Four Basic Yoga Breathing Techniques
Raina SweetNO.1 Dirgha PranayamaIt's important, right from the beginning, to learn to breathe deeply and slowly in a controlled manner. This is known as dirgha pranayama (or simply, long or prolonged breathing).
The greatest amount of prana is absorbed by the nerve endings which line the lungs. Shallow breathing limits the amount of absorption, and therefore is a major cause of many of the chronic health problems that people face. The re-establishment of deep, full breathing is so important to re-gaining and maintaining good health.
Sit comfortably with your eyes closed and spine straight
Allow yourself to breathe naturally for a few minutes, letting go of any tension in your body and
calming your mind.
In the beginning breathe in and out deeply through the nose several times to ventilate the air that might have been stagnating in the respiratory tracts.
After several ventilating breaths, exhale the air through the mouth, trying to empty the lungs.
Maintain the empty lungs for a moment, without straining or forcing yourself.
Inhale slowly and uniformly through the nose, filling your lungs with as much air as possible.
Hold your breath with your lungs filled with air for a moment, but again do not force yourself to hold it for too long. In time, you will manage to hold your breath for longer intervals.
Slowly and uniformly exhale through the mouth, avoiding an explosive elimination of the air.
Note: Do every step in a controlled and calm manner.
Relax and take a few comfortable breaths in your own rhythm, and then try again a little deeper, as described above.
Again relax your breath for a few rounds when you feel the urge to do so.
Try a third set, without forcing yourself too much, or overdoing it.
When complete, lie down (in Shava Asana) and breathe in a relaxed fashion, inhaling and exhaling only through the nose now. Allow your body to let go of all tension, while at the same time just keeping your attention on your breath without trying to affect or direct it in any way.
Try to maintain your attention for at least 5 minutes before allowing yourself to let go off all efforts and relax completely. For NO.2, NO.3 and NO.4, please
NO2. Sukha Pranayama
'Sukha' is the Sanskrit word for 'easy'. We use this yoga breathing technique, (the easy breath) to help develop a slow and steady breathing rhythm.
Sit comfortably with your eyes closed and spine straight
Allow yourself to breathe naturally for a few minutes, letting go of any tension in your body and calming your mind.
When you feel at ease, begin inhaling and exhaling deeply and slowly, counting to 6 (roughly 6 seconds) during the inhalation, and likewise, 6 counts for the exhalation.
Perform 6 to 10 rounds of this breath and then allow yourself relax and breathe in an calm manner.
After a few moments, perform another 6 to 10 rounds of the sukha breathing rhythm.
Finish by lying down for 5 to 10 minutes, relaxing the breath and letting go of all tension.
After a few days, begin to increase the duration of practice, breathing in the sukha rhythm (6-count in and 6-count out) eventually up to 5 minutes at a time.
NO3. Sukha Purvaka PranayamaThe Sanskrit word 'sukha' means 'easy or pleasant'. 'Purvah' refers to 'that which precedes'. Therefore, sukha purvaka pranayama means 'the simple breath which must be mastered before proceeding to more difficult pranayamas'.
In this yoga breathing technique, we are introduced to the four distinct stages (or functions) of the breath:
The inhalation (puraka)
The held-in breath (kumbhaka)
The exhalation (rechaka)
The held-out breath (shunyaka)
Again, sit comfortably with your eyes closed and spine straight.
Allow yourself to breathe naturally for a few minutes, letting go of any tension in your body and calming your mind.
In this yoga breathing technique, breathing happens only through the nose.
NO.4 Vyaghrah Pranayama (the tiger breath)A wonderful yoga breathing technique to help open up the lungs and improve breathing capacity is the vyaghrah pranayama, the 'tiger-breath'. It is performed in chatus pada asana (on the hands and knees).
Inhale (to a 6-count) while slowly lowering the abdomen toward the floor and raising the head, neck and chin skyward into a nice back bend.
Exhale (again to a 6-count) and slowly lower the head, drawing your chin in towards the chest, while at the same time pushing firmly with the arms and raising the back into a nice high arch.
Repeat this movement with the corresponding breath 3 to 6 times.
Relax for a few breaths and then repeat another round of 6 to 9 repetitions.
Finish by lying down for 5 to 10 minutes, relaxing the breath and letting go of all tension.
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What is Yoga and How Can it Help Me Gain Peace of Mind, Lose Weight, and Feel Good?
Erica Goodstone, Ph.D.What is yoga and how can it help me?
Yoga, as it was traditionally taught in India, is an entire lifestyle including vegetarian diet, holding yoga postures as a form of exercise, relaxation, meditation, chanting and breathing. If you really do yoga the way it was developed over thousands of years, you would develop a calm demeanor, happy state of mind, ability to relax, concentrate, work and achieve whatever you desire in your life, almost effortlessly. However, if you think of yoga as just another form of exercise and you hold certain postures for brief periods of time, you will be loosening up some constricted neuromuscular patterns but you will not be fully engaging your mind, body and spirit. There will still be many important health benefits, certainly more than sitting on a couch watching TV.
Can yoga help me lose weight?
The yogic vegetarian diet is based upon thousands of years of tradition with an understanding of how different foods affect the mind, body and spirit. Yogic relaxation allows you to unstress you thinking and relax your internal organs so that they can function at their optimal level. Yogic breathing increased oxygenation of all your body cells, enhances the flow of blood into all your organs, and increases your mind's ability to focus on what you really want to attain in your life, including attaining your ideal weight. Yogic chanting facilitates the release of old mind habits and is another way for your body to let go of tension and for you to gain clarity of thought.
Meditation brings you to an even higher level of concentration, contemplation, visualization, and clarity which helps you to attain whatever goals you aspire to. Also, it is not just the yoga postures but the complete combination of diet, postures, meditation, chanting and breathing that will balance your mind/body/spirit and would create rebalancing your body chemistry until you attain your ideal weight.
Can yoga help you to lose weight. The answer is "Yes" if you do yoga with an understanding of the full complexity of this practice and if you approach your practice with real dedication. The answer is "No" if you just hold some postures for brief periods of time and do not understand the messages in your own body and mind.
Is yoga really exercise and does it hurt?
If you have not been exercising regularly or if you have done exercises that tighten your muscles, and then you begin to do some yoga stretches and hold these positions for awhile, you will probably feel a lot of pain in your muscles - for awhile. Just like any other exercise, yoga is an exercise. Moving your body in unfamiliar ways, especially if you have been holding tension in different places (e.g., your neck, your shoulders, your lower back), doing yoga stretches may help to loosen the tight fascia and connective tissues, but there may be some resistance in your body and in your mind, to change. Body posturing evolves over the years in response to all sorts of emotional reactions to people and events in your life. When you begin to move these postural tensions, the emotional memories stored in your brain and your body cells can be unleashed.
