By Jane Clapham
Just in case all the rain and cold are getting to you - fear not. Yoga still works even if you're having to battle with torrential rain, gales and storms. Believe me - all of us at the Dru Yoga centre in Snowdonia have been practising in the last few weeks! We've come up with our top 10 things which keep us happy even when it's raining. We hope you like them too.
1. Warm pyjamas. On a cold winter's night there's really nothing like putting your nightwear on a radiator before you slip into bed with your hot water bottle. Some luxuries are quite simple!
2. A favourite here is Dru Meditation. Just a few minutes of silent sitting daily, using Dru meditation techniques, makes us feel glad to be alive. Take a meditation retreat, or create one in your home. Clear a space, light a candle and gaze at the flame without blinking for as long as possible. Then close your eyes and focus on your breathing for five minutes. Stretch gently and open to eyes to a brighter day!
3. Visualise being Australian. Out in Aus, rain is seen in quite a different way than it is here. That's pretty understandable as they hardly get any! When I was out there teaching Dru Meditation holidays last spring, much of the country was in severe drought, and any drops of rain were greeting with celebration. I've found that just changing my attitude to the wet stuff can make life a little brighter.
4. Surya namaskar. The ancient yogis really knew a thing or two about winter. We find that a good flowing Dru yoga sun sequence blows away all those winter cobwebs, brings a wonderful sense of energy and positivity to even the darkest morning. If you don't know all the movements, get to a Dru Yoga class near you! And fast!
5. Do a Cleopatra. Nourish your skin and your soul with a warm milky bath. Add 1 tablespoon runny honey and a cup of milk to a running bath then lie back and listen to some relaxing music. Simple, cheap and just so effective!
6. Laughter. Get the endorphins flowing with our favourite funny movies - here at Dru we're still debating the best list, but it must include The Man Who Knew Too Little, Groundhog Day, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and Airplane. And it tones up the abdominal muscles better than sit-ups!
7. Barley grass smoothie. Sometimes a boost of nutrients can really help our mood - try our favourite: blend one banana, 3 tablespoons organic bio yogurt, ½ glass fruit juice, 1 teaspoon dru barley grass powder, 1 teaspoon omega oils. This also is great for the skin, fantastic for improving mood and contains nearly 3 portions of fruit and vegetables!
8. Plan an uplifting retreat. In the dark, cold winter months, somehow just planning such a holiday can be an uplifting experience. Make a list of what's important to you in your perfect yoga or meditation break - and affirm that you'll find the perfect environment for you. Then get googling!
9. Have a good breakfast. It might sound like something your Mum might say, but having a substantial meal first thing really does make life seem much better. Our favourite is millet or oat porridge with tahini and honey. Put one handfulls of porridge oats to soak with a cup of water the night before and it'll cook really quickly in the morning. Sultanas and honey are optional!
10. Buy yourself flowers. I've got a small bunch of tulips in my living room and the whole atmosphere feels so much brighter. If you want an added feel-good factor - give some flowers to a friend - for no good reason. The inner glow you'll get will warm the cockles of your heart. is the website where you'll find Dru meditation tips, retreats and holidays. Jane Clapham is a Dru Meditation teacher, and trains people to become meditation teachers in the glorious surroundings of Snowdonia, in North Wales, UK. She also leads meditation retreats and holidays in the celtic mountains of Wales and worldwide. Contact her at to be included in the weekly newsletter from Dru worldwide, which includes yoga and stress-busting tips. For more information about Dru Yoga, which is the perfect preparation for meditation, visit You'll find yoga classes, yoga holidays and yoga training courses which are taught in the UK, North America, Netherlands and Australia. Have a stress-free day!
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