they use the momentum and rotation of the body to complete a movement that is a bad technique. It would probably result into either injury or have a bad impact on them by lowering their level of optimum performance at their respective games.
It now known that athletes are very much accustomed for using their body muscles in more intensive way on the regular basis for their sport. Thus for them stretching and breathing exercises helps them to maintain a correct body posture and cuts off the tension that has been accumulated in their body muscles. On the contrary if these things are not followed it would result them in giving up of their favorite sport as it causes a permanent damage to their body.
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Top Antiaging Workout - Find The Right Type Of Yoga For You
Matthew B JonesIf you're interested in antiaging, then you may have considered doing yoga. And as you know, there are many different types of yoga. Some of them are smoother and more relaxing, and others are much more challenging and vigorous.
But how do you choose amongst them? Well, let's help you out here.
See, if you want the ideal antiaging routine for your skin and body, then you've got to use an antiaging cream that works as well as practice an antiaging routine, such as yoga, to look and feel years younger than your age.
In this article here, we'll look at five of the most popular types of yoga and see what they're like: Hatha, Vinyasa, Iyengar, Ashtanga, and Bikram.
HathaIn many countries it's Hatha yoga that people think about when referencing yoga at all. This type of yoga is the best type for beginners and is usually slower and gentler than other types of yoga, however is encompasses many different types of classic yoga asanas (postures) and is excellent for people in all physical conditions. A great way to start, especially if you're less of a fitness buff.
VinyasaThis is also a general term that describes a variety of yogas, but it generally refers to movements that are synchronized with the breaths. It is a more vigorous style of yoga than Hatha, and the poses usually center on a series of poses called sun salutations. Vinyasa classes will usually start with sun salutations to warm up the body and then more intense stretching finishes off the class. This is great if you want to up the difficulty a bit.
Iyengar This type of yoga is most focused on body alignment and relies on a variety of props, such as blocks, straps and yoga blankets to help you properly align your body. Iyengar, based on the teachings of yogi B.K.S. Iyengar, focuses on body alignment so you avoid stress to the body and injury. Great for improving posture and improving the easiness of your body movements.
Ashtanga Ashtanga is a faster-paced, more intense yoga. You perform a set series of movements, which are always in the same order and which you move through very quickly. This rapid succession of movements creates a more intense yoga workout. If you have heard of or practiced power yoga, then you have heard or been aware of Ashtanga, as power yoga is based on the rapid flow of movements established in Ashtanga, though power yoga might not include the exact same poses.
BIkramBikram yoga is also referred to as hot yoga. Pioneered by Bikram Choudhury, this style of yoga involves practicing in a very warm room 95 to 100 degrees which helps to loose tight muscles. It also leads to profuse sweating, which is believed to be cleansing. If you practice traditional Bikram yoga, you'll perform a pre-set series of 26 poses, but not all classes adhere to this exactly.
And here's another type of yoga you may have heard about:
KundaliniThis type of yoga focuses most on breathing joined with physical movement. It involves various different movements and poses. This type of yoga is believed to help release kundalini energy, activate your chakras and help clarity of thinking.
It's best to do your research to find the best yoga style for you. Yoga is great for the mind and body and is anti aging. So taking the time to find the right style will pay dividends back to you.
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Years Younger With Yoga
Suzanne AndrewsYoga may seem mysterious to the uninitiated, but it is simply a form of exercise that stimulates your mind and increases your body's level of fitness. Yoga means to yoke - to unite - your mind, body and spirit and was derived from the Sanskirt Indians well over 5000 years ago. Although yoga is ancient, it can and does make people feel and look 20 years younger.
Yoga means many different things to many different people. It is rooted in Indian spiritual tradition, and indeed the word, 'yogi' means someone who practices yoga. The word yoga itself comes from the Indian word, yug, "to unify." A goal of yoga is to unify your mind, body and spirit to a more relaxed state of being. When you practice yoga breathing, you are better able to connect inner peace from your mind to every piece of your body. There are many different styles of yoga, each with its own focus. The two most common types practiced in the United States are Hatha yoga and Bikram Yoga, also known as 'hot' yoga. Each has its own distinct style of movement and thought.
Consequently, yoga is not a religion. People who practice yoga can be Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Agnostic, or any religion they wish. Yoga is a time proven method to enhancing mental focus and physical balance to help you function at full capacity.
So What type of yoga is right for you? Hatha yoga, meaning sun (ha) and moon (tha) has become very popular in the West it is the most physical type of yoga. Yogi's who practice Hatha recognize that a weak and tired body is a barrier to your lifes fullest potential. Therefore Hatha yoga aims to make your body an ideal vehicle for good health and fill it with energy. Hatha concentrates on postures ( asanas) and breathing exercises ( pranayama) and meditation, (Dhyana) to energize the mind, body and spirit. Whereas Hatha yoga is generally practiced at 72 - 78 degrees, Bikram yoga is practiced in a room that is between 95- 108 degrees with humidity level of 60%. Bikram consists of 26 poses practiced for a period of ninety minutes and requires you to be able to exercise in hot temperatures. If you choose this type of yoga, make sure to drink plenty of water. If you feel more comfortable to try yoga from your living room, there are plenty of DVD's to choose from. Just make sure you choose one appropriate for your age and fitness level.
The benefits of yoga are enormous. Muscle connective tissue has a natural tendency to shorten with aging as often evidenced in the stiffness of people as young as 25. Muscles must be regularly stretched to minimize muscle shortening. No matter how strong you are, if your muscles are tight; bending and reaching become very painful.
Yoga helps combat the negative effects of stiffness, pain, and stress through relaxation both mentally and physically. With its gentle stretch, strengthening and mental conditioning it is an excellent form of exercise especially for the growing population over the age of 40.
Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia demonstrated how just one session of yoga can lower blood levels of the stress hormone - cortisol. Suzanne Andrews, health expert for Healthy Lifestyles at WCEU reported the findings of this study, "Participants cortisol level were measured before and after they practiced yoga, then again before and after they sat quietly while reading. After the Yoga sessions, cortisol levels dropped. There was no drop after the resting sessions. Consequently, Suzanne Andrews further researched and found there is a direct correlation between weight gain and stress. Her latest Yoga DVD', Yoga Chi for Energy specialize in releasing stress and increasing energy.
Suzanne Andrews
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How Nutrition Affects My Yoga Practice?
Helena BinghamPracticing yoga brings many rewards, but could we enhance these rewards by altering what we eat?
Nutrition plays an enormous role in our lives, both emotionally and physically so it has to have an impact on what we do and the way that we do it.
If we imagine ourselves as one long tube (our digestive tract), we therefore need to understand that what goes into this tube will affect us in every way. What enters the tube is responsible for our energy, how we feel, how we look, how we heal, how we communicate, how our brain works and so on.
Knowing that, what happens if the tube gets blocked or congested? Surely in this case, vitality and energy would be reduced, and internal systems will need to slow down, and or stop to try and sort out the congestion or blockage. In short, what happens to the tube on the inside affects us totally on the outside.
Everything external to us has a vibration including what we eat. Altering the vibration to something softer, more neutral and lighter (such as fruits, vegetables, natural organic whole grains and water), will allow your body and mind to feel softer and lighter.
The harsher, stronger and more stressful aggressive foods holding a much higher vibration (such as meat, dairy, alcohol, sugar and caffeine), create stress on our bodies and have a powerful and strong impact upon us. These types of foods can make us feel aggressive, angry, irritated and tired.
The body will need to work harder to break down, utilize and remove aggressive and harsh foods much more than it does with softer, lighter and more natural produce.
So how does this relate to yoga?
When practicing yoga we want to feel light, empty and energized. Your yoga practice would therefore be enhanced no end by eating foods of a softer vibration. These foods will be easily absorbed and digested delivering energy, vitality and essential nutrients without causing unnecessary stress to the body.
When your tube is clean your yoga practice will seem so much easier. Your body will flow through asana with calm and concentration rather than shake and rattle! Why do you think yogis don't eat animals? Animal produce has a strong vibration so when the body has to deal with that strong vibration from food it can't afford the space to feel spirit and beyond!
Certain yoga postures will push and squeeze internal organs creating cleanses and a release of toxins. This in itself gives the body enough to do without adding in extra toxins through foods.
Without getting too spiritual, yoga is a practice to open and connect your body and mind to whatever you chose spirit to be! What you eat will create work for your body and therefore mind, so by keeping that work as simple as possible your yoga practice could sour higher than you have ever imagined.
Helena Bingham is a Natural Nutritionist and Hatha Yoga Teacher. She holds a distinction in teaching Hatha Yoga and a diploma in Natural Nutrition. She is the owner and founder of offering natural detox programs, natural weight loss programs and more!
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Could Yoga Bring Benefits To Your Life And Health?
Jeffrey MeierYoga
We all live stress filled lives? Many of us want to become fit, healthier and would like to weigh less. Could yoga help us to achieve some of these wants as well as bring benefits to our life and our health?
The practice of yoga is growing more and more popular each day. People are learning that it has many emotional and health benefits. It also has many therapeutic and preventive benefits.
You may all ready know that yoga is a great way to relax. The stretches, the poses, the quiet music the whole process can relax our minds and our bodies.
Of course, relaxation is the key to learning how to deal with stress. Relaxation also helps our body to cope with many health problems such as depression, high blood pressure, and tension that fills our muscles and can result and overall aches and pains.
You may realize that yoga is a great way to learn flexibility techniques. The different poses learned can help to build strength in various joints and muscles throughout one's bodies. This flexibility that is learned can help the body at work and at play. It can help the body to move better, to bend better and to have more strength.
Yet, there are other benefits that comes with the regular practicing of yoga that you might not be quite aware of that helps both the body and mind, such as:
Physical benefits:
Detoxification of the entire body
You know that toxins build up in our body. These toxins come from everyday living, from breathing bad air, eating foods we shouldn't, etc. But did you know that when you are practicing the various yoga moves you are helping to flush out these toxins from your system? You do this by gently stretching your muscles and joints throughout your body.
Toning your muscles
Toned muscles are sleek looking, tight muscles. These are the tight of muscles that look good in whatever you wear. These muscles are achieved by all that stretching and holding those sometimes hard poses.
Strengthens and correct our posture
We learn how to stand up straighter from our poses. We then learn how to carry these corrections on into our real life.
Ease back pain and neck pain
The stretches can help to eliminate stress from key locations in our shoulders, backs, spine, necks, etc. Once this stress is gone or is lessen, we may find relief from pain.
Create balance and grace
We may become more graceful and more balance in our real life. How? By practicing our moves and our poses over and over and by paying attention to our posture and how we carry our body.
Improvement in overall health conditions such as:
Increase circulationImprove heart conditionImprove breathing disordersBoosts immune responseDecreases cholesterol and blood sugar levels
Weight loss
By increased movement and increasing mental moods
Mental benefits:
Harmonizing your mind with your body
When our body and mind becomes one, we are less stressful. We find our inner calm. We are able to perform all of our tasks better and quicker. We no longer feel weighed down or confused.
Better body awareness and better body attitude
As you learn each move and can hold each pose longer, you begin to learn more about your body.
You also may begin to like your body better. This can help one achieve a better self image.
Feeling refresh frequently
This can help keep the mind from feeling cloudy or drained.
Overall relaxation of the mind and body
This can lead to many other mental benefits that can help in every aspect of everyday life such as:
Sharper concentrationCenter attention
Feeling more free
This can help one to achieve more creative endeavors.
Yoga is now being used as an exercise tool, a mediation tool, a tool to help conquer one's stress and as a tool for overall better health. Unlike most traditional forms of exercise, a person does not have to be in any certain shape to begin yoga. You can practice yoga at any age or at any fitness level.
Yoga stresses quality of movement of the quantity. This makes it ideal for many people.
