Yoga and Pilates Fitness Classes - How to Choose Which is Right For You
Scott BowenIf you are like many people these days, you probably spend a lot of time worrying about how you look and how to improve your physical and mental well being. While many people are unnecessarily concerned about their appearance due to pressure from society and industry, there is nothing wrong with being concerned about your health and wanting to improve your activities so that you can achieve total overall wellness. Both yoga and Pilate's fitness classes have become increasingly popular in recent years as methods for achieving strength and slimness, however some people are unsure about the difference between these two methods and how they should choose the one that's right for them.
The first thing that you should know about the differences between yoga and Pilates is that they are more philosophical differences than physical, as both of these gentle methods of exercise are designed to build strength in the core of the body and improve overall flexibility. As you may or may not know, yoga is an Eastern modality of exercise that is based upon the idea that stiffness, stress and muscle tension inhibits the flow of vital energy throughout the body. This blockage can eventually cause both mental and physical pain for people. Personal fitness trainers that recommend yoga know that their trainees can benefit from the stretching and bending poses of yoga.
Unlike yoga, which focuses first and foremost on mental conditioning and using the mind to control the energy that flows through the body, Pilates is a method of physical conditioning that has long been celebrated by dancers as well as many other individual in the fitness community that desire body awareness and core strength. Yoga, which depends on simply a mat and a willing participant to practice it, is quite a bit simpler than Pilates which requires a series of unusual looking apparatuses to help position and strengthen the body.
If you and your exercise partners are looking for a low impact way to sculpt and tone your body while improving flexibility and quieting your mind, then exploring the Eastern modalities of yoga might be the new practice that you're looking for. If you are looking for intense physical conditioning that will help you to develop core strength and body awareness, then it might be worth your while to try out a Pilate's class for a little while. Many of the studios that specialize in these modalities will offer both types.
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Yoga Positions - Beginners Tips For Starting Yoga
Savannah StevensIf you're ready to learn yoga there are some important things you need to know before you begin. Just follow these Tips for Yoga Beginners.
IF you are a beginner at yoga it is advised to start slow and be cautious when practicing yoga positions. One important consideration when you are starting yoga is to make sure that you choose gentle yoga positions for beginners. The reason why this is important is you could run the risk of injury, particularly if you have been inactive and not practicing a regular exercise routine.
Choosing the Best Type of Yoga for Beginners
Finding a yoga to start with can be difficult for yoga beginners as there are various types of yoga. First of all, when choosing a type of yoga consider your current level of health and physical fitness. Also, take into consideration the goals that you would like to achieve.
You may want to start out with Hatha yoga, also known as gentle yoga. It may just be the best yoga for beginners. It is a good way for beginners to learn yoga positions as it is slow and gentle.
Yoga Training
When learning yoga, you might also take into consideration, hiring a personal yoga trainer. If you take this into consideration make sure that you search for a yoga class for beginners.
Hiring a yoga trainer or taking a yoga class can definitely work to your advantage. A Yoga Trainer will help you stay focused, guide you and make recommendations based specifically on your current fitness level. They will also help you ease into your yoga practice, making sure you are doing your yoga positions correctly.
Learn Beginner Yoga at Home
You don't necessarily have to attend a yoga class in order to benefit from yoga, however take into consideration attending a yoga class in the future as it would only be to your benefit.
It may be that taking a yoga class doesn't work into your time schedule or budget right now. If this is the case, there are a lot of good beginner yoga videos, e-books or online yoga training which will help you start out in the comfort of your own home.
Starting yoga can be a little intimidating but don't let it discourage you. Whether you decide to take a yoga class or start in the comfort of your own home, if you start off slow and easy, you will be off to a good start.
About The Author:Savannah Stevens is a fitness enthusiast with a particular passion for Yoga. For more Yoga tips, Beginner Yoga Videos and help for Yoga Beginners visit
Yoga Positions for Beginners. Also,
learn Basic Beginners Yoga in the comfort of your own home.
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Prenatal Yoga - A Must Read For Every Pregnant Woman
Jitesh AroraPrenatal yoga is practiced in the hospitals, clinics, yoga studios and many other natural health centers. This yoga helps the pregnant woman to cope up with the series of hormonal changes and weight gain. Prenatal yoga also reduces common problems that occur due to pregnancy and help in overcoming the aches. Prenatal yoga can be done in 2 sessions per week consisting of 30 minutes per session. Here are some of the tips for the successful yoga practice.
