By Paul Jerard
Sometimes, non-practitioners have accused Yoga of teaching self-absorption at the expense of everyone else. The theory is that all of this meditating, physical self-mastery, and inner peace, create a selfish individual, who is in pursuit of happiness, without regard for anyone else.
Despite the attempts of fundamentalist organizations to stereo-type or categorize Yoga practitioners, their attempts have been frustrated by the fact that Yoga is practiced worldwide. In fact, Yoga practitioners include people of every religion, race, color, gender, age, and nationality.
If you passed a law to stop people from practicing Yoga, they would practice at home. This has happened in the past, and will continue to happen, when fundamentalists or dictators tell people how to think. Intolerance of others, and outside ideas, is one of humankind's greatest sins.
Intolerance stems from the desire to control everything. If you look at the dark ages of Europe, you can see how human medical, scientific, and technological progress was stifled by intolerance for centuries. This is just one example of many that have occurred across the globe.
Has humankind learned anything from past mistakes? People are killed every day for being different. How we worship, what we look like, and our nationality can cost us our lives, because it might be different from those who have control for the moment.
Now, let's look closer at Yoga. How can Yoga undermine the control of a dictator or a fundamentalist group? Yoga reinforces the teachings of tolerance, peace, kindness, understanding, loving kindness, mercy, and forgiveness. All of this love, peace, and happiness can be a problem if you want to create a division among people.
How could a war monger, or a fundamentalist, stir up a crowd of happy peace-loving Yogis? This is the root of the problem for those who seek to gain control of power. This is why there will be attempts to control Yoga. Yet, these attempts will be frustrated because you cannot kill a good idea.
What can Yoga practitioners do to prevent intolerance and hate crimes? Once again, the answer is within all of us. Lead by example and put kindness and tolerance into practice. We affect our families and those who come into contact with us.
Yoga reveals the truth of our life purpose and that is to spread happiness, even during sad times. Unfortunately, there is a guarantee that each of us must experience suffering in some way or form, but Yoga will help us to manage the pain with inner bliss. The path toward happiness is right in front of each of us. If we choose to show loving kindness to others, it will return to us.
© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications
Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:
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