If you are looking for a new way to achieve a better, healthier you? Could yoga bring benefits to your life and your health? Why not see how flexible you really are and learn some new yoga moves and poses today? Your mind and body may thank you.
Jeffrey Meier of Jam727 Enterprises at offers information articles on a wide variety of subjects including Yoga at
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Back Pain Free With Driving Yoga - Part 5
Glen WoodWhile driving, for those with Carpal Tunnel Deviation, try keeping your wrists fluid and letting your elbows drop slightly. Always keep in mind to 'go where you feel the most control', driving safely and loosen up with a little Yoga from time to time.
When appropriate, interlacing the fingers of the hands and stretch them out in front of you keeping the arms straight as much as you can, this will help release tension in the neck, shoulders, fingers and wrists. With your car stopped and outside your car you can take the hands overhead and back. A little bit stronger but it does help to reduce tension.
A few warning signs of driver fatigue:
• Yawning
• Poor Concentration
• Tired Eyes
• Restlessness
• Drowsiness
• Slow Reactions
• Boredom
• Over steering
A Few Yoga suggestions for fighting fatigue while driving:
1. Practice some conscious breathing. Studies have shown that just be breathing more fully you increase mental clarity and energy. So, sit up a little straighter and let your breath drop into your belly. When you exhale, start low and release your breath all the way up through your nose.
2. Try Jiggling! It's a small, shaking that moves from your hips and up into your lower back. I wouldn't recommend it after a big Thanksgiving meal, but Jiggling slightly can be a great pick-me-up.
3. At stoplights you can get more energy moving by doing Spinal Twists: Keep your foot firmly on the brake and hips facing forward. Take a breath and on the exhale reach across your body with your left hand to grasp the edge of the right seat, gently twisting your upper torso to the right. Let your head follow the twist, looking over your shoulder at your friends in the back!
Your right hand can hold in between the seats for greater leverage. Then at the next light, do the same in reverse twisting to the left.
When I'm tired I also notice that my emotions run more negative. I'm harder on myself and those around me. It can lead to more frustration at my fellow travelers out on the road. The holidays are traditionally the most stressful time of the year with pent up expectations and tensions.
This can also lead to impatience and frustration at the added traffic. Working to keep an eye on the bigger picture can help. We're all in this together with Thanksgiving being the busiest traffic holiday. So, cut yourself and your fellow travelers a little slack, finding the generosity of the season and giving thanks that we have the freedom of mobility when many do not, will help things stay in perspective.
Keep breathing deeply and stretching often.
We give thanks to with the help of this article.
Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher, dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back and Shoulder Pain.
To help you further with your shoulder/back pain you need to sign up for your FREE "Yoga and You" report at http:
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Back Pain Free With Driving Yoga Part 4
Glen WoodWhen getting out of bed, don't even dare trying quick movements. Instead, you should slowly edge your way to the side of the bed and then push yourself up with your arms. That way you don't use your back muscles as much.
Yoga exercises will help you improve your lung capacity, deepen your connection with gravity, and lengthen your spine. You will learn to harness gravity as a positive contributor to functional movement.
You will open the breathing apparatus and give the nervous system and adrenal glands that contribute to stress and the fight or flight response a break and access the parasympathetic nervous system, so that important tasks such as digestion and improved immune function can take place.
By lengthening the spine you will improve your posture and alignment throughout the body for greater ease and less muscular tension.
"Regular exposure to whole-body vibration over many months or years can lead to damage and back pain. The longer you are exposed and the higher the level of whole-body vibration, the greater the chances of you suffering a back injury," HSE writes. "Once you begin to suffer back pain, continued exposure to vibration is likely to make the pain worse."
The Ayurveda and Yoga blog with articles, commentaries, latest news, advice and reviews covering the world of Good Health and Long Life. The material in this site is provided for personal, non-commercial, educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement with respect to any company or product. You should seek the advice of a professional regarding your particular situation.
Once a herniation, always a herniation. Intervertebral discs function to cushion the spine and absorb shock. A herniated disc is essentially a disc with a hole in it. In a herniation, the annulus fibrosis (the tough outer membrane of the disc) is breached, and the softer, inner membrane (the nucleus pulposis) extrudes. Pain occurs when the extrusion comes into contact with a nerve.
Obviously taught and prepared by somebody that has never experienced lower back pain. Yes, yoga in general is good for spinal health.
Research in just the last ten years, based on new imaging techniques has shown, revealing a new model of spinal health that is not straight or rigid, but flexible, plastic and curved. Additionally, modern sedentary lifestyles, long hours driving or in front of the computer, severely compromise posture, the source of pain and discomfort.
Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher, dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back and Shoulder Pain.
To help you further with your shoulder/back pain you need to sign up for your FREE "Yoga and You" report at
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Back Pain Freed with Driving Yoga - Part 3
Glen WoodIn a fixed task such as driving, optimal trunk stabilization is essential for the healthiest driving posture, with the least stress to the back and neck, and the most efficient operation of the controls (steering wheel, foot pedals). This trunk stabilization is due to spontaneous activation of four key muscle groups: the lower abdominals, the pelvic floor muscles, the diaphragm (the main breathing muscle), and the mid-back muscles.
The nerves in the spinal cord pass through an opening in the bony body and exit the spinal canal at all vertebral junctions. The nerves exiting the lumbar spine innervate the hips and legs.
Behind the disc are the facet joints that directly link the bony vertebral bodies. The joints are enclosed in fibrous capsules that contain synovial fluid that lubricate the joints. Facet joints linking the intervertebral bodies become swollen when strained and can put pressure against nearby nerves causing pain.
Spondylolisthesis is a condition in which one of the vertebrae of the lower spine slips forward in relation to another.
Spondylolisthesis is usually caused by stress on the joints of the lower back and may be associated with facet joint arthropathy. Although this condition can cause low back pain and sciatica, sometimes it causes no symptoms at all and is diagnosed with an x-ray done for another reason.