• Aqua yoga is an excellent way to relax the body and joint muscles. They relax body muscles and increase the flexibility of the pelvic muscles. This prepares pregnant women for the child delivery.
• Usage of chairs and cushions are encouraged. It is always good to use the yoga accessories to accelerate the benefits.
• Do not over stretch and know your limits while practicing.
• A good DVD or video disc is enough if you have the basics. The fundamentals of yoga must be learnt properly in a center and practicing can be done at home. It is not safe to do everything at home as it involves risks.
• Yoga mats are excellent accessories. Poses must be followed. This will give much comfort while practicing.
• The priority while meditating is given to the degree of comfort in doing yoga. So change the poses accordingly.
• Prenatal yoga adds strength to the back muscles, buttocks, thighs and abdominal muscles. The pelvis must be maintained in the right position.
• Water should be at chest level for doing aqua yoga. Props like foam noodles and floats can be used.
All these tips help in preparing the mom for the natural child birth and help them to stay healthy.
If you are looking for more information then feel free to visit
Prenatal Yoga Benefits and
Prenatal Yoga.
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Yoga For Beginners - An Overview
Jitesh AroraMost students are baffled by the different types of yoga present. These yoga types are to be performed by changing the asanas (postures) often to achieve the desired and specific goals.
Here is a list of different types of yoga and one can find the best suit according to the individual needs. Let's have a look at basic Yoga asanas.
Hatha is the most suitable for beginners which teaches basic poses. They are very gentle, slow paced and soothing background music is played.
Vinyasa asana tries to synchronize the physical movements with breathing. This includes "Sun Salutations" mandatorily which is very good for health. Stretching classes are done at the end of the class.
Kundalini yoga involves quick body movements rather than holding long positions. People might even chant some mantras while practicing yoga. It teaches breath control during posture performance. This makes energy to flow all over the body and pumps in new lease of blood.
Bikram/Hot yoga has 26 moves. This is practiced in a hot room - about 95 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. It helps in cleansing sweat and muscle relaxation.
Asthanga asana demands more physical movements. There are certain movements to be performed in a cyclic order. It is used for weight loss purpose and is very effective. It also helps in improving concentration.
Iyengar yoga is named after the teacher, Yogi B.K.S. Iyengar. It focuses on proper body alignment and it involves slow bodily movements concentrating on long holds. It uses various props such as blankets, straps, and other items.
Jivamukti yoga is done by chanting mantras, meditation and studies of spiritual realm.
All these types of yoga classes offer a much comfortable life but one has to consult a doctor before starting on his own.
If you are looking for more information then feel free to visit
Yoga For Beginners and
Yoga Bikram.
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You, Yoga and Meditation
Noel HalpinIf one unites these three exceptional forces together, it becomes more powerful than any known power to mankind, to achieve a state of purity of the soul and a stillness of the mind is the holy grail of all mystics. It is nirvana to the initiated. The major question is, can ordinary people attain this state?
The answer is yes but, it is not necessary for one to achieve this state of mind, every yoga practitioner sets out their own personal goals.
Whether it is to become healthier, fitter, or more self confident, or maybe just to keep an interest in exercising after reaching a certain age where it is not possible to continue with previous more robust training.
Because yoga is so versatile in all it's movements, not even the elderly or infirm are precluded from taking part in some form or other of yoga practice. It is advisable though to seek professional medical knowledge about certain sickness or infirmity one might have before taking up the practice of yoga.
Yoga and meditation go hand in hand. It is all part of the one rope with many strings, and only when all the strings are joined together, does the rope become stronger and unbreakable, only then does one become whole and the mind and body are united as one.
For meditation to be really effective, one must practice the method diligently and daily. It is only through training the mind to accept closure on all things that are depressive and negative, to how one should be in the quest to reach a better level of health, fitness and more understanding in the motivation of ones life.
In today's modern world it is so easy to lose touch with ourselves.
We become consumed with other peoples targets and goals, that our own life becomes owned by outsiders, who only want to use us and then discard us when we no longer fill their needs.
Each and every one of us are put on this world for a particular purpose, and that purpose is to be the very best WE can be.
That does not include being slaves to other people, we should never be slaves to anyone, not even ourselves.
The most effective way to avoid all these pitfalls of negativity and depression is to start focusing on the person who really matters and that is ourselves.
