How to Strengthen the Immune System with Yoga
Sheryl WaltersYoga is known for its amazing power to boost the systems of the body. A good yoga workout massages and nourishes every single organ in the body. Each cell is caressed and nourished.
Yoga helps lower stress hormones which can compromise the immune system, while also conditioning and giving love to the lungs and respiratory tract. The lymphatic system is strengthened and toxins are swept away. You may notice that you get far fewer illnesses when you have a regular yoga practice.
Personally, I haven't been sick this year at all. I have been a little surprised just how well I have been. I do have a fairly high immune system, but normally I would have had a minor cold or at least a moment of feeling under the weather by this time of year. This year... nothing! Just great health!
So what I have I done differently? I always take vitamin C and Zinc... this year and last year. I have been eating more immune system boosting super foods, but somehow there seems to be more to the story...
Last year I was doing yoga once a week, but it has only been this year that my passion has lead me to practice as often as possible and really see what happens when you twist your body into mad positions on almost daily basis.
Recently, I had a slight sore throat. The next morning as I walked to my Ashtanga yoga class, my nose was definitely dripping a little bit. When I stepped into class, I needed a tissue and I was a slightly concerned that my practice might be tricky with a cold brewing.
By the time I got to triangle pose (about 20 minutes)... there was no dripping nose whatsoever.
I left the class feeling fantastic (as always)... and realised that the cold had totally disappeared. And I haven't had one symptom since! In fact, I am once again feeling above average in my health, which when I think about it is a definite improvement from last year.
I practice in an Ashtanga yoga class and lately we have been in a small room with lots of the sweat is dripping (not the nose.) I can't imagine the amount of toxins and germs that must be forced to exit the body through the sweat glands.
More than ever, I am convinced of the incredibly powerful effect that yoga can have on our immune systems and overall wellbeing.
1. Downward Dog Clears the Sinuses and and congestion.
2. Tortoise and Shoulder stand stimulate the Thymus gland to boost the immune system
3. Camel Pose and Backbends flush out the lungs
4. Corpse pose and Child's pose give the body a chance to integrate the postures and provide
deep healing. the world's most up to date scientific research on how to stay young naturally in both mind and body with a heartfelt, personal touch. When we have the right information and take some dedicated action, we can be in charge of our health and our aging process.
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How Power Yoga Can Help Athletes
Scott HughesWhether you already practice yoga or barely know anything about it, you can greatly improve your athletic abilities by doing power yoga. Like most yoga for exercise, power yoga focuses on the performance of asanas or poses. Power yoga usually uses a vinyasa style of practice, meaning the practitioners synchronize the poses with their breath. Generally, power yoga aims to improve your athletic ability in three main ways.
Firstly, you can use power yoga to improve your physical strength. Power yoga for strength especially makes use of poses that involve holding oneself up in various ways using the limbs. Think about it like this: Simply getting down in push up position and trying to hold that position would give you a tough workout. Power yoga uses many poses like that.
Power yoga also aims to improve your stamina and endurance. Obviously, stamina and endurance play a major role in athletics. In power yoga you especially work your stamina and endurance when you hold poses for extended periods of time. Additionally, by going through the poses quickly without stopping in between, you will keep up the work and thus build your endurance.
Finally, power yoga helps you improve your flexibility. Flexibility will help you avoid injury during any athletic endeavors. Also, being rigid and inflexible will hinder your ability to perform well in sports and other athletic activities.
Doing any type of yoga will also help you recover from fitness training. It will preserve your health and improve blood circulation, which in turn will improve your physical potential. Training a lot for a specific sport can make you physically unbalanced, but doing yoga will help balance you back out.
Many athletes use almost all of their free time practicing for their sport. That dedication is almost always required from top-level athletes in any field. That may leave you little time to take on other exercise routines. Luckily, yoga does not take that much time. A simple 20 minute practice once a day or a few days per week will do you great. And once you start, you will get better and better at it.
If you are an athlete, I recommend you try power yoga. Of course, before starting any new exercise program, you are supposed to consult a medical doctor.
Whatever you do, good luck and have fun!
Scott Hughes manages
Online Yoga Club at, which has lots of free information and resources about yoga. You can discuss yoga and get help at the
Yoga Forums The forums are completely free to use.
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Weight Loss - Benefits of Yoga and Exercise
Ivy BrownPlumpness and obesity for the past many decades are not in fashion. People prefer to look slim and trim. Adding to this, they also welcome a baggage of health problems. With the intake of junk food, the belly has been increasing leading to obesity as well as plumpness. Regrettably, it has become a part of our fast lives, thereby depleting our energy levels. Yoga is one such art that has always offered best resolutions for mental concentration. It promotes in staying active and also is an optimistic strength for the mind as well as the body. Moreover, it works wonders in paving ways for losing weight. Yoga is a tool for reducing weight as all the aspects such as mental, emotional and physical balance is maintained. This results in an efficient, lively and slim personality and suits those of all age groups. Yoga assists in bringing control over behavior and mind.
The main reasons of obesity should be well understood before working out for losing them. This is essential as it avoids a person from repeating the errors. Eating junk food, eating frequently between meals, fat food, psychological pressures such as anxiety, depression, frustration, and many times hereditary tendency are one of the prominent reasons for obesity. The usual signs are the increasing weight associated with increase in food take, depleting efficiency, frustration, and increase in mental and emotional stress. Yoga is an excellent supporter in reducing obesity as well as psychological pressures. Yoga plays a vital role in treating obesity and it bestows with skills that take charge of the entire body as well as the mind.
Some of the postures and positions of yoga are beneficial in decreasing fats from our body. The twisting, backward and forward bending helps in reducing fats near the butts, thighs, and abdomen. The various poses help in burning fats in legs and arms. The sun salutations are advantageous for lungs and are also one of the best exercises. There are other techniques in yoga for controlling the energy level and mind. A healthy diet including fruits intake, leafy vegetables and energy juices reduce the fats in the body.
Exercise is one of the main tools to lose thigh fat. Fats around the waist line increases with the age leading to obesity and plumpness. There are many medicines to reduce waistlines, but these medicines are unable to bring a permanent change. Performing exercises along with nutritious diet only results in reducing fat. Burning more calories is the only way to reduce obesity and plumpness, and proper exercises are the best in decreasing fat levels. Exercises such as lifting outer thigh and inner thigh are essential for reducing thigh fat and the waist line. Ultimately, to bring in all the difference it is mandatory to perform regular exercise, yoga, have a balanced meal and nutritious snacks twice a day and consume lots of water.
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Ivy is a mother of three. She never succeeded in losing weight despite trying many so called proven weight loss methods until she found the secret methods. Find out her secrets at
How to lose weight naturally and healthily.
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What is All The Fuss About Yoga?
Sheryl WaltersYoga is everywhere. If you are one of the few that hasn't subjected your body to the variety of positions on offer at a yoga class, then you probably have friends who have tried it out, or at least heard about the many celebrities that are incorporating yoga into their lifestyle. Sophie Anderton, Madonna, Geri Halliwell, Sadie Frost, and Sting are just some of the stars that are part of the global yoga craze.
So Why is Everyone Doing Yoga?
People have been proclaiming the many benefits of yoga for centuries. Some of the praises for this ancient discipline include greater flexibility and strength, improved energy levels and sleep, and a calmer more contented mind. People love it because it is not only a powerful way to get into shape physically; it is also a fantastic way to feel more emotionally harmonious. It offers a holistic approach to cope with the challenges of daily life.