You may feel physical pain and soreness as well as emotional pain and soreness that you did not expect. The end result is often a more flexible and pain free body as well as a more peaceful and balanced mind.
How can yoga and meditation help me to alleviate stress??
The regular, consistent practice of either meditation or yoga can alleviate stress. But doing yoga once in awhile or attempting to meditate one time, will probably not only not relieve stress but it could create additional stress. The first few times you try yoga postures, your body may be tight and resistant and the postures may feel uncomfortable. You may also perform these postures incorrectly and create more stress in your body and in your mind.
Meditation can be difficult at the beginning. You may have thoughts running through your mind. Your body may feel agitated. You may find you have difficulty sitting still. The process of sitting quietly with your eyes closed may feel like torment to you if you are an active or hyper type of person.
However, if you decide to study yoga and/or meditation, and practice it regularly with the assistance of a qualified, experienced and compassionate instructor, then both yoga and meditation can produce results that go far beyond merely alleviating stress.
Dr. Erica Goodstone has helped thousands of men, women, couples, and groups to develop greater awareness of the issues in their relationships and their lives, to overcome and alleviate stressors and discords, and revitalize their relationships and their own mind-body-spirit connection. A former professor of health and physical education for over two decades, Dr. Goodstone taught courses in health education and alternative approaches, stress management, yoga (including relaxation, breathing, meditation, guided imagery, chanting, hatha yoga postures, and yogic nutrition), as well as many different physical activity and dance courses. In addition, she has trained in various body therapy methods and somatic body psychotherapy (combining talk with touch). Her main modalities are The Rubenfeld Synergy Method, Polarity Therapy, and Somatoemotional Release. Dr. Goodstone can be contacted through her web sites at and
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Get Into Yoga Clubs
Jizmack BaracerosYoga is one of the most popular forms of Alternative Medicine. In broad terms, it is a spiritual practice in Hinduism. A part of it, called "Asana" (or posture) is the one that has grown popular at present and is purely a form of physical and meditative exercise. Yoga as an exercise, is believed to be a good way to stay fit and healthy.
The primary function of a Yoga club is to provide scheduled Yoga lessons and/or sessions to its members. Usually, Yoga clubs conduct sessions at least once a week and for approximately 45 minutes.
There are more or less thousands of different Yoga positions; they are classified into three: poses for beginners, intermediate poses, and poses for advanced Yoga practitioners.
Yoga videos are available in almost all CD/DVD stores; some bookstores also have them. If you want, you can order Yoga Videos in several online shops. There are also Yoga clips in the net that you can view and download for free; although, these are basically short and fairly incomplete.
Through some breathing exercises, physical postures, and meditative exercises, people believe that Yoga can help maintain a favorable body figure. Also, because of having these types of exercises in its "curriculum," Yoga is said to be the best Alternative Medicine for people suffering from heart disease/hypertension and back problems. People who desire to lower their blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve coordination, concentration, sleep, and digestion also enroll in Yoga Clubs. There is also a recent study that proves that Yoga is an effective supplementary therapy for serious illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, asthma, and even AIDS.
So, if you haven't tried Yoga yet, go (and enroll) to the nearest Yoga Club now.
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Roll-Down & Fold-Over Yoga Pants Available Online!
Kristi AmbroseI really love the variety and styles of yoga pants that are available today. If you are searching around online for different clothing items to wear during your Yoga work outs, you are in luck!
There are several different sizes, colors, types, and fabrics that are used in producing these items. I really love the look and feel of the roll-down or fold-down styles (as they are sometimes referred to). The great thing about Roll-Down yoga pants is they are not only for Yoga workouts!
These pants are so incredibly comfortable, durable and stylish that you can wear them practically anywhere at any time! If I am running errands I sometimes throw on any of my yoga pants and a top and I am all set. They are stylish and make me feel like I am getting a work out while running around stores and getting in and out of my car. Also, here's an extra added plus; I have found that a lot of pregnant women really love these roll down pants because they can still wear them for comfort when they are pregnant.
I think comfort all in all is one of the most important part of buying any sort of clothing and the roll down pants certainly fit the bill. These roll-down pants come in a variety of sizes for different women's shapes, as well as colors and types of fabrics. I have several sets of Yoga pants but it seems the roll down are the ones I pick as my favorite. If I ate too much and feel a bit bloated, then I can roll them up a little further that usual.
Sometimes I just like to look fabulously cool and show off my "yoga curves" so then I roll them down and throw on a Yoga Sports bra. Either way the roll down Yoga pants let you wear the same pants with a different look. Yoga pants surely have come a long way and now is a good time as any to take advantage of that! Listed below are a few examples of sizes, types, as well as colors that these Yoga roll-down pants offer: You can find them in black, white, pink, gray and different shades of blue, just to name a few.
You can also get them in Capri style, great for warmer weather. I also must mention that you can find them for children in a variety of colors and sizes. You can go on several websites to find a range of prices, some which are very reasonable. I love that idea as I would rather have a large variety in my closet that I pay less for then to have a few expensive pair. But whatever your preference, you will find the stock of Yoga clothing online is amazing.
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The Magic of Yoga - Inspiration For Beginners
Aadil PalkhivalaAs you practice Yoga, you begin to notice changes in the way you react to events at work and situations at home. With aches and pains no longer nagging you, with your nervous system in a state of calmness, and with your mind not congested with frantic thoughts, you find that you are able to respond to life quite differently from the way in which you once did. Suppose someone swerves in front of you when you're driving along the freeway. Previously, you may have felt threatened, angry, or frightened. However, since you just emerged from a Yoga class, calmness pervades your being and you are able to react quickly and avert an accident! Also, instead of typical angry responses, you can be slightly humored by the driver's behavior and by our ecultural obsession to get everywhere in a hurry. In addition, with the spacious feeling in your mind, you have room to entertain other thoughts. You are able to think, "Maybe that person's wife is seriously ill in the hospital, and he needs to get there in a hurry." You maintain your calm focus, and then drive safely home.
Suppose that a family member says or does something that might make you defensive and upset. As you practice Yoga, especially combined with meditation, you develop innr awareness and the presence of mind to catch these emotions before they manifest as angry, hurtful words.
You are able to ask yourself, "Is there some truth in what they are saying?" After all, whenever you open a box, the only thing that can come out is that which is already inside. Ask yourself why anger would be in your box, and why does it come out so easily? Now you are able to go inside and look at yourself so that, next time, a similar situation does not evoke a similar reaction.
