Swinging Yoga Style - The Ultimate Prop
Annie Robinson and Helen Eames
Subluxations of the vertebrae tend to resolve themselves, helping to diminish back pain. Only when the spinal column is in good health, can the rest of the body function properly. Dramatic change can occur in overall strength, immunity, and emotional wellbeing by toning and taking care of your spinal column.
Added to this is the use of the Yoga Swing, to further your Yoga practice. Great for beginners who have not yet developed steadiness on their feet that is a must for many Asana's. The Yoga Swing can be used to practice many yoga postures, such as downward dog, providing additional support to help train your mind and body to achieve the correct posture.
Ideal for both practitioners and teachers, the Yoga Swing is great for people wishing to differentiate their teaching and add a new dimension to their Yoga classes, by outfitting your studio with several swings. The Yoga Swing can also be used by couples practising partner stretching and can be used to open the heart chakra.
Comfortable and flexible, the Yoga Swing can be quickly and easily adjusted for a variety of positions and is versatile enough to provide a real workout and overall. Yoga development in a safe environment. It can be installed in seconds, anywhere there is a sturdy beam or tree branch and can even be used for a beach or park workout. Light, durable and compact, the Yoga Swing can travel anywhere, even when you're backpacking, for yoga-on-the-go. It will soon become a part of your daily life!
The main module of the Yoga Swing is the pelvic waist sling, which is also suitable for use as a relaxing hammock. On either side there are two arm and leg handles at adjustable heights, with two additional handles at the top. This unique design allows you to move and stretch in every conceivable position; vertically, horizontally, and in a total inversion.
Demanding balance and awareness, the Yoga Swing takes your practice to new levels, utilising more brain neurons and muscle fibres than any ground or water exercise. The Yoga Swing provides a complete body workout in a fun and relaxing way with numerous therapeutic and physiological benefits.
The Yoga Swing comes in a range of beautiful colours and comes with a built in way to add great karma to your life, as the Yoga Swing is manufactured exclusively in a small factory in Ubud, Bali and a donation is given back to the Ubud community with every purchase.
Annie Robinson has been a Natural Practitioner for over 20 years, she specializes in metabolic disorders and their core preventable solutions. She also holds a Masters in Coaching and NLP and a Grad Dip in Education (science and history). Her partner is Helen Eames a Yoga Intructor in both the Iyengar and Integral forms of Yoga and more information on this article and other health topics can be found at
http://balancenoosa.com.au/ and at the BalancenoosaBlog at:
Balancenoosa's Blog-----------------------------------------------------------------------
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Getting Stronger With Yoga
Tom BlackYoga is an ancient technique that promotes flexibility and health. It originated in India over 5000 years ago. The yoga positions are specifically designed to tone, stretch, and strengthen your muscles, make your body more flexible in general, help you with any weight related issues, and teach you meditation and relaxation. This is one of the most popular ways to achieve overall health - both physical and spiritual.
The equipment you will need for practicing yoga is not expensive and the yoga classes that you can sign up for are very affordable. You will need a yoga ball and a yoga mat. Some of the more popular yoga practices are - Kundalini Yoga (awakens the energy within us through easier positions that are suitable for all age groups), Hatha Yoga (the most popular yoga, it is used for finding balance and getting rid of everyday stress), Ashtanga Yoga (This is a very challenging yoga. It is for the more advanced and the people who practice it move from one challenging position to another), and Bikram Yoga (This is a more demanding version of the Hatha Yoga. It is very popular in California and it is made up of 26 positions and 22 breathing exercises).
Depending on your needs you can work on specific positions - the ones that will help you get rid of stress, manage your weight, provide you with more balance, or whatever it is that you need and want to improve. Yoga classes are great for beginners and after you start to understand the fundamentals you can practice yoga on your own.
A good site for learning more about yoga, the different types of yoga, the equipment you will need, and the poses, is the
Alternative Medicines website. This site is also full of information about other alternative medicine procedures that you may find interesting.
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Yoga to Lower High Blood Pressure
Gordon CameronYoga attempts to unify the body, mind and spirit and to heal one is to heal all. Yoga makes use of a whole range of stretching positions to align, center and ground the physical body - balancing the mind and relaxing and uplifting the spirit.