Yoga originated in India 5,000 years ago as a spiritual practice used to quiet the mind and deepen one's moment to moment experience. The Sanskrit word Yoga is translated as 'union' between mind, body and spirit. When this happens, a state of inner peace is found. This inner peace has been said to be every human being's true Nature.
People are drawn to yoga these days for many reasons. Some people simply hope for increased health and fitness, or may be seeking relief for a specific physical condition.
Others are seeking a way to manage stress. Yoga can also complement medical science and therapy for specific conditions such as depression and anxiety. Yoga has also become known as a good way to prepare for child birth. It helps less able-bodied people to get into shape.
Some classes are low impact and gentle while others are incredibly demanding. Some are geared for those especially interested in spirituality, and there are those that are perfect for hardcore fitness lovers. Whatever the objective, there are many different styles to meet the needs of everyone. The main thing is to practice it regularly so that the subtle changes and benefits can be experienced. the world's most up to date scientific research on how to stay young naturally in both mind and body with a heartfelt, personal touch. When we have the right information and take some dedicated action, we can be in charge of our health and our aging process.
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Learning Yoga For Your Good Health
Gabriel J. AdamsFor many of us, cranking out a ten-minute mile on a treadmill or pounding the floor of the racquetball court can mean major joint pain. Fortunately, you can cover all three of your major exercise types (aerobic, anaerobic and stretching) through a low-impact activity like yoga.
Yoga is an ancient Indian practiced designed to promote relaxation, health and flexibility. By using a series of poses and breathing techniques, yoga also works on the practitioner's balance, strength and overall health.
It has been shown to reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, diminish back pain and improve cardiovascular health. Depending on the type of yoga you do, yoga can be an aerobic, anaerobic or stretching exercise or all three.
Essentially, yoga tones and stretches all your joints and muscles. Not only does this unique form of exercise deliver physical benefits, it also reduces stress while promoting relaxation. When it comes to aging well, yoga is one of the best activities you can do.
Some types of it are more strenuous than others, so before you sign up for a class or purchase a yoga DVD, you may want to make sure you're choosing a yoga program that's right for you. Keep reading to learn about the five major types of yoga:
Integral Yoga: This is a basic and very gentle form of yoga with a set pattern of postures. The emphasis is on pose control, relaxation and deep meditation. Integral yoga is perfect for beginners.
Ashtanga Yoga: You may see Ashtanga yoga listed as "power yoga." This type of yoga moves fast and focuses on a continuous flow of movement through the traditional yoga poses. By incorporating strength, aerobic exertion and flexibility, Ashtange embodies all three types of exercise.
Kundalini Yoga: This form of yoga is extremely spiritual and tends to focus predominantly on breathing exercises, chanting, relaxation and meditation.
Iyengar Yoga: Iyengar yoga focuses predominantly on positioning and poses that are precise and correct. Using wooden blocks, buckets or straps, Iyengar concentrates on alignment and the actual structure of a pose. Though slow and steady, Iyengar is not recommended for yoga beginners.
Bikram Yoga: Also known as "hot yoga," Bikram yoga is typically done in a room heated to anywhere from 80 to 100 degrees. Vigorous and intense, this form of yoga may be too much for those suffering from respiratory problems, high blood pressure or cardiac issues.
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Some Important Yoga Exercises
Vino RayenEver considered practicing some yoga exercises? Its all too common for people who don't exercise at all to often cite the reason that they are just too busy to get to the gym. What these folks don't realize is that they are placing themselves at risk to various diseases caused by too much stress and a sedentary lifestyle.
It is pretty much an accepted fact now after much research that exercise and physical activity help the body cope with stress and improves a person's overall Health. However, the demands of our daily lives increase very rapidly as we live our lives and our responsibilities increase. Work, spouse, kids, Church, activities, family, it all takes time and it seems for most of us exercise is a low enough priority that it keeps getting pushed lower and lower.
The important thing to remember is that if you aren't living, then you don't have HEALTH!
Health should be our # 1 priority because we all want to keep on living! If people are unhealthy, they are less productive and when you are less productive it gets harder and harder to achieve our goals.
Think about this for a minute, how much time do you spend at work? scary when you add up the hours, isn't it! If you are spending more than 10-12 hours at work, are skipping meals, lacking sleep, and do not exercise, there is not much doubt you are feeling stressed out. If you keep this pace up and you don't change a thing, you could develop a chronic disease that will force you to slow down and the consequences to your health could be worse than not working at all.
One of the main principles of yoga is to develop practices for each individual's conditions and place in life. Additionally, you can practice yoga in your office, in your room, maybe even in your car or at the airport waiting for a flight. For the person who claims they are just too busy at work, you could even do Yoga on your break if you really wanted to.
The great thing about yoga exercises is that there are specific postures & breathing techniques for almost all diseases, conditions, allergies, and types of pains. Many exercises are simple and can have a dramatic effect on your symptoms.
The following are some common ailments that Yoga exercises can help to minimize or harness the symptoms and root causes of. Its been proven over and over again that yoga can improve your life and get rid of the following:
Digestive Disorders:
Anger, fear, jealousy, anxiety, tension etc. are emotions that can influence the quality and quantity of secretions in the stomach and intestine, and can also alter the blood flow to the intestines. Many ailments of the digestive system can be traced back to the stress of our busy modern lifestyle.
Back Pain:
Many people experience milt to severe back pain due to stress. For many men it manifests itself as lower back pain. For most women, the pain is experienced in the neck. Most good chiropractors will be able to help you with this pain but one thing they don't tell you is that the stretching and relaxation involved with yoga can reduce symptoms and remove pain as well. If you suffer from back pain occasionally or chronically yoga will change your life.
Anxiety and Depression:
Many of us experience anxiety and/or depression at some point during our lives. left untreated, depression and anxiety can lead to serious diseases that will negatively impact the quality of our lives and those around us. We all need to be very aware of the potential for anxiety and depression and Yoga provides an outstanding treatment as well as an antidote for these negative influences on our lives.
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If you are looking to learn
yoga exercises and want simple easy to follow guidance, take a look at my new online training program so you too can enjoy the amazing benefits that yoga brings.
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A Pilates DVD To Keep You In Shape
Vino RayenPilates is all the rage in just about every gym and health club across the USA and the world. It is an excellent method of exercising that helps you get into shape without making you sore.
Whoever came up with the slogan 'no pain no gain' obviously wasn't thinking of Pilates when they said it!
Pilates exercise was named after Joseph Pilates. During the early 1900s he was a boxer, living in England. During WWI, Pilates a German prisoner of war and he came up with his exercise system based on yoga, Zen philosophy, and many exercises he had found in Roman and Greek history. His method become a whole body approach to health and benefited many of his fellow prisoners of war improving their health and chance of survival.
The modern version of the Pilates prison camp workout is a series of exercises that improve the strength and flexibility of your body through a series of coordinated stretching and balancing exercises.
The Pilates Method can improve the following areas or conditions of your body:
Injury Prevention & Recovery
Improved Alignment
Enhanced Breathing & Circulation
Increased Strength, Flexibility & Balance
Improved Muscle Tone, Energy & Mental Concentration.
