By Julia Denham
Looking for ways to beat stress? Yoga makes it easy. Even five minutes spent doing yoga will give you stress relief. In these tough times it's only natural to feel stress. However constant unrelieved stress will lead to health problems. It's vital that you spend some time each day getting rid of the stress hormones in your system and discovering relaxation.
Even if you are new to yoga, a few simple stretches will relieve your stress and improve your mood. This is a great gift you can give to yourself as well as to your loved ones. New to yoga?
The easiest way to learn yoga is to take a class at a yoga studio. However you can also learn basic yoga from an instructional CD or DVD, or even a book. When you're using yoga to relieve stress, it's vital that you don't get hung up on your technique. With yoga it's not important how perfectly you perform an exercise, but that you focus on your body rather than on the thoughts whizzing around in your brain.
Here are two easy yoga exercises which will help you to relieve stress.
1. Downward Facing Dog Pose - Calms Your Mind and Relieves Mild Depression or Agitation
If you own a dog you know where the name of this exercise comes from. Each time your dog gets up from a rest he takes pleasure in this luxurious stretch -- you can do the same thing. Begin this pose on your hands and knees and then lift your knees from the floor. Straighten your knees but don't lock them and lift your tailbone towards the ceiling. Maintain the pose for several breaths, or even longer. You can stay in this pose for up to five minutes if it feels comfortable.
2. Seated Forward Bend: Calms Your Mind and Relieves Mild Depression or Agitation In Seated Forward Bend, you fold your body up like clothes pin.
Sit on the floor with your legs straight. Take a deep breath and bend forward from your hips, reaching out to hold your toes, and then folding your body on to your legs if you can. Don't strain to do the exercise - just stretch as far as is comfortable - and BREATHE.
Maintain the pose for several breaths or even for up to five minutes if you wish. The above two exercises are a great way to relieve stress. You can do them at any time of the day or evening, even in the office. Just close your office door.
Discover yourself with yoga, a gentle form of stretching. Yoga strengthens both your body and mind, and is suitable for anyone, from children to seniors. Visit Easy Fab Yoga Blog at for daily yoga information, tips, and inspiration.
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