The healing power of yoga has been known for centuries and in India, yoga is used to treat many diseases and conditions. Many, many people have achieved a lower blood pressure by using yoga and by adapting to its benefits. Yogas power lies in the way it combines body, mind and spirit - synchronizing them to one entity instead of three separate ones. This allows for healing to be received and accepted.
Learning Yoga
It's not hard to learn yoga although it may look like it is at first. It's really more about the state of mind you achieve during the stretches than about the stretches themselves. There are several styles of yoga and all provide the same healing benefits.
If you are a novice who wants to learn yoga for blood pressure treatment then the Hatha Style is best. It's the commonest in the west and an easy in route for a beginner. Hatha poses are gentle and easy on the body and each class starts with a mediation session. The breathing techniques and patterns used in yoga help to promote relaxation and will lower BP in the process.
Lowering Your Blood Pressure with Yoga Yoga lowers high blood pressure by encouraging you to relax using deep and correct breathing. Most of us do not breathe properly - we breathe from our chest not from our lower diaphragm. Yoga teaches you both the correct way to breathe and also different types of breathing techniques.
Yoga meditation will teach you to properly and fully relax. Being able to mediate is something we can all do but for many it will be hard at first to make their minds go quiet and passive. Keep trying - practice makes perfect.
If you really want to lower your blood pressure through yoga then you have to practice it every day for at least fifteen minutes each time. Be patient. Persevere. The benefits are worth it.
Once you learn to control your mind, you will be able to control your blood pressure!
Gordon Cameron is a physician in Edinburgh Scotland. He has a special interest in
lowering high blood pressure and in problems with
low blood pressure.
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Choosing the Yoga Mat For You
Patricia CoatesSo you've decided to practice the art of Yoga? Considering the many other workouts you could choose from, Yoga is a great choice. Yoga requires coordination, balance and connection of the mind and body. The last thing you need to worry about is whether your equipment is reliable during your poses. Although there are other accessories you will need, the most vital piece of equipment is the yoga mat. There are several questions you should ask yourself before making this purchase.
What type of Yoga are you practicing?
The most strenuous forms of yoga can be more comfortable with a thicker mat or a yoga rug.
If you have joint problems, a thicker mat will give more cushion and support.
Will the yoga mat help me maintain my pose without slipping?
You can test the mat for slippage by performing the wet friction test: moisten your hand and bear down laterally on the mat's surface. The mat should be sticky enough to maintain your pose.
Consider purchasing an extra long mat or a customized one to avoid adjusting your mat during your Yoga routine.
How durable is the mat?You want a good quality yoga mat that will hold up with repeated washings.
Try rubbing the mat with a blunt metal object such as a coin until the surface starts to tear. A strong yoga mat will take a great deal of rubbing before it tears.
Is the yoga mat in a style and color you like?
There are many colors and styles to choose from. Choose a mat you like to look at and can live with.
You could buy more than one if you're serious about practicing and just like to change your mat at times
How much should I spend on a yoga mat?
The price of a good yoga mat ranges from - or more depending on the quality, thickness, durability and comfort you're looking for.
Don't make the mistake of buying a cheaper yoga mat if you plan on continuing yoga to avoid wasting money.
Is it easy to transport?
Your yoga mat should be lightweight and require only a small amount of storage space.
Your yoga mat is an essential piece of equipment that should be comfortable for multiple sessions of practice. After you've asked yourself the above questions, your choice of a yoga mat should be one that you can rely on and be happy with.
To learn more about Yoga visit
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Yoga - The Origins of Yoga
Anthony EnriquezGetting your body in good condition or simply just keeping it in great shape has become an emphasis in modern society. There are numerous methods out there that promote physical health and many more being developed. These new forms of exercise aren't usually that new however. They are based on ancient practices from thousand of years ago.
Not many people realize that yoga has many similar movements as ballet. Many people will begin practicing yoga for the flexibility advantages that it offers. Even though there are things that yoga has in common with other exercises, there are numerous other benefits to studying it. Its popularity has increased over the years in western society and is now considered the fashionable way to get into shape. It might seem like a new form of exercise, but it has actually been around for centuries originating from Eastern cultures with spiritual roots.
To the western world, yoga has become just another way to exercise and the spiritual aspects of it have been lost. Even though the techniques and movements are the same, its meaning has changed. Originally, yoga was viewed as a small part of the whole like a branch on a tree, but in western society it is viewed more as the entire tree itself losing many of the deeper rooted aspects.