There is more to Yoga than poses. As you progress along the path, you learn how to use the calm feelings and wise philosophies that underlie Yoga in all aspects of your life. You carry yoga in your mind, in your words, and in your heart.
Life is designed to be joy, not sorrow; fulfillment, not punishment; abundance, not deprivation. Yoga is about finding bliss, our very nature, in all the minute, meandering movements of our lives. When you do this, you live Yoga. Then you have a smile in your heart and sleep more at peace when the sun has finally set on the day.
© Aadil Palkhivala 2008
Aadil Palkhivala, world-renowned yoga master, is the founder of Purna Yoga, with his wife Mirra, the owner of the premier yoga studio in the Pacific Northwest, Yoga Centers, the director of The College of Purna Yoga teacher training program, and the author of Fire of Love- For Students of Life, For Teachers of Yoga.
To subscribe to Aadil and Mirra's Free Monthly Email Newsletter, The Purna Yoga Lifestyle, sign up with the safe and secure link here:
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Health Benefits of Doing Yoga
Mark David PetersYoga has become one of the most popular exercises in North America over the last few years. Its popularity is somewhat of a phenomenon. Although it may be a fad, there are many reasons why it is enjoyed by millions.
The health benefits of this one exercise cover a wide spectrum, so the practitioner is sure of an overall workout within the hour. Yoga is also very suited for today's lifestyle in terms of its affect on mind and spirit - working to slow down our active minds and connect us to a deeper sense of self. It's an ideal exercise if you have limited time in your week to devote to working out.
Yoga helps you relax, tones your body and works positively on your internal organs, promoting optimum health. Yoga is known as an exercise that works on your flexibility, which is in fact core focus.
However, as you flex, you strengthen and as you flex more, you relax and release toxins and as you continue to flex and breathe you bring your focus inward and into the present moment, providing a genuine release from everyday worry and stress.
This breathing and flexing is also providing an internal massage for your organs - which is very unique to yoga. Many Yogis will also say that while moving in this meditative way you are awakening the spirit or connecting to your deeper self. This seems to be the case for anyone that has spent time doing yoga, as you become very tranquil in the process.
For this reason, Yoga differs from most other common exercises, as it is less aggressive then weightlifting, sports or running and less goal-oriented. The main purpose is in fact to dissolve our goal-oriented thoughts and just "be".
With an ever increasing workload and anxiety from our day to day living pattern in this fast paced world, Yoga is an ideal escape, or more accurately, an ideal way to discover what's more important in our lives.
Yoga offers further health benefits that include lubrication of our joints and detoxification of our bodies. If you want to get in touch with your body, enjoy a sublime moment and perhaps connect with your spirit, try some beginners yoga - the journey is far greater then the goal.
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6 Steps to Make a Yoga Routine of Your Own
Jesse MillerYoga brings peace to mind and relaxation to your body. Yoga has been practiced by many people for hundred of years now. Its one of those activities that will keep you busy for a very long time and it will keep you in a good physical and mental shape. The most popular types of yoga are kundalini and hatha. There are different exercises called sets in these yoga's. Here are some guidelines that will help you make a yoga routine of your own.
1. Never try to develop a yoga set if you are a beginner. Take some beginners classes first and practice some exercises. This will help you in selecting the right exercises; you don't want to cause any injury to yourself if you are beginner.
2. Make sure that your set is well balanced. By balancing one mean that exercises which stretches or twists your body in one direction should be balanced by stretches and twists in other direction. You should select exercises that will stretch your legs and arms equally. Also try to find exercises that will twist your body in both directions.
3. If you are planning to have Chakra exercises then better to move on the lower Chakra first and then move towards the upper Chakra.
4. Keep a good check on your breath. There are different breathing techniques for beginners and for experts. Always follow them as this will help to perform the yoga much better.
5. You should always have a small amount of rest between your yoga sets. This will help you to relax and help you to control the energy produced during your yoga.
6. If you are familiar to the yoga exercises and know that they are a bit difficult than it is best recommend to do some warm ups before starting the set. Always try to make a set that has easy exercises at the beginning and then it moves toward the difficult ones.
This will help you to warm you body muscles and will come useful when you are going to do the difficult sets. These warm ups and simple workouts will help in preventing any injury that may occur to you. If you body muscles are not completely warmed up then even a pro can have an injury.
There are a number of centers that offer yoga sets and training courses. You can always join them to learn more posture and it will also help you to perform different sets with more ease.
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Office Yoga - An Easy Way to Keep Fatigue at Bay
Sansad C. JhaOffice yoga is the latest craze among people who spend 8 -12 hours every day in front of a PC. It is nothing but a simplified form of a few yogic postures. Working on a PC takes its toll on your health. Apart from constant strain on your eyes, you also get neck pain and numbness in fingers.
Office yoga is just a way to avoid some of modern lifestyle diseases like stiffness in back and neck. Simply exercising your wrist and fingers at regular intervals may keep numbness in fingers at bay. The simple techniques involves standing on your feet and stretching your arms in front of your chest at shoulder lever horizontal to the floor and move your wrist upwards and downward . Try to touch your forearms though it is not possible it stretches the upper wrist therefore keeps them fit .This exercise can be done either with clenched fist or loose fingers.
Second most important part to be effected by the PC screen is your eyes. Do not keep looking at the monitor continuously. At regular intervals move your eyes from the screen and try to focus on something at a distance. Rotating your eyes in clockwise and anticlockwise direction is a good exercise for your eyes. Care should be taken to let the eyes relax for a minute before resuming work. Office yoga can be performed easily if you have enough space behind your seat. Simply stretch your back as much as possible to keep your spine flexible. The more flexible is your back the healthier you feel.
No matter what your desk set up is, you can always perform office yoga if you take it seriously. If your desk has no space you can always take a few minutes break or use some yoga kits and accessories which are available at throwaway prices.
Sansad C. Jha tries to give you some tips to use office environment for good health. read more forplease visit: for more articles on yoga
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Are You Still Breathing
Cameron AlborzianThe 4th part of Raja Yoga defines all breathing techniques, which show us how to conquer the mind and therefore control the body and senses. Unless we control the breath we will never be able to control the mind and body.
Breath is life and life depends on breath. We take it for granted and rarely think about our inhalation and exhalation of air which we think happens automatically, until the time we find it difficult to breath and we have to make an effort. When we have the flu and our sinuses are blocked or are suddenly frightened by something our breath becomes short and unstable, we then realize how fundamental the breath is to our existence and how out of our control breathing has become.