Pilates is recommended by chiropractors the help strengthen the back and spine. After using the Pilates system consistently for several weeks a person will notice increased mobility in the joints, improved circulation, a flatter stomach, and a thinner waist and thighs. Pilates can also help strengthen the body from the inside out by focusing on the whole body and whole body movements which help blood flow to almost all of your organs which in turn helps to relieve stress and anxiety.
Perhaps the best part of Pilates is the fact that it can be done from the privacy of your own living room. That's right, with the quality of Pilates DVDs you can pop a disc into your player, move the coffee table out of the way and you are exercising before you know it. Going to the gym is great but many people feel self conscious and people look over at them and watch them exercise.
This is especially true of people who are shy or perhaps a little overweight or maybe a lot overweight to the point where they don't want to go out of their home.
With a Pilates DVD, you don't have to go out of your home which makes it much easier for people to work out. Sometimes people who want to work out don't live close to the gym or it takes 15 to 20 minutes to get there. Before you know it you have spent an hour commuting back and forth to the gym and who has that kind of time?
Because Pilates is such a low impact routine, it is very attractive to those recovering from an injury, the eldery, and the overweight. By increasing circulation Pilates helps to reduce weight gradually.
The benefits of Pilates are many and the best part is it can be done right in the privacy of your own home with a high quality Pilates DVD.
If you are looking to get started in pilates and want simple easy to follow guidence, take a look at my new online training program so you too can enjoy the amazing benefits that pilates brings.
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pilates dvd can be found at If you are looking to get started in pilates and want simple easy to follow guidance, take a look at my new online training program so you too can enjoy the amazing benefits that pilates brings.
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Yoga Past and Present
Ashish BhattacharyaYoga's history has many places of anonymity and ambiguity due to its oral transmission of sacred texts and the secretive nature of its teachings. But the roots of Yoga can be traced back to more than 5000 years.
The Past
The earliest reference to Yoga was found when archaeological excavations where made in the Indus valley. Where old carvings depict a figure that some archaeologists think represents a yogi sitting in a traditional cross-legged yoga pose with its hands resting on its knees meditating.
Yoga's long rich history can be divided into four main periods of development: the Vedic Period, Pre-Classical Period, Classical Period, and Post-Classical Period.
Vedic Period
The existence of the Vedas marks this period. The Vedas contains the oldest known Yogic teachings and as such, teachings found in the Vedas are called Vedic Yoga. This is portrayed by rituals and ceremonies that try to go beyond the limitations of the mind.
During this time, the Vedic people relied on rishis or dedicated Vedic Yogis to teach them how to live in divine harmony.
Pre-Classical Yoga
The creation of the Upanishads marks the Pre-Classical Yoga. The Upanishads further explain the teachings of the Vedas.
Yoga shares some characteristics not only with Hinduism but also with Buddhism that we can trace in its history. During the sixth century B.C., Buddha started teaching Buddhism, which stresses the importance of Meditation and the practice of physical postures.
Later, around 500 B.C., the Bhagavad-Gita or Lord's Song was created and this is currently the oldest known Yoga scripture. It is devoted entirely to Yoga and has confirmed that it has been an old practice for some time. Just as the Upanishads further the Vedas, the Gita builds on and incorporates the doctrines found in the Upanishads.
Classical PeriodThe Classical Period is marked by another creation - the Yoga Sutra. Written by Patanjali around the second century, it was an attempt to define and standardize Classical Yoga.
Patanjali's Eightfold path of Yoga also called Eight Limbs of Classical Yoga. These are:
1. Yama, which means social restraints or ethical values;
2. Niyama, which is personal observance of purity, tolerance, and study;
3. Asanas or physical exercises;
4. Pranayama, which means breath control or regulation;
5. Pratyahara or sense withdrawal in preparation for Meditation;
6. Dharana, which is about concentration;
7. Dhyana, which means Meditation; and
8. Samadhi, which means ecstasy.
Patanjali believed that each individual is a composite of matter and spirit; he believed that the two must be separated in order to cleanse the spirit - a direct contrast to Vedic and Pre-Classical Yoga that imply the union of body and spirit.
Patanjali's concept was prevailing for some centuries, so much so that some Yogis focused exclusively on Meditation and neglected their Asanas. It was only later that the belief of the body was sacred was revived and attention to the importance of the Asana was revitalized.
Post-classical Yoga
A great number of independent yoga schools and forms that where developed during the period after the Yoga sutras. As opposed to Patanjalis's Yoga, the Yoga of this era was, very much like the post-classical and Vedic traditions, characterized by the unification of body and mind.
Yogis of the past had not paid very much attention to the (physical) body, as they focused all their energy on contemplation and meditation. The new generation of Yogis however, developed a system where different exercises - in conjunction with deep breathing and meditation, would help keep the body young and prolong life. This also paved the way for the creation of Hatha Yoga, and other branches and schools of Tantra Yoga.
The Present
Modern Yoga is said to have begun by the young Swami Vivekananda from India made a deep impression on the American he introduced to. Yoga masters began to travel to the west, attracting attention and followers. In the 1920's, Hatha Yoga was strongly promoted in India with the life long work of T. Krishnamacharya . Krishnamacharya traveled through India giving demonstrations of yoga poses and opened the first Hatha Yoga School.
During the 1950s one of the foremost Yoga teachers of his time, Selvarajan Yesudian, wrote the book "Sport and Yoga", and it was through this book Yoga entered the world of sports. Today we can observe many athletes and sports teams that has incorporated Yoga in their injury reducing, strengthening and focus oriented training regimens.
In the middle of the 60s, Yoga got a real promotional boost when the Yogi Maharishi Mahesh taught Yoga to the famous pop-stars in the Beatles. Many other artists and musicians where influenced to take up Yoga as well.
Yoga became especially popular in Hollywood when Russian born Indra Devi, opened a Yoga studio in Hollywood in 1947. She taught movie starts like Gloria Swanson, Jennifer Jones and Robert Ryan, as well as educating hundreds of Yoga teachers.
Yoga todayYoga today has gained tremendously in popularity and has a following over 30 million people from all over the world and is the most rapidly growing health movement of today. From celebrities to the common man everybody is now aware of the health and mental benefits of yoga, in fact many doctors recommend yoga especially for stress and relaxation. New studies have shown a high success rate up to 73 percent for treating depression with sudharshan kriya, a pranayama technique taught in the U.S. as "The Healing Breath Technique."
People's attitude towards health, spirituality, way of life and our place in society have changed quite radically. As we suffer more and more from physical and psychological stress, and fight with new and old diseases, yoga seems if not the answer a friend indeed.
Ashish Bhattacharya is an exponent of oriental and alternative medicine. Armed with a degree in East Asian Therapies from China, he has worked in a
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Best Effective Yoga Exercises For Slim Waist
Nisha SharmaYoga in the latest discovery of the contemporary world and people are following the various asana's of yoga and it is giving them spiritual healing. Women have also started doing yoga, commonly yoga exercises waist as it is giving them peace and health. Yoga exercises waist is giving them what they most require and that is peace.
One thing which is very important about yoga exercises waist or any other exercises as it that it has to be practiced in the presence of some yoga experts otherwise yoga exercise waist may not be appropriate for you. You have practice these exercises under the tutelage of expert to get the desired effect.
With the rapid pace of industrialization and modernization, people are running away from doing work physically and because of which they are surrounded by the various lifestyle diseases.
Yoga exercise for waist is helping you to get away from the fat accumulation in body and promotes physical and mental health.