The discovery of yoga can't be identified to an exact time period, but it is generally accepted to have began around the same time the Indus Valley Civilization which has seals depicting figures in the asana posture around 3000 BC. At about this same time the Vedas, the source of many current yoga postures, were also being written. These gave rise to what is known as Vedic yoga, which focuses on old Indian obsessions with ritual and sacrifice such as the yogic corpse asana.
One of the greatest sacrifices is death which in yoga, is signified by lying as if placed in a coffin. This morbid, yet deeply meaningful position called the corpse pose signifies that according to the Veda's instruction one's death leads to freedom.
The meaning of the word yoga can be translated as "union", the joining of the spiritual and physical worlds. Versus 4:4, 13-14 of the Vedanta Sutras state that material possessions are not attractive to a free soul. The idea of this is to be able to liberate ourselves from material objects that only have meaning in this life.
Even in modern yoga this practice is evident. It is possible to change your awareness through the practice of stillness and the asanas, thus changing our outlook on life. It is possible to begin to feel a part of the whole universe and learn how giving to others is actually helping ourselves since we are actually one, a small part of the whole.
The study of yoga is actually a small part of the whole process, which was commonly known in ancient times. Thousands of years ago the focus on breathing and postures helped improve mind, body and spirit. However, today the concentration is more on the postures and not as much on the breathing. The benefits of the breathing techniques and positions offer great medical as well as physical advantages, such as decreased stress, more energy, flexibility, and strengthened muscles.
There are numerous different styles and applications of this modern day exercise. Learn more about the
origins of yoga and how it can benefit you and your life. Find out how easy it is with the proper
beginner yoga exercises-----------------------------------------------------------------------
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Yoga Mats - Make the Yoga Experience Much More Enjoyable
Sheryl L PolomkaYou can do yoga without a yoga mat but let's face it, who wants to? It is so much more comfortable and enjoyable performing yoga on a mat. A yoga mat is the first accessory that most people practising yoga will purchase as it is the basic requirement for yoga. Not only does a mat let you enjoy yoga more it also enables you to perform the positions effectively to give you the optimum results.
By using a mat when practising yoga in your home will help you to keep motivated with your yoga as it makes your sessions more real. It sets the scene so to speak to make your home yoga sessions as real as if you were attending classes.
If you do attend yoga classes then it is also nice to take your own mat along with you rather than using the class mats. Yoga mats allow you to have your specific space to perform your positions and give you some comfort and protection.
There are different types of mats available including meditation mats, sticky mats, universal style mats and deluxe yoga mats. If you are not using a mat during yoga you may find that your feet may slip and you might slide in some poses. Deluxe mats are textured that are great for preventing you from slipping during yoga poses.
Sticky mats will stick to the floor and will not slide around which makes it much easier for you while doing your poses and not have to worry about pulling your mat back into place.
When you are enjoying your yoga session you don't want to have to worry about sliding or slipping and you don't want to have to worry about your mat slipping or lifting so choose a mat that will solve these problems for you so that you can enjoy the full yoga experience.
Yoga mats come in a variety of colors so I am sure you will find one just right for you!
Visit our yoga website at
Yojo Yoga for all your yoga needs including mats, dvd's, books and more.
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Pilates Body Ring Kit Review
Cheryline LawsonI bought a beginner workout mat online from Gaiam, but wanted to get some variations by using something else. I bought the pilates video from Amazon and really loved the added resistance that the body ring provided. When you have to put pressure on the body ring, the 100 is much harder and it is even harder to tell what is meant by 'slightly bend your knees.' The word, "slightly," should be defined. I also wanted to know whether I am using the right muscles or not.
The video includes workouts for the arms that the beginner workout mat does not have. If you use this body ring video and your work out mat for a couple of weeks, you will discover that you abdominal and arm muscles have improved considerably. Therefore the body ring video tapes will clearly do some good. Individuals, who are more advanced in Pilates and are looking for more challenge, should consider the body ring kit. I have bought so many videos from Amazon, but nothing like the body ring set. As a former dancer, I love Pilates because it helps to build muscles that are long and lean. Pilates focus on core muscle building. The only problem is that Pilates may not do much justice to the upper body as it does with sculpting the lower body.
I also realized, too, that Pilates video tapes are easier than I thought. I wanted to find one that challenged me more and gave me both upper body and lower body flexibility. You can read the rest of the article on our blog.