Yoga works powerfully, and its effects last, because it brings change gently and gradually. Yoga is not meant to be an overnight cure. As Carl Jung once said: "Things seldom happen overnight except in dreams." Changes in the body that do happen too quickly, usually "snap" back quickly, too.
Many people with back problems are experiencing the result of years of poor posture or body mechanics, or as in some cases, years of pain and tension induced by a specific physical injury.
In any case, their tensions and imbalances have become deep set. Poor posture can force back muscles into constant contraction to compensate for imbalances. This makes the muscles prone to spasm. Similarly, injuries can induce "protective" contractions that lead to spasms. To expect immediate transformation from such maladies would be unrealistic.
There are some tips you can follow to make lying in bed less painful. Hopefully, if you follow the tips you can get some decent rest. One of the best sleeping positions for the body with back pain is on your side with your knees bent at 90 degrees. This relieves some of the pressure on the spine. If your hips or back hurt in this position, you can place a pillow between your knees to keep the hip joint level and the lower back straight.
Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher, dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back and Shoulder Pain.
To help you further with your shoulder/back pain you need to sign up for your FREE "Yoga and You" report at
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Back Pain Free with Driving Yoga - Part 2
Glen WoodIn this posture, the tail bone is bearing weight on the seat. In addition, the arms are elevated forward to reach the steering wheel. If there is one posture guaranteed to give you back and neck pain while driving, this is it!
Exercise balls are also great tools to keep handy and one of the primary physical therapy supplies that helps reduce back pain.
Something as simple as sitting on an exercise ball and bouncing lightly for a certain amount of time each day is beneficial for the lower back because it distributes the fluid in the lower spine, aiding in pain relief and flexibility.
Low back pain is often aggravated by a sedentary lifestyle. There are many types of exercises which will benefit lower backs that utilize the yoga ball. Ask your physical therapist or physician to recommend some exercises specific to your condition.
Before performing sport or exercise the advice is always to check with a doctor for assurance it is safe to do the activity. This is particularly pertinent if pain or discomfort is already evident. The causes of low back pain are, however, multifarious and are not always easily diagnosed. This does not necessarily prevent exercise or posture work that may benefit the condition being performed with suitable care and precautions.
Tight hip muscles contribute to a myriad of problems in the human body including lower back pain, compression in the lumbar spine which can contribute to arthritis in the joints of the lower spine, knee problems, and shoulder problems. Opening up the hips can help to restore neutral alignment in the pelvis, which improves alignment throughout the body releasing tension for the lower back, knees, and shoulders. This video uses yoga postures to open the hip flexor and hip rotator muscles for improved body alignment and function.
Vertical vibration on the driver's seat, along with any road shock (from railroad crossings, chuck holes, etc.), intensify this rocking motion of the pelvis. The result is even greater bending stresses to the lower back. The harmful effect of road shock and vibration to the spine is also increased from the tail bone bearing weight on the seat in a slumped driving posture.
Body Awareness: Doing yoga will give you an increased awareness of your own body. You are often called upon to make small, subtle movements to improve your alignment. Over time, this will increase your level of comfort in your own body. This can lead to improved posture and greater self-confidence.
Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher, dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back and Shoulder Pain.
To help you further with your shoulder/back pain you need to sign up for your FREE "Yoga and You" report at
FREE articles about self-help, self improvement, wellness, holistic health, and fitness. To see our full line of e-Books visit:
Back Pain Free With Driving Yoga - Part 1
Glen WoodIf health professionals paid more attention to driving posture and the science of sitting, they would have fewer patients to treat for back pain. Instead, their "state of the art" advice to patients is:
1) Use a rolled towel or lumbar support in the lower back when driving, and
2) get out of the car and stretch after every 15-30 minutes of driving. This typical advice shows absolutely no understanding of the dynamics of driving posture and back pain, yet this advice comes at an hourly rate of at least $100 to $150!
If you find yourself stiff and cranky after driving just 15 minutes you are not alone. 8 out of 10 drivers suffer from Repetitive Driving Injuries, according to a study by Ergonomic expert Professor Mark Porter of Loughborough University. The five most common RDI's are foot cramps, lumbar/lower back pain, stiff neck, side ache, and headache/eye strain. His findings show that 65% of drivers in the study reported having low back trouble, 43% neck trouble and 40% shoulder trouble. Sound familiar?
By identifying what your driving style is, you can learn how to adjust your car seat to reduce the incidence of RDI's. Ergonomic adjustments and low back pain exercises will help you avoid those symptoms. By adding simple Yoga poses and Yoga exercises to your drive, you'll feel more energized and recover more quickly from commuter fatigue. You'll leave road rage in the dust after practicing yoga in your car and using the suggested breathing techniques. Yoga exercises are a great, anti-aging way for getting more healthy and for stress relief. Now you can get these benefits even in stressful situations like being stuck in gridlock on your commute.
Most individuals are well aware of the results from conforming their bodies to car seats when commuting to work and traveling: low back pain, upper back and neck pain, headaches, and fatigue. These common health complaints develop from a slumped sitting posture that rounds the back and shoulders, restricts diaphragmatic breathing, and protrudes the lower abdomen.
This slumped driving posture is characterized by a collapsed trunk with a round back, round shoulders, and a forward head posture. The relaxation of the lower abdominal and back muscles in this posture increases the stress to the back ligaments and discs.
Also notice that the pelvis can slid forward on the car seat, away from the lower backrest.
Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher, dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back and Shoulder Pain.
To help you further with your shoulder/back pain you need to sign up for your FREE "Yoga and You" report at
FREE articles about self-help, self improvement, wellness, holistic health, and fitness. To see our full line of e-Books visit:
Can I Lose Weight With Yoga?
Angela BlakeYoga has many benefits. A regular program of yoga can help keep your spine supple, your core strong, and help you maintain balance and poise. It also tones your muscles, helps strengthen your immune system, and boosts your metabolism. However, yoga alone cannot help you lose large amounts of weight. It is, however, a good idea to add it to any healthy living plan.