Yoga exercise waist help you to not just reducing the fat in and around waist and hips but at the same time it helps to maintain the level of fat in the body. There are some of the exercises or Pogasanas and Pranayamas followed by 20 minutes of relaxation techniques. This is important for yoga exercise waist.
For relaxation Shavasana, Makarasana or Yoganidra are used. The other yoga exercise waist like Vajrasana, Suryanamaskara, Pavanmuktasan, Bhujangasana, Salabhasana, Trikonasana, Hastapadasana, Cakrasana, Dhanurasana, Viparitkarani, Sarvangasana and Pranayamas as followed by relaxation postures.
Remember these are name of the yoga exercise waist and some of these are having positive impact on the other part of the body, but you need to practice these exercise under the able guidance of the yoga teacher. There are other yoga exercises waist also which are healing and giving you
positive impact.
Surya Namaskar: It is considered as the best exercise for human body. Surya Namaskar
consists of important Yogasanas and Pranayama. The Pranayama and thus its advantages are skillfully incorporated in Surya Namaskar. The Mantras (Bija Mantras), which are chanted before practicing, are also very useful.
There are different positions of Surya Namaskar and these positions are as under:
1. Inhale and maintain the standing position with hands joined together near chest, feet together and toes touching each other.
2. Exhale and bend forward in the waist till palms touch the ground in line with the toes. Don't bend knees while performing. At first you may find it difficult to attain the ideal position but try to bend as much as possible without bending in knees. Remember, while exhaling bend forward in the waist, palm touching the ground, fingers pointing forward, thumbs at 90 degree angle, legs straight, try to touch the forehead to the knees and relax the neck.
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Nisha Sharma is staff writer at She writes on women relationship and Psychology. Visit for more about women.
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Yoga For Better Sleep
Nancy WileThe ability of yoga to reduce muscle tension, slow your heart rate and calm a racing mind provides the perfect recipe for a good night's sleep. There is growing evidence that small behavioral changes in the evening can make a big difference in getting a restful sleep. A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that participants who made modifications, like learning relaxation techniques, improved their sleep more than those who took drugs.
Certain yoga exercises will help your body and your mind relax more and prepare for sleep.
Here are a few postures and exercises that are particularly helpful:
1) Supported Standing Forward Bend
This gentle yoga posture helps relieve tension in your neck and shoulders while quieting your nervous system.
• Fold a blanket and place it on a chair
• Stand facing the chair (about 1 to 2 feet away) with your feet parallel and a little wider than hip width apart
• Fold forward from your hips (keeping your back flat - reaching forward with your chest)
• Place your forehead on the blankets
• Place your hands towards the back of the chair with your forearms resting on the chair (you can also hold onto opposite elbows with your forearms touching the top of your head)
• Let your arms, shoulders, head and face relax completely
• Breathe slowly and deeply through your nose for 12-15 breaths
• Slowly come back up, using your hands to help push you back up
2) Legs Up the Wall
This gentle yoga postures triggers the relaxation response, slowing the heart, breath and brain waves.
• Place a mat or blanket flush against a wall
• Sit with your right side next to the wall (legs out in front of you)
• Lean onto your elbows
• Swing your legs up the wall as your head moves away from the wall
• Place your hands at your sides and close your eyes
• Move your head from side to side 4-5 times
• Relax your belly and breathe deeply into your belly - breathing through your nose
• Stay in this position for 2-3 minutes
• Bring your knees to your chest and roll onto your side
• When you are ready, come back to sitting
3) Child's Pose
Child's pose relaxes the back and neck, while gently stretching your spine. It also provides a gentle massage to abdominal organs leading to greater relaxation.
• Kneel down and sit back towards your heels as much as you can
• Fold forward from the hips, bringing your upper body to your thighs and your forehead to the floor
• Place your arms on the floor next to your legs with your palms up
• Breathe into your belly, allowing it to expand into your thighs as you inhale and relax as you exhale
• Remain in this position for 8-10 breaths
• Raise your upper body and return to kneeling position
4) Diaphragmatic Breathing
Traditional yogic breathing provides a natural stress release and helps the heartbeat to slow down as the diaphragm stimulates the vagus nerve.
• You can start sitting or lying on your back. Since you are trying to sleep, start on your back.
• Place your hands on your belly
• Begin breathing slowly and deeply through your nose
• Breathe into the lower part of your lungs first, allowing your belly to rise on inhale, fall back on exhale
• Allow your belly to naturally rise and fall with breath (no pushing)
• Focus completely on your breath, letting go of other thoughts or distractions.
• Complete 10-12 breaths, then let your breath become natural again
5) Manage your stress
Pay attention to your stress level. Excessive stress can lead to tight and knotted muscles, as well as a racing mind. Taking a yoga class is a great way to not only relieve stress, but to also learn how to manage your stress levels throughout the day. Yoga teaches you how to find peace in every day life, as well as during more stressful times.
To learn tips and yoga exercises for better sleep, visit:
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The Many Benefits of Yoga
Vino RayenYou may have heard the buzz around in regards to yoga and its all true as there are many benefits of Yoga. For over 5000 years, men women and children from all cultures have practiced the art of Yoga exercising the mind and body together to achieve high levels of flexibility, fitness, muscle tone and focus.
The World We Live In Keeps Going Faster and Faster
In the fast paced world we live in today, there is no doubt that we are obsessed with efficiency and output. We are continuing to try and cram more and more into each day that pases through our fast paced lives. The internet, the television, cell phones, hand held devices, fast food, fast cars, activities, we just don't seem to take time to wind down anymore. Even our relaxation is fast paced. Skiing, climbing, x games, adventure travel, It's crazy isn't it? we don't slow down much even when we are on vacation!
Practicing Yoga regularly can help you create more toned, flexible, muscles. It can improve your respiration, energy, and vitality. Yoga can help you improve your metabolism and benefit your cardiovascular and circulatory health. Yoga can help to relieves chronic pain and will make you look and feel younger than you are.
Some of the other benefits of Yoga include:
• Pain Prevention
• Better Breathing
• Mental Calmness
• Stress Reduction
• Body Awareness
You DO Have the Time for Yoga
Yoga is something you can do every day for as little as 15 minutes and in that time you can slow things down in your life. Taking time for yourself is important, and something not very many of do very well.
There is no doubt that stress is the #1 killer these days and it affects all parts of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual processes. The good news is that you can correct for the stress in your life through yoga and the practice of meditation.
The meditative techniques used in yoga help you to achieve an emotional balance through detachment. What this means is that the meditation creates a condition where you are not affected of what is happening around you. This intrinsic focus creates a remarkable calmness in you and that transform into a positive outlook. A positive outlook on live has been proven to have a tremendous positive impact on your mental and physical health.
Yoga is the Original Total Body (and mind) Workout Program
Yoga through meditation and stretching out the whole body, including internal organs, is able to achieve harmony between the mind and the body. How often do you find during the day you are unable to function normally because you are feeling tired, confused, and having trouble concentrating. It seems like daily stress is weighing down heavily upon you and sometimes that can even keep you up at night.
The main purpose of Yoga is to create an environment or series of conditions that allow you to unite the mind, the body, and the spirit. For centuries, it is said Yogis have believed that the mind and the body are one, and that if it's given the right environment, the body can achieve harmony and heal itself. Yoga can help your body become more flexible and it will help you to be able to relax even in the midst of a stressful situation. There are so many benefits of Yoga why not start today and begin to feel better, find more energy, and become happier and more peaceful.