To read the remainder of this article to see if there are any advantages and disadvantages of the Pilates Body Ring Kit,
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It All Starts With Practicing the Yoga Positions
Carol HailyWhen you start with yoga, the amount of different kinds of yoga positions can seem overwhelming. When you are practicing yoga for a longer time, you will notice that the positions flow together in a way that feels right and logical, this flow is sometimes also called vinyasa.
In the beginning you will be busy learning the basic sequences and how the positions feel and should feel. You need to learn what to do and how to breath and when to breath. And gradually you will improve and be able to do the positions properly and watch the effects in your body and mind. This is the time when you are ready for more advanced yoga positions.
It is important to practice and train yourself even at a basic level, you can use both the standing and the seated sequences. You need to get yourself to a point that you do not have to think about how you need to do the positions and what comes next in the sequence. The "exercises" need to be done almost automatic, this way you can focus on the effect's in your body and mind.
We will make a small overview of different kind of sequences that you can use, but for more details we advise you to take yoga classes, and if there are no yoga classes in your neighborhood there are also online yoga classes.
Different kind of sequences1) Warm-up sequences - these need to include yoga positions for the shoulders, neck and back but should include some for the whole body
2) Basic sequences - these are the ones for the beginner, the new yogi, and when you do get more experienced these are the sequences that you will return to time and time again. These are just the very basic positions both standing and seated, short and simple most of the time ending with some calming exercises.
3) Basic plus sequences - these are a bit more advanced yoga positions for people who are somewhat more experienced, you can use the basic sequences and add challenge and length to the already established flow. The sun salutations can also be added at this point of practicing yoga. The basic plus sequences invite more challenge. They add more vigorous, complex, and long yoga positions and flows.
4) Advanced sequences - most of them are designed for a special purpose for example to strengthen the back, regulate emotions or enhance concentration.
Yoga positions for a special purpose
The special advanced yoga positions can be used to: - help regulate emotions - reduce depression, sadness, and grief - invigorate the mind and promote concentration and focus - problems with infertility, sciatica, menopause, heart/lungs/chest, and much more.
The classical sun salutation
This exercise is often referred to as the core of hatha yoga practice, the Sun Salutation is a classic among yogi. It warms the body and gives it energy it is traditionally practiced at sunrise. Lesser known are the half sun salutation and the moon salutation. The moon salutation is often done at the end of a day and is calming peaceful and cooling, there are more stretches is this sequence. But there are many more variations which combine powerful exercises and will vary in intensity.
Yoga, Homeopathy and other old wisdom's is what Carol Haily is looking for. Subjects ranging from
dahn yoga to
bikram yoga, she addresses it all at here website.
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Sun Salutation - Complete Workout For Your Mind and Body in Just Ten Minutes
Constantine GeorgeSun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) is part of Hatha Yoga (the "physical" part of Yoga).
Sun Salutation has multiple mental and physical benefits. In only ten minutes you can achieve a low impact workout that combines both Resistance Training (e.g. weight lifting) and
Cardiovascular ("Cardio") Training.
The fitness community accepts the fact that cardiovascular exercise has reduced benefits (e.g. fat burning ends once the cardio exercise stops). It also has disadvantages like tear and wear of joints.
Resistance Training on the other hand, has multiple benefits: increases muscle mass hence more fat burning capability, increases bone density to mention just a few. The drawback: it is painful (I know I don't like the feeling of burning in my muscles, even though I know it is good for me).
Resistance training is also time consuming and it may increase blood pressure momentarily if not done properly.
A good compromise is Interval Training that consists of hard alternated with light pace cardio exercise. And this is exactly where Sun Salutation comes in. It is similar with Interval Training by combining a low impact resistance training (push-ups, squats) with cardio exercise. Even better, the benefits of Sun Salutation don't stop at the physical level: your mind benefits as well.
Regular practice of Sun Salutation benefits your body with:
Increased blood oxygenation by copious lung ventilation and this is great news for your heart.
Stretches and tones your muscles keeping them supple and flexible.
Clears your elimination channels helping your body rid itself of toxins. This is especially good in the morning after many hours of lack of movement during sleep (the lymphatic system eliminates toxins through movement).
Stimulates and tones your Endocrine system (especially the Thyroid, the master gland that controls all the other glands).
Tones up the internal abdominal organs by alternate stretching, compression cycles that results in better digestion and bowel movement.
Increases spine and waist flexibility.
