By Suzanne Andrews
Yoga may seem mysterious to the uninitiated, but it is simply a form of exercise that stimulates your mind and increases your body's level of fitness. Yoga means to yoke - to unite - your mind, body and spirit and was derived from the Sanskirt Indians well over 5000 years ago. Although yoga is ancient, it can and does make people feel and look 20 years younger.
Yoga means many different things to many different people. It is rooted in Indian spiritual tradition, and indeed the word, 'yogi' means someone who practices yoga. The word yoga itself comes from the Indian word, yug, "to unify." A goal of yoga is to unify your mind, body and spirit to a more relaxed state of being. When you practice yoga breathing, you are better able to connect inner peace from your mind to every piece of your body. There are many different styles of yoga, each with its own focus. The two most common types practiced in the United States are Hatha yoga and Bikram Yoga, also known as 'hot' yoga. Each has its own distinct style of movement and thought.
Consequently, yoga is not a religion. People who practice yoga can be Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Agnostic, or any religion they wish. Yoga is a time proven method to enhancing mental focus and physical balance to help you function at full capacity.
So What type of yoga is right for you? Hatha yoga, meaning sun (ha) and moon (tha) has become very popular in the West it is the most physical type of yoga. Yogi's who practice Hatha recognize that a weak and tired body is a barrier to your lifes fullest potential. Therefore Hatha yoga aims to make your body an ideal vehicle for good health and fill it with energy. Hatha concentrates on postures ( asanas) and breathing exercises ( pranayama) and meditation, (Dhyana) to energize the mind, body and spirit. Whereas Hatha yoga is generally practiced at 72 - 78 degrees, Bikram yoga is practiced in a room that is between 95- 108 degrees with humidity level of 60%. Bikram consists of 26 poses practiced for a period of ninety minutes and requires you to be able to exercise in hot temperatures. If you choose this type of yoga, make sure to drink plenty of water. If you feel more comfortable to try yoga from your living room, there are plenty of DVD's to choose from. Just make sure you choose one appropriate for your age and fitness level.
The benefits of yoga are enormous. Muscle connective tissue has a natural tendency to shorten with aging as often evidenced in the stiffness of people as young as 25. Muscles must be regularly stretched to minimize muscle shortening. No matter how strong you are, if your muscles are tight; bending and reaching become very painful.
Yoga helps combat the negative effects of stiffness, pain, and stress through relaxation both mentally and physically. With its gentle stretch, strengthening and mental conditioning it is an excellent form of exercise especially for the growing population over the age of 40.
Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia demonstrated how just one session of yoga can lower blood levels of the stress hormone - cortisol. Suzanne Andrews, health expert for Healthy Lifestyles at WCEU reported the findings of this study, "Participants cortisol level were measured before and after they practiced yoga, then again before and after they sat quietly while reading. After the Yoga sessions, cortisol levels dropped. There was no drop after the resting sessions. Consequently, Suzanne Andrews further researched and found there is a direct correlation between weight gain and stress. Her latest Yoga DVD', Yoga Chi for Energy specialize in releasing stress and increasing energy.
Suzanne Andrews
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