Beyond this point, which is more obvious to most people, is the other more hidden problem, which is- most people are not breathing properly to benefit their mind and body on any deeper level, which in turn is causing many illnesses in our world. Watch yourself breath for a time and you will realize as you are going about your business all day, a lot of that time you are taking very quick and short breaths or much of the time you are just holding your breath while under some sort of tension. From the way you clime out of bed, the way you eat your food or the way you speak, the breath is not controlled and is being held or shortened continuously. Many clients of mine when coming for treatments say to me " Much of the time it feel as if I have stopped breathing for a long time." As this way of unconscious breathing becomes a habit due to all the pressure and stress we feel all day long, over time if not treated with better habits and yogic breathing practice of Dirgwa Swasam* it will turn into an illness or disease. Short, interrupted or breathing that is held is the root of most modern diseases.
Modern doctors in general are not trained in herbal medicine or any eastern natural cures such as Yoga or Ayurvedic medicine so they will not be looking for any signs of illness due to bad breathing habits. In the practise of natural medicine one of the first things a therapist will be looking at will be how deeply and frequently a person is breathing, during silence and when talking and how their pulse is. Do you find yourself running our of breath when talking? Do you know how you breathe when eating? From the depth of how someone breathes comes much information about what kind of health problems they may have or will be prone to in the future. If very short you will have issues such asthma or depression if very fast bone issues and nervousness.
We know we cannot live without the breath but we take it for granted that it will never stop until the day we are to leave the planet. This is true, but how we use the breath can on one hand give us maximum health and on the other side take our mind further and deeper into unknown territories. With good use of the breath we can go further into the mind and bring about many changes, which were though of as impossible before. With all the various yoga techniques and breathing practises, one can gain command of what is passing in the mind to control it and change it for healthier, kinder and more compassionate thoughts.
One of the things that happens when we do not breath correctly is that our nervous system suffers and we become quick tempered, impatient and less understanding of other people. This in turn leaves us unsure and exhausted a lot of the times thinking we are fighting the world when we are really only fighting ourselves.
The health of the mind and body will rise as the breath deepens and slows down to match the rhythm of the heart. If the heart is excited too much due to the habits and excesses of life then the breath will become uneasy and difficult, but if the heart is pleased with peace and calmness then the breath will lead you into happy times.
Remember to breath deeply and to follow the breath as you go about your daily life- this will teach you more about who you are.
Yogi Cameron
*Dirgwa Swasam is a full yogic breath, which is how we should be breathing at all times. On the inhalation the stomach comes out, the chest expands and the shoulders raise a touch. On the exhale the shoulders relax, the chest moves in and the stomach is sucked in a little.
Cameron Alborzian - Yogi - Ayurveda and
Therapist - Please visit my Blog Yogi Cameron or for Information about my services and Treatments please visit
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Practice Yoga Poses For Relieving Stress and Staying in Shape
Thaddeus JohnsonPractice yoga poses for stress relief and keeping the body in shape. Have you been searching for a program or practice to help make a healthier and better you? Yoga has been practiced for many years and found to be very effective in stress reduction as well as keeping the body fit. This is a wonderful and fulfilling way to build a foundation of inner peace when experiencing difficult times and at the same time transform the body to have more range of movement and strength.
Find a yoga instructor and class that will work best for you
Being a newbie to yoga, it will not be a quick cure for any difficult situations you may be experiencing. Yes, it does amazing things to the mind and body but it takes time to embrace its importance. Simply put, yoga is a way of life. You become part of yoga as yoga becomes a part of you.
It is very important in selecting the right style/class and instructor to help guide you on your path of well-being. There are different styles being taught, so it would be wise to do some research. You can find information online, advice and referrals from family and friends, or go to the studios and observe a class. Take the time to get information from the instructors if time permits. Check to see if the instructors are certified. A good certified instructor might be able to help with certain range of movements in the event of past injuries or surgeries and to prevent undue injuries in class.
Inner peace and flexibility
Yoga is not a competitive exercise. You might find other students quite flexible way beyond what you can perform but that is their level of skill. Your attention should be focused on what your capabilities are and how you can create more expansion both mentally and physically. Yoga gives you the opportunity to become "one" with yourself through relaxation, meditation, breathing and stretching, making it possible for the mind and body to be in balance and harmony.
The exercises will make it easier to let go of the "mind chatter" that can clutter much thought and will allow space for higher consciousness and flexibility in the body. As this unfolds, you may experience calmness and clarity. This can be quite beneficial in that it may give you greater insight in managing difficult situations effectively. As you become relaxed when doing the exercises or poses, you will find that the body is able to transcend limits of movement. Yoga is important because it helps lengthen, strengthen and creates room for the body to move freely.
Find your balance
Though there are other ways to combat stress and tone the body, yoga has been instrumental in improving the lives of many individuals. Let yoga be the gateway to finding your balance and a healthier life.
About the author:
Thaddeus W Johnson is a writer who enjoys providing online shoppers with valuable information for purchasing and the
benefits of shopping online Discover great savings on products such as
yoga t-shirts, health, beauty and much more.
C 2008 Thaddeus W Johnson
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Stressed and Tired? Five Easy Exercises You Can Do to Handle Stress and Boost Your Energy at Work
Ntathu AllenAre you experiencing stress at work? Do you work long demanding hours in an effort to try and keep up with the constant demands on your time? How often do you arrive early at work to try and catch-up from the previous day's work, yet still struggle to find the time to meet deadlines and finish reports on time? Have you ever skipped lunch at work in an attempt to complete projects with over- tight deadlines?
As a Yoga Teacher, I see many students suffer from the physical effects of stress, for example, high blood pressure, tense shoulders, sore neck, low back pain, and poor posture and migraine headaches. Many students find relief from these stress-related aches and pains when they practice yoga.
On an emotional level, constant exposure to stress at work affects your personal relationships. When you come home from work, you may be short-tempered and ratty with your partner or children. You want to spend time listening to their day yet you are pre-occupied with thoughts about unfinished work matters and demands. If this continues, you may start to drift apart from your partner and lose touch with what is going on in your children's day to day life. All of this adds to your stress!
Learning how to relax, let-go of stress and regain your perspective is vital to help you manage your home-work life successfully.
Many of the students I teach yoga say that practicing yoga has given them "inner strength", a "sense of balance" and "inner peace." This helps to enhance the quality of their personal relationships and stay focused and productive at work.
Five Easy Exercises You Can Do To Handle Stress And Boost Your Energy At Work
The practice of yoga, with its wider emphasis on correct breathing, body awareness and alignment techniques, positive thinking and relaxation techniques offer you easy ways to manage stress and boost your energy at work.
One: Sit comfortably on a chair, rest your hands on your thighs, uncross your ankles, place your feet apart flat on the floor and close your eyes. Breathe in slowly and deeply, through your nose, for a count of three and slowly breathe out for a count of three. As you breathe in and out be aware of the rise and fall of your abdomen. Repeat 5 -7 times. Slowly open your eyes and take time to re-engage with your day.