The mental benefits of Sun Salutation are similar with meditation. You can look at Sun Salutation as meditation in movement. It is not random that Tai-Chi (Chinese) or Kata in Karate, have a similar focussed mind on movement approach at the core of their practice. Sun Salutation helps to:
Increase your mental focus and concentration.
Reduce depression, anxiety and stress by reducing key markers like Cortisol.
Increase the quantity of "good mood" neurotransmitters like Serotonin.
Increase mind to body coordination which is very good especially for older persons.
If done properly, twelve repetitions of Sun Salutation (six pairs of Sun Salutation starting with one leg and then the other), go a long way. It takes roughly 30-40 seconds for one complete cycle (twelve postures flowing from one to the other). Add two minutes of relaxation at the end, to allow your body implement the "reset" you just performed, and you are ready for the new day.
Ten minutes all together in the morning will help you look at the unwinding life from a different perspective.Among many Sun Salutation techniques,
Sivananda Sun Salutation stands out as an graceful flow of twelve postures developed by Swami Sivananda, a practicing medical doctor (MD) before taking up monasticism, therefore developed by a person with knowledge of the human body.
For more details and similar techniques inspired from thousands of years of humankind wisdom check:
Sun Salutation-----------------------------------------------------------------------
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Yoga Poses to Help Relieve Hypertension
Candace RuddHypertension, or high blood pressure as it is more commonly known , effects one third of adults. Due to our daily life's stresses and hereditary factors, hypertension has reached epidemic proportions.
Along with powerful antioxidants that have stress relieving properties, such as pomegranate and passion flower there are some basic yoga poses you may be able to practice for lowering your blood pressure to safer levels. As a result, you may be able to eliminate conventional drug therapies.
The kidneys become stressed from hypertension and a few simple poses not only will cause relaxation , but can awaken and soothe the kidneys and adrenals.
The wide angle forward bend (Upavistha konasana ) will allow the kidneys to fall to their natural position and soothe them. Sit balancing evenly on both sitting bones. Spread the legs wide apart. Your toes will point toward the ceiling. For beginners a chair maybe placed between your legs .
For more advanced pose place a bolster lengthwise between your legs. Bend and reach forward from the hips not the waist. If you are using the chair , rest your arms on the chair and your head face down on your arms. Do the same if you are using the bolster. Continue to breathe ( do not hold the breath) Hold this pose for at least one minute.
Triangle Pose ( Trikonasana ) stretches the lumbar and mid-thoracic area to stimulate the kidneys function. Stand with your feet very wide apart. Your right foot should point out as your left foot is pointing forward. Your torso should face forward. Bring your arms in T position.
Reach away with your right arm and drop it to the right leg wherever it will reach comfortably. Bring the left arm straight up in the air and turn to look up at the fingers of the left hand. Be sure the torso does not face toward the floor but straight forward. Stay in this position for 3 to 5 breaths and repeat on the other side.
Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) is achieved by lying on your stomach with your forehead on the mat Put your wrists directly under your shoulders with your hands flat on the mat , elbows are tucked close to the body and the shoulders are down and back. As you stretch the legs straight out behind you lift your head neck and shoulders off the mat. Arching in the spine the hips should remain on the mat. Hold and breathe for 3 - 5 complete breaths.
Camel Pose (Ustrasana) Kneel on the mat with knees hip width apart. Inhale and reach back in a small back bend, look back. With the chest towards the ceiling reach for the heels. Right hand to right heel, left hand to left heel. If you cannot reach heels keep the hands on the buttocks. Take 3 -5 breaths.
Corpse Pose (Savasana) This is the relaxation pose, sometimes the most difficult. A yoga session should always end with a relaxation to pay the body back for the work it has done. This takes a lot of practice as we all have very busy minds. Lie on your back with eyes gently shut as if in sleep. Arms are slightly away from the sides, palms facing up. The legs are slightly apart. Search the body for any tension and send the thoughts there to relax. If the shoulders are tense or the jaw is clenched, just touch it with the mind. Bring your attention the breathe, breathing through the nostrils. Relax from the inside out for 5 -10 minutes.
Begin your practice 2-3 times a week and work up to a daily practice.
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Back Stretches, Yoga Exercises, & Stretches - Basic Exercises For Us in Our Day-to-day Life
Lucas RockwoodBack stretches, yoga exercises and stretches are a complete package for us to keep body fit and fine in our daily routine. These exercises improve our ability at work and in other activities.