Yoga will help you feel better about yourself and is a great confidence booster. Many find yoga is an island of calm in an otherwise hectic world. While not all yoga is aerobic, there are some types of yoga that can substitute for aerobic activity. Using yoga to lose weight all depends on the type you do and how frequently you do it. You should opt to engage in 90 minutes of aerobic style yoga three or more times per week, and if you add in another style of yoga the remaining days per week you can gain all the benefits of most other types of physical activity such as weight or strength training and flexibility.
In order to lose weight and keep it off you need to effect lasting changes in your lifestyle permanently. Doing this requires incorporating 5 key elements into your lifestyle. These are adequate rest, drinking enough water, eating a balanced diet, proper types of exercise, and caring for yourself emotionally. Yoga can help with the exercise and emotional elements. So what is yoga?
Hatha Yoga: Exercise for the Mind & Spirit
Yoga is based on eight principles as a study of all religions. It is not of itself a religion. One of the eight studies deals with physical training and keeping the body in good working order. When people in the west think about yoga, it is the branch of Hatha Yoga they have in mind. Hatha Yoga itself has many branches or types of physical training systems developed over many years that are all based on the same physical postures or poses. Here are just a few:
• Hatha: while this is the yoga branch that deals with physical yoga, here in the west a class that is called Hatha generally means it will be slow and gentle and thus provide a good introduction for beginners to learn the yoga poses.
• Vinyasa: this may also be called sun salutations or breath-synchronized movement. It is just slightly more vigorous than Hatha. Some places use this as a warm up before other more vigorous types of yoga begin.
• Ashtanga & Power Yoga: Ashtanga means eight limbs and is based on the whole philosophy of yoga. It is a very fast paced type of yoga that is always performed in the same order. It flows and moved without pauses. Power yoga is usually based on Ashtanga, but not always, though it usually is the inspiration for power yoga.
• Iyengar: this is based on the teachings of Yogi B.K.S. Iyengar which is based on an emphasis of body alignment. Precise alignment is effective to maximize benefits and avoid injury. In this type of exercise you usually hold each pose over long periods of time rather than moving quickly form one to the next. You usually will use props such as blankets, blocks, and straps.
• Kundalini: this emphasizes breath in conjunction with movement. Combining movement with controlled breath is meant to move and free energy within the chakras or body systems. This type of yoga can be very helpful to encourage regulation with the digestion and adrenal systems.
• Bikram or Hot Yoga: be prepared to spend time in a hot room that is usually around 95 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. This type of yoga is useful for detoxing though profuse sweating and loosening tight muscles. The original Bikram was based on 26 poses. But not all classes follow this.
• Anusara: this relatively new style of yoga founded in 1977 by a man named John Friend combines physical alignment with positive energy derived from tantra. The philosophy here is the goodness of all beings. Props are also often used in this class which is generally open to people of all levels of fitness and abilities.
• Jivanukti: David life and Sharon Gannon founded this style in New York at one of the most elite Yoga Studios. It is inspired by Ashtanga and strongly emphasizes chanting, meditation, and spirituality. Most teachers of yoga in the United States have been trained by them.
• Forrest: Originated by Anna Forrest in California and is based on vigorous Asana poses. It is designed to strengthen, purify, release, and heal the body and promote healing form within both physically and emotionally. You can expect intense aerobic exercise that helps develop your core and expand your breathing ability.
• Integral: based on the teachings of Yogi Sri Swami Sachinananda who came to the US in the 1960's. He founded many Institutes that use gentle Hatha practice along with chanting and mediation. You can find books also based on this such as Richard Hittlemans 28 day exercise plan which help newbie's and beginners to receive maximum benefits and results through daily practice in their first month.
Yoga is generally based on 5 general principles Proper exercise, proper breathing, proper relaxation, proper diet, and positive thinking. By incorporating aerobic Yoga or other aerobic exercise for 90 minutes per session 3 or more times per week along with yoga on most other days per week in to your exercise plan you can expect to see results n your first 4 to 6 weeks.
The trick is to stick with it and make a real effort for consistency. Yoga along with rest, water, sleep, and other lifestyle changes can help you lose weight and keep it off. Just remember to perform it daily and follow along with a book, video, or audio material if you opt to do it at home, especially if you are a beginner.
Yoga works by stimulating the adrenal systems and helping to clear out your lymph and immune system of toxins. The release of pent up energy, the effects of the calmness yoga emphasizes, and by performing both aerobic and stretching, Hatha type yoga, you can get you strength, flexibility, and aerobic exercise all jut by practicing the different types of yoga styles. You will firm and tone muscles, burn calories, and boost your immune system and metabolism. Other effects are long lasting, such as calmness, poise, and balance. Most yogis know that regular yoga produces a glow and vibrant energy that tends to draw like minded people to you. (Anyone who practices yoga regularly is considered a yogi.)
If you have ever wanted to lose weight you may have found the wide array of methods and ideologies confusing. You may have wondered if you could lose it by dieting, pills, exercise, or other drastic measure alone. The answer is no! Losing weight takes a determined effort, willingness and patience, and the process of trying and combining methods to achieve what works best for you personally. In addition to lifestyle habits, dietary changes, and following the 5 key principles of a good lifestyle, yoga can help you achieve your goals.
Angela Blake is owner of and is a mother of two who is on a mission to lose weight in a healthy way while educating others along the way.
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How To Avoid Back Pain When At The Computer - 1
Office workers spend a good chunk of their time hunched over a computer pounding away trying to beat those ever-pressing deadlines.
Each day, over 100,000 Americans suffer from lower back pain. Lifting heavy objects incorrectly, sitting still at work or at a computer for long periods, poor posture, or even sleeping in the wrong position can all contribute to lower back pain.
Furthermore, psychological stress can have as one of its consequences physical pain, and one of the places this pain tends to manifest is in the back.
There are many ways to treat this pain: medicines, chiropractic and massage therapy, and bed rest being some of them. All of these therapies are valuable, and no alternative remedy is a substitute for proper medical care.
