By Sanjeev K Sharma
We possess the consciousness: we realize that we are, and we realize the things around us. Let us assume - and it is very obvious - that the realization of existence is meant for realizing new, unknown things. Yoga, which is the science of joining the consciousness with the supreme consciousness, the God, can be well understood in the light of this assumption.
See, according to this assumption, we ought to pursue the truth and perform creative actions in our life. For the pursuit of truth leads to the realization of unknown (however, already existing) things and creative actions lead to the realization of new things. In Yoga, there is a term Satya, which means Truth. There is another term Brahmcharya, which means God-like-Conduct. Now the God is assumed to be the Creator. So God-like-Conduct means Creative actions. Thus, these two terms of Yoga, convey the message that we ought to pursue the truth and perform creative actions in our life.
Well, Satya and Brahmcharya are two among the five codes of conduct set for the followers of the path of Yoga. Three others are Ahimsa, Asteya and Aparigraha, which respectively mean 'Non Violence', 'Non Stealing' and 'Non Accumulation of Unnecessary Wealth'. These three are described as following:
(1) Do not hurt a human being if he/she does not hurt you.
(2) Do not take away anything from a human being if he/she does not want to give it to you.
(3) Do not add anything to your wealth if you do not need it.
First two are just the humanitarian values. In fact the third one is too. For adding anything not required to your wealth may cause the scarcity or/and 'the increase in its cost' for the fellow human beings.
If the world has to be made into such a place where the pursuit of truth and the performance of creative actions become easy, then we ought to follow these humanitarian values.
However the most important thing for us human beings is to pursue the truth and perform creative actions in our life. We are then naturally able to have the these three humanitarian values. For the pursuit of truth and performance of creative actions pave the way for the friendship among the fellow human beings - Read the message at the following website:
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