These exercises help us to avoid injuries caused to our body due to stiffness of muscles.
Back stretches exercises help us to cure and avoid from back pains and back injuries. Before we start any back stretching exercise it is compulsory for us to do body warm-up. This warm-up helps us to prepare ideally for all types of stretching exercises and also to avoid muscle strain.
Following are the various types of back stretches:
Chest and shoulder stretch
Tall stretch
Calf stretch
Upper back stretch
Standing lower back stretch
Quadriceps stretch
Tuck stretch
Lower back rotation stretch
Back and shoulder stretch
Quadriceps and groin stretch Since ancient days yoga exercise is considered as beneficial to both physical and mind of our body. A yoga exercise help us to achieve good health and makes our mind alert. Yoga exercises are considered as the perfect remedy for our physical ailments. Yoga exercise makes our body organs more active in their routine functioning and also has great effect on the internal functioning of our body.
Stretches are the basic ways to make our body flexible and agile. Stretching should be done in right way i.e. slow and relaxed and not to bounce on it at once.
Before we do any of these stretches or yoga exercise or back exercises warming up is important as it contribute to us in a great way to reduce the various body injuries. It is said that warming up should be done for every physical exercise or activity. For every one of us it is important to remember that we should always dedicate some time for various stretches to keep our body flexible.
Stretching can be done in the morning or the evening, but always, it's best to do on an empty stomach. In the morning, you will inevitably feel stiffer, but don't be fooled! The stretching progress you make in the morning (when you feel stiff) is just as beneficial and significant as the progress you'll make in the afternoon when you feeling looser and more limber. To make you stretching routine easier, particularly in the morning, you can do some simple exercises to warm the body before you stretch. Things like pushups, jumping jacks, and skipping rope are all great.
Double your flexibility in 28 days using YOGABODY Naturals Flexibility Kit. Yoga stretching flexibility exercises & yoga poses are not enough... you need Gravity Poses and 6 specific nutrients to improve your
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Yoga Stretches For Lower Back Flexibility & Pain Relief
T. T. RenningNatural way for us to get relief from back pain
Lower Back pains are mainly caused by bad posture and bad sitting at work places. Overweight and heavy strains on back bone are one of the main reasons for lower back pain. Stretching the lower back, which might seem somewhat unusual to some people, normally cures back pain. But doctors also advise the patient of lower back pain to do stretches for the lower back to get rid of their injury or pain.
Warm-up of our body is one of the important factors for us to remember as we start the stretches for lower back pain. Generally exercises that stretch and strengthen the muscles of our abdomen and spine will help us to prevent back injuries. If we have strong abdominal and back muscles it will help us in maintaining a good body posture.
Warming up of muscles of our body with small aerobic acts like brisk walking before any stretching exercise will help us in a great way for the back posture. We should always be in loose clothes while doing any stretching exercises for the lower back as it makes us feel comfortable.
We should always stop doing the exercise that causes pain to our back until we are allowed by the doctors or health care provider to do them. We should also always take the assistance of the physical therapist or any health care provider to help us out in making an exercise schedule or program.
It has been advised by health care provider or physical therapist to avoid the following exercises to avoid as they strain the lower back of us:
Lying on the ground along our paunch with both legs extended and lifting them together.
Doing pull-ups with straight legs
Doing hip twists
Trying to do hurdle runners stretch
Any stretching that demands a fast and bouncy movements In addition of all the above advice it is also said that we should first and foremost keep our back in a well condition. This all helps us in the back pain stretches to cure the back pain and also helps in avoiding any of the possibilities of future lower back pain. It is always helpful for us to check out our lower back position before we start any rigorous exercises or exercise schedule by the health care provider. Remember to start such exercises slowly and we should not bounce on them at once.
The activities that would prove fruitful in lower back pain stretches are listed below:
Strength training on machines
Aerobic exercise on machines
The lower back pain exercises are hard nut to crack; hence it should be done with perfect stretching techniques and with assistance of the physical trainer.