Two: Stand or sit in a comfortable position. Breathe in through your nose and shrug your shoulders up to your ears, slowly breathe out as you lower your shoulders. Repeat 5 - 7 times.
Three: Sitting in your chair, lower your head to your chest, breath in as you lift your head to look forward, and then breathe out as you lower your head backwards. Repeat 3 - 7 times.
Four: Keeping your head erect, turn your head to look to the right, back to the centre, then all the way to the left. Repeat 3-7 times each direction. Taking time to breathe slowly and deeply with each movement
Five: Finally, link your fingers together and stretch your arms high above your head. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply for 3 - 5 times. Lower arms. Repeat 3 - 5 times.
Next time you feel stressed, demoralized and tired at work, try these five easy stress relaxation techniques to calm your mind and release tension from your body. You will feel energized, re-focused and stress-free.
Ntathu Allen, Yoga Teacher, teaches professionals simple yga stretches and meditation to manage stress at work , improve creativity and strengthen relationships at work and at home. Contact Ntathu for your free monthly Yoga and Polarity Enewsletter - Healing for the Soul. Email phone: 07973 777 882
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Yoga Made Easy - Using Body Toning Exercises to Reduce Stress
Brian JenkinsWhen people think of yoga they often think of a form of meditation that is used to relieve stress and lessen anxiety. The slow movement of the exercises and the deep breathing used are relaxing and meditative. The practice of yoga is often used as physical and mental therapy because of the benefits in both of these areas of life. It can be practiced by anyone, regardless of age, fitness level, or health.
However, practicing yoga isn't just a way to reduce stress. The postures are body toning exercises that have the added benefit of helping reduce stress.
The postures of yoga exercises are what create the physical change in you. By practicing yoga you can increase your strength and flexibility, improve your stamina, and boost your energy.
And by practicing yoga regularly, just as any body toning exercise, you lose weight and gain muscle tone. Some yoga poses even help improve metabolism, making it easier to burn calories. Some additional physical benefits of yoga include cardiovascular efficiency, improved balance, improved dexterity, and increased breath-holding time.
"Yoga" means "union," and the practice of yoga seeks to strengthen the union between mind, body, and spirit. This union is achieved through postures (the yoga positions), proper breathing, and meditation. These three aspects combine to bring your mind, body, and spirit into balance, which improves overall health.
To many, the emotional benefits of yoga are just as important as the physical benefits. In fact, the emotional and mental benefits of the body toning exercises are the reason many begin practicing yoga in the first place. In the body toning exercises of yoga breathing and meditation are important, which have a calming effect on the mind, bringing a sense of mental and emotional balance. The meditation allows you to mentally work through sources of stress to be able to overcome the feeling, or to put it out of your mind during the exercises to feel relief during the yoga.
The body toning exercises used in the practice of yoga are beneficial not only for the physical body by improving muscle tone, increasing flexibility, and helping you lose weight, but yoga is also beneficial to your mental and emotional well being. The deep breathing and meditation used in yoga relieve stress, and improve overall mental and emotional health. So whether you practice yoga for the body toning exercises or for the mental and emotional benefits, it is a form of exercise that can appeal to anyone.
Brian Jenkins is a nutrition expert and writer and assists clients with healthy weight loss regiments, including
body toning exercises.
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2 Important Rules to Avoid Yoga Injuries
Anmol MehtaIt never ceases to amaze me how many time I have seen seasoned yogis injure themselves when practicing yoga. This is independent of the type of yoga they practice and independent of how fit they are as well. So, it scares me to think that if this is the state of expert yogis what might be the state of those who are just beginning this wonderful science.
Well, don't worry in this article I will provide 2 simple guidelines for yoga practice which will go a long way in helping you avoid unnecessary injuries when doing your practice. After all, you decided to do yoga to get healthy and happy, it is totally unacceptable that such a gentle, healing science should become the source of your injury and pain.
2 Simple Rules to Avoid Yoga Injuries:
1. Warm-up:
Although this is common sense, I have noticed the following special occasions when warm-up is unfortunately skipped and the yogi ends up risking injury. Here are these three occasions when you need to be especially vigilant and avoid getting injured due to insufficient warm-up.
A. You are Late to Class:
Many times I see students who come in late to class jump right in and start doing the exercises and postures that the class is doing at full stream. This is a recipe for disaster. If you are late coming into a class which has already picked up steam, you need to start out very slowly and gently till you feel ready to catch up with the rest of the students.
B. You are Giving a Spot Demonstration:
Often if you are a yoga teacher or even just a regular yoga student, occasions arise where you are asked to, or want to, give a quick demo of a pose or exercise. If you encounter this situation, immediately your injury antenna should go up. This type of spot demonstration is perhaps the most common reason for injury. Don't try to show off at this time, but instead do the posture or exercise as gently and safely as you can. Trying to all of a sudden demonstrate Plough Pose, is the best way to injure your back, or worse, break your neck.
C. You Don't Have Enough Time:
Here is another dangerous situation which often leads to skipping a proper warm-up and jumping ahead to a challenging set or routine, when you don't have enough time to fit in your full practice. In this situation it is very important to make an adjustment to any difficult routine and posture and be conservative with regard to how hard you go at it. Tone it down in such situations and live to practice another day.
2. Don't Compete:
Yoga is not an Olympic sport. It is not a tournament. It is not a competition. It is amazing how when you put a bunch of people together for the same activity, comparisons and judgments immediately come into the picture. As a yogi, you have to remember the golden rule that yoga is just about you and you. It does not matter how anyone else is doing, it only matters how you are doing. Forget about competing and comparing with others and just do your practice, intelligently, mindfully and most import of all, safely. Comparing often leads to pushing yourself further than you should have, which is perhaps the number one reason for incurring injury.
If you follow these 2 simple rules, of doing your warm-up no matter what and not overdoing it ever, I think you will enjoy a healthy and long-term yoga practice, the benefits of which are immeasurable.
Anmol Mehta is a Yoga & Meditation expert. His massive
Free Guided Meditation website offers Basic Yoga Poses and free
Kundalini Yoga Poses videos, e-books and blog.
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Great Benefits of Yoga
Jesse MillerYoga is a practice of performing different postures or a spiritual activity of getting free from worldly worries and sufferings. Yoga sees mind body and soul as one and creates a connection between them. It is practice of making you aware of your own body and it's not just an exercise but a journey to find peace within yourself and a process of self-realization. Many of its benefits are:
Yoga is a form of exercise which incorporates the use of your mind and soul and body. Through yoga a person remains calm and improves his inner self. Yoga is a form of meditation too which helps a person in the development of his concentration skills. Many types require you to empty your mind of all thoughts and let your mind get free of all emotions and sentiments.
