By Jizmack Baraceros
Yoga is one of the most popular forms of Alternative Medicine. In broad terms, it is a spiritual practice in Hinduism. A part of it, called "Asana" (or posture) is the one that has grown popular at present and is purely a form of physical and meditative exercise. Yoga as an exercise, is believed to be a good way to stay fit and healthy.
The primary function of a Yoga club is to provide scheduled Yoga lessons and/or sessions to its members. Usually, Yoga clubs conduct sessions at least once a week and for approximately 45 minutes.
There are more or less thousands of different Yoga positions; they are classified into three: poses for beginners, intermediate poses, and poses for advanced Yoga practitioners.
Yoga videos are available in almost all CD/DVD stores; some bookstores also have them. If you want, you can order Yoga Videos in several online shops. There are also Yoga clips in the net that you can view and download for free; although, these are basically short and fairly incomplete.
Through some breathing exercises, physical postures, and meditative exercises, people believe that Yoga can help maintain a favorable body figure. Also, because of having these types of exercises in its "curriculum," Yoga is said to be the best Alternative Medicine for people suffering from heart disease/hypertension and back problems. People who desire to lower their blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve coordination, concentration, sleep, and digestion also enroll in Yoga Clubs. There is also a recent study that proves that Yoga is an effective supplementary therapy for serious illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, asthma, and even AIDS.
So, if you haven't tried Yoga yet, go (and enroll) to the nearest Yoga Club now.
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