However, practicing certain yoga techniques can complement traditional therapy, and can greatly alleviate, or even eliminate, lower back pain.
Something simple you could try. A popular and easy yoga pose to prevent back pain is called the Cobra. If you have seen a cobra at the zoo, keep that image in mind.
Lay flat on your stomach placing your palms down on the ground either underneath of the shoulders or just wider than the shoulders. Keep your body relaxed, with elbows back and out. Raise your body allowing the back to arch and hold this pose for 10 to 15 seconds. If you feel uncomfortable, use your elbows instead of hands and it will give your body a gentler stretch.
This will stretch the abdominal muscles while the back muscles are relaxing. Slowly lower the upper part of your body to the ground.
Yoga helps alleviate lower back pain by strengthening the muscles of the lower back, making strains less likely to occur. Yoga also stretches the muscles, allowing them to elongate and relax, and alleviating tension.
Regular yoga practice also improves posture, relieving back pain by keeping the spine in proper alignment. The following are three yoga asanas, or postures, which can help in stretching and strengthening the lower back. These postures can be practiced singularly, or as a flowing series.
Cobra is just one. While at your computer try this. Place your bottom in close to the chair back, try to get your shoulder blades over the back of the chair, next as you exhale with your arms folded overhead gently lean back over the chair. Use your breath to deepen the pose.
Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher, dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back and Shoulder Pain.
To help you further with your shoulder/back pain you need to sign up for your FREE "Yoga and You" report at http:
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Beginning Yoga For Its Many Health Benefits
Robert KokoskaOriginally, the meditation techniques of yoga were developed primarily as a spiritual practice amongst the polytheist religion of Hinduism, in the Indian sub-continent, around 6000 years ago. In India, or to devout Hindus, success in yoga would ultimately mean that they have escaped the birth and rebirth cycle and become an immortal soul. Today, especially in 'western' countries, the practice of yoga is associated with the benefits that can be derived from standard meditation and its exercises, as much as it's other spiritual values. Having said that, yoga does exert a spiritual influence on those who choose to try it and go on to develop their interest in practicing yoga.
There are many different styles and techniques of yoga that you could start with. Quite often for a beginner the style they start with is dependent on the version being taught in local classes for yoga. By the way, if you didn't already know it, a teacher of yoga is called a guru - which generally means teacher - and anyone practicing yoga is known as a yogi. Despite there being many forms of yoga they all seek to enable the yogi to be able to control their mind. Whilst it takes much practice and many years to arrive at this point people do start taking yoga classes because they wish to be able to relax their minds and overcome stress.
Many people nowadays are attracted to yoga because of the stresses and strains of modern living and that at times, in order to carry on coping, we need to find time to mentally relax. Yoga refers the technique of being able to eliminate mental tension at will by being able to "slip a second"; training your unconscious to slip in and out of the reality we live in. This re-energizes the mind so we can once again face and cope with our reality, without feeling mentally fatigued. Of course, there's no easy route to being able to do this.
The practice of meditative yoga includes; adopting a healthy diet that doesn't put stress on your body, performing exercises to enable your body to relax, learning to take better control of your breathing and purifying your body so that your mind can then relax. In your yoga class you will at least learn to let go of your cares and connect with your higher self, which is widely known as a highly liberating experience for anyone feeling stressed out, depressed or even just a bit down in the dumps.
Meanwhile, until you can begin your yoga classes you might want try a simple technique on your own. Find somewhere that's quiet and calm and just sit down comfortably without strain and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths, and then return your breathing to its normal rate.
Next you simply try to clear your mind of all thoughts and sounds. How long that moment lasts is not important and in the beginning you will find it hard to maintain mental silence, but try doing this easy meditation technique daily to help clear your mind and unwind from a stressful day.
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Stressed? - Simple Breathing Meditation to Calm Your Mind and Boost Your Energy
Ntathu AllenAre you busy? Tired from running from one activity, social engagement to another? Are you looking for an easy way to relax and unwind after a busy day at work or caring for your children at home?
The following simple Breathing Relaxation Practice, takes about five minutes and leaves you feeling energised, calm and revitalised.
To begin, find a quiet space to sit down.
* Uncross your legs and place both feet flat on the floor, hip width apart. If your feet do not touch the floor, just move forward until they do or place a firm book under your feet.
* Rest your hands, lightly on your thigh with the palms facing up.
* Relax your shoulders. Sit up straight and lengthen your spine. Make sure you are sitting evenly on both buttocks.
* Gently tuck your chin in towards your chest, keeping it level with the floor. This allows the neck to be in alignment with the rest of your spine.
* Become aware of your spine. Feel as if you are sitting up tall and straight.
* Smile. Allow your jaw to relax, tongue resting behind the lower front teeth.
* Your eyes may be either opened or closed. If opened, gently lower your gaze, keep them unfocused, and rest your gaze on a spot in front of you.
* If your eyes are closed, focus your awareness on a spot within, e.g., below the navel, the point between your eyebrows or your heart centre..
* Begin to observe the body. Tense and relax the toes, then the feet, calves, knees, thighs, buttocks, hands, shoulders. Allow all muscles to relax
* Now start to become aware of your breath. Don't try to control the breath, just be aware of how you are breathing. Observe the rhythm of the breathe.
* Breathe in slowly through the nose and as you exhale, through your nose, slowly release the breath.
* Let the breath, be steady,, full and deep. Observe the movement of the abdomen as you slowly inhale and exhale. Slowly let the breath flow through the body, releasing tension and fatigue as you breathe out and breathing in peace, joy and love as you breathe in.
* Inhale and exhale, slowly for five to seven rounds of deep steady breathing. try and extend each breath you take.
* If your eyes are closed, slowly open the eyes.
* Sit still for a few minutes. Allow the breath to return to normal. Then stretch out the body.
* Be aware of how the body feels. Observe the peace and calmness of the mind.