If you are looking to get started in yoga and want simple easy to follow guidance, take a look at my new online training program so you too can enjoy the
benefits of yoga.
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Yoga in the Workplace
Singh VineetOriginated from a Sanskrit word meaning "Union", Yoga is a philosophical system aimed at regaining harmony of body, mind, heart and soul. One has to understand that all forms of yoga helps in educating methods of concentration to control the mind & primitive consciousness, and bring the physical body under control of the will. With its ancient roots four thousand years ago in India, its intention now is same as it was in the initial days. In fact in past couple of years, this art has gained its popularity and has taken place in the mainstream. Many employers, of all industries are following a proactive approach to employee wellness by offering yoga in the workplace.
With the rise in hectic work schedule, now its recognition is increasing into the corporate working culture. These days' employees and employers are becoming more conscious about the simplicity of yoga and its benefits. Looking at the present scenario, it has been widely accepted and available during leisure time in community centers, and even fitness centers. As per recent studies, it has the ability to reduce the number of sick days in the workplace and recuperate the overall health of people who practice yoga. It also helps in lowering health care costs.
Yoga in workplace can further help your employees in improving mental and physical state of mind and completing their tasks more effectively. In Britain and many other European countries, there has been drastic increase in the practice of yoga in office place. The most interesting facet of this practice is now many employers who fund exercise programs for their employees are starting to rule in favor of yoga instead of standard gym membership. Moreover, research shows a person who is undisturbed and at the peak of his mental and physical health can perform better in the workplace.
Yoga is not just about stretching and relaxing; it is a concept or method to attain physical and mental health, well-being and personal growth. It is the practice of putting the body into different positions while retaining controlled breathing. These days, it is practiced not only for overcoming from stress, but also to live in a new meaningful manner. Yoga is a system of healing and self-transformation based in wholeness and unity.
Research confirms that it also offer the following benefits in the workplace like relief from headaches & menstrual cramps, and emotional calmness. So definitely yoga in workplace can bring balance to a busy and stressful workday. It further improves flexibility, build strength and relieve back & shoulder pain.
Yoga is a method of life, an incorporated education system that educates the intelligence, body and inner spirit to stay alive in harmony.
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The Role Flexibility Plays In Improving Your Health
Mark Bromson, M.D.There is so much health information available nowadays-it's a real challenge trying to keep up with it...I'm sure you feel the same way. And it's easy to overlook many important health issues that can be very beneficial to your health and longevity.
That's why Healthy Answers helps to provide you with answers on topics that don't get all the attention they deserve
That brings me to the topic of Flexibility.
Increased flexibility provides you with a number of health benefits. When you are more flexible, you feel better. Your body works better. You are less likely to become injured. You can exercise without discomfort and without getting too sore the next day.
Increasing your flexibility through stretching does many good things. It increases your range of motion, so you are able to move with less resistance and with less energy.
When your muscles are flexible, you will notice that you have better posture. This makes you look better and also improves how well you breathe. Flexibility through stretching also helps to move nutrients into your muscles by increasing the blood flow in your body.
When it comes to the best way to improve your flexibility, I recommend yoga.
The Benefits of Yoga to Your Body and Mind... And It's Easier Than You Think!
There are a number of reasons that I like yoga. First, it uses static stretches. That means you get into a position and hold it for a time rather than bouncing. Static stretches are safer and result in fewer injuries. I've also found that they work better for increasing flexibility.
I also like yoga because it goes well beyond your typical stretching routine. It works muscles in combination and includes smaller muscle stretches that are easy to overlook, but are very important to how well your body works.
Finally, I've found that diminishing flexibility is almost always accompanied by stress. Yoga doesn't just help you to stretch and lengthen your muscles-it also helps you to release stress. And who wouldn't like that?
In a study of the benefits of yoga, researchers found that people who practice yoga for six months report improved flexibility, higher energy levels and a better sense of well-being.1
Other studies have found that yoga increases both strength and flexibility and that it may help to control blood pressure and build exercise capacity.2
Yoga is best learned in a class setting with an experienced instructor. A class setting means the instructor can see your posture and form and help you make corrections where needed. But if you're not able to find or afford a yoga class then I recommend you check at the local YMCA or community adult centers for free classes.
There are also many yoga DVDs that provide excellent and simple instruction that you can do in the comfort of your home. You can Google yoga to discover many sites like: or for a great selection of material.
Mark Bromson M.D. Oken BS, et al. "Randomized, controlled, six-month trial of yoga in healthy seniors: effects on cognition and quality of life," Altern Ther Health Med 2006; 12(1): 40-7
2 Raub JA, "Psychophysiologic effects of Hatha Yoga on musculoskeletal and cardiopulmonary function: a literature review," J Altern Complement Med 2002; 8(6): 797-812
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Who Me, Yoga?
Peb BPart of my quest for self improvement is the implementing of an exercise program that really fits my interests and capacities. I'm no couch potato, but neither am I a pumped up muscular guy. I am the average height and weight proportional guy.
I have given alot of thought to the style of regular exercise that I would partake of regularly. The stationary bikes, stair climbers, and weight machines at the standard gym tend to bore me fairly quickly, andd thereby I tend to drop my routine. Swimming and jogging are ok by me.
However I am not particularly interested in either one for long term regular exercise.
A, what I thought at the time, strange idea entered my mind. Yoga. I knew a few people who practiced yoga and swore by it. I became resolved that I would seek out a yoga outlet and give it a try. To my surprise, there were dozens of yoga "gyms" and classes in my community, and thus finding one nearby was an easy task.
Talking with the receptionist was a different experience altogether. I let it be known that I was interested in a beginner's class, assuming yoga was, well, yoga. The lovely voice from the other end of the phone asked if i was interested in Hatha, Ashtanga, Kundalini, or Bikram yoga. In all honesty I felt like she was reading the menu from an Indian Restaurant to me. It was explained that Hatha Yoga is the mthod that most of us are already accustomed to to some degree. Thus I enrolled. Eleven classes for ninety dollars. Not a bad price at all, yet I had no idea what to expect.
I was told to wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing and that we were to be barefoot. I moved ahead with some trepidation, picturing myself surrounded by twenty first century "hippies". To my surprise the class was a mix of age ranges, genders, and physical condition. I would assume the youngest were in their early twenties, ranging upwards to the early fifties.
We were given mats, and our instructor informed us that her mother, a senior citizen had become interested in, and was practicing yoga.
The lights were dim, the mood very relaxed. We sat in comforable positions and repeated three times the famous "auuum" chant. This was followed up by some truly beautiful chanting by our instructor, who then gently eased us into a variety of positions or poses interspersed with brief meditations. Before I knew it the 90 minute class was over. I was not exhausted and sweaty. In fact, I felt very relaxed, and physically I felt like I had given myself a full body massage. I was sold on it. The people in the class all looked serene and satisfied.
My particular locale has a menu to choose from in terms of courses, and I for one, am looking forward to sampling them all with my newfound exercise. Yoga.
Peb shares his thoughts.
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Understanding the Benefits of Yoga
Nikki DavilaThe benefits of yoga are numerous. That is why more and more people would like to get into it. If you are just about to embark on the journey of learning the discipline, you should know more about what yoga can do for you. Here are only some of what you can expect from practising yoga.