We can begin our new focusing right now by starting a yoga and meditation program with only one aim in mind, finding our inner peace, where our whole attitude changes to one not of negativity, but to one of self confidence, and motivation to becoming a whole self fulfilled person.
Once we begin to feel this change so also will one feel the power of life and the force of achievement. Remember we are the rope that has many strands and though, right now they are disjointed, we and only we have the power to unite them all, this is and always will be our challenge, our destiny.
As a black belt third degree master of Kenpo Karate, I would like to say that Yoga has been my inspiration and guide through all my active sports life. I am now getting on in years, but I would not go one day without practicing my yoga combined with my karate katas. It is never too late to change your way of life. Do it now. Find your real self, CLICK BELOW NOW, and begin your journey to better health and well being.
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What Makes a Quality Yoga Mat?
Jitesh AroraYoga is one of the effective ways to remain healthy. It eliminates stress from the human body and provides mental strength to face any kinds of problems. There can be nothing worse than losing the grip on the floor while changing poses. Concentration is very vital to reap the benefits of yoga. The right way to solve this problem is by acquiring a high quality yoga mat which will fit the individual's needs and personal requirements. Maintaining the focus is an important issue and is achieved through these mats.
There are wide varieties of yoga mats available in the market and most of them do not deliver the expected. The proper selection of the mats will improve the comfort in practicing yoga. The quality of the mat is heavily dependent on color, size and cushioning. The mats should be tested for their accuracy and comfort before purchasing them. The feet interaction with the mat must be made well. The mat should be grip the floor and should not let the users down while changing the positions accordingly. Curling of the mat is an important factor and should lay flat on the floor when it is spread. The material of the yoga mat is very important to be considered. It should be made of natural hemp and cotton.
The yoga mat should be durable and its life must last long. It should not weigh too much as carrying it might be a problem. Different asana would require different positions and movements. So the yoga pants must be worn accordingly to match with the quality of yoga mat.
The accessories play a vital role in reaping the complete benefits of practicing yoga. Thicker mats provide extra protection and comfortable for the users.
If you are looking for more information then feel free to visit
Quality Yoga Mats and
Yoga Accessories.
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Tips For Buying Yoga Blocks
Pat SernudalYoga has become the absolute rage nowadays for its holistic way of healing both physically and mentally. It is an extremely beneficial form of exercise which provides amazing results if done regularly and it addresses the physical, mental as well as the spiritual health of the individual.
Since yoga involves a series of bodily contortions, beginners may find it difficult to get into certain 'asana' or poses. Yoga props can be used as support tools to help you get into a particular pose and hold that pose longer. A yoga block is one of the props which can be used to ease you into a certain position especially if recovering from an illness or injury.
Yoga if not done in the right manner can prove counter beneficial because you may get into a wrong posture accidentally thus giving rise of risk of injuries. Yoga supplies can help mitigate this to a certain extent. It will not only provide assistance in difficult poses but also increase the comfort level in holding on to that pose.
The yoga block provides that extra strength for doing certain asana without strain. One of the poses which benefits from the block is the 'pincha mayurasana' or the 'feathered peacock pose.'
Yoga blocks can be made from a variety of materials like cork, bamboo which are also eco-friendly as well as the more usual foam. They are lightweight and are more often than not, sold individually but, for versatility it is advisable to buy two.
The blocks help improve the body alignment and are especially useful in standing poses which require one hand to be on the floor. They can work as great transitional aids while doing yoga.
The foam yoga block will reduce the distance of the hand from the ground helping you to get the correct pose. They are also useful for some sitting poses.
The blocks made from cork are very sturdy and durable. The foam wedges are kept under the heels while squatting or under the hips while doing the forward bends. They help in making the pose more manageable and comfortable. They are also useful for avoiding too much inadvertent stretching or pressing the joints during poses like the 'facing dog' or the 'upward bow' poses. The foam block helps support the full weight of the practitioner's body.
For tight hamstrings or a stiff back yoga blocks helps in lifting the pelvis up and lengthening and supporting the back making it easier to sit cross-legged on the mat. These blocks are also available in different colors to suit your personality.
For comfort and assistance during difficult yoga poses, a yoga block comes in very handy and for beginners it is almost indispensable.
Pat Sernudal writes articles about
yoga blocks on the website
Yoga Blocks Central.
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