It is a practice of learning selflessness, which teaches compassion towards other beings and will make you a righteous person. In many types you are required to concentrate on the power of love and devotion, which help you develop your inner self.
The skill of concentrating learnt during yoga will help you focus in your daily routine, and not let your brain entangle in petty matters. Yoga is the practice of finding yourself. It is a way to bring out your strengths polish them and negate all the negativity within. It is to find contention in what you are blessed with It helps you develop self-control and discipline and manipulate your emotions.
Yoga is a means to calm yourself and concentrate on the Higher Being. It is a way to develop a connection between you and God and enhance your spiritual skills.
Yoga is a practice of performing different postures, which help in getting rid of many ailments like headaches. It helps you control blood pressure and temperature, respiratory problems, heart rate and improves your metabolic and immune system. It improves your nervous system and helps in reducing stress.
It increases your muscle strength and physical fitness. The practice increases your flexibility, balance and tones your muscles. Yoga massages all the parts of your body and organs and glands. The stretching of spine builds your vigilance and improves the health of your heart. The deep breathing helps in the strengthening of lower back parts of your body.
The exercise lubricates your joints and makes use of even those muscles which you might not regularly use in your daily routine. The good circulation due to the light exercise helps in diminishing of toxins from the body. This helps in delayed aging and fills a person with energy and vigor.
It increases your energy levels and develops equilibrium between your mind and body.
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Yoga - Basics For New Practitioners
James Murray SmithNew to yoga? Start here! Yoga means union, and hatha is a combination of words meaning sun and moon. So, hatha yoga, which is the practice we are most familiar with in the West has a meaning stemming from the uniting of opposites. Yoga is an ancient Indian philosophy described by Patanjali in his famous Yoga Sutras as the spiritual discipline or practice with the intent of uniting the individual soul with the World soul.
Before the deep thinking involved discourages you, you can rest assured that in the West, and indeed for many Indian people, the modern practice of yoga encompasses only one or two of the original eight branches that Patanjali described. When you look for a yoga class, or an instructional book or video, you are selecting a system of postures to learn, which yoga practitioners as asanas know. You may be familiar with the most popular systems: Kripalu, Iyengar, Ashtanga or Power Yoga, Sivananda Yoga, Bikram or Hot Yoga.
There are a number of systems because there in no one single central authority in yoga. Every master teacher, or guru, perfects his own practice and passes it on to his or her students. In practice, when you choose a style, you should consider a few factors. First, what classes are offered in a convenient location to your home, school or workplace? You will find that similarities outweigh the differences, and attending a class more frequently will allow you to more fully enjoy and experience what the discipline has to offer you.
Next, you should consider the style itself. Keep in mind that there is no one "brand name" in yoga practice that is better than any others are. Many recommend starting out with an Iyengar beginner's class, since his famous style places an emphasis on learning precise movements, and also using props like straps and blocks to help less flexible individuals assume the necessary postures. Ask friends and colleagues for teacher recommendations, and go with someone well regarded and close by. You can always change your mind; the main thing is to get started with the learning process.
If you do not have a teacher nearby, you should pick up Yoga the Iyengar Way by Silva, Mira, and Shyam Mehta. This is probably the single best book in print for starting a new practice without a teacher. Even if you have a good school in your local area, consider getting this one as a reference, to reinforce what you learn in class. It has great pictures and descriptions of basic and intermediate asanas (poses), and the book has been thoughtfully arranged to teach several complete sequences of exercise.
Do not worry about the spiritual aspects of practice at first. Some schools, like the Sivananda program, emphasize vegetarianism, proper breathing and relaxation techniques and even meditation along with the beginner class. This can be too soon for people trying out yoga for some extra exercise or to lose weight. If you are curious about yoga, get started with the classes, and maybe the spiritual aspects will begin to appeal more at some point. It does not matter; many are content to go on for decades becoming excellent practitioners and get great benefits in terms of health or wellbeing, with minimal exploration of the spiritual side of yoga. Union of opposites, the body and mind, the self and others, the will and desires, are what this practice is about. How that manifests is different for every individual.
J.M. Smith is an avid yoga practitioner and teacher, and maintains a resource called
Yoga for Weight Loss - where you will learn more about getting started, or getting that so-called "yoga body".
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How Yoga Can Enhance Your Life
Cooper JonesAlthough Yoga is very old, it has only recently achieved more mainstream focus. The celebrity endorsement from people such as Madonna has helped it grow in popularity.
However, Yoga is more than just the latest celebrity fad. It can hugely enhance our lives and give us many physical and mental benefits.
Yoga actually massages internal organs. Many of these including the prostate barely receive any stimulation during the lifetime. Yoga can actually massage these and reduce risk of disease or provide warning signs at the first possible instance.
Yoga features many different positions and exercises. These positions work many different ligaments, tendons and joints and hugely increase the practitioner's flexibility. They will use joints that has never really be used or effectively exercised before. Yoga also assists with lubricating joints.
Because Yoga can be quite intensive exercise, it can provide high levels of toning to the body. We have seen the likes of Madonna and how it has massively kept her in shape as she enters her fifties.
Yoga can help clean out the body of toxins by assisting with effective blood flow to all of the parts of the body.
The great thing is that all of these benefits that are offered from practicing Yoga come as a by product. Yoga offers huge benefits of harmonising the body and the mind. This can be done through meditation which helps the practitioner to achieve detachment.
Once you have taken classes for a while, the great thing about Yoga is that it can be done anywhere. As well as the long term physical benefits of Yoga, it will help you to become more relaxed and centred.
Cooper is a budding blogger and online writer. Read his
articles about Chung Shi Shoes.
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6 Ways Yoga Increases Energy
Suzanne AndrewsHave you ever known someone who just lights up a room? What is it that they have that attracts others? Some celebrities have 'it', babies are born with what seems an infinite amount of 'it.' It is their human energy. They are putting out an energy that is inviting to others and equally infectious. Other people may be doing the opposite, not intentionally; but other peoples negative energy does have a negative effect on you. Notice how beautiful features on a tense scowling face pushes you away. Conversely, less than perfectly formed features showing acceptance and joy with the warmth of a smile are equally contagious. I remember working with celebrities who were considered beautiful, and some became more beautiful over time, while others became downright ugly because their inner energy magnetized their outer appearance. Since the 3rd millennium, B.C., the Chinese called this vital energy, 'Chi, stating that all matter, animate and inanimate, contains this. Chi is seen as the basis of life. Yogi's practice manipulating this energy through breathing, physical exercise and meditation techniques. By directing focus on achieving more Chi, more energy through energy producing breathing techniques, integrated with easily attained Yoga poses, you feel an instantaneous feeling of youthful vigor.