* Overall Harmony
It is important to note that the ultimate goal of yoga is to provide harmony among the body, mind and spirit. This is the end result of all the physical, mental and psychological improvements that a person achieves through yoga. With a harmonized self, one's outlook and approach to everything change and improve. You are no longer hampered by mental or physical problems. One can function better and heal better through yoga.
* Awareness
Yoga will also help you understand possible causes of physical or psychological discomfort or pain. Practitioners realize at an early stage if there is something amiss with body alignment, posture, body parts and even with one%u62AF emotions. Recognizing troubled spots early can help you correct them earlier.
* Stress Management
The techniques in yoga can help relieve stress and tension in the mind and body. One is taught meditation, proper breathing, detachment from thoughts and feelings and concentration in the here and now. All these can help a person become calmer and develop a more positive perspective.
* Pain Management
One of the most celebrated benefits of yoga is the management of pain. This can be achieved through different means depending on your pain condition. Yoga in itself improves a person's physical strength and alignment, which is crucial in reducing some types of pain such as muscle or back pain. For more serious pain conditions, yoga induces overall relaxation and even the release of natural pain relievers in the body. Advanced yoga practitioners who have intense chronic pain can even learn to detach themselves or view their pain from a different perspective through yoga.
* Flexibility and Strength
Some people may have daily jobs and routines that prevent sufficient exercise of body parts, muscles, joint and ligaments. This can lead to rigidity and even chronic pain. Yoga can help exercise rarely moved body parts, hence improving flexibility and widening the range of motions that one can achieve. The movements in yoga can also help improve physical strength and stamina and help stimulate internal organs.
* Internal Healing
Yoga has been known to have an impact on a wide range of diseases and their symptoms. Generally, yoga helps improve overall circulation and organ function which results in a cleaner, more nourished system. In particular, yoga has been proven to be beneficial for those who suffer from arthritis, asthma, high blood pressure and diabetes. Yoga has even been known to help combat obesity and premature aging.
The benefits of yoga are just too many to be ignored. If you want to improve your body, health and outlook in life, you should consider learning yoga now. It is simply the best way to heal and harmonize your entire self.
Know that you understand the numerous
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online yoga guide. You will discover everything you would like know to help you practise and achieve a better self.
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Regular Practice of Yoga Exercises
Roberts BairdPresent-Minded Awareness Breath
The regular practice of yoga teaches us that there is only the present moment, that time is a concept that exists solely in the imagination. The tendency to drift into past memories and future plans takes you away from yourself, making you insensitive to what is going on around you every moment of the day.
Practicing the Present-Minded Awareness Breath will help you learn to stay in the present, so that you can put all of your energy into working toward your goals. By keeping your energies on what you can do in the present, you get on with your life and reduce your worries about the future.
Improves focus, concentration, and awareness of the need to stay in the moment
Practice moving your arms as slowly as you can, until you have the body and breath coordinated. Observe; stay in the moment of simply "being." Bring yourself back into each moment of each day, no matter how trivial your task.
1. Lie on the floor on your back with your arms at your sides, palms facing up, and legs extended, feet slightly apart. Inhaling, raise your arms above your head.
2. Exhaling, bring your arms down to the floor at your sides, while bending your right knee to your chest.
3. Inhaling, raise your arms overhead, palms facing up, while straightening your right leg parallel to the floor.
4. Repeat by slowly raising and lowering each alternate leg 6 times with the corresponding arm movements.
5. Release and then draw your right knee to your chest. Loosely interlock your fingers around your knee.
6. Inhale slowly, and exhale 112 times longer than your inhalation.
7. Repeat for a total of 7 slow breaths, then change legs. Repeat this breath with your left leg drawn into your chest.
8. Release your leg and lie quietly. Enjoy the feeling of being in the moment.
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Yoga Stretching Exercises
David SwansonNo one is nearly as relaxed as we would like to be. Relaxation is not something that is unattainable. When it comes to our bodies, our stress levels and our ability to enjoy life, there are a number of different things that we can do to take control. Yoga stretching exercises are one of the greatest tools we can use to help us lower our stress level so that we are able to calm down. Hundreds of thousands of people across the globe use Yoga stretching exercises for one reason or another. It does not matter whether you are using it as a way to focus and direct your spiritual energy or to simply get yourself grounded before you start your day.
Yoga stretching exercises are low-impact ways to make sure that your whole body is awakened. You will go through a gentle series of prescribed moves that you will perfect and refine every day. In Yoga, there is no competition. The only person whose progress you are supposed to be watching is your own. You will find that with a little bit of work, you will be able to get your morning started with just a few simple moves. One of the best parts about Yoga is that it is infinitely variable. You can perform it as a series of slow, segmented movements, or you can speed it up and keep it consistent in order to get your heart rate up and keep it up.
When you are getting started with your Yoga stretching exercises, remember that just like any exercise, you should start small and build up in intensity. There are some moves that should simply not be tried until you have gone through a series of simpler moves. Luckily, Yoga stretching exercises are cumulative. If you are just getting started, you will build up your practice on a firm foundation of simple moves that will grow in difficulty and complexity. Do not be concerned if you have issues like an old back injury or weak knees; there are a number of different ways to proceed through each movement, and you will find that with a little bit of work, you will be able to find the variation that works for you.
One of the most important benefits of Yoga stretching exercises is that you will learn how to breathe. The breathing you do in Yoga, like everything else, is very deliberate and controlled.
You will inhale with some positions, as in the "upward facing dog", and you will exhale with other positions, like cat. When you learn to breathe appropriately in situations like this, you will find that your breathing in general becomes more controlled and that you will find yourself with a great deal more energy.
If you are looking for a way to feel more energized and add more pep to your life, you may very well be able to do so with Yoga stretching exercises. Open your mind up to the idea that this ancient art can help you in a very modern context. To learn more about Yoga stretching exercises, visit
yoga stretching exercises.
Find the latest information on
Benefits of Yoga as well as
Yoga Moves-----------------------------------------------------------------------
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Yoga vs Gym Workouts - Which is Better?
Ezekiel MartinezCan Wilmington Yoga replace going to the gym?
Even the most enthusiastic "yogi" will tell you that yoga doesn't do it all for them -claiming that they feel the strongest and healthiest when they combine yoga with high intensity cardiovascular and weightlifting exercise.
For most people, a solid yoga session is more beneficial than the "typical gym workout", which looks a little something like this...
Spend 30 minutes getting ready, making sure I look cute. Look myself up and down in the mirror. Take a deep breath before entering the loud, busy gym. Swipe my card on the machine. Compare myself to everyone else around me. Wait 5 minutes for this loud and obnoxious man to get off the machine on my checklist. Ok. Thigh Adductor Machine- 15reps. Check. Thigh Abductor Machine- 15 reps. Check. Ok. I see where this is going. Next machine...
Just imagine how disappointed you would be after going through this routine for months, only to see that your efforts produced little to negative results. So, here are 5 truths that will help you achieve that lean and taut body you desire in less time...
1. The Benefits of Yoga
The two most effective benefits of yoga are increasing flexibility and increasing lubrication of the joints, ligaments and tendons - yoga has positions that act upon the various joints of the body including those joints that are never really on the 'radar screen' let alone exercised.
Contact me if you want a recommendation to a great yoga instructor in Wilmington, NC.
2. The Redundancy of Long, Slow Workouts
The 60-90 minute lackadaisical workout you've been doing is redundant and useless because of your yoga training. Yoga is aerobic in nature. If you aren't pushing yourself hard enough during your workout, then that too becomes aerobic in nature.