Practice this simple breathing relaxation whenever you feel anxious or stressed and see how easy it is for you to be calm, alert and energised.
Registered Polarity Practitioner and Hatha Yoga Teacher, Ntathu inspires and supports you in your health and wellness journey. She offers private 1-2-1 yoga at home sessions, yoga at work and yoga for children. Through the practice and teachings of Yoga and Polarity Therapy Treatments, she helps you learn simple yoga stretches, meditation and relaxation techniques which you can use to release stress, boost your energy, relax and, feel more alive. Email to sign up for your free Yoga and Polarity monthly enewsletter, "Healing for Soul" - full of simple health building exercises, relaxation techniques and inspirations which you can use to reduce stress, boost your creativity and experience inner and outer peace.
Email: +44 7973 777 882 +44 20 8432 3429
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Tips for Yoga Websites
Mikel A BruceAlmost 75% of all households in the United States have internet access and it is rising at a steady rate. Until recently a Yoga business could get exposure to potential students by simply advertising in the phone book, but with the growth of the Internet, the majority of business-searches are conducted via the web. What does this mean for your Yoga business?
Unquestionably, if you don't have a Web presence, you are not tapping into one of the most consistent and cost-effective source of business leads.
With a website, the first impression is critical. A visitor can come and go very quickly, especially when conducting a search and checking out several websites. To make a good first impression, keep your visitor on your website, and motivate them to contact you, follow these tips:
1. Keep the content simple: remember, in most cases a website is not designed to sell your service. It is designed to give your potential students enough information about you and your business to entice them to contact you. Too much text per page will deter them from reading it at all.
2. Simple navigation bar: make sure that your website has an easy-to-find and simple-to-use navigation or menu bar. The navigation bar is the set of links or tabs used to get from one web page to another.
3. Contact Information: include all your contact information on each page of your site and have an easy-to-find link to your contact page.
4. Pictures: include at least one picture per page with the text to enhance its visual appeal.
5. Sound: be careful not to frustrate your website visitor with sound or music. If you do use sound, keep it subtle and brief.
6. Add an easy to find link to your schedule
7. Consider offering an online scheduling feature making it easy and convenient for them to pay and sign up for classes.
8. Place a prominent link on your own page for them to sign up for your newsletter and considering offering some type of incentive for them to sign up such as a free e-book on any topic relevant to your potential students. An example might be 'Free e-book on 10 Tips to Reduce Stress in the Office using Yoga'
9. Send out a monthly e-newsletter with educational information, discounts, promotions, etc...
10. Exchange links with non-competitive businesses in order to drive more traffic to your website.
If you are looking to develop a professional web presence, WebFlexor Yoga specializes in helping Yoga Teachers and Studios succeed on the Web.
Mikel Bruce, WebFlexor Yoga Websites, 888-282-7818,
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Yoga Supplies - What To Look For
Bertil HjertWith yoga attaining a lot of fame among millions of people all over the world, many have developed a fetish to learn this art.
There are several reasons for this:
First and foremost, people have understood the importance of this form of art in providing health benefits and keeping their mental health in good condition.
Second, one can easily say goodbye to stress via practicing yoga. Third, yoga helps a lot in making the body flexible. There are several other benefits of yoga one can enjoy when the individual starts practicing it.
Prior to actually start practicing yoga, you need to focus on purchasing good quality yoga supplies. These supplies are extremely important to enhance your performance and provide you the maximum benefits of yoga.
Some of these yoga supplies also provide good support to the body and prevent the individual from encountering with any accidents or injuries. Don't worry. Yoga does not require expensive equipments as most of the modern exercises and sports do.
One of the most valuable supplies that you need to focus on purchasing is a Yoga mat. These mats are constructed of tacky rubber and also prevent slippage. It is very difficult to maintain a complex pose while performing yoga. With a yoga mat, you don't require to worry about hazardous flood conditions.
Additionally, you will find a wide variety of designs and colors when purchasing a yoga mat. If you have a tendency to develop allergy from latex products should go for cotton mats. These also serve the same purpose. Make sure that you keep your yoga mat clean.
Another yoga supply you would require is yoga clothes. Keep your yoga apparel simple, durable and comfortable. You may find yoga clothes in hemp spandex and cotton. You may choose to wear pants, shirts or tank tops according to your own comfort.
Yoga music is another important investment you need to make when learning yoga. This helps you to relax your mind and also helps you to get into appropriate mind set for a yoga session.
Yoga is a low impact exercise and performed in a quiet atmosphere. The yoga music will help you to get in to the real mood of yoga. It also works towards enhancing one's learning performance and experience.
Last but not the least, you should also think of investing in to some yoga DVDs. You can easily learn a lot via watching these DVDs.
Purchasing yoga supplies will do a lot of good to you. You would be able to learn yoga in a better way and without any distraction.
Try to visit some shops prior to actually purchasing the yoga supplies. This will help you a lot in purchasing the best and the most affordable.
You may take help of an experienced person or someone who practices yoga regularly in order to purchase the best. He or she will guide you on purchasing the best and giving you tips on what to buy, how to buy and where to buy these yoga supplies from.
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Yoga - The Plain Truth
Zach HuntYoga is a potent form of exercise that originated in India as a form of spiritual practice. Although, today's version of Yoga has little to do with the Hindu practice, it can provide numerous benefits.
For those who are unaware of the Yoga way of exercise, it uses a combination of breathing exercises along with physical movement to free the body while the meditation aspect of Yoga assists in easing the mind and soul.
Benefits Of Yoga - There are many benefits to the Yoga exercise of. It is known that yoga also helps provide stress relief and health benefits. With the fast paced world of today, it is easy for an individual to become stressed out with the daily schedule and this type of stress and affect the body and mind.
By participating in Yoga, you will reduce the amount of stress that you have in your life. Some additional benefits of the Yoga lifestyle include the lowering of blood pressure, a better quality of sleep, and a heightened sense of awareness of your surroundings.
Yoga, can also benefit illnesses such as AIDS, cancer, and diabetes.