1. Exercise
Some people have told me they're too tired to exercise - but a study involving over 6800 people in 70 studies found that exercise increased energy and reduced fatigue - and not just in healthy people - people who had cancer and heart disease also benefited with an energy boost. However YOU have to exert the energy to make it happen. There are three kinds of people in this world, those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who just wander, what happened? Unfortunately, some of my patients fall into the 'what happened' category after years of mistreating their body. Your muscles were meant to be exercised, your brain is nourished through stimulation and your energy source is the connection of your mind, body and spirit. I just saw a patient today who had never exercised in her life. She is 54 years OLD, is on 16 medications, has had a recent heart attack, diabetes, depression, and high blood pressure. All this was preventable if she treated her body like the temple it is. Instead she is wondering 'what happened.'
2. Nutrition
Yoga motivates you to treat your body like a temple for your soul to reside in. If you filled a Mercedes with regular fuel, how would it run? Your body is a first rate machine and needs premium fuel to run at its best. Eating excess fat is like sludge in an engine; it will slow down and stop running. Yoga's inspirational message helps you treat your body with the respect it deserves and rewards you with more energy.
3. Empower Yourself
Yoga encourages mindfulness so you think before you eat. When this becomes a habit, you lose weight and the practice of self control becomes easier and even enjoyable because you know you are in charge of your health. When you are in charge of your health instead of your health in charge of you, a new found energy rises in your spirit.
4. Relax
Confucius said: "Men do not mirror themselves in running water - they mirror themselves in still water. Only what is still can still the stillness of other things."
In our super-busy, hectic, often frantic, overworked, overburdened world, we do not take the time to be still. Yoga offers peaceful meditation to help you boost your energy to achieve your goals. So stop and hear yourself breathing. Breathing requires one to breathe in the breath of life - to inspire is to be inspired with the gift of life and possess an extraordinary sense of well being. What a blessing.
5. Get Enough Sleep
Yoga can help alleviate anxiety and help you sleep soundly. A former client of mine, Myra, a hospital dietician and college professor stated she hadn't slept well in 2 years, but once she practiced my yoga techniques, she finally got a long awaited and well deserved 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
6. Yes You Can
Yoga with meditation teaches gratitude and a positive attitude. A Gratitude attitude has a way of transforming your way of looking and acting in everyday life. Your gratitude speaks volumes about the direction, concerns, and qualities of your life. Yoga unites a feeling of gratitude with a physical connection to wellness in a seamless, effortless way to achieve the desired state of being appreciative while giving thanks for the natural life forces that surrounds us. Connecting with nature instills a sense of wonderment and admiration towards the universe. The more we appreciate nature, the more it rewards us by allowing us to relax, unwind and be spiritually linked to this extraordinary planet earth.
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Finding Yourself Through Yoga Classes
Victor EpandThere are a variety of vedic books on yoga that inform the reader how to recognize their own destiny in life, but when an individual joins a yoga class, then they are able to get a much better understanding of what yoga really represents. Yoga is self realization of finding your own self and getting it all together basically.
Sometimes an individual may be in the middle of an environment that is completely full of negative energy, which may be caused by their spouse, room mate, co-worker, parent, or friend.
For the individuals' very own health they should remove themselves from this type of situation, but often times they are drawn to this person simply because they care for them. For a situation such a this the true source of negative energy within this personal needs to be located, then it needs to be addressed.
One of the many benefits of the practice of yoga is empowerment and in the Bhakti Yoga empowerment is a type of ritual that a guru gives bestows an enlightened presence to bless the mind and soul of a student that has been devoted. There are times when a student has been so devoted throughout life that a deity is called upon to bless and nurture the student, then as a result of this blessing the student is able to help and teach others. In some parts of the world today, this type of empowerment is still practiced today.
Students to learn how to overcome their obstacles that get in their way each day instead of becoming overwhelmed with them. They need to learn how they can draw on the source of power within themselves when they feel alone and learn that the most powerful tool to empowerment is through power. The constant pursuit of knowledge, especially with the many sources available with modern technology is a source of empowerment. Finally, building your own natural talent to the best of their ability will build your self esteem and become a source of empowerment as well.
Yoga classes are devised to teach students how to survive mental, emotional, and physical hardships when faced with them. While these students are prepared for these types of situations, they become role models for others who would become overwhelmed when faced with the same obstacles. These students are capable to keep a positive attitude due to the fact that they have had the motivation in the past to change themselves.
Many individuals find that contentment is unreal or that it is simply a fantasy, but for individuals that practice yoga know that everything that brings them true contentment is right in front of them such as their family, friends, health, and what ever is close at hand. The true purpose in life must be felt within ones heart and our natural talents are our own destiny. If an individual purchases something at the store, then they will not be happy with it, but if the individual makes something with their own skills and talents, then they will truly be happy and content.
Victor Epand is an expert consultant about used books, autographed books, and Vedic books.
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Achieving Independent Happiness
Abbas Nic AliYoga is something that relates to achieving independent happiness. Achieving independent happiness is the most important of yoga terms which most of use might not understand. The meaning of independent happiness refers to achieving a state of happiness that is not dependent upon some happening or thing.
Most of us believe that we will be happy if we get a new educational credential or a new job, some of us believe that we will be happy if we get a million dollars and some of use will believe that we will be happy if we are getting a girl friend that is pretty, rich and smart. All of such happiness in life is dependent on some thing external. If you do not get the credential or the money or your girl friend you loose your happiness.
Independent happiness one of the important concepts of all yoga terms aims at achieving happiness that is not dependent on any thing. Almost all the yoga terms and concepts are related to achieving independent happiness which can be achieved by enlightening out thought patterns from following and practicing, meditating, and relaxing on mudras in yoga.
Mudras in yoga are yoga terms that are concerned with a particular posture. Mudra in yoga terms is a posture of meditation that can being in mental and physical well being. Almost all the yoga terms are related to mudras and representation and explanations of mudras.
For example Shambhavi MahaMudra is an important of yoga terms that helps one to achieve wholesome inner happiness in life. The Shambhavi MahaMudra is a self meditating posture that was preached by the eastern gurus to their beloved and well-trained teachers. All such yoga terms and related postures are interestingly being analyzed by holistic treatment specialists that aim at providing a painless live by concentrating on the inner self.