Experts suggest supplementing yoga with short, intense workouts to build anaerobic capacity, which is not trained in most yoga classes.
3. The Truth About Anaerobic vs. Aerobic Training
What's the difference? Well, for the sake of keeping this article at a readable size - just Google it. What you do need to know is that anaerobic conditioning improves your performance in all areas of your life - including aerobic activities.
However, this does not work the other way around, aerobic exercise will not improve your anaerobic capacity- it actually produces a catabolic effect by tearing down the proteins in your muscles.
4. Accountability to Others
I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to train in a group dynamic.
We've all done it - tried to work out in our home or at the park by ourselves. It doesn't work. You know deep down inside you don't push yourself as hard as you do in front of a group cheering you on. Outside perspective also plays a key role in developing good form - take advantage of constructive criticism by your peers. Ultimately, it comes down to being accountable for your work; make sure you find an instructor who cares when you miss a class/workout.
5. Short, High Intensity Workouts
The best supplement for yoga training is a strength and conditioning fitness program that focuses on functional movements performed at high intensity. This type of strenuous exercise is the perfect complement for a calm and relaxing practice such as yoga - implementing both into your routine will help you physically, mentally and perhaps even spiritually.
So, do you think yoga can completely replace going to the gym or just the gym you go to?
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by Ezekiel Martinez
Rolando Ezekiel Martinez is the co-founder of Crossfit Coastal. CrossFit Coastal is a collective of dedicated trainers brought together by the belief in the Foundations of CrossFit. The stimulus provided is always varied and the results are dramatic. The atmosphere is one of support and camaraderie to anyone willing to put in the work.
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Predictions for Yoga in 2008
Megan McDonoughAs we begin the New Year, it's time once again to follow in Nostradamus's footsteps and play the game we've been playing for centuries: predicting what the future will hold. This year I'm taking a stab at yoga predictions-forecasting what's going to happen in this field for 2008 and beyond.
My predictions don't come from staring into a crystal ball or reading organic tea leaves. I came to these conclusions after reading and researching industry data, interviewing industry experts-including Ila Sarley, president of Kripalu Center, and John Kepner, executive director of the International Association of Yoga Therapists-and observing from my viewpoint as both a yoga teacher and a consultant in the wellness industry.
As you read my forecasts, see if they ring true for you. If yes, consider if and how you are positioning your business in response to what the future may bring.
1. Yoga's cup will overflow as growth continues. More teachers becoming certified and more venues offering yoga equals more competition between teachers and studios. In response to yoga's increasing availability and the wide variety of yoga options, consolidation and specialization will occur, with big players getting bigger and solo practitioners cultivating specialized niches.
2. You'll need to stand out to stay in. The yoga professionals who differentiate themselves with an approach or style that stands out will have a distinct advantage. While ten years ago people asked, "What is yoga?," the question now is "How is this yoga different from all other yogas?"
3. Yoga will be on the move. Yoga will continue to migrate into new territory beyond the standard studio or gym. Think yoga at your desk, for specific populations, or at out-of-the-box locations.
4. Yoga will step out of the waiting room and into the doctor's office. Yoga will continue to make headway in the health-care establishment as it becomes more and more widely accepted as a complementary alternative medicine. As this migration occurs, more structure will be needed, including peer-reviewed research studies to measure the efficiency for standardized protocols of yoga care.
5. Yoga will take up permanent residence on Madison Avenue. Companies looking to associate their products or services with a wellness lifestyle-even if it has nothing to do with wellness-will turn to yoga imagery. A sexy yogini sipping a glass of wine while sitting in lotus position on the hood of a car is not out of the question.
6. Asia will be the next growth market for yoga. More teachers will answer the call to bring yoga to Hong Kong, and you'll see more Asians attending yoga conferences and teacher training programs in the United States.
7. You'll want to think lifestyle, not just asana. Yoga's growth is part of a bigger wellness trend. Those who want to capitalize on this broader trend will add more ancillary services-such as nutritional programs, exercise routines, spa services, and wellness consultations-to their yoga offerings.
8. You'll see more yoga in cyberspace. Convenience is always an advantage in our busy lives. That's why yoga is moving out of the studio (see prediction number three) and that's why you'll see more options in the coming year for virtual yoga classes online.
9. Next-level training services for yoga and wellness professionals will be on the rise. With the overall growth of the wellness industry, new training programs to support practitioners will be in demand, including advanced professional development and business training.
10. Yoga will continue to touch and transform your life and the lives of your students in 2008.
Happy New Year!
For more information about Yoga's Evolution in America's Wellness Revolution, go to McDonough helps you get clear so you can get positive results. Along with teaching yoga, she's the award-winning author of Infinity in a Box, a marketing consultant for mind/body organizations including Kripalu Center, and a corporate trainer to companies such as the American Cancer Society.
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Benefits of Yoga
Bob A NicholsonOne of the perks of practicing yoga regularly is achieving harmony between our body and soul. Many times we find that we cannot perform daily activities because of the chaos going on in our minds.
Yoga benefits are a sense of remarkable calmness... a positive outlook on life, which also benefits the physical health of the body.
Stress impacts us physically and emotionally. Yoga helps to relieve us of our stress. The end result is a balanced body and soul.
The various poses performed within a yoga routine help increase flexibility. The poses trigger the different joints of the body that are typically not used in other exercise routines.
Yoga also increases the lubrication of joints, ligament and tendons. The well-researched yoga positions exercise the different tendons and ligaments of the body.
For those just starting out doing yoga, you will find that your body may be rigid when performing the various poses. If you keep yoga as your workout routine, you will notice quite a remarkable increase in your flexibility in a short bit of time.
Be sure to have the necessary
Yoga Accessories.
In addition to the joint, ligament and tendon benefits yoga brings, yoga also benefits the body's internal organs. Yoga may be the only workout type that massages and stimulates the body's internal organs.
All of these benefits have an ultimate one of keeping illness and disease at bay. Those performing yoga are in tune to their bodies and have a sense of forewarning at the first possible sign of illness or disease; obviously, enabling the yoga practitioner to take pre-emptive corrective action.
Another benefit of yoga is complete body detoxification. As yoga gently stretches the muscles and joints and stimulates the various organs, yoga ensures the optimum blood supply throughout the body.
By achieving optimal blood supply, toxins are flushed out of your body and total nourishment is accomplished. The resulting side effect includes delayed ageing, increased energy and a remarkable zest for life.
Yoga is also an excellent way to tone your muscles. Muscles which have been flaccid and weak are stimulated repeatedly to shed excess fats and flaccidity.
In addition to these numerous physical benefits, yoga brings harmony to the mind and, which results in quantum benefits.
People have experienced mind over matter again and again. This has enabled people to achieve extraordinary physical feats. This indicates the extraordinary power behind the connection between the mind and body.
Yoga is a form of meditation. Just as meditation does, yoga brings unity to mind, body and spirit which can lead to an experience of eternal bliss.
The meditative practices through yoga help in achieving an emotional balance through detachment.
The overall results of these yoga benefits are a sense of remarkable calmness as well as a positive outlook on life, which also has tremendous benefits on the physical health of the body.
I am a practitioner of yoga and detail much of what I found to be useful at
Yoga Workout Advice-----------------------------------------------------------------------
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Do You Know The Differences Between Yoga And Pilates?