While Yoga appears to be the ideal way for a healthy life in , it is simply not efficient enough to allow most individuals to reach their ideal weight loss goals. In truth, yoga should be used mainly for the benefits it is known for.
With this being said, Yoga is a great starter exercise for those wishing to achieve their fitness goals but the Yoga exercise should not be the only form of exercise that a citizen uses to achieve a optimal level of fitness.
Yoga doesn't do a whole lot to build lean toned muscle and burn fat, which is what most people want to do. The Yoga exercise will not allow you to gain the muscle necessary to enjoy the various outdoor attractions of but it will provide you with the an improved control over breathing that will help you journey through the various parks and trails in the area.
The practice of Yoga should be used as a way to free the mind and not as a way to gain the physical strength that will make you look good in a public environment.
Using Yoga In Your Fitness Plan - For those wishing to create a fitness plan, or improve the efficiency of their existing exercise schedule, Yoga is a great option. Since Yoga is not meant as the only source of exercise for those on a fitness plan, it makes a great partner for other forms of exercise such as Pilate's and weight lifting.
Since Yoga will reduce the stress encountered from the rest of your exercise plan, it is a good idea to make Yoga a regular part of your healthy lifestyle.
For those who are already experiencing quality results with their exercise plan, the regular practice of Yoga will further increase the benefits and positive results of the workout.
Add Yoga To Your Life - Yoga is not right for everyone but it is an easy form of exercise that everyone should try at least once. If you are interested in adding Yoga to your daily life, it is recommended that you talk to your fitness trainer or Yoga instructor to get started on the right track.
Zach Hunt is a
yoga Spokane expert, fitness coach and owner of Physzique, a fitness coaching service in Spokane, WA. Go here:
Personal Trainer In Spokane WA for more fitness tips.
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The Best Way To Learn Yoga Poses
Carol HailyThe best way to learn yoga is to practice in a good yoga class with an excellent teacher, you can probably find those by asking your doctor or gym and then look the class up on the internet, most of the time you should be able to find some people who have done a class at that specific center and write what they have experienced.
Most classes will also give you a test lesson if you ask for it. It is my experience that you will learn allot from such a lesson. You can learn if you like the teacher, if you feel uncomfortable with someone, learning yoga will be very difficult. You can also talk to the other classmates after the lesson and ask them for there experience. And you can learn if the style of yoga fits to your needs, there are many kinds of yoga and you will like some better than the other.
Yoga classes can be found at many different places, there are specific yoga schools and there are classes in health clubs and gyms and even in some community centers you can learn yoga these days. Yoga is still increasingly popular and you should be aware that there are very smart entrepreneurs around that are willing to make a profit from the ignorant and put unqualified teachers in front of the class or ask extreme prices. So be aware and do your research.
There are many kind of yoga styles and there are also many different yoga poses. And each yoga teacher has their own style of teaching. Some just give very relaxing and easy to learn poses others are more intense and some even are fun. You need to find the best kind of class for your needs and the only way is to experience the poses. For the first couple of classes it is smart sit somewhere where you can see the teacher and the other students this way you can look how the poses are done and replicate them.
Sun Salutation
Most beginner classes will start with teaching you the "sun salutation." This is almost one of the standard series of yoga poses used in yoga classes. It is called a moving meditation and it helps to wake up you mind and body to start with the day and all the things to come. It also prepares you for the yoga poses that you will do after the sun salutation. You should focus on your breathing during the series of moves.
Other basic yoga poses are called: The Cobra: lie down and raise your head and torso up. Dog and Cat: up on the hands and knees, role the tail bone up and down Trikonasana - the Triangle: stands with legs in a wide stance. both arms are raised and the body should bend to meet one foot at a time. Sukhasana - Sit/Easy Position: sit with cross-legged and focus on your breathing The Corpse: lie on your back on the ground, the goal is conscious relaxation.
Yoga, Homeopathy and other old wisdom's is what Carol Haily is looking for. At her
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The Obvious Benefits To Asthma Sufferers Of Using Yoga Breathing Exercises!
Michael J MckayIt is a long-standing belief amongst yoga practitioners that yoga breathing exercises can definitely help those people suffering from mild asthma and similar symptoms. It is further maintained that these exercises may improve their capabilities of breathing without the aid of low-dose drug inhalers, used by sufferers in wheezing attacks. If they don't totally remove the use of inhalers, then the systematic practice of the breathing exercises will reduce their usage greatly.
Scientific research carried out at the Respiratory Medicine Unit, City University, Nottingham, England has called for more studies based on ways and techniques of improving breathing control. Their social studies have indicated that the types of studies mentioned earlier have been largely ignored by Western medicine and medical researchers. If this is indeed the case then a more natural, Eastern alternative such as yoga is a ready and able alternative.
Yoga practitioners have long believed in the benefits of pranayama breathing exercises to aid people suffering from breathing difficulties, especially asthmatics. Although this may be the case, it has been hard to study formally under laboratory or test conditions. However, by using a device known as a Pink City lung - this device imposes slow, artificial breathing on the user , which can mimic the pranayama breathing exercises - it has been possible to measure the effects of controlled breathing in a hospital trial. Two simulated pranayama exercises were tested during this trial, the slow , deep breathing technique and the breathing out for twice as long as breathing in technique.
Generally speaking, as an asthma sufferer your airways become restricted making it difficult for you to breathe. The condition is increasing rapidly in the Western world, where in the UK more than three-and-a-half million children and adults are affected. The condition is also responsible for over 2,000 deaths annually. Recent medical studies involving the amount of air a patient could blow out in a second, and the testing of the general irritability of the patient's airways showed that after practising yoga breathing exercises, their affected airways were two times less irritable!
Though it is not the intention of this piece to advise asthma sufferers to stop using their medication, its purpose is to educate them to the benefits they will receive from trying the breathing exercises and discovering the freedom they will receive from doing so.
Start your yoga breathing exercises today and see the great, long-term health benefits you will receive.
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