Double your flexibility in 28 days using YOGABODY Naturals Flexibility Kit. Yoga stretching flexibility exercises & yoga poses are not enough... you need Gravity Poses and 6 specific nutrients to improve your
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Improving Yoga Flexibility & Stretching Ability
Tracy RenningStretching is usually overlooked as a beneficial aspect of exercising. Stretching plays a very important role in keeping the muscles supple and safe from any injury. This is the reason why stretching is an important aspect of warming up before an exercise regimen and cooling down after it. An ideal routine should do a workout of each of the major muscle groups. A flexibility regimen need not take much time. Five to ten minutes daily is enough. The exercises should be done three to five times a week and can help you to get rid of your stress. If you do a few minutes of stretches everyday, you can get rid of the stress that plagues you and focus on your activity.
Flexibility is useful for preventing injury as well as in treatment of injury. When done in a proper manner, stretching reduces the risk of injury and also increases the flexibility of the body. When muscle tendons are used actively, they have less of wear and tear in them. Stretching also improves recovery and is known to improve athletic performance. There is improved biomechanical efficiency. There may be also the fact that the increased flexibility of the neck, shoulders and upper back may lead to improved respiratory function. The benefits of flexibility are therefore far reaching.
There are three methods of stretching: static, ballistic, and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation.
The static is mostly recommended for most athletes and the ballistic and PNF stretching is reserved for the few who are familiar with their use. If you want to get the greatest benefit from stretching, it should be done after warm up exercises. The increased blood flow because of stretching is beneficial in injury prevention. This is another benefit of stretching. Static exercises are done by slowly moving a joint towards its end range of motion. There is a gentle pulling sensation in the muscle that is being extended. The position is maintained for 15 to 20 seconds.
The stretching should not be done beyond a certain point where the one doing it feels pain.
There is also no need to bounce as this can lead to injury. The act of stretching leads to the fact that each muscle seems to give increasingly more flexibility. A set of 3 to 5 exercises is enough to get the best out of the routine. The right stretching routine will interchange between agonist and antagonist muscle groups and alternate sides. An example of the agonist muscle group is quadriceps and an example of the antagonist muscle group is the hamstrings.
Another good idea is to begin with the neck and advance down to the feet. The post-workout stretch is believed to help in the recovery process. It is a boon for those who are undergoing recovery after injury. Stretching should be done gradually over a long period and then the flow maintained to realize the full benefits.
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Flexibility Exercises Or Yoga
T. T. RenningSo which one do you think is better?
Flexibility can be well defined as the ability of the joints or body parts to move around a full range of motion. Flexibility plays an important role in our lives as we require it in our daily activities like bending etc. It helps in keeping our muscles mobile. Flexibility however decreases with age and so it is very important to include flexibility exercises in your daily workout program. It should be well understood that flexibility and stretching are two different things.
Stretching is used to improve flexibility and only a flexible body can stretch to great extents.
Flexibility can be obtained by ways like flexibility exercises or yoga stretching exercises.
Exercises like stretching help in achieving flexibility, but most of the exercises as we all know include jerks and rapid movements which can sometimes cause tension, fatigue and damage to the tissues, joints etc. the chances of muscle soreness and injuries is also more. Stretching exercises do not contain any jerky movements but consist of very gradual movements.
Though almost any type of exercise works towards increasing flexibility but, for most forms the increase in flexibility is too nominal to be considered. Yoga stretching is the most effective in increasing flexibility of the body. Also most of the exercises work only on the physical level whereas yoga stretching is something, which works on both physical as well as mental level. In yoga stretching the brain and body, work together and hence there is a balance of energy. Yoga also focuses on improving lung capacity, toning muscles, increasing flexibility, preventing muscle soreness; faster recovery of muscles etc. Yoga also helps in loosening the tight muscles. The stiff hamstrings can also be released through practice of yoga. But, for the right practice of yoga and to enjoy the excellent benefits of yoga poses that are said to unite the bodily soul to the cosmic soul of the universe, it is essential to have a flexible body. The basic yoga poses intend to increase the flexibility of the body so that it is capable of performing the more complicated poses with hoards of benefits.
Accumulation of lactic acid can contribute to muscular fatigue, but yogic stretching can help release of lactic acid from the muscle cells into the bloodstream so that the muscular contraction is not hindered.
Yoga involves the movement of the entire body and when this happens a sense of harmony and balance is seen. So the opposing muscles are also trained together and so flexibility is obtained faster as these opposing muscles do not work against each other but work with each other.
Few flexibility exercises of yoga may include the following:
Forward/ backward bending
Side bending
Cobra posture
There are a variety of yogasanas for improving flexibility. The intensity of the asanas should be increased with time and practice and not at once. So include yoga as a regular part of your workout program and be flexible.
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