Mike SelvonAside from being celebrities, what do Jennifer Aniston, Cindy Crawford, Hugh Grant, Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow, Uma Thurman, Rod Stewart and Kristi Yamaguchi have in common? They've all hopped on the yoga and pilates trend for physical toning and spiritual relaxation!
There are some similarities between yoga and pilates, notably that they both work towards sculpting the body and increasing flexibility. Neither exercise will work the heart or lungs like a cardiovascular workout will, but they both add to an overall state of mental and physical wellbeing.
Yoga and pilates are so similar that they're often fused together in workout videos and yoga pilates classes across America, although it's sort of a Western fusion. In India, it is something entirely different than the German-created pilates.
Clear differences between yoga and pilates include some of the following: First, it is an ancient Indian practice that dates back approximately 5,000 years, whereas pilates is an adaptation of it dating back eighty years to a German athlete, Joseph Pilate.
Secondly, in addition to physical activity, it is an entire holistic program that encompasses diet, meditation, breathing techniques, religious edict and a moral code; Pilates is simply a form of exercise and body sculpting technique.
Thirdly, it aims to unite mind and body, as well as cleanse the body of toxins, while pilates is fashioned to strengthen, define and improve posture. Additionally, in it, you are taught to inhale and exhale through the nose, whereas pilates employs the traditional athletic mode of breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth while performing an action.
Lastly, it can generally be done with just a mat (although sometimes props are used), while instructors ensure everyone's in proper form; pilates, on the other hand, has specific machinery designed to assist practitioners.
Athletes and dancers often engage in "pilates for sports" classes, either in large groups or one-on-one with an instructor. However, one needn't attend a class to get started with pilates -- in fact, there are many videos (Eleonora Goya, Dian Ramirez, Leslie Sansone, Kathy Smith, Denise Austin, Karen Voight, The Method yoga, MTV, Prevention, etc). Of course, you won't get quite the same workout without the elaborate weight systems, but it could be a good launching point for people who are curious but not quite ready to commit to a gym or studio.
Some of the most popular videos include:
- "Yoga Zone";
- "Living Yoga - AM/PM";
- "Total Yoga: The Flow Series";
- "Yoga: Mind & Body with Ali Macgraw";
- "Crunch Yoga Mama: Prenatal Yoga";
- "Yoga Practice For Strength";
- "Ashtanga Yoga with Richard Freeman";
- "The Power of Hatha Yoga" and;
- "Kundalini Yoga: With Grace and Strength."
For the practitioners seeking spiritual teaching as well, classes and center training are best. Choosing between either classes or videos is all just a matter of preference.
Mike Selvon's
yoga portal has some more useful information on
yoga and pilates. Visit his web site and leave a comment at his
yoga therapy blog.
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Be Stress Free With Yoga
Jonathon HardcastleEver thought about yoga? Yeah, you probably have - it's for hippies, right? Well actually yoga has become a very widespread pastime across the world, as both a physical and intellectual challenge to the body. The strict discipline combined with utter relaxation necessary to successfully undertake yoga contributes towards its appeal. Furthermore, if you're looking to shed a few pounds, you'd be surprised how quickly yoga can get you back into shape. In this article, we'll look why yoga is beneficial, and how you can get involved in your local area, wherever you live!
Yoga is quite simply a great form of exercise. It might seem like basic stretching to you, but it's a lot more than that. You need utter control of your breathing, and the gradual flexibility and elasticity which comes from training and relaxation. Take it slowly, and don't walk before you can run. Firstly, buy your equipment, i.e. suitable clothing and a yoga mat, which shouldn't cost too much. Find a space that's quiet and stress-free for you, and begin some light stretching exercises, breathing deeply in and out to release the stretch. Even doing this for an hour or so a week can make a vast improvement to your fitness and flexibility.
For some, yoga isn't just a hobby, it's a way of life. People find yoga a spiritual feeling, whilst others see it as a connection with nature. Either way, it is certainly relaxing, and can leave you looking and feeling great. With a few basic stretches in the morning, you can make sure you're bright and alert for work, ready to face the stresses and strains that are somewhat inevitable. A couple of stretches at night before bed time and you'll be ready to drift off into a deep relaxing sleep. The only downside is, you might not want to get up!
If you're looking to take part in yoga, you're bound to find a way that's close to home. Whether it's a class, instruction or simply a book of techniques, you can easily come across yoga in your local area. Check community center notice boards and local press for further information to find out what's going on and where, and to find out if it's suitable for you. Don't feel embarrassed about attending a class with others more experienced and capable than you - they will be more than happy to assist you on the path to enlightenment through yoga.
Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including
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Health, and
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Yoga And Meditation Go Hand-In-Hand
Mike SelvonWestern Researchers are currently studying the healing effects of beta-endorphins released during yoga and meditation that may be curing people of everything from asthma, ADHD and high blood pressure to diabetes, multiple sclerosis and cancer. "Ayudervedic healing," as it's called, has been in practice for over 5,000 years but didn't arrive in the United States until the 1970s. The healing is based on three areas -- diet, herbs and meditation yoga -- particularly "Sahaja Yoga."
In recent years, Sahaja yoga and meditation has caught a lot of media attention for its alleged healing properties, as well as its use at Rikers Island prison in New York City to treat mentally disturbed criminals. It is believed that Sahaja relaxation technique can instill a sense of deep spirituality and facilitates the release and circulation of beta-endorphins associated with wellness. The end goal of its meditation is a sense of inner awakening and union (sometimes referred to as "kundalini").
Students of this branch will study the three vertical energy channels within the human body: the sun channel (governing our thought processes), the parasympathetic / nervous system channel (governing our body processes) and the moon channel (governing our emotions).
In addition to these three channels, millions of chakras (literally translated from Sanskrit to mean "wheels" or energy centers) are swirling around us, keeping the channels in motion.
Chakras can vary from religion to religion, but Sahaja relaxation technique focuses on several in its yoga and meditation:
- the crown chakra (pituitary gland / consciousness);
- the third eye chakra (pineal gland / sleep and awakening);
- the throat chakra (thyroid / growth and maturity);- the heart chakra (thymus / stress and wellbeing);
- the solar plexus chakra (pancreas / digestion and energy);
- the sacral chakra (groin / sexuality and reproduction);
- and the root chakra (adrenal gland / basic fight or flight instincts and kundalini awakening).
Another study is the Raja relaxation technique tradition (the "king" of yoga or "royal path"), which is heavily steeped in spirituality. Practitioners believe in a serious code based upon self-restraint, quietude, concentration, regulation of breathing, uniting body and mind through action, withdrawing from the senses and studying religious texts.
Often retreats are offered (by places like the Margaret Austin Retreat Center in Texas or the Chopra Center in Carlsbad, California) to help students immerse themselves in a new way of thinking. Students will learn about the Eightfold Path and the seven chakras, in addition to yamas and niyamas (code of conduct and religious observances, respectively).
Curious parties can go to SahajaYoga website for more information on the teachers, philosophy and practice of yoga and meditation. If you're in the California region, another highly acclaimed meditation expert and retreat guide is Deepak Chopra, who can be found at Chopra website.
Also, if you go to the Yoga website studio search, you can look up Raja relaxation technique studios near you. IAYT has information regarding healing yoga.
Mike Selvon's
yoga portal has some more useful information on
yoga and meditation. Visit his web site and leave a comment at his
yoga therapy blog.
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