By Tracy Renning
A primary thing that requires to be correctly assessed in yoga and by the athletes
Stretching techniques are ground level guidelines for each and every type of stretching exercise.
Stretching techniques helps us to do the exercise in right posture. It helps us to avoid the injuries caused while doing our exercise. Stretching techniques are more fruitful for the yoga doers and athletes than common man. It helps them to be prepared in good shape and with perfect mind to do their respective exercises of their body. If stretching techniques are used in wrong manner it would have bad effect on the body by causing muscle injuries for the athletes and yoga doers.
Basically the stretching techniques include the manner of holding every stretch for about two seconds only. This method helps in stretching and it also works on the body for physiological makeup. This stretching technique does improve the blood circulation and increase the flexibility of the muscles joints of athletes and the yoga doers.
There are many types of stretching exercise in yoga and for the athletes, which require a great flexibility of the body. This requirement can be ultimately fulfilled if the stretching exercises are done with correct stretching techniques. The following are the basic stretches, in yoga and for the athletes:
• Dynamic Stretching
• Ballistic Stretching
• Static Active Stretching
• Isometric Stretching
• PNF Stretching
These stretches are required to be done with accurate stretching techniques to get right result.
Traditional yoga moves are well balanced for every exercise and they demand a complete range of motion, as they perfectly reveal the imbalances. Thus by constructing in symmetrical way, yoga posture allows the intensity of repetition demanded in athletic activity. It helps to prevent injuries that are caused during training exercises these all can be achieved only by correct stretching techniques in yoga.
Normally athletes get into trouble while training, as they do not know the correct stretching techniques. This type of troubles occurs to them while doing the training as due to the limitation of their range of motion. Then they use the momentum and rotation of the body to complete a movement that is a bad technique. It would probably result into either injury or have a bad impact on them by lowering their level of optimum performance at their respective games.
It now known that athletes are very much accustomed for using their body muscles in more intensive way on the regular basis for their sport. Thus for them stretching and breathing exercises helps them to maintain a correct body posture and cuts off the tension that has been accumulated in their body muscles. On the contrary if these things are not followed it would result them in giving up of their favorite sport as it causes a permanent damage to their body.
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