There are hundreds of mudras that are contained in the yoga terms that are widely prevalent. Anyone that is in to holistic research or anyone that is interested in Hatha yoga or any other yogic concepts would be pretty happy when they are getting to use a yoga terms dictionary and get to know their meanings and proceedings instantly.
Yoga terms and their meanings not only give the meaning of the mudra, but they will help with an explanation of how to arrive at a posture and how it has to be practiced. All mudras should be practiced under the guidance of a guru otherwise it can be pretty dangerous.
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Different Types of Yoga For You to Try
April KerrYoga has become on of the most popular methods of losing weight and keeping fit in all parts of the world. Now there are different types of yoga which involves various postures and rules. But all of them aid in the well being of the humans and keep them fit both mentally and physically.
Here you will get to know about different types of yoga.
This is basically the newest form of yoga which was introduced in the year of 1997. The postures of this type of yoga are quite complicated at times but the spirit is playful and joyous. The message that is sent through this yoga is all about opening the heart and endeavor to connect yourself with the divinity.
This type of yoga is explained in the book of Patanjali. He was from ancient India and there are two main constituents of this yoga. There are five Yamas and five Niyamas which aid in the spiritual upliftment along with the physical fitness.
The five yamas are "Ahimsa", "Satya", "Asteya", "Brahmacharya" and "Aparigraha". The five
Niyamas are "Shaucha", "Santosha", "Tapa", "Swadhyaya" and "Ishwar-Pranidhan".
The methods of this yoga focus mainly on the limbs. This improves the flexibility of the body and also increases blood circulation. This is not suggested for the beginners but for the athletes who are looking forward to increasing their stamina.
This is a stream of yoga which involves activities and postures that can work wonders in increasing the muscular strength and flexibility of the cardiovascular system. This is helpful for those who are overweight and wish too loose weight in a method that is devoid of any side effects.
This method was introduced by the great Bikram Choudhury who was a weight lifter and showed his magic in Olympic 1963. The unique fact about this yoga is that it can be practiced even when the temperature of the environment ranges between 95 degrees to 105 degrees.
Regular practice of Bikram yoga will prevent your body from getting injured easily.
This is the easiest form of yoga which has gained immense popularity in the foreign countries like United States. This involves the basics of yoga which can be learned and practiced by everybody. It has asanas, meditations, pranayamas and kundalini. This is a method which will calm the mind and increase the fitness of the body.
It even increases the longevity of a man and helps people to manage the stress. This is extremely helpful for those who lead a life that is overloaded with work stress. It takes few minutes to practice a complete set of Hatha yoga everyday and the effects are wonderful.
These are few of the yoga styles and there are many more which are equally effective and good for health.
April Kerr owns website TX Yoga which has details of many different types of yoga including
power yoga and
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Optional Yoga Equipment That Can Help You
April KerrIn ancient times yoga was all about physical activities which had no relation with any props or equipments. This was at the times of the ancient sages. But with the passage of time many people have become aware of the effectiveness of yoga and this is the reason why yoga is being practiced by the people of all pages.
Yoga classes are being conducted in schools and institutes. Now according to the changing requirements of people many yoga equipments have been introduced. These are often quite useful in learning yoga in a better way and practicing as well.
The beginners are fond of using these equipments as this makes the postures easy for them. So if you are planning to join the yoga classes then do a little bit of research about the yoga equipments and hop the stores to know what exactly they have on offer.
Basic Equipment
When you are practicing yoga this is essential to wear the clothes in which you are absolutely comfortable because physical ease and comfort is an indispensable part of yoga. The clothes should be loose and made of a material which will not cling to your body. The materials like Lycra or stretchable synthetic are also not advisable because they can make you slip on the floor when you are trying to do a particular posture.
Shoes are not really important as accessories because yoga is an art that should be performed bare foot. The yoga mats are available on the market which are also known as the sticky mats. They basically define the space you need to perform yoga activities and also provide some traction to the limbs so that you do not face the sliding or slipping problems.
Using the Equipment
The yoga blocks are another piece of equipment which is popular enough because of its utility. They make the postures far more comfortable than before and also straighten the alignment of the body. If you are trying to attain a posture where you are supposed to touch the floor while standing on the feet, the yoga blocks will be of great help.
In fact they are more useful for those who are beginners or have certain physical problems. There are straps which come handy when you are not able to touch the body parts easily which you are supposed to touch for a particular posture. The bolsters made from different materials are available in various shapes and sizes and they are basically used to support the back or abdomen while performing yoga.
Now this is a fact that the yoga equipments are not really indispensable but they are helpful. So do not hesitate to take the aid of these equipments if you are facing any sorts of difficulty in making the postures.
April Kerr owns website TX Yoga which has details of many
different types of yoga including power yoga and
yoga during pregnancy.
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Yoga Benefits For Your Healthy Body and Mind
Felix HariantoYoga is practiced by a lot of people. They all know that it is good for their body and mind, but do they know what are the real benefits of Yoga? There are a lot of benefits for practicing Yoga, in this article I will only cover a few important benefits of Yoga.
First of all, the benefit is divided into two categories. Benefits for your Body and benefits for your mind.
Yoga Benefits for Your Body
- Muscle Tone : by practicing Yoga, it will make your muscle tone more better. Helping you to maintain posture and balance when stretching.
- Flexibility & Awareness : with Yoga, your body will become more flexible, it will increase your reflect a lot and you will be able to do a lot of posture without having any difficulties.
- Cleansing your internal organs : Yoga could help you cleaning various vermin that reside in your organs. For example, it will help your body to process the food you eat more effectively.
- Strength : The strength of your body will also increase, you will also feel more stronger than before. Your physical ability will greatly increase.
- Weight : Doing yoga is also can make you control your weight into the suitable weight for your body. It really helps you to prevent disease like diabetic, gout, etc.
Yoga Benefits for Your Mind
- Stress : Yoga will make you more relaxed, and make your mind peaceful, that will help you to decrease your stress greatly.
- Tension : Some people have a higher tension than others, practicing yoga will definitely calm your mind. It will help you to decrease your Tension.
- Blood Pressure : Blood pressure will also be affected by practicing Yoga. Yoga will make your blood pressure more stable, it could decrease your blood pressure if it is high.
Those above are the few benefits of Yoga, Yoga world is bigger than everyone thinks. Yoga also could help you to relieve your back pain or even diabetic. There are also Yoga Therapy, it could help people to treat some disease like carpal tunnel syndrome. There are even Yoga for disabilities. Yoga is an exercise that help us a lot in our daily life. Remember there are still a lot of benefits in Yoga.
So, Now you know about Yoga benefits to your body and mind.
Do you now feel like to practice
Yoga Basic Poses?
Yoga exercises Now!, and achieve a healthier life than before.
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